32 research outputs found

    Induction by TNF- α

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    We have developed a microencapsulation procedure for the entrapment and manipulation of IB3-1 cystic fibrosis cells. The applied method is based on generation of monodisperse droplets by a vibrational nozzle. Different experimental parameters were analyzed, including frequency and amplitude of vibration, polymer pumping rate and distance between the nozzle and the gelling bath. We have found that the microencapsulation procedure does not alter the viability of the encapsulated IB3-1 cells. The encapsulated IB3-1 cells were characterized in term of secretomic profile, analyzing the culture medium by Bio-Plex strategy. The experiments demonstrated that most of the analyzed proteins, were secreted both by the free and encapsulated cells, even if in a different extent. In order to determine the biotechnological applications of this procedure, we determined whether encapsulated IB3-1 cells could be induced to pro-inflammatory responses, after treatment with TNF-α. In this experimental set-up, encapsulated and free IB3-1 cells were treated with TNF-α, thereafter the culture media from both cell populations were collected. As expected, TNF-α induced a sharp increase in the secretion of interleukins, chemokines and growth factors. Of great interest was the evidence that induction of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 occurs also by encapsulated IB3-1 cells

    Cost analysis of dalbavancin versus standard of care for the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSIs) in two Italian hospitals

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    The study was presented at the 21st Conference of the National Society of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine ‘Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana Malattie Infettive e Tropicali’, 20–23 November 2022, Rome, Italy (Poster PP259).OBJECTIVES: Thanks to its long half-life, dalbavancin qualifies as an optimal drug for saving costs. We aimed to assess the cost and effectiveness of dalbavancin versus the standard of care (SoC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thanks to its long half-life, dalbavancin qualifies as an optimal drug for saving costs. We aimed to assess the cost and effectiveness of dalbavancin versus the standard of care (SoC). RESULTS: One hundred and twenty-six of 228 (55.3%) patients received SoC, while 102/228 (44.7%) received dalbavancin. Twenty-seven of the 102 (26.5%) patients received dalbavancin as first-line treatment, 46 (45.1%) as second-line, and 29 (28.4%) as third- or higher-line treatment. Most patients received dalbavancin as monotherapy (62/102; 60.8%). Compared with SoC, dalbavancin was associated with a significant reduction of LOS (5 ± 7.47 days for dalbavancin, 9.2 ± 5.59 days for SoC; P < 0.00001) and with lower mean direct medical costs (3470 ± 2768€ for dalbavancin; 3493 ± 1901€ for SoC; P = 0.9401). LOS was also reduced for first-line dalbavancin, in comparison with second-, third- or higher-line groups, and for dalbavancin monotherapy versus combination therapy. Mean direct medical costs were significantly lower in first-line dalbavancin compared with higher lines, but no cost difference was observed between monotherapy and combination therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Monotherapy with first-line dalbavancin was confirmed as a promising strategy for ABSSSIs in real-life settings, thanks to its property in reducing LOS and saving direct medical costs.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/4039School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH

    LIME -- a gas TPC prototype for directional Dark Matter search for the CYGNO experiment

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    The CYGNO experiment aims at the development of a large gaseous TPC with GEM-based amplification and an optical readout by means of PMTs and scientific CMOS cameras for 3D tracking down to O(keV) energies, for the directional detection of rare events such as low mass Dark Matter and solar neutrino interactions. The largest prototype built so far towards the realisation of the CYGNO experiment demonstrator is the 50 L active volume LIME, with 4 PMTs and a single sCMOS imaging a 33×\times33 cm\textsuperscript{2} area for 50 cm drift, that has been installed in underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in February 2022. We will illustrate LIME performances as evaluated overground in Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati by means of radioactive X-ray sources, and in particular the detector stability, energy response and energy resolution. We will discuss the MC simulation developed to reproduce the detector response and show the comparison with actual data. We will furthermore examine the background simulation worked out for LIME underground data taking and illustrate the foreseen expected measurement and results in terms of natural and materials intrinsic radioactivity characterisation and measurement of the LNGS underground natural neutron flux. The results that will be obtained by underground LIME installation will be paramount in the optimisation of the CYGNO demonstrator, since this is foreseen to be composed by multiple modules with the same LIME dimensions and characteristics

    Technical Design Report - TDR CYGNO-04/INITIUM

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    The aim of this Technical Design Report is to illustrate the technological choices foreseen to be implemented in the construction of the CYGNO-04 demonstrator, motivate them against the experiment physics goals of CYGNO-30 and demonstrate the financial sustainability of the project. CYGNO-04 represents PHASE 1 of the long term CYGNO roadmap, towards the development of large high precision tracking gaseous Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for directional Dark Matter searches and solar neutrino spectroscopy. The CYGNO project1 peculiarities reside in the optical readout of the light produced during the amplification of the primary ionization electrons in a stack of triple Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs), thanks to the nice scintillation properties of the chosen He:CF4 gas mixture. To this aim, CYGNO is exploiting the fast progress in commercial scientific Active Pixel Sensors (APS) development for highly performing sCMOS cameras, whose high granularity and sensitivity allow to significantly boost tracking, improve particle identification and lower the energy threshold. The X-Y track project obtained from the reconstruction of the sCMOS images is combined with a PMT measurement to obtain a full 3D track reconstruction. In addition, several synergic R&Ds based on the CYGNO experimental approach are under development in the CYGNO collaboration (see Sec 2) to further enhance the light yield by means of electro luminescence after the amplification stage, to improve the tracking performances by exploiting negative ion drift operation within the INITIUM ERC Consolidator Grant, and to boost the sensitivity to O(GeV) Dark Matter masses by employing hydrogen rich target towards the development of PHASE 2 (see Sec. 1.2). While still under optimization and subject to possible significant improvements, the CYGNO experimental approach performances and capabilities demonstrated so far with prototypes allow to foresee the development of an O(30) m3 experiment by 2026 for a cost of O(10) MEUROs. A CYGNO-30 experiment would be able to give a significant contribution to the search and study of Dark Matter with masses below 10 GeV/c2 for both SI and SD coupling. In case of a Dark Matter observation claim by other experiments, the information provided by a directional detector such as CYGNO would be fundamental to positively confirm the galactic origin of the allegedly detected Dark Matter signal. CYGNO-30 could furthermore provide the first directional measurement of solar neutrinos from the pp chain, possibly extending to lower energies the Borexino measurement2. In order to reach this goal, the CYGNO project is proceeding through a staged approach. The PHASE 0 50 L detector (LIME, recently installed underground LNGS) will validate the full performances of the optical readout via APS commercial cameras and PMTs and the Montecarlo simulation of the expected backgrounds. The full CYGNO-04 demonstrator will be realized with all the technological and material choices foreseen for CYGNO-30, to demonstrate the scalability of the experimental approach and the potentialities of the large PHASE 2 detector to reach the expected physics goals. The first PHASE 1 design anticipated a 1 m3 active volume detector with two back-to-back TPCs with a central cathode and 500 mm drift length. Each 1 m2 readout area would have been composed by 9 + 9 readout modules having the LIME PHASE 0 dimensions and layout. Time (end of INITIUM project by March 2025) and current space availability at underground LNGS (only Hall F) forced the rescaling of the PHASE 1 active volume and design to a 0.4 m3, hence CYGNO-04. CYGNO-04 will keep the back-to-back double TPC layout with 500 mm drift length each, but with an 800 x 500 mm2 readout area covered by a 2 + 2 modules based on LIME design. The reduction of the detector volume has no impact on the technological objectives of PHASE 1, since the modular design with central cathode, detector materials and shieldings and auxiliary systems are independent of the total volume. The physics reach (which is a byproduct of PHASE 1 and NOT an explicit goal) will be only very partially reduced (less than a factor 2 overall) since a smaller detector volume implies also a reduced background from internal materials radioactivity. In addition, the cost reduction of CYGNO-04 of about 1⁄3 with respect to CYGNO-1 illustrated in the CDR effectively makes the overall project more financially sustainable (see CBS in the last section). In summary this document will explain: the physical motivation of the CYGNO project and the technical motivations of the downscale of the PHASE 1 to CYGNO-04, 400 liters of active volume, with respect to the demonstrator presented in the CDR; the results of R&D and the Montecarlo expectations for PHASE 0; the technical choices, procedures and the executive drawings of CYGNO-04 in the Hall F of the LNGS; safety evaluations and the interference/request to the LNGS services; Project management, WBS/WBC, WP, GANTT, ec

    The CYGNO Experiment

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    The search for a novel technology able to detect and reconstruct nuclear and electron recoil events with the energy of a few keV has become more and more important now that large regions of high-mass dark matter (DM) candidates have been excluded. Moreover, a detector sensitive to incoming particle direction will be crucial in the case of DM discovery to open the possibility of studying its properties. Gaseous time projection chambers (TPC) with optical readout are very promising detectors combining the detailed event information provided by the TPC technique with the high sensitivity and granularity of latest-generation scientific light sensors. The CYGNO experiment (a CYGNus module with Optical readout) aims to exploit the optical readout approach of multiple-GEM structures in large volume TPCs for the study of rare events as interactions of low-mass DM or solar neutrinos. The combined use of high-granularity sCMOS cameras and fast light sensors allows the reconstruction of the 3D direction of the tracks, offering good energy resolution and very high sensitivity in the few keV energy range, together with a very good particle identification useful for distinguishing nuclear recoils from electronic recoils. This experiment is part of the CYGNUS proto-collaboration, which aims at constructing a network of underground observatories for directional DM search. A one cubic meter demonstrator is expected to be built in 2022/23 aiming at a larger scale apparatus (30 m3^3--100 m3^3) at a later stage

    B-hadron production at the LHC from bottom-quark pair production at NNLO+PS

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    The production of B hadrons is among the most abundant fundamental QCD processes measured at the LHC. We present for the first time predictions for this process accurate to next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD perturbation theory by simulating bottom-quark pair production at this accuracy matched to parton showers. Our novel results are in good agreement with experimental data for the production of different types of B hadrons from ATLAS, CMS and LHCb at 7 TeV and/or 13 TeV, including various fiducial cross sections as well as single- and double-differential distributions, and 13 TeV/7 TeV cross-section ratios

    COVID-19 and myotonic dystrophy: Case reports and systematic review

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    Introduction: Steinert's disease is a rare genetic disorder characterized by progressive myotonia and multi-organ damage. It is associated with respiratory and cardiological complications often leading patients to exitus. These conditions are also traditional risk factors for severe COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 has affected people with chronic diseases, but the impact on people with Steinert's disease is poorly defined, with only a few reported and described. More data are needed to understand whether this genetic disease is a risk factor for more serious evolution or death in patients with COVID-19.Methodology: The study describes two cases of patients with SD and COVID-19 and summarizes available evidence of the clinical outcome of COVID-19 in patients with Steinert's disease, by performing a systematic review of the literature (following PRISMA statements and performing PROSPERO registration).Results: Overall, 5 cases were retrieved from the literature review, with a median age of 47 years, of whom 4 had advanced SD and unfortunately died. By contrast, the 2 patients from our clinical practice and 1 from literature had a good clinical outcomes. Mortality ranged from 57% (all cases) to 80% (only literature review).Conclusions: There is a high mortality rate in patients with both Steinert's disease and COVID-19. It highlights the importance of strengthening prevention strategies, especially vaccination. All SD with SARS-CoV-2 infection/COVID-19 patients should be identified early and treated to avoid complications. It is still unknown which treatment regimen is best to use in those patients. Studies on a greater number of patients are necessary to provide clinicians with further evidence

    TNF-alpha induced release of pro-inflammatory proteins by cystic fibrosis IB3-1 cells encapsulated in alginate microbeads

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    The inflammatory processes activated in cystic fibrosis are complex and need the development of specific systems to possibly study the mechanism of bacterial activation of cystic fibrosis cells, as well as the effect of the secreted chemokines on target cell populations. To this aim, we have developed an ionic alginate microencapsulation procedure for the entrapment and manipulation of IB3-1 cystic fibrosis cells. This microencapsulation procedure does not alter viability and the secretomic profile of encapsulated IB3-1 cells. Most of the analyzed proteins (members of the interleukin family, chemokines, growth factors and soluble forms of adhesion molecules), using Bio-plex technology, were secreted both by the free and encapsulated cells, even if in a different extent. In order to determine the biotechnological applications of this procedure, encapsulated and free IB3-1 cells were treated with TNF-alpha and after 24 hours the culture media from both cell populations were collected. As expected, TNF-alpha induced a sharp increase in the secretion of interleukins, chemokines and growth factors. Of great interest was the evidence that induction of IL-6 and IL-8 occurs also by encapsulated IB3-1 cells. In conclusion, the encapsulation of secreting cells in alginate microbeads represents a promising strategy for biotechnology applications in tissue engineering and biomedicine

    Limb Salvage and Survival in Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia: The Need for a Fast-Track Team-Based Approach

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    Chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) represents the end-stage form of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and is associated with a very poor prognosis and high risk of limb loss and mortality. It can be considered very similar to a terminal cancer disease, reflecting a large impact on quality of life and healthcare costs. The aim of this study is to offer an overview of the relationship between CLTI, limb salvage, and mortality, with a focus on the need of a fast-track team-based management that is a driver to achieve better survival results. This review can be useful to improve management of this growing impact disease, and to promote the standardisation of care and communication between specialist and non-specialist healthcare professionals