4 research outputs found

    Effects of Solid State Fermentation on some Physicochemical and Nutritional Properties of Post-Harvest Cowpea (Virgna unguiculata (L)Walp) Leavesv

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    The effects of solid state fermentation on some physical characteristics, proximate and amino acid profile of post-harvest cowpea (Virgna unguiculata (L) Walp) leaves were investigated. Pulverized samples of the post-harvest materials were incubated at 260C for 96 hours, followed by urea and trichloroacetic acid treatments. Triplicate samples of fermented and unfermented materials were subjected to standard procedures to determine variations in weight, pH, proximate and amino acids profile. There was a reduction in weight, which was significant (p<0.05) with increase in fermentation time. pH stabilized at 6.62 and 6.65 at 96 hours of fermentation (HOF), before and after urea treatment, respectively. Fermented samples showed significant increase (p<0.05) in crude protein (37.30%), crude fat (95.69%), total ash (75.73%) and nitrogen- free extract (NFE) (5.00%) over the unfermented ones. However there were percentage reductions in crude fibre (46.60%) and moisture content (61.95%) after fermentation. The Total Amino Acids (TAA) increased from 49.64 ± 0.87 to 98.90 ± 1.70 with a general increase in all amino acids except proline and cysteine having 12.72% and 10.06% as percentage reductions, respectively. Some essential amino acids (methionine, phenylalanine and tyrosine) and non-essential amino acids (serine and proline) were limiting. The findings unveiled the feed supplement potentials of the fermented materials for use in livestock and pharmaceutical industries in Nigeria. Keywords: Fermentation, Nutritional Value, Post-Harvest, Cowpe

    Species Composition and Diversity of Vascular Plants in Rhizha Mountain Forest Jos, Plateau State Nigeria

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    Aim: Vascular plants have undergone different level of disturbance due to unprecedented increase in anthropogenic activities, which have led to cutting of plants for fuel wood, charcoal production and infrastructural development. This paper ascertained the species Composition and diversity of vascular plants in the Rhizha mountain forest area of Jos North Plateau State Nigeria. Methods: Six plots were systematically established. A 20×20 m plot was used for the sampling of trees, lianas and climbers. Plot of size 5×2 m were used for sampling of shrubs and saplings, which were nested in the 20×20 m plot. The grasses and herbs were sampled in smaller plots measuring 2×0.5 m, which were randomly nested in the 20 × 20 m plot. Results: One hundred and twenty six (126) species (99 woody, 19 herbaceous and 8 grasses were sampled belonging to fifty two (52) families with 1501 individual with 2.89% of grass covers. Rubiaceae has highest species abundance of (363).The results showed restricted abundance of some species which  may be attributed to competition for nutrients, limited light by canopy trees and destruction of undergrowth during tree snapped and logged on the forest floor. Conclusion: This study revealed that Rhizha mountain forest has high species of (Woody plants, herbs and grasses) diversity. Families noted with dominant species in the study area Rubiaceae and Asteraceae for both woody and herbaceous species respectively. It was recommended that effective conservation and sustainable management of the forest would make it possible for the said forest to continue providing goods and services necessary for communities around the Rhizha montane forest