34 research outputs found

    Affective Response to a Loved One's Pain: Insula Activity as a Function of Individual Differences

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    Individual variability in emotion processing may be associated with genetic variation as well as with psychological predispositions such as dispositional affect styles. Our previous fMRI study demonstrated that amygdala reactivity was independently predicted by affective-cognitive styles (phobic prone or eating disorders prone) and genotype of the serotonin transporter in a discrimination task of fearful facial expressions. Since the insula is associated with the subjective evaluation of bodily states and is involved in human feelings, we explored whether its activity could also vary in function of individual differences. In the present fMRI study, the association between dispositional affects and insula reactivity has been examined in two groups of healthy participants categorized according to affective-cognitive styles (phobic prone or eating disorders prone). Images of the faces of partners and strangers, in both painful and neutral situations, were used as visual stimuli. Interaction analyses indicate significantly different activations in the two groups in reaction to a loved one's pain: the phobic prone group exhibited greater activation in the left posterior insula. These results demonstrate that affective-cognitive style is associated with insula activity in pain empathy processing, suggesting a greater involvement of the insula in feelings for a certain cohort of people. In the mapping of individual differences, these results shed new light on variability in neural networks of emotion

    Fondamenti di psicoterapia fenomenologica: cura di sé e psicologia non razionalista

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    Traducation du livre anglais: ARCIERO, Giampiero, BONDOLFI, Guido, MAZZOLA, Viridiana. The Foundations of Phenomenological Psyhcotherapy. Cham : Springer, 2018. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-78087-0 https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:14456

    In Between Ordinary Sadness and Clinical Depression

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    Since Kraeplin and Kretschmer, the clarification of the limits between ordinary sadness and clinical depression has been a major concern. Much of the controversy has focused on whether and on which bases can be fixed a boundary in the continuum from the experience of sadness to major depressive episode. The new emphasis on the role of clinical judgment introduced by DSM-5 can be regarded as a way to address these issues, though leaving several questions open. After examining the implications of the main topics raised by this still ongoing discussion, we will argue that in a clinical reality both mobility and intensity of emotional states may account for the discontinuity between ordinary sadness and clinical depression. </jats:p

    The Foundations of Phenomenological Psychotherapy

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    This book addresses selected central questions in phenomenological psychology, a discipline that investigates the experience of self that emerges over the course of an individual's life, while also outlining a new method, the formal indication, as a means of accessing personal experience while remaining faithful to its uniqueness. In phenomenological psychology, the psyche no longer refers to an isolated self that remains unchanged by life's changing situations, but is rather a phenomenon (ipseity) which manifests itself and constantly takes form over the course of a person's unique existence. Thus, the formal indication allows us to study the way in which ipseity relates to the world in different situations, in a way that holds different meanings for different people. Based on this new approach, phenomenological psychotherapy marks a transition from a mode of grasping the truth about oneself through reflection, to a mode of accessing the disclosure of self through a work of self-transformation (the care of self) that requires the person to actually change her position on herself. By putting forward this method, the authors shed new light on the dynamic interplay between a person's historicity and uniqueness on the one hand, and the related physiopathological mechanisms on the other, providing evidence from the fields of genetics, cardiology, the neurosciences and psychiatry. The book will appeal to a broad readership, from psychiatrists, psychologist and psychotherapists, to researchers in these fields

    Biological and perceived stress in motor functional neurological disorders.

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    BACKGROUND Current models explaining motor functional neurological disorders (FND) integrate both the neurobiological mechanisms underlying symptoms production and the role of psychosocial stressors. Imaging studies have suggested abnormal motor control linked to impaired emotional and stress regulation. However, little is known on the biological stress regulation in FND. Our aim was to study the biological and perceived response to stress in patients with motor FND. METHODS Sixteen patients with motor FND (DSM-5 criteria) and fifteen healthy controls underwent the Trier Social Stress Test. Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) response was evaluated with salivary cortisol and autonomous sympathetic response with salivary alpha-amylase. Area under the curve was computed to reflect background levels (AUCg) and change over time (AUCi). Life adversities and perceived subjective stress on a visual analog scale (VAS) were correlated with biological responses. RESULTS FND patients had significantly higher background levels (AUCg) of both stress markers (cortisol and amylase) than controls. The biological response (AUCi) to stress did not differ between groups for both markers but the subjective response showed an interaction effect with patients reporting higher levels of stress than controls. After stress, controls showed a strong correlation between subjective and objective sympathetic values (amylase) but not patients. The number and subjective impact of adverse life events correlated with cortisol AUCg in patients only. CONCLUSION This study confirms a baseline HPA-axis and sympathetic hyperarousal state in motor FND related to life adversities. During a social stress, dissociation between perceived stress and biological markers was observed in patients only, reflecting a dysregulation of interoception capacity, which might represent an endophenotype of this disorder

    Possible Contribution of Meaning in Life in Patients With Chronic Pain and Suicidal Ideation: Observational Study

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    BackgroundChronic pain is associated with an elevated risk of suicidal ideation (SI). ObjectiveWe aimed to examine if the presence or the search for Meaning in Life (MiL) are associated with less SI and explore whether MiL profiles emerge in our cohort. These profiles can be described as high presence–high search, high presence–low search, low presence–low search, and low presence–high search. MethodsIn this observational study, we recruited 70 patients who were referred to the Multidisciplinary Pain Center of the Geneva University Hospitals and who answered positively to question 9 on the Beck Depression Inventory, 2nd Edition, investigating SI. Patients who agreed to participate in the study were further investigated; they participated in a structured diagnostic interview to screen for psychiatric diagnoses. During this interview, they completed the Meaning in Life Questionnaire and the semistructured Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI) to assess the characteristics and severity of SI. ResultsThere was a statistically significant correlation between the presence of MiL subscale and the SSI. These 2 scales had a negative and statistically highly significant correlation (R=–.667; P<.001). The results also showed a negative and statistically highly significant correlation between the score of the search for MiL and the SSI (R=–.456; P<.001). The results thus pointed to the presence of MiL as a potential protective factor against the severity of SI, while the search for MiL is also a possible resiliency factor, although to a lesser extent. The profile low presence–low search grouped the vast majority (47%) of the patients; in these patients, the mean SSI score was 14.36 (SD 5.86), much higher compared with that of the other subgroups. ConclusionsThis study’s results point to MiL as a concept of interest regarding devising psychotherapeutic interventions for chronic pain patients in order to reduce the suicidal risk and more accurately determine patients’ suffering

    Emotion-body connection dispositions modify the insulae-midcingulate effective connectivity during anger processing

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    The link between anger and bodily states is readily apparent based on the autonomic and behavioral responses elicited. In everyday life angry people react in different ways, from being agitated with an increased heart rate to remaining silent or detached. Neuroimaging evidence supports the role of mid-posterior insula and midcingulate cortex/MCC as key nodes of a sensorimotor network that predominantly responds to salient stimuli, integration of interoceptive and autonomic information, as well as to awareness of bodily movements for coordinated motion. However, there is still a lack of clarity concerning how interindividual variability in bodily states reactions drives the connectivity within these key nodes in the sensorimotor network during anger processing. Therefore, we investigated whether individual differences in body-centered emotional experience, that is an active (inward prone) or inactive (outward prone) emotion-body connection disposition, would differently affect the information flow within these brain regions. Two groups of participants underwent fMRI scanning session watching video clips of actors performing simple actions with angry and joyful facial expressions. The whole-brain group-by-session interaction analysis showed that the bilateral insula and the right MCC were selectively activated by inward group during the angry session, whereas the outward group activated more the precuneus during the joyful session. Accordingly, dynamic causal modeling analyses (DCM) revealed an excitatory modulatory effect exerted by anger all over the insulae-MCC connectivity in the inward group, whereas in the outward group the modulatory effect exerted was inhibitory. Modeling the variability related to individual differences in body-centered emotional experience allowed to better explain to what extent subjective dispositions contributed to the insular activity and its connectivity. In addition, from the perspective of a hierarchical model of neurovisceral integration, these findings add knowledge to the multiple ways which the insula and MCC dynamically integrate affective and bodily aspects of the human experience

    Meaning in Life Among Patients With Chronic Pain and Suicidal Ideation: Mixed Methods Study

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    Background: Patients with chronic pain have elevated risk of suicidal ideation and behavior, including suicide attempts and completed suicides. In most studies, associations between chronic pain and suicidal ideation/suicidal behavior are robust even after adjusting for the effect of sociodemographics and psychiatric comorbidity. However, to refine the risk profile of these patients, further exploration of other possible risk and protective factors is necessary. Objective: There is a common clinical observation that experiencing chronic pain often requires a revision of life goals and expectations, and hence, it impacts the existential domain including one's perception of the meaning in life (MiL). This study aimed to characterize the main domains that constitute the personal MiL, including the "presence of" and "search for" constructs, in a group of patients with chronic pain and suicidal ideation. Methods: Seventy participants were enlisted by ongoing recruitment through a larger project anchored in daily clinical practice at the Multidisciplinary Pain Center of the Geneva University Hospitals. It was an observational mixed method study. Data were recorded through both validated quantitative questionnaires and qualitative open-ended questions. Results: The total sample consisted of 70 patients. Responses to questionnaires showed a depressive episode in 68 (97%) patients and anxious disorders in 25 (36%) patients. With a score threshold for positive MiL of 24, the mean score for the "presence of" construct was 20.13 (SD 8.23), and 63% (44/70) of respondents had a score &lt;24. The mean score for the "search for" construct was lower at 18.14 (SD 8.64), and 70% (49/70) of respondents had a score &lt;24. The "presence of" and "search for" constructs were significantly positively correlated (R=0.402; P=.001). An open question addressed the "presence of" construct by inviting the respondents to cite domains they consider as providing meaning in their life at the present time. All patients responded to this question, citing one or more domains. The three main dimensions that emerged from content analysis of this qualitative section were as follows: the domain of relationships, the domain of personal activities, and pain and its consequences on MiL. Conclusions: The study results provide insights into patients with chronic pain and suicidal ideation, including the domains that provide them with meaning in their lives and the impact of pain on these domains with regard to suicidal ideation. The main clinical implications concern both prevention and supportive/psychotherapeutic interventions. They are based on a narrative approach aiming to explore with the patients the content of their suffering and the MiL domains that they could identify to mitigate it, in order to restructure/reinforce these domains and thus possibly reduce suicidal ideation. Specifically, a focus on maintaining the domains of interpersonal relationships and personal activities can allow patients to ultimately escape the biopsychosocial vicious cycle of chronic pain-induced deep moral suffering.</p

    The Role of Demoralization and Meaning in Life (DEMIL) in Influencing Suicidal Ideation Among Patients Affected by Chronic Pain: Protocol of a Single-Center, Observational, Case-Control Study

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    Chronic pain is a significant risk factor for suicidal ideation (SI) and suicidal behavior (SB), including a 20-40% prevalence rate of SI, a prevalence between 5-14% of suicidal attempts (SA), and a doubled risk of death by suicide in patients with chronic pain compared to controls. In most studies, associations between chronic pain and suicidality are robust even after adjusting for the effect of socio-demographics and psychiatric comorbidity, and particularly for depressive conditions. A number of specific conditions that can modulate suicidality risk in patients with chronic pain have been investigated, but there is a need for their more specific characterization. Numerous recent studies have shown that demoralization and Meaning in Life (MiL) constructs affect suicidality, as risk and protective factors, respectively. These constructs have been mainly investigated in patients with somatic illness and in community-dwelling individuals who may present with SI or SB independently of a psychiatric diagnosis of depression. However, a paucity of studies investigated them in suicidal patients affected by chronic pain. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/2488