286 research outputs found

    Validity and limitations of the superexchange model for the magnetic properties of Sr2IrO4 and Ba2IrO4 mediated by the strong spin-orbit coupling

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    Layered perovskites Sr2IrO4 and Ba2IrO4 are regarded as the key materials for understanding the properties of magnetic relativistic insulators, mediated by the strong spin-orbit (SO) coupling. One of the most fundamental issues is to which extent these properties can be described by the superexchange (SE) model, formulated in the limit of the large Coulomb repulsion. In the present work we address this issue by deriving the relevant models and extracting parameters of these models from the first-principles calculations. First, we construct the effective Hubbard-type model for the t2g bands, by recasting the problem in the language of Wannier orbitals. Then, we map the obtained electron model onto the pseudospin model by applying the theory of SE interactions. We discuss the microscopic origin of anisotropic SE interactions, inherent to the compass Heisenberg model, and the appearance of the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya term, associated with the additional rotation of the IrO6 octahedra in Sr2IrO4. In order to evaluate the Neel temperature (TN), we employ the non-linear sigma model. While for Sr2IrO4 our value of TN agrees with the experimental one, for Ba2IrO4 it is overestimated by a factor two. We argue that this discrepancy is related to limitations of the SE model: while for more localized t2g states in Sr2IrO4 it works reasonably well, the higher-order terms, beyond the SE model, play a more important role in the more "itinerant" Ba2IrO4, giving rise to the new type of isotropic and anisotropic exchange interactions. This conclusion is supported by unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculations for the same electron model, where in the case of Ba2IrO4, already on the mean-field level, we were able to reproduce the experimentally observed magnetic ground state, while for Sr2IrO4 the main results are essentially the same as in the SE model.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figure

    Microscopic analysis of the magnetic form factor in low-dimensional cuprates

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    We analyze the magnetic form factor of Cu2+^{2+} in low-dimensional quantum magnets by taking the metal-ligand hybridization into account explicitly. In this analysis we use the form of magnetic Wannier orbitals, derived from the first-principles calculations, and identify the contributions of different atomic sites. Having performed local density approximation calculations for cuprates with different types of ligand atoms, we discuss the influence of the on-site Coulomb correlations on the structure of the magnetic orbital. The typical composition of Wannier functions for copper oxides, chlorides and bromides is defined and related to features of the magnetic form factor. We propose easy-to-use approximations of the partial orbital contributions to the magnetic form factor in order to give a microscopic explanation for the results obtained in previous first-principles studies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Profile approach for recognition of three-dimensional magnetic structures

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    We propose an approach for low-dimensional visualisation and classification of complex topological magnetic structures formed in magnetic materials. Within the approach one converts a three-dimensional magnetic configuration to a vector containing the only components of the spins that are parallel to the z axis. The next crucial step is to sort the vector elements in ascending or descending order. Having visualized profiles of the sorted spin vectors one can distinguish configurations belonging to different phases even with the same total magnetization. For instance, spin spiral and paramagnetic states with zero total magnetic moment can be easily identified. Being combined with a simplest neural network our profile approach provides a very accurate phase classification for three-dimensional magnets characterized by complex multispiral states even in the critical areas close to phases transitions. By the example of the skyrmionic configurations we show that profile approach can be used to separate the states belonging to the same phase

    Bimeron nanoconfined design

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    We report on the stabilization of the topological bimeron excitations in confined geometries. The Monte Carlo simulations for a ferromagnet with a strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction revealed the formation of a mixed skyrmion-bimeron phase. The vacancy grid created in the spin lattice drastically changes the picture of the topological excitations and allows one to choose between the formation of a pure bimeron and skyrmion lattice. We found that the rhombic plaquette provides a natural environment for stabilization of the bimeron excitations. Such a rhombic geometry can protect the topological state even in the absence of the magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Hybridization and spin-orbit coupling effects in quasi-one-dimensional spin-1/2 magnet Ba3Cu3Sc4O12

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    We study electronic and magnetic properties of the quasi-one-dimensional spin-1/2 magnet Ba3Cu3Sc4O12 with a distinct orthogonal connectivity of CuO4 plaquettes. An effective low-energy model taking into account spin-orbit coupling was constructed by means of first-principles calculations. On this basis a complete microscopic magnetic model of Ba3Cu3Sc4O12, including symmetric and antisymmetric anisotropic exchange interactions, is derived. The anisotropic exchanges are obtained from a distinct first-principles numerical scheme combining, on one hand, the local density approximation taking into account spin-orbit coupling, and, on the other hand, projection procedure along with the microscopic theory by Toru Moriya. The resulting tensors of the symmetric anisotropy favor collinear magnetic order along the structural chains with the leading ferromagnetic coupling J1 = -9.88 meV. The interchain interactions J8 = 0.21 meV and J5 = 0.093 meV are antiferromagnetic. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations demonstrated that the proposed model reproduces the experimental Neel temperature, magnetization and magnetic susceptibility data. The modeling of neutron diffraction data reveals an important role of the covalent Cu-O bonding in Ba3Cu3Sc4O12.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Nanoskyrmion engineering with spsp-electron materials: Sn monolayer on SiC(0001) surface

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    Materials with spsp-magnetism demonstrate strongly nonlocal Coulomb interactions, which opens a way to probe correlations in the regimes not achievable in transition metal compounds. By the example of Sn monolayer on SiC(0001) surface, we show that such systems exhibit unusual but intriguing magnetic properties at the nanoscale. Physically, this is attributed to the presence of a significant ferromagnetic coupling, the so-called direct exchange, which fully compensates ubiquitous antiferromagnetic interactions of the superexchange origin. Having a nonlocal nature, the direct exchange was previously ignored because it cannot be captured within the conventional density functional methods and significantly challenges ground state models earlier proposed for Sn/SiC(0001). Furthermore, heavy adatoms induce strong spin-orbit coupling, which leads to a highly anisotropic form of the spin Hamiltonian, in which the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is dominant. The latter is suggested to be responsible for the formation of a nanoskyrmion state at realistic magnetic fields and temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, supplemental materia

    Renormalized spectral function for Co adatom on the Pt(111) surface

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    The strong Coulomb correlations effects in the electronic structure of magnetic Co adatom on the Pt(111) surface have been investigated. Using a realistic five d-orbital impurity Anderson model at low temperatures with parameters determined from first-principles calculations we found a striking change of the electronic structure in comparison with the LDA results. The spectral function calculated with full rotationally invariant Coulomb interaction is in good agreement with the quasiparticle region of the STM conductance spectrum. Using the calculated spin-spin correlation functions we have analyzed the formation of the magnetic moments of the Co impurity orbitals.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure