308 research outputs found

    Schede per la flora ornamentale siciliana. 61-67

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    With the aim to improve the knowledge of the ornamental flora of Sicily, a series of reports on the most rare and significant species found in the historic or public gardens and parks has been started since 2001. The plants taken in consideration are examined as far as taxonomy, geographical origin, biology, ecology are concerned, also taking into account their condition in Sicily with respect to introduction, sanitary status, occurrence, etc... Furthermore, germplasm conservation is, when possible, provided in the Botanical Garden of Palermo. Each taxon is treated in a single report. Here the reports 61-67, by F. Argento, M.R. Cucco, E. Di Gristina & R. Oliveri, are presented. These concern Araucaria bidwillii Hook., Araucaria cunninghamii Sweet, Cordia myxa L., Decaisnea fargesii Franch., Ficus benjamina L., Ficus elastica var. decora Guillaumin e Kleinia neriifolia Haw

    Geophytes and evolution in the Sicilian Archipelago

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    Geophytes occurring in the Sicilian archipelago are examined with respect to their distribution and evolution, and also taking into account correlations with the inner parts of this territory and other regions in the central Mediterranean


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    Il Calvario, dal latino Golgota che indica il luogo della Crocifissione di Cristo, è una tipologia di monumento di culto della religione cristiana la cui genesi si fa risalire al Medioevo, epoca dei lunghi pellegrinaggi di fedeli che, per tale ragione, sentivano l’esigenza di creare luoghi sostitutivi che richiamassero le mete Sante, troppo lontane. In Italia e, in particolare, in Piemonte e in Lombardia, l’edificazione di questi complessi prese inizio a seguito del Concilio di Trento soprattutto sotto forma di Sacri Monti che, per l’appunto, ne costituiscono la principale espressione. In Sicilia, la tradizione dei “Calvari” venne introdotta nel XVIII secolo dai Gesuiti che generalmente li costruivano su un’altura o, in alternativa, in presenza di un pianoro, utilizzando il mezzo scenico della scalinata, sia per simboleggiare la “via dolorosa” percorsa dal Nazareno sia per assolvere alla funzione di collegamento tra il luogo Sacro e l’abitato limitrofo. Se è vero che ciascun calvario possiede una sua unicità costruttiva, i diversi casi in Sicilia sono accomunati dalla presenza di tre elementi fondamentali: l’albero di cipresso; l’isolamento; l’orientamento a Nord, Nord-Est (Lima, 1984). Il Sacro Calvario di Gangi (Palermo) la cui realizzazione risale al 1826, anno in cui pervenne nel luogo una delle Missioni gesuite, fu completato e rifinito tra il 1843 ed il 1858. Oggi, esso si trova nel centro storico del paese delle basse Madonie, nel quartiere della chiesa di S. Maria di Gesù, e rappresenta il fulcro delle celebrazioni della Settimana Santa. L’indagine architettonica ha dimostrato l’esistenza di una rigorosissima e “colta” geometria che sottende l’intero impianto, sia per ciò che concerne la componente “minerale”, sia per quella “vegetale”. Anche le misure richiamno significati simbolici tutti riconducibili al senso del Lutto, come dimostra il lotto rettangolare entro cui insiste il giardino che contiene 4 cerchi del diametro di 10 m, per una lunghezza complessiva di 40 m. Inoltre, si individua un altro cerchio che, in parte materializzato nell’edicola centrale, si sviluppa fino a comprendere la scala esterna e il cui centro è perfettamente coincidente con l’asse orizzontale del giardino. Il complesso si sviluppa su un’area di 570 mq. La cancellata in ferro battuto, che si sviluppa sulla linea ideale posta tra la zona di mediazione e il giardino, sancisce la divisione tra l’ambito “celeste” del giardino e l’ambito “terreno” della città vera e propria. Tutto l’impianto è racchiuso su tre lati da alte mura, a formare uno spazio isolato. I viali sono ripartiti simmetricamente in due settori dall’asse centrale della scala e si sviluppa su tre livelli. I percorsi del giardino sono, quindi, strutturati per la rappresentazione della Via Crucis che si conclude con l’edicola della Madonna Addolorata, luogo delle tre croci. Lima A.I., 1984. La dimensione sacrale del paesaggio: ambiente e architettura popolare di Sicilia. Palermo. Flaccovio, Palermo

    A new species of Smyrnium (Apiaceae) related to S. perfoliatum

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    On the basis of plant collections recently carried out in Sicily as well as the study of the herbarium material kept in PAL and PAL-Gr, a new species of Smyrnium (Apiaceae) is described here. This new taxon, named Smyrnium dimartinoi, is related to S. perfoliatum and is presently known from Sicily, Crete and realistically elsewhere in the Mediterranean. In such range it occurs in open woods and clearings of the Mediterranean-temperate and submontane belt

    Names of Italian vascular plants published by Michele Lojacono Pojero

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    Michele Lojacono Pojero (1853-1919) is among the most prolific Italian authors of plant names of his era. A list is presented of the names of 581 new Italian (almost invariably Sicilian) vascular plant taxa he published (303 species, 272 varieties, 6 formae), with reference to existing lectotype designations

    Family Involvement in Ownership and Management: Exploring Nonlinear Effects on Performance

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    Research on the performance of family firms is growing, but results are mixed, especially for nonlisted companies. Thus, on the basis of the co-presence of benefits and disadvan-tages of family involvement in ownership and management, we explored the presence of nonlinear effects of these two variables on performance. We run regression analyses on data drawn from 620 privately held family firms in Italy: A negative quadratic relation-ship between family involvement in management and performance was found, but we did not find any association between family involvement in ownership and performance. Our results suggest that in privately held firms the positive effects that previous literature associates with the presence of family managers do not appear strong enough to com-pensate for the disadvantages deriving from a nonmonetary goal orientation, nor do they compensate for the costs deriving from the need to solve conflicts between family man-agers and the impossibility of enlarging the company’s social and intellectual capital through the employment of nonfamily managers. Moreover, the quadratic nature of the relationship calls for greater attention to be paid to these effects by family business owners, especially in those cases where family involvement in management is high

    Reversible Pulmonary Hypertension Related to Thalidomide Treatment for Multiple Myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is thrombogenic as a consequence of multiple hemostatic effects. Thalidomide is an effective treatment; however, it has been associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic events including pulmonary hypertension (PH). PH in the absence of thromboembolic events has also been described in some patients with MM during thalidomide treatment. We experienced occurrence of PH in a MM patient during treatment with thalidomide. A 79-year-old woman was diagnosed with IgG lambda MM and was started on thalidomide treatment. About a month later, she presented with asthenia, palpitation and dyspnoea on exertion and was hospitalized. An echocardiography revealed severe PH (systolic pulmonary artery pressure 75 mm Hg) without paradoxic movement of ventricular septum or right ventricular dysfunction signs; a previous echocardiography was normal. Pulmonary computed tomography and perfusion scan were negative for pulmonary embolism. Based on the hypothesis of a pharmacological pathogenesis, thalidomide was promptly interrupted. About a month later, she was hospitalized for further investigations. Physical examination documented absence of dyspnoea or other respiratory signs, and echocardiography showed normal right ventricular function and normal pulmonary artery pressure. As in the cases reported in the literature, we suggest a possible direct correlation between thalidomide and PH, since in all cases a rapid decrease of pulmonary artery pressure after thalidomide discontinuation was observed

    Trace elements release from volcanic ashes to seawater. Natural concentrations in Central Mediterranean sea.

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    Distributions and concentrations of many minor and trace elements in epicontinental basins, as Mediterranean Sea, are mainly driven to atmospheric fallout from surroundings. This mechanism supplies an estimated yearly flux of about 1000 kg km-2 of terrigenous matter of different nature on the whole Mediterranean basin. Dissolution of these materials and processes occurring at solid-liquid interface along the water column drive the distributions of many trace elements as V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, and Pb with contents ranging from pmol l-1 (Co, Cd, Pb) to nmol l-1 scale in Mediterranean seawater, with some local differences in the basin. The unwinding of an oceanographic cruise in the coastal waters of Ionian Sea during the Etna’s eruptive activity in summer 2001 led to the almost unique chance to test the effects of large delivery of volcanic ash to a coastal sea water system through the analyses of distribution of selected trace elements along several seawater columns. The collection of these waters and their analyses about V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, and Pb contents evidenced trace element concentrations were always higher (about 1 order of magnitude at least) than those measured concentrations in the recent past in Mediterranean seawater, apart from Pb. Progressive increase of concentrations of some elements with depth, sometimes changing in a “conservative” behaviour without any clear reason and the observed higher concentrations required an investigation about interaction processes occurring at solid-liquid interface between volcanic ash and seawater along water columns. This investigation involving kinetic evaluation of trace element leaching to seawater, was carried out during a 6 months time period under laboratory conditions. X-ray investigations, SEM-EDS observations and analyses on freshly-erupted volcanic ash evidenced formation of alteration clay minerals onto glass fraction surfaces. Chemical analyses carried out on coexisting liquid phase demonstrated that trace element leaching occurs through a first quick followed by a slow second step that attaints to an apparent equilibrium after 6 months. Amplitude of kinetic rate constant measured for SiO2 release during the first step and behaviour of Ti/Si and Cr/Si rations in primary volcanic minerals, glass fraction and leaching solutions during the first 1 month stage of the experimental interaction allowed to demonstrate that trace element release mainly occurs from glassy materials and Ti-rich magnetite
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