391 research outputs found

    Phosphorylation of the androgen receptor is associated with reduced survival in hormonerefractory prostate cancer patients

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    Cell line studies demonstrate that the PI3K/Akt pathway is upregulated in hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC) and can result in phosphorylation of the androgen receptor (AR). The current study therefore aims to establish if this has relevance to the development of clinical HRPC. Immunohistochemistry was employed to investigate the expression and phosphorylation status of Akt and AR in matched hormone-sensitive and -refractory prostate cancer tumours from 68 patients. In the hormone-refractory tissue, only phosphorylated AR (pAR) was associated with shorter time to death from relapse (<i>P</i>=0.003). However, when an increase in expression in the transition from hormone-sensitive to -refractory prostate cancer was investigated, an increase in expression of PI3K was associated with decreased time to biochemical relapse (<i>P</i>=0.014), and an increase in expression of pAkt<sup>473</sup> and pAR<sup>210</sup> were associated with decreased disease-specific survival (<i>P</i>=0.0019 and 0.0015, respectively). Protein expression of pAkt<sup>473</sup> and pAR<sup>210</sup> also strongly correlated (<i>P</i><0.001, c.c.=0.711) in the hormone-refractory prostate tumours. These results provide evidence using clinical specimens, that upregulation of the PI3K/Akt pathway is associated with phosphorylation of the AR during development of HRPC, suggesting that this pathway could be a potential therapeutic target

    Androgen receptor phosphorylation at serine 515 by Cdk1 predicts biochemical relapse in prostate cancer patients

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    <br>Background:Prostate cancer cell growth is dependent upon androgen receptor (AR) activation, which is regulated by specific kinases. The aim of the current study is to establish if AR phosphorylation by Cdk1 or ERK1/2 is of prognostic significance.</br> <br>Methods: Scansite 2.0 was utilised to predict which AR sites are phosphorylated by Cdk1 and ERK1/2. Immunohistochemistry for these sites was then performed on 90 hormone-naive prostate cancer specimens. The interaction between Cdk1/ERK1/2 and AR phosphorylation was investigated in vitro using LNCaP cells.</br><br>Results:Phosphorylation of AR at serine 515 (pAR(S515)) and PSA at diagnosis were independently associated with decreased time to biochemical relapse. Cdk1 and pCdk1(161), but not ERK1/2, correlated with pAR(S515). High expression of pAR(S515) in patients with a PSA at diagnosis of ≤20 ng ml(-1) was associated with shorter time to biochemical relapse (P=0.019). This translated into a reduction in disease-specific survival (10-year survival, 38.1% vs 100%, P<0.001). In vitro studies demonstrated that treatment with Roscovitine (a Cdk inhibitor) caused a reduction in pCdk1(161) expression, pAR(S515)expression and cellular proliferation.</br> <br>Conclusion: In prostate cancer patients with PSA at diagnosis of ≤20 ng ml(-1), phosphorylation of AR at serine 515 by Cdk1 may be an independent prognostic marker.</br&gt

    Phosphorylated c-Src in the nucleus is associated with improved patient outcome in ER-positive breast cancer

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    Elevated c-Src protein expression has been shown in breast cancer and <i>in vitro</i> evidence suggests a role in endocrine resistance. To investigate whether c-Src is involved in endocrine resistance, we examined the expression of both total and activated c-Src in human breast cancer specimens from a cohort of oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive tamoxifen-treated breast cancer patients. Tissue microarray technology was employed to analyse 262 tumour specimens taken before tamoxifen treatment. Immunohistochemistry using total c-Src and activated c-Src antibodies was performed. Kaplan–Meier survival curves were constructed and log-rank test were performed. High level of nuclear activated Src was significantly associated with improved overall survival (<i>P</i>=0.047) and lower recurrence rates on tamoxifen (<i>P</i>=0.02). Improved patient outcome was only seen with activated Src in the nucleus. Nuclear activated Src expression was significantly associated with node-negative disease and a lower NPI (<i>P</i><0.05). On subgroup analysis, only ER-positive/progesterone receptor (PgR)-positive tumours were associated with improved survival (<i>P</i>=0.004). This shows that c-Src activity is increased in breast cancer and that activated Src within the nucleus of ER-positive tumours predicts an improved outcome. In ER/PgR-positive disease, activated Src kinase does not appear to be involved in <i>de novo</i> endocrine resistance. Further study is required in ER-negative breast cancer as this may represent a cohort in which it is associated with poor outcome

    Cytoplasmic PML promotes TGF-β-associated epithelial–mesenchymal transition and invasion in prostate cancer

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    Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key event that is involved in the invasion and dissemination of cancer cells. Although typically considered as having tumour-suppressive properties, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signalling is altered during cancer and has been associated with the invasion of cancer cells and metastasis. In this study, we report a previously unknown role for the cytoplasmic promyelocytic leukaemia (cPML) tumour suppressor in TGF-β signalling-induced regulation of prostate cancer-associated EMT and invasion. We demonstrate that cPML promotes a mesenchymal phenotype and increases the invasiveness of prostate cancer cells. This event is associated with activation of TGF-β canonical signalling pathway through the induction of Sma and Mad related family 2 and 3 (SMAD2 and SMAD3) phosphorylation. Furthermore, the cytoplasmic localization of promyelocytic leukaemia (PML) is mediated by its nuclear export in a chromosomal maintenance 1 (CRM1)-dependent manner. This was clinically tested in prostate cancer tissue and shown that cytoplasmic PML and CRM1 co-expression correlates with reduced disease-specific survival. In summary, we provide evidence of dysfunctional TGF-β signalling occurring at an early stage in prostate cancer. We show that this disease pathway is mediated by cPML and CRM1 and results in a more aggressive cancer cell phenotype. We propose that the targeting of this pathway could be therapeutically exploited for clinical benefit

    Radical SAM enzyme QueE defines a new minimal core fold and metal-dependent mechanism

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    7-carboxy-7-deazaguanine synthase (QueE) catalyzes a key S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet)- and Mg[superscript 2+]-dependent radical-mediated ring contraction step, which is common to the biosynthetic pathways of all deazapurine-containing compounds. QueE is a member of the AdoMet radical superfamily, which employs the 5′-deoxyadenosyl radical from reductive cleavage of AdoMet to initiate chemistry. To provide a mechanistic rationale for this elaborate transformation, we present the crystal structure of a QueE along with structures of pre- and post-turnover states. We find that substrate binds perpendicular to the [4Fe-4S]-bound AdoMet, exposing its C6 hydrogen atom for abstraction and generating the binding site for Mg[superscript 2+], which coordinates directly to the substrate. The Burkholderia multivorans structure reported here varies from all other previously characterized members of the AdoMet radical superfamily in that it contains a hypermodified ([β [subscript 6] over α [subscript 3]]) protein core and an expanded cluster-binding motif, CX[subscript 14]CX[subscript 2]C.United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Biological and Environmental ResearchUnited States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Basic Energy SciencesNational Center for Research Resources (U.S.) (P41RR012408)National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (P41GM103473)National Center for Research Resources (U.S.) (5P41RR015301-10)National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (8 P41 GM 103403-10)United States. Dept. of Energy (Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357

    Prostacyclin reverses platelet stress fibre formation causing platelet aggregate instability

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    Prostacyclin (PGI2) modulates platelet activation to regulate haemostasis. Evidence has emerged to suggest that thrombi are dynamic structures with distinct areas of differing platelet activation. It was hypothesised that PGI2 could reverse platelet spreading by actin cytoskeletal modulation, leading to reduced capability of platelet aggregates to withstand a high shear environment. Our data demonstrates that post-flow of PGI2 over activated and spread platelets on fibrinogen, identified a significant reduction in platelet surface area under high shear. Exploration of the molecular mechanisms underpinning this effect revealed that PGI2 reversed stress fibre formation in adherent platelets, reduced platelet spreading, whilst simultaneously promoting actin nodule formation. The effects of PGI2 on stress fibres were mimicked by the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin and prevented by inhibitors of protein kinase A (PKA). Stress fibre formation is a RhoA dependent process and we found that treatment of adherent platelets with PGI2 caused inhibitory phosphorylation of RhoA, reduced RhoA GTP-loading and reversal of myosin light chain phosphorylation. Phospho-RhoA was localised in actin nodules with PKA type II and a number of other phosphorylated PKA substrates. This study demonstrates that PGI2 can reverse key platelet functions after their initial activation and identifies a novel mechanism for controlling thrombosis

    Basal keratin expression in breast cancer by quantification of mRNA and by immunohistochemistry

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    Definitions of basal-like breast cancer phenotype vary, and microarray-based expression profiling analysis remains the gold standard for the identification of these tumors. Immunohistochemical identification of basal-like carcinomas is hindered with a fact, that on microarray level not all of them express basal-type cytokeratin 5/6, 14 and 17. We compared expression of cytokeratin 5, 14 and 17 in 115 patients with operable breast cancer estimated by real-time RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry

    Stage and treatment variation with age in postmenopausal women with breast cancer: compliance with guidelines

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    Breast cancer-specific mortality is static in older women despite having fallen in younger age groups, possibly due to lack of screening and differences in treatment. This study compared stage and treatment between two cohorts of postmenopausal women (55–69 vs 470 years) in a single cancer network over 6 months. A total of 378 patients were studied (470: N ¼ 167, 55–69 years: N ¼ 210). Older women presented with more advanced disease (470: metastatic/locally advanced 12%, 55–69 years: 3%, Po0.01). Those with operable cancer had a worse prognosis (Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI) 470: median NPI 4.4, 55–69 years: 4.25, Po0.03). These stage differences were partially explained by higher screening rates in the younger cohort. Primary endocrine therapy was used in 42% of older patients compared with 3% in the younger group (Po0.001). Older women with cancers suitable for breast conservation were more likely to choose mastectomy (470: 57.5% mastectomy rate vs 55–69 years: 20.6%, Po0.01). Nodal surgery was less frequent in older patients (470: 6.7% no nodal surgery, 55–69 years: 0.5%, Po0.01) and was more likely to be inadequate (470: 10.7% o4 nodes excised, 55–69 years: 3.4%, Po0.02). In summary, older women presented with more advanced breast cancer, than younger postmenopausal women and were treated less comprehensively