821 research outputs found

    Awareness of human papillomavirus among women attending a well woman clinic

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    Objectives: To assess the level and accuracy of public understanding of human papillomavirus (HPV) in the United Kingdom.Methods: Women attending a well woman clinic were asked to complete a questionnaire assessing HPV awareness and specific knowledge about the virus.Results: Questionnaires were completed by 1032 women, of whom 30% had heard of HPV. Older women, non-smokers, and those with a history of candida, genital warts, or an abnormal smear result were more likely to have heard of HPV. Even among those who had heard of HPV, knowledge was generally poor, and fewer than half were aware of the link with cervical cancer. There was also confusion about whether condoms or oral contraceptives could protect against HPV infection.Conclusions: In this relatively well educated sample, awareness and knowledge of HPV were poor. Public education is urgently needed so that women participating in cervical cancer screening are fully informed about the meaning of their results, especially if HPV testing is soon to be introduced

    Testing positive for human papillomavirus in routine cervical screening: examination of psychosocial impact

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    Objective To examine the psychosocial impact of testing positive for high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) among women attending primary cervical screening.Design Cross sectional survey.Measures were taken at baseline and one week after the receipt of HPV and cytology screening results.Setting Well women's clinic in London, UK.Population or Sample Four hundred and twenty-eight women aged 20-64 years.Methods Postal questionnaire survey.Main outcome measures Psychosocial and psychosexual outcomes were anxiety, distress and feelings about current, past and future sexual relationships.Results Women with normal cytology who tested positive for HPV (HPVdivided by) were significantly more anxious and distressed than women who were negative (HPV-) using both a state anxiety measure [F(1,267)=29, P<0.0001] and a screening specific measure of psychological distress [F(1,267)=69, P<0.0001]. Women with an abnormal or unsatisfactory smear result, who tested HPV,. were significantly more distressed than HPV- women with the same smear result [F(1,267)=8.8, P=0.002], but there was no significant difference in state anxiety. Irrespective of cytology result, HPV women reported feeling significantly worse about their sexual relationships. Approximately one-third of women who tested positive reported feeling worse about past and future sexual relationships compared with less than 2% of HPV- women.Conclusion The findings suggest that testing positive for HPV may have an adverse psychosocial impact, with increased anxiety., distress and concern about sexual relationships. Psychosocial outcomes of HPV testing need further investigation and must be considered alongside clinical and economic decisions to include HPV testing in routine cervical screening

    Attitudes to self-sampling for HPV among Indian, Pakistani, African-Caribbean and white British women in Manchester, UK

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    Objective: To examine attitudes to self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing among women from contrasting ethnic groups.Setting: Manchester, UK.Methods: Two hundred women of Indian, Pakistani, African-Caribbean and white British origin were recruited from social and community groups to participate in a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire included items on attitudes to self-sampling and intention to use the test.Results: Willingness to try to use the test was high, and women did not foresee religious or cultural barriers to self-sampling; however, a large proportion of women were concerned about doing the test properly. This concern was greatest in the Indian and African-Caribbean groups.Conclusions: Although women's willingness to try self-sampling for HPV is encouraging, worries about carrying out the procedure correctly must be addressed if women are to feel confident about the results of self-sampling methods and reassured by a negative result

    Acceptability of unsupervised HPV self-sampling using written instructions

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    Objectives The study measured the acceptability of self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in the context of cervical cancer screening. Women carried out self-sampling unsupervised, using a written instruction sheet.Setting Participants were women attending either a family planning clinic or a primary care trust for routine cervical screening.Methods Women (n=902) carried out self-sampling for HPV testing and then a clinician did a routine cervical smear and HPV test. Immediately after having the two tests, participants completed a measure of acceptability for both tests, and answered questions about ease of using the instruction sheet and willingness to use self-sampling in the future.Results The majority of women found self-sampling more acceptable than the clinician-administered test, but there was a lack of confidence that the test had been done correctly. Significant demographic differences in attitudes were found, with married women having more favourable attitudes towards self-sampling than single women, and Asian women having more negative attitudes than women in other ethnic groups. Intention to use self-sampling in the future was very high across all demographic groups.Conclusion Self-sampling for HPV testing was highly acceptable in this large and demographically diverse sample, and women were able to carry out the test alone, using simple written instructions. Consistent with previous studies, women were concerned about doing the test properly and this issue will need to be addressed if self-sampling is introduced. More work is needed to see whether the demographic differences we found are robust and to identify reasons for lower acceptability among single women and those from Asian background

    Addressing health literacy in patient decision aids

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    MethodsWe reviewed literature for evidence relevant to these two aims. When high-quality systematic reviews existed, we summarized their evidence. When reviews were unavailable, we conducted our own systematic reviews.ResultsAim 1: In an existing systematic review of PtDA trials, lower health literacy was associated with lower patient health knowledge (14 of 16 eligible studies). Fourteen studies reported practical design strategies to improve knowledge for lower health literacy patients. In our own systematic review, no studies reported on values clarity per se, but in 2 lower health literacy was related to higher decisional uncertainty and regret. Lower health literacy was associated with less desire for involvement in 3 studies, less question-asking in 2, and less patient-centered communication in 4 studies; its effects on other measures of patient involvement were mixed. Only one study assessed the effects of a health literacy intervention on outcomes; it showed that using video to improve the salience of health states reduced decisional uncertainty. Aim 2: In our review of 97 trials, only 3 PtDAs overtly addressed the needs of lower health literacy users. In 90% of trials, user health literacy and readability of the PtDA were not reported. However, increases in knowledge and informed choice were reported in those studies in which health literacy needs were addressed.ConclusionLower health literacy affects key decision-making outcomes, but few existing PtDAs have addressed the needs of lower health literacy users. The specific effects of PtDAs designed to mitigate the influence of low health literacy are unknown. More attention to the needs of patients with lower health literacy is indicated, to ensure that PtDAs are appropriate for lower as well as higher health literacy patients

    Exploring heritage through time and space : Supporting community reflection on the highland clearances

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    On the two hundredth anniversary of the Kildonan clearances, when people were forcibly removed from their homes, the Timespan Heritage centre has created a program of community centred work aimed at challenging pre conceptions and encouraging reflection on this important historical process. This paper explores the innovative ways in which virtual world technology has facilitated community engagement, enhanced visualisation and encouraged reflection as part of this program. An installation where users navigate through a reconstruction of pre clearance Caen township is controlled through natural gestures and presented on a 300 inch six megapixel screen. This environment allows users to experience the past in new ways. The platform has value as an effective way for an educator, artist or hobbyist to create large scale virtual environments using off the shelf hardware and open source software. The result is an exhibit that also serves as a platform for experimentation into innovative ways of community co-creation and co-curation.Postprin

    Habitat Selection by Chiricahua Leopard Frogs During Summer Monsoons

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    One-third of the described species of amphibians worldwide are threatened with extinction, including the Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis).  This frog is highly aquatic, found in portions of Arizona and New Mexico, and listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.  Currently, the Chiricahua leopard frog is restricted to anthropogenic sources of water, including tanks maintained for livestock, throughout most of its range.  Movement habits of this frog and patterns of dispersal between disjunct water sources are not well understood.  We attached radio transmitters to 44 total frogs on the Ladder Ranch in southern New Mexico during summer 2014 and located each frog daily for up to 8 weeks (mean = 29 days).  We quantified habitat characteristics at each frog location and a random location 5 meters away.  We assessed fine-scale habitat selection using conditional logistic regression and also explored the degree of variation in selection among individual frogs.  Frogs chose areas with more low-lying cover (especially aquatic vegetation and woody debris), less overstory cover, and a mud substrate.  Whether the location was far from or close to water and the amount of overstory cover did not appear to be important for selection, suggesting that frogs are able to find areas that provide habitat away from water One-third of the described species of amphibians worldwide are threatened with extinction, including the Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis).  This frog is highly aquatic, found in portions of Arizona and New Mexico, and listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.  Currently, the Chiricahua leopard frog is restricted to anthropogenic sources of water, including tanks maintained for livestock, throughout most of its range.  Movement habits of this frog and patterns of dispersal between disjunct water sources are not well understood.  We attached radio transmitters to 44 total frogs on the Ladder Ranch in southern New Mexico during summer 2014 and located each frog daily for up to 8 weeks (mean = 29 days).  We quantified habitat characteristics at each frog location and a random location 5 meters away.  We assessed fine-scale habitat selection using conditional logistic regression and also explored the degree of variation in selection among individual frogs.  Frogs chose areas with more low-lying cover (especially aquatic vegetation and woody debris), less overstory cover, and a mud substrate. Whether the location was far from or close to water and the amount of overstory cover did not appear to be important for selection, suggesting that frogs are able to find areas that provide habitat away from water bodies.  The variation among individuals was low, suggesting that tracked were selecting similar habitat characteristics. The findings of this study will inform active management of amphibians in anthropogenic settings, where managers can enhance amphibian habitat characteristics between occupied sites to improve population connectivity

    Women’s health literacy and the complex decision-making process to use complementary medicine products in pregnancy and lactation

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    © 2019 The Authors Health Expectations published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Background: Little is known about women's decision-making processes regarding using complementary medicine products (CMPs) during pregnancy or lactation. Objectives: To explore the decision-making processes of women choosing to use CMPs in pregnancy and lactation; and to investigate how women's health literacy influences their decisions. Design, setting and participants: In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were held with twenty-five pregnant and/or breastfeeding women. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Key to women's decision making was the desire to establish a CMPs safety and to receive information from a trustworthy source, preferably their most trusted health-care practitioner. Women wanted positive therapeutic relationships with health-care practitioners and to be highly involved in the decisions they made for the health of themselves and their children. Two overarching components of the decision-making process were identified: (a) women's information needs and (b) a preference for CMP use. Women collated and assessed information from other health-care practitioners, other mothers and published research during their decision-making processes. They showed a strong preference for CMP use to support their pregnancy and breastfeeding health, and that of their unborn and breastfeeding babies. Discussion and Conclusions: Complex decision-making processes to use CMPs in pregnancy and lactation were identified. The participants showed high levels of communicative and critical health literacy skills in their decision-making processes. These skills supported women's complex decision-making processes

    Social and psychological impact of HPV testing in cervical screening: a qualitative study

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    Objective: Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing has been proposed for inclusion in the UK cervical screening programme. While testing may bring some benefits to the screening programme, testing positive for HPV, a sexually transmitted virus, may have adverse social and psychological consequences for women. The aim of this study was to examine the social and psychological impact of HPV testing in the context of cervical cancer screening.Method: In-depth interviews generating qualitative data were carried out with 74 women participating in HPV testing in England between June 2001 and December 2003. Purposive sampling was used to ensure heterogeneity in age, ethnic group, marital status, socioeconomic background, cytology, and HPV results among participants.Results: Testing positive for HPV was associated with adverse social and psychological consequences, relating primarily to the sexually transmitted nature of the virus and its link to cervical cancer. Women described feeling stigmatised, anxious and stressed, concerned about their sexual relationships, and were worried about disclosing their result to others. Anxiety about the infection was widespread, but the impact of testing positive varied. The psychological burden of the infection related to women's relationship status and history, their social and cultural norms and practices around sex and relationships, and their understanding of key features of HPV.Conclusion: HPV testing should be accompanied by extensive health education to inform women and to de-stigmatise infection with the virus to ensure that any adverse impact of the infection on women's wellbeing is minimised

    Complementary medicine products used in pregnancy and lactation and an examination of the information sources accessed pertaining to maternal health literacy: A systematic review of qualitative studies

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Background: The prevalence of complementary medicine use in pregnancy and lactation has been increasingly noted internationally. This systematic review aimed to determine the complementary medicine products (CMPs) used in pregnancy and/or lactation for the benefit of the mother, the pregnancy, child and/or the breastfeeding process. Additionally, it aimed to explore the resources women used, and to examine the role of maternal health literacy in this process. Methods: Seven databases were comprehensively searched to identify studies published in peer-reviewed journals (1995-2017). Relevant data were extracted and thematic analysis undertaken to identify key themes related to the review objectives. Results: A total of 4574 articles were identified; 28 qualitative studies met the inclusion criteria. Quantitative studies were removed for a separate, concurrent review. Herbal medicines were the main CMPs identified (n=21 papers) in the qualitative studies, with a smaller number examining vitamin and mineral supplements together with herbal medicines (n=3), and micronutrient supplements (n=3). Shared cultural knowledge and traditions, followed by women elders and health care professionals were the information sources most accessed by women when choosing to use CMPs. Women used CMPs for perceived physical, mental-emotional, spiritual and cultural benefits for their pregnancies, their own health, the health of their unborn or breastfeeding babies, and/or the breastfeeding process. Two over-arching motives were identified: 1) to protect themselves or their babies from adverse events; 2) to facilitate the normal physiological processes of pregnancy, birth and lactation. Decisions to use CMPs were made within the context of their own cultures, reflected in the locus of control regarding decision-making in pregnancy and lactation, and in the health literacy environment. Medical pluralism was very common and women navigated through and between different health care services and systems throughout their pregnancies and breastfeeding journeys. Conclusions: Pregnant and breastfeeding women use herbal medicines and micronutrient supplements for a variety of perceived benefits to their babies' and their own holistic health. Women access a range of CMP-related information sources with shared cultural knowledge and women elders the most frequently accessed sources, followed by HCPs. Culture influences maternal health literacy and thus women's health care choices including CMP use