28 research outputs found

    Magnetic frustration in BaCuSi2O6 released

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    Han Purple (BaCuSi2O6) is not only an ancient pigment, but also a valuable model material for studying Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of magnons in high magnetic fields. Using precise low-temperature structural data and extensive density-functional calculations, we elucidate magnetic couplings in this compound. The resulting magnetic model comprises two types of nonequivalent spin dimers, in excellent agreement with the (63,65)Cu nuclear magnetic resonance data. We further argue that leading interdimer couplings connect the upper site of one dimer to the bottom site of the contiguous dimer, and not the upper-to-upper and bottom-to-bottom sites, as assumed previously. This finding is verified by inelastic neutron scattering data and implies the lack of magnetic frustration in BaCuSi2O6, thus challenging existing theories of the magnon BEC in this compound.Comment: 4.5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Cubic symmetry and magnetic frustration on the fccfcc spin lattice in K2_2IrCl6_6

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    Cubic crystal structure and regular octahedral environment of Ir4+^{4+} render antifluorite-type K2_2IrCl6_6 a model fcc antiferromagnet with a combination of Heisenberg and Kitaev exchange interactions. High-resolution synchrotron powder diffraction confirms cubic symmetry down to at least 20 K, with a low-energy rotary mode gradually suppressed upon cooling. Using thermodynamic and transport measurements, we estimate the activation energy of Δ0.7\Delta\simeq 0.7 eV for charge transport, the antiferromagnetic Curie-Weiss temperature of θCW43\theta_{\rm CW}\simeq -43 K, and the extrapolated saturation field of Hs87H_s\simeq 87 T. All these parameters are well reproduced \textit{ab initio} using Ueff=2.2U_{\rm eff}=2.2 eV as the effective Coulomb repulsion parameter. The antiferromagnetic Kitaev exchange term of K5K\simeq 5 K is about one half of the Heisenberg term J13J\simeq 13 K. While this combination removes a large part of the classical ground-state degeneracy, the selection of the unique magnetic ground state additionally requires a weak second-neighbor exchange coupling J20.2J_2\simeq 0.2 K. Our results suggest that K2_2IrCl6_6 may offer the best possible cubic conditions for Ir4+^{4+} and demonstrates the interplay of geometrical and exchange frustration in a high-symmetry setting.Comment: 9 page

    Nanoskyrmion engineering with spsp-electron materials: Sn monolayer on SiC(0001) surface

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    Materials with spsp-magnetism demonstrate strongly nonlocal Coulomb interactions, which opens a way to probe correlations in the regimes not achievable in transition metal compounds. By the example of Sn monolayer on SiC(0001) surface, we show that such systems exhibit unusual but intriguing magnetic properties at the nanoscale. Physically, this is attributed to the presence of a significant ferromagnetic coupling, the so-called direct exchange, which fully compensates ubiquitous antiferromagnetic interactions of the superexchange origin. Having a nonlocal nature, the direct exchange was previously ignored because it cannot be captured within the conventional density functional methods and significantly challenges ground state models earlier proposed for Sn/SiC(0001). Furthermore, heavy adatoms induce strong spin-orbit coupling, which leads to a highly anisotropic form of the spin Hamiltonian, in which the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is dominant. The latter is suggested to be responsible for the formation of a nanoskyrmion state at realistic magnetic fields and temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, supplemental materia

    Magnetism of coupled spin tetrahedra in ilinskite-type KCu5_{5}O2_2(SeO3_3)2_2Cl3_3

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    Synthesis, thermodynamic properties, and microscopic magnetic model of ilinskite-type KCu5_{5}O2_2(SeO3_3)2_2Cl3_3 built by corner-sharing Cu4_4 tetrahedra are reported, and relevant magnetostructural correlations are discussed. Quasi-one-dimensional magnetic behavior with the short-range order around 50\,K and the absence of long-range order down to at least 2\,K is observed experimentally and explained in terms of weakly coupled spin ladders (tubes) with a complex topology formed upon fragmentation of the tetrahedral network. This fragmentation is rooted in the non-trivial effect of the SeO3_3 groups that render the Cu--O--Cu superexchange strongly ferromagnetic.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Toward cubic symmetry for Ir4+^{4+}: structure and magnetism of antifluorite K2_2IrBr6_6

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    Crystal structure, electronic state of Ir4+^{4+}, and magnetic properties of the antifluorite compound K2_2IrBr6_6 are studied using high-resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), thermodynamic and transport measurements, and ab initio calculations. The crystal symmetry is reduced from cubic at room temperature to tetragonal below 170 K and eventually to monoclinic below 122 K. These changes are tracked by the evolution of the non-cubic crystal-field splitting Δ\Delta measured by RIXS. Non-monotonic changes in Δ\Delta are ascribed to the competing effects of the tilt, rotation, and deformation of the IrBr6_6 octahedra as well as tetragonal strain on the electronic levels of Ir4+^{4+}. The N\'eel temperature of TN=11.9T_N=11.9 K exceeds that of the isostructural K2_2IrCl6_6, and the magnitude of frustration on the fcc spin lattice decreases. We argue that the replacement of Cl by Br weakens electronic correlations and enhances magnetic couplings.Comment: published version: 13 pages + Supplemental Materia

    An effective spin model on the honeycomb lattice for the description of magnetic properties in two-dimensional Fe3_3GeTe2_2

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    Fe3_3GeTe2_2 attracts significant attention due to technological perspectives of realizing room temperature ferromagnetism in two-dimensional materials. Here we show that due to structural peculiarities of the Fe3_3GeTe2_2 monolayer, short distance between the neighboring iron atoms induces a strong exchange coupling. This strong coupling allows us to consider them as an effective cluster with a magnetic moment \sim5 μB\mu_B, giving rise to a simplified spin model on a bipartite honeycomb lattice with the reduced number of long-range interactions. The simplified model perfectly reproduces the results of the conventional spin model, but allows for a more tractable description of the magnetic properties of Fe3_3GeTe2_2, which is important, e.g., for large-scale simulations. Also, we discuss the role of biaxial strain in the stabilization of ferromagnetic ordering in Fe3_3GeTe2_2.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Field evolution of the spin-liquid candidate YbMgGaO4

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    We report magnetization, heat capacity, thermal expansion, and magnetostriction measurements down to mK temperatures on the triangular antiferromagnet YbMgGaO4_4. Our data exclude the formation of the distinct 13\frac13-plateau phase observed in other triangular antiferromagnets, but reveal plateau-like features in second derivatives of the free energy, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat, at μ0H\mu_0H = 1.0 - 2.5 T for HcH\parallel{}c and 2 - 5 T for HcH\perp{}c. Using Monte-Carlo simulations of a realistic spin Hamiltonian, we ascribe these features to non-monotonic changes in the magnetization and the 12\frac12-plateau that is smeared out by the random distribution of exchange couplings in YbMgGaO4_4