224 research outputs found

    Influence of anthropomorphism on consumer behavior

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    The following paper is a literature review on anthropomorphism in ICT and its influence on consumer behavior. Anthropomorphism is a congenital skill of a person to attribute human characteristics and features to non-human objects. According to the previous research works anthropomorphism influences on different factors of consumer behavior and human-technology interaction, such as, for example, consumer perception of the technology, trust towards it, loyalty to the company and period of usage of the technology, etc. In our study we aim to identify, summarize and classify both positive and negative effects of anthropomorphism on consumer behavior at different stages of consumer purchasing process: pre-purchasing, actual purchasing decisionmaking and post purchasing process


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    Discussing a recent piece by Raisch and Krakowski, the paper compares their postulates with results from studying an AI-powered system’s implementation for judging artistic gymnastics. The empirical study extended beyond the organisational context discussed by Raisch and Krakowski, to consider the various stakeholders’ perceptions of the new system’s role as a support or a substitute system. Observations reveal that the obstacles to automation of the sport’s judging process may coalesce around the system’s cognitive limitations. Additionally, an automation-oriented approach could bring negative social and economic consequences for the judges. The obstacles to augmentation, on the other hand, are largely related to biases of both humans and AI-based systems. Hence, potential exists for implementing a hybrid approach that can mitigate the negative consequences of both and that might represent beneficial social and economic implications for this field of sports

    Digital Future of Artistic Gymnastics

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    The transition from human-based judging systems to electronic judging systems is a recent innovation in different sports. Electronic judging systems aim to increase such indicators of judgment as to the accuracy, fairness, validity, reliability, and the quality of competitions (Houser 2018). However, the introduction of electronic judging systems in different sports can have positive and negative consequences (Mercier et al. 2017). In our case study, we discuss the capabilities and challenges of a new AI-based Support Judging System that was recently introduced by Fujitsu in Artistic gymnastics. Motivated by the research interest towards explainable AI, we ask: ”How does a new judging system respond to the challenges of a human-based system?” To be able to respond to the research question, we collaborated and conducted interviews with the representatives of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), Finnish Gymnastics Association, Fujitsu as well as with gymnasts, judges, and coaches from 13 countries. In our qualitative study, we identified the main challenges of a current human judgment process, the ways of resolving these challenges with the capabilities of a new electronic judging system, and possible negative consequences of its use. Our findings show that the main challenges of an existing human-based judging system are Biases and Subjectivity, Human error and Lack of Accuracy, and Lack of Explanation. Biases and Subjectivity of the judges arise due to such human factors as emotionality, personal preferences, initial expectations, familiarity with the routine or athlete, prejudice toward some particular country, or informal guidelines in an existing judgment process. Human error and the lack of accuracy can appear in the judgment process due to human fatigue, the limit of human physical capabilities, high level of approximation in judging, and the lack of judging education. The lack of explanation is justified by the technical and time limitations at the competitions. All our respondents expect that due to its technical capabilities, a new Electronic Judging Support System is able to resolve these challenges via its high level of Accuracy, Impartiality, and Objectivity and provide the needed Explanation and Clarification of the results as well as the decision-making process of the system. However, according to the opinion of our respondents, there are also the corresponding challenges of a new electronic system that are the flip side of its advantages and may have a potentially negative influence on the judging process in artistic gymnastics. These disadvantages of the system are a high level of exactness, lack of human interaction and inability to evaluate the artistry. According to the opinion of some respondents, a high level of accuracy of the e-system may turn into too much exactness in judging. In case of implementing a new judging system, gymnasts will not be able to provide a high enough level of accuracy in their performance in order to satisfy the system’s requirements. Additionally, our respondents assume that such important components as the artistry and the human interaction will be totally eliminated from the artistic gymnastics. They state that the greetings of the judges by the athletes before starting the exercise, a nod of approval after completion of a routine, or a smile from a judge are an integral part of the competition and make the athletes feel more confident. The biggest concern of the respondents is the inability of the system to evaluate the artistic part of the athletes’ performance. They doubt that AI technology is able to evaluate such artistic features as the visual representation, athlete\u27s emotions, and internal artistic energy, the right selection of the music, and a costume

    Визначення шляхів оптимізації соціально-економічного розвитку та організації міського простору Харкова на основі компонентного аналізу

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    Formulation of the problem. Due to active development of the Ukrainian cities a question arises as to the definition of problems and prospects of urban organization, ways of city space optimization. For Kharkiv city, the second biggest city by population in Ukraine, leading industrial, scientific and cultural center of the country, definition of weaknesses and strengths of social-economic development is quite relevant.The purpose of the article is to define optimal directions of social and economic development and the organization of Kharkiv`s city space on the basis of the component analysis.Methods. Method of component analysis is used in this article to determine the optimal ways of Kharkiv sociogeosystem development. The essence of this method is the definition of projections in the development vector to multidimensional space with the detailed substantial analysis of their changes. This method allows to move from the general assessment of the conditions and level of SGS`s development in an integral form to the assessment of individual components (parameters).Main results. During 2010-2015 development of Kharkiv SGS of the city was positively influenced by the following factors: an increase in the number of children at preschool and other educational institutions; volumes of the sold industrial output; number of officially registered enterprises; reduction in boiler and oven fuel use; reduction in heat power use.The decline of population, reduction of educational institutions and students number at higher education institutions by III and III-IV levels; reduction in the number of workers engaged in scientific activity were negative factors for development of Kharkiv`s SGS. During all research time Shevchenkivskyi and Kyivskyi districts were the leaders by all indicators. Nemyshlianskyi and Kyivskyi districts were outsiders by dynamics of development. For Novobavarskyi, Slobidskyi, Kholodnohirskyi, Osnovianskyi and Nemyshlianskyi districts it is proposed to introduce programs for improving the demographic situation. For Shevchenkivskyi and Kyivskyi districts it is proposed to increase the number of schools and pre-schools or to renew educational institutions. For Nemyshlianskyi and Osnovianskyi districts it is proposed to support business development.Scientific novelty and practical significance. By using the method of component analysis in this study, it was possible to identify the main problems of socio-economic and spatial development of the city, as well as to propose recommendations for its improvement.В статье охарактеризован метод компонентного анализа, который заключается в определении проекций вектора развития на каждую ось многомерного признакового пространства с подробным содержательным анализом их изменений. Представлена динамика индексов статистических параметров социогеосистемы города Харькова и отдельно ее районных социогеосистем за период с 2010 по 2015гг. Определены показатели, которые положительно и отрицательно влияли на развитие социогеосистемы города Харькова в целом и отдельно для каждого административного района. Среди показателей положительного влияния можно выделить: увеличение численности детей в дошкольных и общеобразовательных учреждениях, рост объемов реализованной промышленной продукции, увеличение количества субъектов ЕГРПОУ, уменьшение использования котельно-печного топлива и уменьшения использования теплоэнергии. Уменьшение количества населения; уменьшение количества общеобразовательных учреждений; уменьшение количества студентов в вузах III и III-IV уровней аккредитации; уменьшение численности работников, занимающихся научной деятельностью относим к показателям негативного воздействия. Определены районы-лидеры и районы-аутсайдеры по темпам социально-экономического развития. По динамике развития ведущими районами стали Шевченковский и Индустриальный районы, районы-аутсайдеры – Немышлянский и Киевский районы. Предложенные рекомендации по оптимизации развития для каждого из районов города и города в целом.У статті охарактеризовано метод компонентного аналізу, який полягає у визначенні проекцій вектору розвитку на кожну вісь багатовимірного ознакового простору із детальним змістовним аналізом їх змін. Представлена динаміка індексів статистичних параметрів соціогеосистеми міста Харкова та окремо її районних соціогеосистем за період з 2010 по 2015 рр. Визначені показники, що позитивно та негативно впливали на розвиток соціогеосистеми міста Харкова загалом та окремо для кожного адміністративного району. Серед показників позитивного впливу можна виділити: збільшення чисельності дітей у дошкільних та загальноосвітніх закладах, зростання обсягів реалізованої промислової продукції, збільшення кількості суб’єктів ЄДРПОУ, зменшення використання котельно-пічного палива та зменшення використання теплоенергії. Зменшення кількості населення; зменшення кількості загальноосвітніх закладів; зменшення студентів у ВНЗ I-II та III-IV рівнів акредитації; зменшення чисельності працівників, що займаються науковою діяльністю відносимо до показників негативного впливу. Визначені райони-лідери та райони-аутсайдери за темпами соціально-економічного розвитку. За динамікою розвитку провідними районами стали Шевченківський та Індустріальний райони, райони-аутсайдери – Немишлянський та Київський райони. Запропоновані рекомендації щодо оптимізації розвитку для кожного з районів міста та міста загалом


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    Ethno-cultural peculiarities of particular area residents play an important role in the development of tourism. Ethnic heritage of Eastern Ukraine is of particular interest. Due to the development of tourism in Eastern Ukraine an urgent issue in creating brand of Kharkiv region as a whole and its separate parts has appeared. Each Kharkiv region district, undoubtedly, has interesting features that could be used in tourism industry development.The purpose of the study it is to analyze ethno-cultural tourism resources and tourism brands to determine districts of Kharkiv region.The article describes the main resources of the ethnic and cultural tourism, their classification according to the internal structure. A group of single ethno-cultural resources, including legends, songs, dances, place names and others has been determined as well as  complex ethnic and cultural resources, including language, religion and beliefs, traditions, local cuisine,etc. It analyzes the activities of organizations involved in supporting development of ethnic and cultural tourism in Kharkiv regions and the city of Kharkiv. Ethnocultural characteristics of Kharkiv region districts have been analyzed. Event-defined resources, objects or places associated with the activity of well-known etnofors may become tourist brand districts of Kharkiv region.Among the districts of Kharkiv region there are presumed territorial brands associated with monuments and places where well-known etnofors lived or worked. A large number of brands belonging to groups of festivals, fairs and historical monuments have been studied.Ethnocultural tourism potential in Kharkiv region is significant and diverse, but the actual practice of the local representatives of the tourist business is still focused on the stereotypical types of services and the direction of travels.В статье охарактеризованы основные ресурсы этнического и культурного туризма, приведена их классификация по внутренней структуре. Была выделена группа одиночных этнокультурных ресурсов, среди которых легенды, песни, танцы, топонимы и прочее; и комплексные этнокультурные ресурсы, среди которых язык, религия и верования, традиции, местная кухня и прочее. Проанализирована деятельность организаций, занимающихся поддержкой развития этнокультурного туризма в районах Харьковской области и Харькове. Проанализированы этнокультурные особенности районов Харьковской области и определены событийные ресурсы, объекты или места, связанные с деятельностью известных етнофоров, которые могут стать туристическими брендами районов Харьковской области. Составлена аналитическая таблица возможных туристических брендов районов Харьковской области по группам этнокультурных ресурсов, среди которых известные фестивали и ярмарки, традиционные ремесла, легенды и другие элементы фольклора, традиционные строения, памятники истории и культуры.У статті охарактеризовані основні ресурси етнічного та культурного туризму, наведена їх класифікація за внутрішнією структурою. Було виділено групу одиночних етнокультурних ресурсів, серед яких легенди, пісні, танці, топоніми та інше; та комплексні етнокультурні ресурси, серед яких мова, релігія та вірування, традиції, місцева кухня та інше. Проаналізована діяльність організацій, що займаються підтримкою розвитку етнокультурного туризму в районах Харківської області та Харкові. Проаналізовані етнокультурні особливості районів Харківської області та визначені подієві ресурси, об’єкти чи місця, що пов’язані з діяльність відомих етнофорів, що можуть стати туристичними брендами районів Харківської області. Складена аналітична таблиця можливих туристичних брендів районів Харківської області за групами етнокультурних ресурсів, серед яких відомі фестивалі та ярмарки, традиційні ремесла, легенди та інші елементи фольклору, традиційні будівлі, пам’ятки історії і культури

    Природні умови, як фактор просторової організації великого міста (на прикладі міста Харкова)

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    Organization of the big urban spatial system is a difficult process which depends on environment, population, settlement, production specialization, economic activity, etc. Environment, in our opinion, is a primary factor.The main purpose of the article is the social and geographical analysis of environment of Kharkiv city for definition of their influence on formation of the spatial urban organization.Relief, river system, climatic conditions, soils, flora and fauna of the area as components of the environment have significant impact on the features of the urban environment formation. The flat city relief in Kharkiv and straight gullies and ravines are favorable factors for creating urban space optimized system. Relatively smooth surface allows construction of any architectural designs without the probability of further destruction due to adverse natural conditions. A large number of rivers in the city have  a great influence on the formation of its spatial organization. Rivers in the city are used for drinking, agricultural water supply, fishing, recreation and irrigation. The zone of high pressure of Voyeykov-Brounov crossing the city forms the stable weather and the absence of strong winds, which allows high-rise construction of buildings and reduces the likelihood of natural disasters. Soils territory is favorable for farming in the city and suburban areas. Forest-steppe flora and fauna are changing through human impact.Natural conditions of the city of Kharkiv allow to generate an optimal urban structure.В статье охарактеризован рельеф территории города Харькова и его влияние на формирование городской среды. В частности рассмотрены орографические и геоморфологические особенности территории города, распространенность эрозионных форм рельефа, характер долин рек Харьков, Лопань, Уды и Немышля. Определены особенности гидрографической сети города и их использования в хозяйстве. Охарактеризованы климатические условия города Харькова, в частности приведены особенности годового температурного и ветрового режима. Рассмотрено влияние зоны высокого давления Воейкова-Броунов на формирование климата города. Приведенны особенности почвенного покрова, а именно распределение типичных и деградированных почв по территории города. Охарактеризованы особенности распространения флоры и фауны на территории города Харькова. Определенное влияние отдельных природных факторов на формирование пространственной организации города.У статті охарактеризований рельєф території міста Харкова та його вплив на формування міського середовища. Зокрема розглянуто орографічні та геоморфологічні особливості території міста, розповсюдженість ерозійних форм рельєфу, характер долин річок Харків, Лопань, Уди та Немишля. Визначені особливості гідрографічної мережі міста та їх використання у господарстві. Охарактеризовані кліматичні умови міста Харкова, зокрема наведені особливості річного температурного та вітрового режиму. Розглянутий вплив зони високого тиску Воєйкова-Броунова на формування клімату міста. Наведені особливості ґрунтового покриву, а саме розподіл типових та деградованих ґрунтів за територією міста. Охарактеризовані особливості розповсюдження флори та фауни на території міста Харкова. Визначений вплив окремих природних факторів на формування просторової організації міста

    Genetic and monosomic analysis of spike speltoidy introgressed into bread wheat from Aegilops speltoides Tausch

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Hematologia/Neurologia), apresentada á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraAs gamapatias monoclonais (GM) constituem um grupo heterogéneo de doenças do sistema hematopoiético que cursam com a produção de uma proteína monoclonal no soro e/ou na urina (componente M, proteína de Bence-Jones). As imunoglobulinas (Ig) depositadas apresentam cadeias pesadas G, A, M, E ou D, e cadeias leves, kappa ou lambda. A maioria das paraproteínas são Ig G, com menos de 15% do tipo Ig M. A prevalência das GM na população depende da raça, do género e aumenta com a idade, sendo 10% aos 80 anos. O espectro clínico é amplo e de prognóstico variável, podendo manifestar-se (em 75% dos casos) de forma assintomática como gamapatia monoclonal de significado indeterminado (MGUS) ou sob a forma de doença sistémica maligna - mieloma múltiplo, macroglobulinémia de Waldenstrom, amiloidose, síndrome POEMS (Polineuropatia, Organomegália, Endocrinopatia, proteína M e alterações cutâneas) e crioglobulinémia. As manifestações neurológicas nos doentes com GM apresentam variadas etiologias: infiltração tumoral, compressão radicular/medular, vasculite. Contudo a investigação centra-se na comprovação da patogenicidade das imunoglobulinas monoclonais e na comprovação de eficácia terapêutica, nomeadamente na MGUS. A neuropatia por MGUS Ig M apresenta-se clinicamente homogénea traduzida por desmielinização sensório-motora distal, progressiva com identificação de anticorpos anti-glicoproteína associada à mielina (anti-MAG) em 50% dos casos. Contudo, a neuropatia por MGUS Ig G e Ig A verifica-se clinicamente heterogénea - 60% com CIDP (Polineuropatia Desmielinizante Inflamatória Crónica), sem identificação de anticorpos específicos, alvo de menor número de estudos. Diversos estudos tem sido conduzidos no sentido de comprovar a eficácia terapêutica das neuropatias associadas a GM. No entanto, devido aos efeitos adversos associados à terapêutica, esta é indicada apenas perante incapacidade e progressão da neuropatia, estando o prognóstico condicionado pela presença de malignidade hematológica. OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho tem como objectivos (1) Elaborar uma revisão actualizada da literatura sobre a prevalência da associação de neuropatia e gamapatia monoclonal; o tipo de neuropatia; a relação com o tipo de imunoglobulina; o espectro das manifestações clínicas mais comuns, avaliando a importância destes fatores no prognóstico dos doentes e, eventualmente, na estratégia terapêutica. (2) Fazer um estudo retrospectivo de correlação entre as manifestações neurológicas e a presença de neuropatia associada a gamapatia monoclonal em doentes seguidos no CHUC no periodo de 5 anos. METODOLOGIA: A revisão bibliográfica foi feita com recuros à plataforma Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) e à European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS). A recolha de dados foi feita através da consulta de processos clínicos de doentes com manifestações neurológicas e gamapatia monoclonal seguidos no serviço de neurologia e hematologia do Centro Universitário e Hospitalar de Coimbra (CHUC). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo SPSS versão 19.0. RESULTADOS: Amostra com 48 doentes de idade média de 64,4±12,6 anos, 28 do género masculino e 20 do género feminino. A GM diagnosticada foi: MGUS-54,2% com 66,9±13,1 anos, MM-35,4% da amostra, 85,7% no estadio III, com 59,6±11,5 anos; linfoma não Hodgkin de grandes células-4,1% com 73±9,9 anos, MW-2,1% num doente com 70 anos, Síndrome POEMS-2,1% da amostra, aos 50 anos e PV-2,1% num doente com 70 anos. A Ig G foi a Ig mais prevalente: MGUS-73,1%, MM-52,9% Não se verificou a presença de GM Ig D ou Ig E. Nos doentes com MGUS, 15,4% apresentou PNP, 42,3% RP, 26,9% STC/U, 34,6% sem alterações ao EMG. Nos doentes com MM, 52,9% apresentou PNP, 35,3% RP, 29,4% STC/U. Nos casos de linfoma não Hodgkin verificou-se PNP axonal sensitiva generalizada por citostáticos e lesão nervosa iatrogénica após biópsia. O doente com MW apresentou manifestações neurológicas secundárias a poliomielite e o doente com POEMS PNP sensório-motora desmielinizante assimétrica proximal e distal dos MI. Uma PNP iatrogénica foi diagnosticada no doente com PV. Nos doentes com MGUS, em 69,2% o diagnóstico ocorreu de forma simultânea com as manifestações neurológicas no contexto de investigação etiológica do quadro neurológico. Em 26,7% (4) dos doentes avaliados foi diagnosticada PNP. Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas no estudo das variáveis propostas. A etiologia para as manifestações neurológicas e comorbilidades verificadas foram: Imune entre GM e PNP - 4,2% da amostra; PNP iatrogénica - 23% (18,8% em doentes com MM, 2,1% em doentes com doença linfoproliferativa e os restantes 2,1% atribuídos a terapêutica da PV com hidroxiureia); compressão do nervo mediano e/ou ulnar uni ou bilateral em grau moderado-grave - 25% dos doentes; RP - 27,1% doentes (destes 3 doentes com mieloma múltiplo e 10 doentes com MGUS, 1 dos quais com RP diabética); lesão nervosa por massa tumoral - 6,3%; cerca de 10,4% (5/26) das manifestações nos doentes com MGUS permaneceram sem causa identificável. CONCLUSÃO: O nosso estudo revelou que o aumento de prevalência com a idade acrecida à presença de comorbilidades inerentes a uma polpulação envelhecida dificulta o estabelecimento de causalidade entre a GM e a neuropatia imune, particularmente perante MGUS cujo diagnóstico é estabelecido na sua maioria (69,2%) no decorrer de investigação do quadro neurológico. Além disso, 35,4% dos doentes com GM possuem avaliação no contexto de MM, a maioria com neurotoxicidade associada ao tratamento.The monoclonal gammopathies (MG) are a heterogeneous group of diseases of the hematopoietic system with the production of a monoclonal protein in serum and / or urine (M component, Bence - Jones protein). Immunoglobulins (Ig) deposits are composed by heavy chains G, A, M, D or E, and light chain kappa or lambda. Most paraprotein is Ig G type, with less than 15 % of the Ig M. The prevalence of MG in population varies with race, gender and increases with age, being 10 % at 80 years. The clinical spectrum is broad, has variable prognosis and it may manifest ( in 75% of cases ) as asymptomatic called monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance ( MGUS ) or in the form of malignant systemic disease - multiple myeloma , Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia , amyloidosis , POEMS syndrome ( polyneuropathy , organomegaly , endocrinopathy , M protein and skin changes ) and cryoglobulinemia . The neurological manifestations in patients with MG have varied etiologies: tumoral infiltration, root / spinal cord compression, vasculitis. However, the research focuses on proving the pathogenicity of monoclonal Ig’s and in the evidence of therapeutic effectiveness, especially in MGUS. The neuropathy associated with Ig M MGUS is clinically homogeneous: progressive, distal, and sensorimotor demyelination with identification of myelin associated glycoprotein antibodies (anti- MAG) in 50 % of cases. However, neuropathy associated with Ig G MGUS were clinically heterogeneous - 60 % with CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy), without identification of specific antibodies and the target of fewer studies. Several studies have been conducted to prove the therapeutic efficacy of neuropathies associated with MG. However, because of the adverse effects associated with the therapy, this is applied only in disability and in the progression of neuropathy. Prognosis is conditioned by the hematological malignancy. OBJECTIVES : This study aims to ( 1 ) develop an updated review of the literature on the prevalence of the association of monoclonal gammopathy and neuropathy ; the type of neuropathy ; the relationship with the type of immunoglobulin ; the spectrum of the most common clinical manifestations , assessing the importance of these factors in the prognosis of patients and possibly in the treatment strategy . (2) Making a retrospective study of correlation between neurological manifestations and the presence of neuropathy associated with monoclonal gammopathy in patients followed in CHUC by 5 years. METHODS: A literature review was done with the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) platform and the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS). Data collection was done by consulting medical records of patients with neurological manifestations and monoclonal gammopathy followed in the neurology and hematology at the University Center and Hospital of Coimbra (CHUC) service. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 19.0. RESULTS: A sample of 48 patients of mean age 64.4 ± 12.6 years, 28 were male and 20 were female. GM was diagnosed : MGUS -54 , 2% 66.9 ± 13.1 years , MM -35 , 4 % of the sample , 85.7 % in stage III, 59.6 ± 11.5 years ; non-Hodgkin's large cell - 4 , 1 % to 73 ± 9.9 years , MW - 2 , 1 % in a patient aged 70 , POEMS Syndrome - 2 , 1 % of the sample aged 50 and PV - 2 , 1 % in a patient aged 70 . The Ig G was the most prevalent Ig: MGUS -73, 1 %, MM -52, 9 % not verified the presence of MG Ig D or Ig E. In patients with MGUS, 15.4% presented PNP, 42.3 % RP; 26.9 % STC / U; 34.6 % without changes on EMG. In patients with MM, 52.9 % presented PNP, 35.3 % RP, 29.4 % STC / U. In cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma there was widespread axonal sensory PNP by cytostatics and iatrogenic nerve injury after biopsy. The patient presented with MW has neurological manifestations secondary to polio and the patient with POEMS has sensorimotor asymmetric proximal and distal demyelinating PNP of the LL. An iatrogenic PNP was diagnosed in patient with PV. In patients with MGUS, in 69.2 % diagnosis occurred simultaneously with the research of the neurological status. In 26.7 % (4) of the evaluable patients was diagnosed PNP. There were no statistically significant differences in the proposed study variables. The etiology for the observed neurological manifestations and comorbidities were : Immune between GM and PNP - 4.2% of the sample ; PNP iatrogenic - 23 % ( 18.8% in patients with MM , 2.1% in patients with lymphoproliferative disease and the remaining 2.1% of PV assigned to therapy with hydroxyurea) ; compression of the median and / or ulnar nerve in unilateral or bilateral moderate to severe - 25 % of patients ; RP - 27.1 % patients ( 3 of these patients with multiple myeloma and 10 patients with MGUS , of which 1 with diabetic RP ) ; nerve injury by tumor mass - 6.3% ; about 10.4 % (5/26 ) of the manifestations in patients with MGUS remained without identifiable cause . CONCLUSION: Our study revealed that the increase in prevalence of MG with age added to the presence of comorbidities inherent in an aging population makes difficult to establish causality between MG and immune neuropathy, particularly before MGUS whose diagnosis is made mostly (69.2 %) in the course of investigation of the neurological picture. In addition, 35.4 % of patients with MG have reviewed in the context of MM, most of them with neurotoxicity associated with therapy