24 research outputs found

    Dynamics of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with various polymeric coatings

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    In this article, the results of a study of the magnetic dynamics of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) with chitosan and polyethylene glycol (PEG) coatings are reported. The materials were prepared by the co-precipitation method and characterized by X-ray diffraction, dynamic light scattering and scanning transmission electron microscopy. It was shown that the cores contain maghemite, and their hydrodynamic diameters vary from 49 nm for PEG-coated to 200 nm for chitosan-coated particles. The magnetic dynamics of the nanoparticles in terms of the function of temperature was studied with magnetic susceptometry and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Their superparamagnetic fluctuations frequencies, determined from the fits of Mössbauer spectra, range from tens to hundreds of megahertz at room temperature and mostly decrease in the applied magnetic field. For water suspensions of nanoparticles, maxima are observed in the absorption part of magnetic susceptibility and they shift to higher temperatures with increasing excitation frequency. A step-like decrease of the susceptibility occurs at freezing, and from that, the Brown’s and Néel’s contributions are extracted and compared for nanoparticles differing in core sizes and types of coating. The results are analyzed and discussed with respect to the tailoring of the dynamic properties of these nanoparticle materials for requirements related to the characteristic frequency ranges of MRI and electromagnetic field hyperthermia

    Introspection in modern psychology

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    Niniejsza praca magisterska dotyczy roli introspekcji we współczesnej psychologii. W celu ustalenia wartości metodologii opartej na introspekcji, w pracy zostają omówione wybrane aspekty tego zagadnienia. Część pierwsza dotyczy historii introspekcji i stanowi próbę ustalenia statusu tej metody na przestrzeni dziejów. Część druga to próba uchwycenia natury wybranych zjawisk, które są charakterystyczne dla najnowszych dociekań psychologicznych. Ostatnia część ma stanowić przegląd przebiegu współczesnej dyskusji odnośnie introspekcji i możliwości wykorzystania tej metody. Celem pracy ma być odpowiedź na pytanie, czy metoda introspekcyjna z uwzględnieniem jej historii może być przydatna dla współczesnej psychologii.This master's thesis deals with the role of introspection in contemporary psychology. To determine the value of a methodology based on introspection, the paper discusses selected aspects of this issue. The first part deals with the history of introspection and attempts to establish the status of this method throughout history. The second part tries to capture the nature of selected phenomena that are characteristic of the latest psychological investigations. The last part reviews the course of contemporary discussion regarding introspection and the possibilities of using this method. The aim of the master’s thesis is to answer the question whether the introspective method can be useful for modern psychology considering its history

    Caring for a patient with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Wstęp: Zespół policystycznych jajników (PCOS) stał się jedną z najczęściej występujących endokrynopatii, dotyczy on około 4-12% kobiet znajdujących się w wieku rozrodczym. Do klinicznych objawów należą: zaburzenia miesiączkowania, utrudnienia związane z zajściem w ciąże oraz hiperandrogenizm, objawiający się trądzikiem, hirsutyzmem czy łysieniem androgenowym. U około 40% kobiet z PCOS stwierdza się niepłodność. Zespołowi policystycznych jajników może również towarzyszyć współwystępowanie otyłości, hiperinsulinemii, insulinooporności, jak również zaburzenia gospodarki węglowodanowej i lipidowej. Cel pracy: Celem pracy było sformułowanie aktualnych i potencjalnych diagnoz dotyczących opieki nad kobietą z zespołem policystycznych jajników zgodnie z wytycznymi NANDA oraz przeprowadzenie planu opieki w oparciu o teorię pielęgnowania Dorothy Orem.Materiał i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono na podstawie metody indywidualnego przypadku 21 letniej pacjentki zmagającej się z zespołem policystycznych jajników. W celu gromadzenia danych wykorzystano techniki badawcze takie jak: wywiad, obserwacja, analiza dokumentacji medycznej, wykonywanie pomiarów oraz piśmiennictwo naukowe.Wyniki: W procesie pielęgnowania stworzono 7 diagnoz pielęgniarskich związanych z opieką nad pacjentką z zespołem policystycznych jajników. Było to możliwe, dzięki objęciu pacjentki opieką pielęgniarską od 22.11.2021 r do 15.04.2022 r. Głównymi problemami zdrowotnymi, które wyodrębniono były: nieregularne cykle miesiączkowe, zmęczenie, obniżona jakość życia spowodowana alergią, niepokój związany z możliwymi trudnościami z zajściem w ciąże, nadmierne owłosienie powodujące obniżenie własnej wartości, ryzyko powikłań zakrzepowo-zatorowych, ryzyko wystąpienia cukrzycy typu 2. Wnioski: Objęcie pacjentki holistyczną opieką pozwoliło na poprawę jej stanu zdrowia, pomimo chorób towarzyszących PCOS, takich jak insulinooporność czy choroba Hashimoto. Wpływ na to miały zachowania prozdrowotne pacjentki. Dzięki zastosowanej farmakoterapii udało się wyeliminować najbardziej utrudniający objaw dla pacjentki, jakim były nieregularne cykle miesiączkowe. Stan psychiczny pacjentki jest w dalszym ciągu obniżony, ze względu na prawdopodobne trudności związane z zajściem w upragnioną ciążę.Admission: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has become one of the most common endocrinopathies, affecting approximately 4-12% of women of childbearing age. The clinical symptoms include: menstrual disorders, difficulties associated with the onset pregnancy and hyperandrogenism, manifested by acne, hirsutism or androgenic alopecia. About 40% of women with PCOS are infertile. Polycystic ovary syndrome may also be associated with the coexistence of obesity, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, as well as disturbances in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.Objective of the work: The aim of the study was to formulate current and potential diagnoses regarding the care of a woman with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in accordance with the NANDA guidelines and to carry out a care plan based on the Dorothy Orem nursing theory.Materials and methods: The study was carried out on the basis of an individual case method of a 21-year-old patient struggling with the polycystic ovary syndrome. In order to collect data, research techniques were used, such as: interview, observation, analysis of medical records, taking measurements and scientific literature.Results: In the nursing process, were created 7 nursing diagnoses related to the care of a patient with polycystic ovary syndrome. It was possible thanks to nursing care of the patient from 22.11.2021 to 15.04.2022. The main problems were: risk of thromboembolic complications, risk of type 2 diabetes, irregular menstrual cycles, fatigue, decreased quality of life caused by allergies, anxiety related to possible difficulties in getting pregnant, excessive hair causing reduction in self-worth.Conclusion: Covering the patient with holistic care allowed her to improve her health, despite the accompanying PCOS diseases, such as insulin resistance or Hashimoto's disease. It was influenced by the health-promoting behavior of the patient. Thanks to the applied pharmacotherapy managed to eliminate the most disturbing symptom for the patient, which was irregular menstrual cycles. The patient's mental state is continued to be depressed due to possible difficulties with the occurrence into the desired pregnancy

    Diffusion-weighted imaging and diffusion tensor imaging of the heart in vivo: major developments

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    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) is a powerful diagnostic tool. Contrast in DWI images is dictated by the differences in diffusion of water in tissues, which depends on the tissue type, hydration and fluid composition. Therefore DWI can differentiate between hard and soft tissues, as well as visualize their condition, such as edema, necrosis or fibrosis. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a DWI technique which additionally delivers information about the microstructure. In cardiovascular applications DWI/DTI can non-invasively characterize the acute to chronic phase of the area at risk and microstructural dynamics without the need to use contrast agents. However, cardiac DWI/DTI differs from other applications due to serious anatomic and technologic challenges. Over the years, scientists have stepped up overcoming more and more advanced obstacles associated with complex 3D myocardial motions, breathing, blood flow and perfusion. The aim of this article is to review milestone technologic advances in DWI/ DTI of the heart in vivo. The discussed development begins with the adjustment of the diffusion imaging block to the electrocardiogram-based most quiescent phase, next considers different pulse sequence designs for first-, second- and higher-order motion compensation and SNR improvement, and ends up with prospects for further developments. Reviewed papers show great progress in this research area, but the gap between the scientific development and common clinical practice is tremendous. Cardiac DWI/ DTI has promising clinical relevance and its addition to routine imaging techniques of patients with heart disease may empower clinical diagnosis.ISSN:1734-9338ISSN:1897-429

    Nuclear magnetic resonance footprint of Wharton Jelly mesenchymal stem cells death mechanisms and distinctive in-cell biophysical properties in vitro

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    The importance of the biophysical characterization of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) was recently pointed out for supporting the development of MSC‐based therapies. Among others, tracking MSCs in vivo and a quantitative characterization of their regenerative impact by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) demands a full description of MSCs’ MR properties. In the work, Wharton Jelly MSCs are characterized in a low magnetic field (LF) in vitro by using different approaches. They encompass various settings: MSCs cultured in a Petri dish and cell suspensions; experiments‐ 1D‐T (1), 1D‐T (2), 1D diffusion, 2D T (1)‐T (2) and D‐T (2); devices‐ with a bore aperture and single‐sided one. Complex NMR analysis with the aid of random walk simulations allows the determination of MSCs T (1) and T (2) relaxation times, cells and nuclei sizes, self‐diffusion coefficients of the nucleus and cytoplasm. In addition, the influence of a single layer of cells on the effective diffusion coefficient of water is detected with the application of a single‐sided NMR device. It also enables the identification of apoptotic and necrotic cell death and changed diffusional properties of cells suspension caused by compressing forces induced by the subsequent cell layers. The study delivers MSCs‐specific MR parameters that may help tracking MSCs in vivo

    The effect of coffee and black tea consumption on sleep bruxism intensity based on polysomnographic examination

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    Background: Sleep bruxism (SB) is a common behavior that can result in various clinical consequences on human health. Risk factors for SB include among others emotional stress, anxiety, tobacco smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. Coffee and black tea are among the most commonly consumed beverages worldwide. This study explores the influence of coffee and black tea consumption on bruxism intensity, as observed in polysomnographic examination. Methods: Polysomnographic examination with simultaneous camera recording was conducted in 106 adult subjects. The results were evaluated according to guidelines set out by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). The study group was divided according to habitual stimulant usage, as declared by the participants in a self-reported questionnaire. Four groups were identified: coffee drinkers versus non-drinkers and black tea drinkers versus non-drinkers. Results: The bruxism episode index (BEI) was increased in coffee-drinkers as opposed to non-drinkers (4.59 ± 3.44 vs. 2.87 ± 1.50, p = 0.011). Sleep fragmentation, measured according to the arousal index, was comparable in coffee drinkers and non-drinkers. Electrolyte and lipid levels were similar in coffee drinkers and non-drinkers. Habitual black tea intake did not affect sleep architecture or bruxism intensity. Conclusions: The study showed that habitual coffee consumption is a risk factor for the increased intensity of sleep bruxism. Neither coffee nor tea consumption is related to sleep fragmentation in habitual drinkers. Coffee and tea intake does not affect electrolyte and lipid concentrations. Caution should therefore be recommended in drinking coffee in people with sleep bruxism

    The Effect of Cadmium on Sleep Parameters Assessed in Polysomnographic Studies: A Case–Control Study

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    Cadmium is a heavy metal that accumulates in the body due to environmental and occupational exposure. The main form of environmental exposure to cadmium is related to cigarette smoking. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cadmium on numerous sleep parameters with the use of polysomnography. The secondary aim of this study was to investigate if environmental exposure to cadmium is a risk factor for the intensity of sleep bruxism (SB). Methods: A total of 44 adults underwent a full night of polysomnographic examination. The polysomnograms were assessed according to guidelines set out by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). The concentration of cadmium in the blood and urine was determined spectrophotometrically. Results: The polysomnographic examination confirmed that cadmium, age, male gender and smoking status are independent risk factors for an increase in the apnea–hypopnea index (AHI). Cadmium alters sleep architecture by favoring sleep fragmentation and decreasing the duration of the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep. However, cadmium exposure is not a risk factor for the development of sleep bruxism. Conclusions: In summary, this study demonstrates that cadmium affects sleep architecture and is a risk factor for the development of obstructive sleep apnea; however, it does not affect sleep bruxism

    Diffusion as a Natural Contrast in MR Imaging of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Tissue Changes. A Case Study of the Clinical Application of DTI for a Patient with Chronic Calf Muscles Ischemia

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    This paper reports a first application of diffusion tensor imaging with corrections by using the B-matrix spatial distribution method (BSD-DTI) for peripheral artery disease (PAD) detected in the changes of diffusion tensor parameters (DTPs). A 76-year-old male was diagnosed as having PAD, since he demonstrated in angiographic images of lower legs severe arterial stenosis and the presence of lateral and peripheral circulation and assigned to the double-blind RCT using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) or placebo for the regenerative treatment of implications of ischemic diseases. In order to indicate changes in diffusivity in calf muscles in comparison to a healthy control, a DTI methodology was developed. The main advantage of the applied protocol was decreased scanning time, which was achieved by reducing b-value and number of scans (to 1), while maintaining minimal number of diffusion gradient directions and high resolution. This was possible due to calibration via the BSD method, which reduced systematic errors and allowed quantitative analysis. In the course of PAD, diffusivities were elevated across the calf muscles in posterior compartment and lost their anisotropy. Different character was noticed for anterior compartment, in which diffusivities along and across muscles were decreased without a significant loss of anisotropy. After the intervention involving a series of injections, the improvement of DTPs and tractography was visible, but can be assigned neither to MSCs nor placebo before unblinding