97 research outputs found

    Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: 2013 update

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    Glucocorticoids are the most common cause of secondary osteoporosis leading to the so-called glucocorticoidinduced osteoporosis (GIO). A treatment with 10 mg/d of prednisone or equivalent for more than 3 months leads to a 7-fold increase in hip fractures and a 17-fold increase in vertebral fractures. The difference between bone quantity and quality in GIO makes bone mineral density measurements inadequate to detect patients at risk of fracture. The adverse effects of glucocorticoids on the skeleton derive from a direct impact on bone cells with a severe impairment of mechanical competence. Crucial to prevention of GIO is early timing of intervention. The World Health Organization has adopted a fracture prevention algorithm (FRAX) intended to estimate fracture risk in GIO. The American College of Rhematology modified its prevention and treatment guidelines taking into account the individual risk of fracture calculated in GIO on the basis of the FRAX algorithm. Recently, also a joint Guideline Working Group of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) published a framework for the development of national guidelines for the management of GIO. Bisphosphonates are the first-line drugs to treat GIO; teriparatide counteracts several fundamental pathophysiologic aspects of GIO; denosumab is useful in patients with renal failure and in potentially pregnant young women. Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty may be less beneficial in GIO than in primary involutional osteoporosis

    Benchmark of Atucha-2 PHWR RELAP5-3D Control Rod Model by Monte Carlo MCNP5 Core Calculation

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    Atucha-2 is a Siemens-designed PHWR reactor under construction in the Republic of Argentina. Its geometrical complexity and peculiarities require the adoption of advanced Monte Carlo codes for performing realistic neutronic simulations. Therefore core models of Atucha-2 PHWR were developed using MCNP5. In this work a methodology was set up to collect the flux in the hexagonal mesh by which the Atucha-2 core is represented. The scope of this activity is to evaluate the effect of obliquely inserted control rod on neutron flux in order to validate the RELAP5-3DC/NESTLE three dimensional neutron kinetic coupled thermal-hydraulic model, applied by GRNSPG/UNIPI for performing selected transients of Chapter 15 FSAR of Atucha-2

    Identification of Limiting Case Between DBA and SBDBA (CL Break Area Sensitivity): A New Model for the Boron Injection System

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    Atucha-2 is a Siemens-designed PHWR reactor under construction in the Republic of Argentina. Its geometrical complexity and (e.g., oblique Control Rods, Positive Void coefficient) required a developed and validated complex three dimensional (3D) neutron kinetics (NK) coupled thermal hydraulic (TH) model. Reactor shut-down is obtained by oblique CRs and, during accidental conditions, by an emergency shut-down system (JDJ) injecting a highly concentrated boron solution (boron clouds) in the moderator tank, the boron clouds reconstruction is obtained using a CFD (CFX) code calculation. A complete LBLOCA calculation implies the application of the RELAP5-3D© system code. Within the framework of the third Agreement “NA-SA – University of Pisa” a new RELAP5-3D control system for the boron injection system was developed and implemented in the validated coupled RELAP5-3D/NESTLE model of the Atucha 2 NPP. The aim of this activity is to find out the limiting case (maximum break area size) for the Peak Cladding Temperature for LOCAs under fixed boundary conditions

    Instrumenting Full scale Boron Injection Test Facility to support Atucha-2 NPP licensing

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    The Atucha-2 Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor is equipped with a back-up shutdown system based on the fast injection of boron into the moderator tank. Such system had initially been designed to cope with a 10%-area (0.1A) break Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) scenario, but based on upgraded licensing requirements the design had to be revised and possibly improved against a double-ended guillotine (2A) break LOCA. In particular, the boron injection had to be proven fast enough to allow a timely shutdown of the reactor, even in the case of a failure of the primary shutdown system (control rods). A full-scale test facility was built for such “design validation” purpose, in the framework of a cooperation program between the University of Pisa – San Piero a Grado Nuclear Research Group (GRNSPG) and the utility Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A. (NA-SA). A special instrumentation system, based on conductivity probes designed on purpose by the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), was adopted for the measurement of the injection delay, as well as for the monitoring of pressure at several key locations. Care was taken to reproduce the relevant NPP conditions as closely as possible to those expected on the basis of extensive safety analyses performed adopting a Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) approach. In this respect, not only the test facility is full-scale, but also the key components (such as the fast opening air valves, the boric acid tanks, the rupture device, the injection lance) were directly borrowed from the Atucha-2 NPP. The experimental campaign carried out by NA-SA on such test facility allowed to improve the design of the boron injection system (especially as to some fluid-structure interaction issues) and finally to achieve the main goal, i.e. the demonstration that the system’s performance is fast enough to assure a timely and safe shutdown of the reactor. This was a key contribution to the successful completion of the NPP licensing process

    Coupling of Thermal-Hydraulics and I&C for Licensing Analyses

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    The BEPU (Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty) approach constitutes a valuable and, under some circumstances, an unavoidable tool to demonstrate the safety of NPP (Nuclear Power Plants). Within the licensing process of the Atucha II PHWR (Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor) the BEPU approach has been followed for issuing the Chapter 15 of the FSAR (Final Safety Analysis Report). Namely, the BEPU approach replaced the classical conservative approach. The selection of PIE (Postulated Initiating Events) and, the analysis of each PIE by best estimate models supported by uncertainty evaluation constitute key elements for BEPU. An outline of the BEPU approach is included in the paper, which, otherwise focuses on the simulation needs for Instrumentation and Control (I & C). Sample results from the analysis of PIE are included in the paper. It is demonstrated that the simulation of I&C is necessary to evaluate the safety of the concerned NPP; furthermore, the simulation shall be part of the accident analysis in Chapter 15 of FSA

    Natural Circulation in the ATUCHA-I PHWR Nuclear Power Plant

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    A systematic study of natural circulation (NC) in a postulated, varying primary mass inventory scenario at residual power fractions has been performed for a nuclear power plant operating in Argentina. It is a pressurized heavy water reactor, cooled and moderated by heavy water. The analysis seems particularly relevant at present, because a second nuclear power plant (NPP), of similar design and nearly 745 MWe, is now under finalization. NRC-RELAP5/MOD3.3 was the code used to perform the simulations. Results obtained are presented in the form of natural circulation flow maps. The trends obtained fit in the expected limits for integral test facilities representative of PWRs. In addition, the validity of a simplified analysis to scale single and two-phase core flow has been verified. A set of constants has been obtained, which permits predicting NC core mass flow rate (CMFR) for this NPP. Results are partially validated, for single-phase NC flow, using a documented plant transient, showing reasonable agreement. Also, the effect of pressurizer size on the predicted evolution curve in the NC flow map (NCFM) is discussed

    The Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) Challenge in the Licensing of Current Generation of Reactors

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    Within the licensing process of the Atucha II PHWR (Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor) the BEPU (Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty) approach has been selected for issuing of the Chapter 15 on FSAR (Final Safety Analysis Report). The key steps of the entire process are basically two: a) the selection of PIE (Postulated Initiating Events) and, b) the analysis by best estimate models supported by uncertainty evaluation. Otherwise, key elements of the approach are: 1) availability of qualified computational tools including suitable uncertainty method; 2) demonstration of quality; 3) acceptability and endorsement by the licensing authority. The effort of issuing Chapter 15 is terminated at the time of issuing of the present paper and the safety margins available for the operation of the concerned NPP (Nuclear Power Plant) have been quantified

    The Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) Challenge in the Licensing of Current Generation of Reactors

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    Within the licensing process of the Atucha II PHWR (Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor) the BEPU (Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty) approach has been selected for issuing of the Chapter 15 on FSAR (Final Safety Analysis Report). The key steps of the entire process are basically two: a) the selection of PIE (Postulated Initiating Events) and, b) the analysis by best estimate models supported by uncertainty evaluation. Otherwise, key elements of the approach are: 1) availability of qualified computational tools including suitable uncertainty method; 2) demonstration of quality; 3) acceptability and endorsement by the licensing authority. The effort of issuing Chapter 15 is terminated at the time of issuing of the present paper and the safety margins available for the operation of the concerned NPP (Nuclear Power Plant) have been quantified
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