460 research outputs found

    A Comparative Computer Simulation of Dendritic Morphology

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    Computational modeling of neuronal morphology is a powerful tool for understanding developmental processes and structure-function relationships. We present a multifaceted approach based on stochastic sampling of morphological measures from digital reconstructions of real cells. We examined how dendritic elongation, branching, and taper are controlled by three morphometric determinants: Branch Order, Radius, and Path Distance from the soma. Virtual dendrites were simulated starting from 3,715 neuronal trees reconstructed in 16 different laboratories, including morphological classes as diverse as spinal motoneurons and dentate granule cells. Several emergent morphometrics were used to compare real and virtual trees. Relating model parameters to Branch Order best constrained the number of terminations for most morphological classes, except pyramidal cell apical trees, which were better described by a dependence on Path Distance. In contrast, bifurcation asymmetry was best constrained by Radius for apical, but Path Distance for basal trees. All determinants showed similar performance in capturing total surface area, while surface area asymmetry was best determined by Path Distance. Grouping by other characteristics, such as size, asymmetry, arborizations, or animal species, showed smaller differences than observed between apical and basal, pointing to the biological importance of this separation. Hybrid models using combinations of the determinants confirmed these trends and allowed a detailed characterization of morphological relations. The differential findings between morphological groups suggest different underlying developmental mechanisms. By comparing the effects of several morphometric determinants on the simulation of different neuronal classes, this approach sheds light on possible growth mechanism variations responsible for the observed neuronal diversity

    The discovery of endogenous retroviruses

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    When endogenous retroviruses (ERV) were discovered in the late 1960s, the Mendelian inheritance of retroviral genomes by their hosts was an entirely new concept. Indeed Howard M Temin's DNA provirus hypothesis enunciated in 1964 was not generally accepted, and reverse transcriptase was yet to be discovered. Nonetheless, the evidence that we accrued in the pre-molecular era has stood the test of time, and our hypothesis on ERV, which one reviewer described as 'impossible', proved to be correct. Here I recount some of the key observations in birds and mammals that led to the discovery of ERV, and comment on their evolution, cross-species dispersion, and what remains to be elucidated

    Regional changes in reactive hyperemic blood flow during exercise training: time-course adaptations

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    BACKGROUND: Few studies have examined the time-course of localized exercise training on regional blood flow in humans. The study examined the influence of handgrip exercise training on forearm reactive hyperemic blood flow and vascular resistance in apparently healthy men. METHODS: Forearm blood flow and vascular resistance were evaluated, in 17 individuals [Age: 22.6 ± 3.5], in both arms, at rest and following 5 minutes of arterial occlusion, using strain gauge plethysmography, prior to training (V1) and every week thereafter (V2-5) for 4 weeks. Handgrip exercise was performed in the non-dominant arm 5 d/wk for 20 minutes at 60% of maximum voluntary contraction, while the dominant arm served as control. RESULTS: Resting HR, BP, and forearm blood flow and vascular resistance were not altered with training. The trained arm handgrip strength and circumference increased by 14.5% (p = 0.014) and 1.56% (p = 0.03), respectively. ANOVA tests revealed an arms by visit interaction for the trained arm for reactive hyperemic blood flow (p = 0.02) and vascular resistance (p = 0.009). Post-hoc comparison demonstrated increased reactive hyperemic blood flow (p = 0.0013), and decreased post-occlusion vascular resistance (p = 0.05), following the 1(st )week of training, with no significant changes in subsequent visits. CONCLUSION: The results indicate unilateral improvements in forearm reactive hyperemic blood flow and vascular resistance following 1 week of handgrip exercise training and leveled off for the rest of the study

    A participatory parent-focused intervention promoting physical activity in preschools: design of a cluster-randomized trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>With rates of childhood obesity increasing, physical activity (PA) promotion especially in young children has assumed greater importance. Given the limited effectiveness of most interventions to date, new approaches are needed. The General Systems theory suggests that involving parents as intervention targets may be effective in fostering healthier life styles in children. We describe the development of a parent-focused participatory intervention and the procedures used to evaluate its effectiveness in increasing daily PA in preschoolers.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Thirty-seven South German preschools were identified for this study and agreed to participate. Using a two-armed, controlled cluster-randomized trial design we test a participatory intervention with parents as the primary target group and potential agents of behavioural change. Specifically, the intervention is designed to engage parents in the development, refinement and selection of project ideas to promote PA and in incorporating these ideas into daily routines within the preschool community, consisting of children, teachers and parents. Our study is embedded within an existing state-sponsored programme providing structured gym lessons to preschool children. Thus, child-based PA outcomes from the study arm with the parent-focused intervention and the state-sponsored programme are compared with those from the study arm with the state-sponsored programme alone. The evaluation entails baseline measurements of study outcomes as well as follow-up measurements at 6 and 12 months. Accelerometry measures PA intensity over a period of six days, with the mean over six days used as the primary outcome measure. Secondary outcomes include childrens' BMI, a sum of averaged skin fold thickness measurements across multiple sites, and PA behaviour. Longitudinal multilevel models are used to assess within-subject change and between-group differences in study outcomes, adjusted for covariates at the preschool and individual levels. Teacher qualitative interviews monitor the intervention implementation process.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Participatory approaches that actively involve parents have the potential to promote PA in ways that might be better tailored to local needs and more sustainable. Our mixed methods approach to assess the intervention efficacy and implementation employing both quantitative and qualitative measures within a cluster-randomized controlled trial may serve as a framework for evaluating public health interventions in preschool settings.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p><b>clinicaltrials.gov No: NCT00987532</b></p

    Training Genetic Counsellors to Deliver an Innovative Therapeutic Intervention: their views and experience of facilitating multi-family discussion groups

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    Innovations in clinical genetics have increased diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of inherited genetic conditions (IGCs). This has led to an increased number of families seeking genetic testing and / or genetic counselling and increased the clinical load for genetic counsellors (GCs). Keeping pace with biomedical discoveries, interventions are required to support families to understand, communicate and cope with their Inherited Genetic Condition. The Socio-Psychological Research in Genomics (SPRinG) collaborative have developed a new intervention, based on multi-family discussion groups (MFDGs), to support families affected by IGCs and train GCs in its delivery. A potential challenge to implementing the intervention was whether GCs were willing and able to undergo the training to deliver the MFDG. In analysing three multi-perspective interviews with GCs, this paper evaluates the training received. Findings suggests that MFDGs are a potential valuable resource in supporting families to communicate genetic risk information and can enhance family function and emotional well-being. Furthermore, we demonstrate that it is feasible to train GCs in the delivery of the intervention and that it has the potential to be integrated into clinical practice. Its longer term implementation into routine clinical practice however relies on changes in both organisation of clinical genetics services and genetic counsellors' professional development

    Parasites of non-native freshwater fishes introduced into england and wales suggest enemy release and parasite acquisition

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    When non-native species are introduced into a new range, their parasites can also be introduced, with these potentially spilling-over into native hosts. However, in general, evidence suggests that a high proportion of their native parasites are lost during introduction and infections by some new parasites from the native range might occur, potentially resulting in parasite spill-back to native species. These processes were investigated here using parasite surveys and literature review on seven non-native freshwater fishes introduced into England and Wales. Comparison of the mean numbers of parasite species and genera per population for each fish species England andWaleswith their native ranges revealed\9 % of the native parasite fauna were present in their populations in England and Wales. There was no evidence suggesting these introduced parasites had spilled over into sympatric native fishes. The non-native fishes did acquire parasites following their introduction, providing potential for parasite spill-back to sympatric fishes, and resulted in non-significant differences in overall mean numbers of parasites per populations between the two ranges. Through this acquisition, the non-native fishes also had mean numbers of parasite species and genera per population that were not significantly different to sympatric native fishes. Thus, the non-native fishes in England and Wales showed evidence of enemy release, acquired new parasites following introduction providing potential for spill-back, but showed no evidence of parasite spill-over

    Facilitating arrhythmia simulation: the method of quantitative cellular automata modeling and parallel running

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    BACKGROUND: Many arrhythmias are triggered by abnormal electrical activity at the ionic channel and cell level, and then evolve spatio-temporally within the heart. To understand arrhythmias better and to diagnose them more precisely by their ECG waveforms, a whole-heart model is required to explore the association between the massively parallel activities at the channel/cell level and the integrative electrophysiological phenomena at organ level. METHODS: We have developed a method to build large-scale electrophysiological models by using extended cellular automata, and to run such models on a cluster of shared memory machines. We describe here the method, including the extension of a language-based cellular automaton to implement quantitative computing, the building of a whole-heart model with Visible Human Project data, the parallelization of the model on a cluster of shared memory computers with OpenMP and MPI hybrid programming, and a simulation algorithm that links cellular activity with the ECG. RESULTS: We demonstrate that electrical activities at channel, cell, and organ levels can be traced and captured conveniently in our extended cellular automaton system. Examples of some ECG waveforms simulated with a 2-D slice are given to support the ECG simulation algorithm. A performance evaluation of the 3-D model on a four-node cluster is also given. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative multicellular modeling with extended cellular automata is a highly efficient and widely applicable method to weave experimental data at different levels into computational models. This process can be used to investigate complex and collective biological activities that can be described neither by their governing differentiation equations nor by discrete parallel computation. Transparent cluster computing is a convenient and effective method to make time-consuming simulation feasible. Arrhythmias, as a typical case, can be effectively simulated with the methods described

    Snapshot of the Eukaryotic Gene Expression in Muskoxen Rumen—A Metatranscriptomic Approach

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    BACKGROUND: Herbivores rely on digestive tract lignocellulolytic microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and protozoa, to derive energy and carbon from plant cell wall polysaccharides. Culture independent metagenomic studies have been used to reveal the genetic content of the bacterial species within gut microbiomes. However, the nature of the genes encoded by eukaryotic protozoa and fungi within these environments has not been explored using metagenomic or metatranscriptomic approaches. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, a metatranscriptomic approach was used to investigate the functional diversity of the eukaryotic microorganisms within the rumen of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus), with a focus on plant cell wall degrading enzymes. Polyadenylated RNA (mRNA) was sequenced on the Illumina Genome Analyzer II system and 2.8 gigabases of sequences were obtained and 59129 contigs assembled. Plant cell wall degrading enzyme modules including glycoside hydrolases, carbohydrate esterases and polysaccharide lyases were identified from over 2500 contigs. These included a number of glycoside hydrolase family 6 (GH6), GH48 and swollenin modules, which have rarely been described in previous gut metagenomic studies. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The muskoxen rumen metatranscriptome demonstrates a much higher percentage of cellulase enzyme discovery and an 8.7x higher rate of total carbohydrate active enzyme discovery per gigabase of sequence than previous rumen metagenomes. This study provides a snapshot of eukaryotic gene expression in the muskoxen rumen, and identifies a number of candidate genes coding for potentially valuable lignocellulolytic enzymes