28,253 research outputs found

    The Las Campanas Infra-red Survey. V. Keck Spectroscopy of a large sample of Extremely Red Objects

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    (Abridged) We present deep Keck spectroscopy, using the DEIMOS and LRIS spectrographs, of a large and representative sample of 67 ``Extremely Red Objects'' (EROs) to H=20.5, with I-H>3.0, in three of the Las Campanas Infrared Survey fields. Spectroscopic redshifts are determined for 44 sources, of which only two are contaminating low mass stars. When allowance is made for incompleteness, the spectroscopic redshift distribution closely matches that predicted earlier on the basis of photometric data. Our spectra are of sufficient quality that we can address the important question of the nature and homogeneity of the z>0.8 ERO population. A dominant old stellar population is inferred for 75% of our spectroscopic sample; a higher fraction than that seen in smaller, less-complete samples with broader photometric selection criteria (e.g. R-K). However, only 28% have spectra with no evidence of recent star formation activity, such as would be expected for a strictly passively-evolving population. More than ~30% of our absorption line spectra are of the `E+A' type with prominent Balmer absorption consistent, on average, with mass growth of 5-15% in the past Gyr. We use our spectroscopic redshifts to improve earlier estimates of the spatial clustering of this population as well as to understand the significant field-to-field variation. Our spectroscopy enables us to pinpoint a filamentary structure at z=1.22 in the Chandra Deep Field South. Overall, our study suggests that the bulk of the ERO population is an established population of clustered massive galaxies undergoing intermittent activity consistent with continued growth over the redshift interval 0.8<z<1.6.Comment: 27 pages, including 14 figures and appendix of spectra (at low resolution). Full resolution paper can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~md . To appear in MNRA

    Current Research in Aircraft Tire Design and Performance

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    A review of the tire research programs which address the various needs identified by landing gear designers and airplane users is presented. The experimental programs are designed to increase tire tread lifetimes, relate static and dynamic tire properties, establish the tire hydroplaning spin up speed, study gear response to tire failures, and define tire temperature profiles during taxi, braking, and cornering operations. The analytical programs are aimed at providing insights into the mechanisms of heat generation in rolling tires and developing the tools necessary to streamline the tire design process and to aid in the analysis of landing gear problems

    A comparative analysis of the relationship between flood experience and private flood mitigation behaviour in the regions of England

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    There has been a move towards a more integrated approach to flood risk management, which includes a stronger focus on property level measures. However, in England the uptake of these measures remains low. Flood experience has been found to influence preparedness (i.e. the uptake of measures), but even experience does not always result in an increase in preparedness. We investigate the variations in the relationship between experience and preparedness for the regions of England as defined by the Environment Agency. Analysis of survey data collected by the Environment Agency among the at risk population between 1997 to 2004 was undertaken to determine the differences between the seven regions. We find that in the South West, Southern and Anglian regions increases in preparedness with increasing experience are higher compared to other regions. In the Thames, Midlands and North West regions the preparedness increases less with increasing experience. We explore the influence of other factors influencing flood mitigation behaviour that have been previously found in the literature and find that the differences between regions are correlated with the severity of experienced flooding and whether English is the first language of the respondents

    Rotational Spectroscopy of PAHs: Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene and Fluorene

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    Pure rotational spectra of three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - acenaphthene, acenaphthylene and fluorene - have been obtained by Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of a molecular beam and subsequently by millimeter wave absorption spectroscopy for acenaphthene and fluorene. The data presented here will be useful for deep radio astronomical searches for PAHs employing large radio telecopes.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure (uses iaus.sty), to appear in IAU Symposium No. 231, Astrochemistry - Recent Successes and Current Challenges, eds. D. C. Lis, G. A. Blake & E. Herbst (Cambridge Univ. Press

    Voltage-dependent Block of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Cl- Channel by Two Closely Related Arylaminobenzoates

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    The gene defective in cystic fibrosis encodes a Cl- channel, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). CFTR is blocked by diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC) when applied extracellularly at millimolar concentrations. We studied the block of CFTR expressed in Xenopus oocytes by DPC or by a closely related molecule, flufenamic acid (FFA). Block of whole-cell CFTR currents by bath-applied DPC or by FFA, both at 200 µM, requires several minutes to reach full effect. Blockade is voltage dependent, suggesting open-channel block: currents at positive potentials are not affected but currents at negative potentials are reduced. The binding site for both drugs senses ~40% of the electric field across the membrane, measured from the inside. In single-channel recordings from excised patches without blockers, the conductance was 8.0 ± 0.4 pS in symmetric 150 mM Cl^-. A subconductance state, measuring ~60% of the main conductance, was often observed. Bursts to the full open state lasting up to tens of seconds were uninterrupted at depolarizing membrane voltages. At hyperpolarizing voltages, bursts were interrupted by brief closures. Either DPC or FFA (50 µM) applied to the cytoplasmic or extracellular face of the channel led to an increase in flicker at V_m =-100 mV and not at V_m = +100 mV, in agreement with whole-cell experiments. DPC induced a higher frequency of flickers from the cytoplasmic side than the extracellular side. FFA produced longer closures than DPC; the FFA closed time was roughly equal (~ 1.2 ms) at -100 mV with application from either side. In cell-attached patch recordings with DPC or FFA applied to the bath, there was flickery block at V_m = -100 mV, confirming that the drugs permeate through the membrane to reach the binding site. The data are consistent with the presence of a single binding site for both drugs, reached from either end of the channel. Open-channel block by DPC or FFA may offer tools for use with site-directed mutagenesis to describe the permeation pathway