2,564 research outputs found

    Burn, Witch, Burn: The Stereotype of the Witch in American Horror Story, Coven

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    Los procesos de Salem, en 1692, fueron uno de los eventos de mayor relevancia en la historia de los Estados Unidos, y su importancia ha permeado nuestra cultura actual. Uno de los elementos clave es el estereotipo de la bruja de principios del período moderno, que se creó durante la caza de brujas en Europa. El presente Trabajo de fin de Grado pretende analizar la forma en la que se ha tratado el estereotipo de la bruja en la serie American Horror Story, Coven. Para esto, se analizará a las brujas representadas en la serie de acuerdo con una serie de rasgos. Los resultados buscan establecer si estos personajes son más o menos estereotípicos, teniendo en cuenta la relevancia de su final en la serie.The Salem Witch Trials, which took place in 1692, were one of the most important events in American History, and its relevance has leaked onto our nowadays culture. One of the key elements is the stereotype of the early-modern witch, which originated during the witch hunts in Europe. The present dissertation aims at analysing the way in which the stereotype of the witch has been treated in American Horror Story, Coven. In order to do this, the different witches portrayed in the series will be analysed according to a series of traits. Results intend to offer an insight onto whether these characters are more or less stereotypical, also studying the relevance of their outcome.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    ERTEs suspensivos por fuerza mayor

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    Los ERTEs (Expedientes de Regulación Temporal del Empleo)suspensivos por fuerza mayor son un mecanismo de flexibilidad interna que permite a los empleadores suspender temporalmente contratos de trabajo ante situaciones de fuerza mayor, la cual se caracteriza por ser impredecible e inevitable y por escapar a la esfera de control y voluntad del empresario. Procedimentalmente, estos ERTEs se caracterizan por la falta de un período de consultas, justificada por la intervención de la autoridad laboral destinada a constatar la existencia de fuerza mayor. Además, los ERTEs por fuerza mayor han sido una herramienta esencial en la protección del empleo durante la pandemia de COVID-19, debido a la paralización masiva de actividad empresarial que esta ha provocado. Esto ha supuesto un gran número de reformas normativas en 2020 y 2021 por la vía de Reales Decretos-leyes, normativa que se analiza en este trabajo.Force majeure (or overwhelming force) suspensive RTERs (Record of Temporary Employment Regulation) are an internal flexibility mechanism that allows employers to temporarily suspend working contracts in the face of overwhelming force or force majeure, which is defined as unpredictable and inevitable, and escapes the employer’s control and his will. Procedurally, these records are characterized by the lack of a negotiation phase, which is justified by the intervention of the Labor Authority, destined to verify the existence of a force majeure situation. In addition to this, force majeure RTERs have been an essential tool in protecting employment during the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the massive stoppage in businesses. This has provoked a considerable number of regulatory reforms in 2020 and 2021, through the use of Royal Decree laws, which are studied in this essay.Departamento de Derecho Mercantil, Derecho del Trabajo e Internacional PrivadoGrado en Derech

    Graded readers as a tool for teaching EFL: A comparative analysis on Frankenstein

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    Graded readers are an effective tool in EFL learning, and their use is widespread nowadays. The present dissertation aims at analysing two adaptations of Mary Shelley’s 1831 version of Frankenstein, in order to determine whether a higher or lower degree of simplification would be more exploitable for both teachers and students. In order to do this, we have established an analysis method, which can be taken as a reference method for teachers when analysing this type of materials. Results intend to show which reader is better for an EFL student. Finally, we have created a didactic proposal to put into practice with the best reader.Las lecturas graduadas son una herramienta efectiva en la enseñanza del inglés como una lengua extranjera, cuyo uso hoy día está muy extendido. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster pretende analizar dos adaptaciones de la versión de 1831 de Mary Shelley de Frankenstein, con el propósito de determinar si el hecho de que una obra esté más o menos simplificada hace que tanto profesores y alumnos puedan sacarle un mayor partido. Para esto, hemos establecido un método de análisis, que puede servir como un método de referencia para profesores a la hora de analizar este tipo de materiales. Los resultados buscan establecer cuál de las dos lecturas graduadas es mejor para un estudiante de inglés como lengua extranjera. Finalmente, hemos creado una propuesta didáctica para aplicarla con dicha lectura.Departamento de Filología InglesaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Jail

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    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Jail looks into the history, purposes, and structure of the Allegheny County Jail. This report outlines national and local data trends within jails and discusses the historic and current purposes of jails. It also highlights innovative programs and challenges within the county’s jail and potential best practices to address them

    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Courts and Probation

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    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Courts and Probation examines the structure, responsibilities, successes, and opportunities within Allegheny County's courts and probation department. The report highlights initiatives and innovations implemented by the Fifth Judicial District’s Criminal Division and key local data indicators. It also identifies current challenges within the county’s court and probation system and potential national best practices to address these challenges

    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Law Enforcement

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    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Law Enforcement examines the role of the police both nationally and in Allegheny County. The report identifies local law enforcement agencies and their role within the county criminal justice system. This report also highlights key local data trends and discusses the impact of law enforcement on the criminal justice system. It also highlights national best practices in policing

    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Pretrial Decisions

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    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Pretrial Decisions examines the pretrial procedures and decisions made within the county criminal justice system. The report examines how pretrial decisions are made and national standards for pretrial services. The report highlights innovative practices occurring within the county and key local data. It also outlines national best practices in pretrial decisions

    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Prosecution and Defense

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    Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Allegheny County Prosecution and Defense examines the roles of prosecution and defense nationally and within the county including the offices of the district attorney and public defender. The report looks at key local data and opportunities within criminal court procedures to reduce the county jail population and the number of people under correctional control. The report highlights innovation national best practices in the area of prosecution and defense

    Workplace, Household, and Personal Predictors of Pesticide Exposure for Farmworkers

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    In this article we identify factors potentially associated with pesticide exposure among farmworkers, grade the evidence in the peer-reviewed literature for such associations, and propose a minimum set of measures necessary to understand farmworker risk for pesticide exposure. Data sources we reviewed included Medline, Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, PsycINFO, and AGRI-COLA databases. Data extraction was restricted to those articles that reported primary data collection and analysis published in 1990 or later. We read and summarized evidence for pesticide exposure associations. For data synthesis, articles were graded by type of evidence for association of risk factor with pesticide exposure as follows: 1 = association demonstrated in farmworkers; 2 = association demonstrated in nonfarmworker sample; 3 = plausible association proposed for farmworkers; or 4 = association plausible but not published for farmworkers. Of more than 80 studies we identified, only a third used environmental or biomarker evidence to document farmworker exposure to pesticides. Summaries of articles were compiled by level of evidence and presented in tabular form. A minimum list of data to be collected in farmworker pesticide studies was derived from these evidence tables. Despite ongoing concern about pesticide exposure of farmworkers and their families, relatively few studies have tried to test directly the association of behavioral and environmental factors with pesticide exposure in this population. Future studies should attempt to use similar behavioral, environmental, and psychosocial measures to build a body of evidence with which to better understand the risk factors for pesticide exposure among farmworkers