564 research outputs found

    An IRAS High Resolution Image Restoration (HIRES) Atlas of All Interacting Galaxies in the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample

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    We present high-resolution (30"-1') 12, 25, 60, and 100 micron images of 106 interacting galaxy systems contained in the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample (RBGS, Sanders et al. 2003), a complete sample of all galaxies having a 60 micron flux density greater than 5.24 Jy. These systems were selected to have at least two distinguishable galaxies separated by less than three average galactic diameters, and thus we have excluded very widely separated systems and very advanced mergers. The new complete survey has the same properties as the prototype survey of Surace et al. 1993. We find no increased tendency for infrared-bright galaxies to be associated with other infrared bright galaxies among the widely separated pairs studied here. We find small enhancements in far-infrared activity in multiple galaxy systems relative to RBGS non-interacting galaxies with the same blue luminosity distribution. We also find no differences in infrared activity (as measured by infrared color and luminosity) between late and early-type spiral galaxies.Comment: 49 pages, 13 figures. To appear in the Astronomical Journal. Figures have been degraded due to space considerations. A PDF version with higher quality figures is available at http://humu.ipac.caltech.edu/~jason/pubs/surace_hires.pd

    Resolved CO(1-0) Nuclei in IRAS 14348-1447: Evidence for Massive Bulge Progenitors to Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    High-resolution, CO(1-0) interferometry of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy IRAS 14348-1447 is presented. The merger system has a molecular gas mass of \~3x10^10 solar masses and a projected nuclear separation of 4.8 kpc (3.5"), making it one of the most molecular gas-rich galaxies known and an ideal candidate for studying the intermediate stages of an ultraluminous merger event. The CO morphology shows two molecular gas components associated with the stellar nuclei of the progenitors, consistent with the idea that the molecular disks are gravitationally bound by the dense bulges of the progenitor galaxies as the interaction proceeds. In contrast, less luminous infrared galaxies observed to date with projected nuclear separations of ~<5 kpc show a dominant CO component between the stellar nuclei. This discrepancy may be an indication that the progenitors of mergers with lower infrared luminosity do not possess massive bulges, and that the gas is stripped during the initial encounter of their progenitors. A comparison of the CO and radio luminosities of the NE and SW component show them to have comparable radio and CO flux ratios of f(NE)/f(SW) ~0.6, possibly indicating that the amount of star-forming molecular gas in the progenitors is correlated with the supernovae rate. The estimate of molecular gas masses of the nuclei and the extent of the radio emission are used to infer that the nuclei of IR 14348-1447 have gas densities comparable to the cores of elliptical galaxies.Comment: LaTex, 5 pages with 1 postscript and 1 jpg figure, ApJ Letters, in pres

    Testing a double AGN hypothesis for Mrk 273

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    The ULIRG Mrk 273 contains two infrared nuclei, N and SW, separated by 1 arcsec. A Chandra observation has identified the SW nucleus as an absorbed X-ray source with nH ~4e23 cm-2 but also hinted at the possible presence of a Compton thick AGN in the N nucleus, where a black hole of 10^9 Msun is inferred from the ionized gas kinematics. The intrinsic X-ray spectral slope recently measured by NuSTAR is unusually hard (photon index of ~1.3) for a Seyfert nucleus, for which we seek an alternative explanation. We hypothesise a strongly absorbed X-ray source in N, of which X-ray emission rises steeply above 10 keV, in addition to the known X-ray source in SW, and test it against the NuSTAR data, assuming the standard spectral slope (photon index of 1.9). This double X-ray source model gives a good explanation of the hard continuum spectrum, the deep Fe K absorption edge, and the strong Fe K line observed in this ULIRG, without invoking the unusual spectral slope required for a single source interpretation. The putative X-ray source in N is found to be absorbed by nH = 1.4(+0.7/-0.4)e24 cm-2. The estimated 2-10 keV luminosity of the N source is 1.3e43 erg/s, about a factor of 2 larger than that of SW during the NuSTAR observation. Uncorrelated variability above and below 10 keV between the Suzaku and NuSTAR observations appears to support the double source interpretation. Variability in spectral hardness and Fe K line flux between the previous X-ray observations is also consistent with this picture.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    The IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample (RBGS)

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    IRAS flux densities, redshifts, and infrared luminosities are reported for all sources identified in the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample (RBGS), a complete flux-limited survey of all extragalactic objects with total 60 micron flux density greater than 5.24 Jy, covering the entire sky surveyed by IRAS at Galactic latitude |b| > 5 degrees. The RBGS includes 629 objects, with a median (mean) sample redshift of 0.0082 (0.0126) and a maximum redshift of 0.0876. The RBGS supersedes the previous two-part IRAS Bright Galaxy Samples, which were compiled before the final ("Pass 3") calibration of the IRAS Level 1 Archive in May 1990. The RBGS also makes use of more accurate and consistent automated methods to measure the flux of objects with extended emission. Basic properties of the RBGS sources are summarized, including estimated total infrared luminosities, as well as updates to cross-identifications with sources from optical galaxy catalogs established using the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED). In addition, an atlas of images from the Digitized Sky Survey with overlays of the IRAS position uncertainty ellipse and annotated scale bars is provided for ease in visualizing the optical morphology in context with the angular and metric size of each object. The revised bolometric infrared luminosity function, phi(L_ir), for infrared bright galaxies in the local Universe remains best fit by a double power law, phi(L_ir) ~ L_ir^alpha, with alpha = -0.6 (+/- 0.1), and alpha = -2.2 (+/- 0.1) below and above the "characteristic" infrared luminosity L_ir ~ 10^{10.5} L_solar, respectively. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Contains 50 pages, 7 tables, 16 figures. Due to astro-ph space limits, only 1 of 26 pages of Figure 1, and 1 of 11 pages of Table 7, are included; full resolution Postscript files are available at http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/March03/IRAS_RBGS/Figures/ . Replacement: Corrected insertion of Fig. 15 (MethodCodes.ps) in LaTe

    Introducing BAX: a database for X-ray clusters and groups of galaxies

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    We present BAX, Base de Donnees Amas de Galaxies X (http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/bax), a multi-wavelength database dedicated to X-ray clusters and groups of galaxies allowing detailed information retrieval. BAX is designed to support astronomical research by providing access to published measurements of the main physical quantities and to the related bibliographic references: basic data stored in the database are cluster/group identifiers, equatorial coordinates, redshift, flux, X-ray luminosity (in the ROSAT band) and temperature, and links to additional linked parameters (in X-rays, such as spatial profile parameters, as well as SZ parameters of the hot gas, lensing measurements,and data at other wavelengths, such as optical and radio). The clusters and groups in BAX can be queried by the basic parameters as well as the linked parameters or combinations of these. We expect BAX to become an important tool for the astronomical community. BAX will optimize various aspects of the scientific analysis of X-ray clusters and groups of galaxies, from proposal planning to data collection, interpretation and publication, from both ground based facilities like MEGACAM (CFHT), VIRMOS (VLT) and space missions like XMM-Newton, Chandra and Planck.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Journal. Contains 4 pages and 1 figur

    Molecular Gas and Nuclear Activity in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with Double Nuclei

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    High-resolution CO(1-0) observations of five ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs: L_IR [8-1000um] >~ 10^12 L_sun) with double nuclei are analyzed. These sources constitute a complete subset of local ULIGs expected to be in an intermediate stage of merging and selected with projected nuclear separations of 2.0-5.4 (3-5 kpc) so they could be resolved with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Millimeter Array. The observed pairs include two mergers with cool far-infrared colors (25um to 60um flux density ratio f_25um/f_60um ~ 0.2) selected from the IRAS Warm Galaxy Sample (IRAS 08572+3915, IRAS 13451+1232 = PKS 1345+12, and IRAS 13536+1836 = Mrk 463). These ULIGs are further distinguished by the presence of pairs of active nuclei; among the ten nuclei, nine have Seyfert or LINER classifications and one is unclassified. Molecular gas is detected only on the redder, more radio-luminous nucleus of the warm objects, whereas both nuclei of the cool ULIGs are detected in CO. The inferred molecular gas masses for the detected nuclei are 0.1-1.2x10^10 M_sun, and the undetected nuclei have molecular gas masses at least 1.2--2.8 times less than that of their CO-luminous companions. Upper limits on the extent of the CO emitting regions of each detected nucleus range from 2--4 kpc, which is about 3-6 times smaller than the average effective CO diameter of nearby spiral galaxies..

    Radio continuum properties of luminous infrared galaxies. Identifying the presence of an AGN in the radio

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    Luminous infrared galaxies are systems enshrouded in dust, which absorbs most of their optical/UV emission and re-radiates it in the mid- and far-infrared. Radio observations are largely unaffected by dust obscuration, enabling us to study the central regions of LIRGs in an unbiased manner. The main goal of this project is to examine how the radio properties of local LIRGs relate to their infrared spectral characteristics. Here we present an analysis of the radio continuum properties of a subset of the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS), which consists of 202 nearby systems (z<0.088). Our radio sample consists of 35 systems, or 46 individual galaxies, that were observed at both 1.49 and 8.44 GHz with the VLA with a resolution of about 1 arcsec (FWHM). The aim of the project is to use the radio imagery to probe the central kpc of these LIRGs in search of active galactic nuclei. We used the archival data at 1.49 and 8.44 GHz to create radio-spectral-index maps using the standard relation between flux density Sv and frequency v, S~v^-a, where a is the radio spectral index. By studying the spatial variations in a, we classified the objects as radio-AGN, radio-SB, and AGN/SB (a mixture). We identified the presence of an active nucleus using the radio morphology, deviations from the radio/infrared correlation, and spatially resolved spectral index maps, and then correlated this to the usual mid-infrared ([NeV]/[NeII] and [OIV]/[NeII] line ratios and EQW of the 6.2 um PAH feature) and optical (BPT diagram) AGN diagnostics. We find that 21 out of the 46 objects in our sample are radio-AGN, 9 are classified as starbursts (SB), and 16 are AGN/SB. After comparing to other AGN diagnostics we find 3 objects out of the 46 that are identified as AGN based on the radio analysis, but are not classified as such based on the mid-infrared and optical AGN diagnostics presented in this study.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables, to appear in A&
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