3 research outputs found

    Apropiación de la educación STEM/STEAM en Colombia: una revisión a la producción de trabajos de grado

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    STEM education is an approach that aims to respond to the demands of a highly digitized society with emerging problems that cannot be solved from a single disciplinary field. In Colombia, initiatives have proliferated from different sectors, still isolated and with few reports in higher education, particularly in initial teacher training. Therefore, this article aimed to analyze the understandings and appropriations of the STEM/STEAM educational approach in the country from a perspective of professional training. To this effect, a critical review of undergraduate works was carried out based on the following categories: purposes, acronyms and denominations; levels of integration; learning objectives; and implementation strategies. As a result, a preference for using the STEM acronym was found, and interdisciplinarity was highlighted as the level of integration sought in the design of classroom experiences, but, at the same time, challenges for achieving it were recognized, as well as discussions that are still limited regarding the way in which meaningful relationships could be established between the disciplines of the STEM/STEAM acronym.La educación STEM es un enfoque que busca responder a las demandas de una sociedad altamente digitalizada y con problemas emergentes que no se resuelven desde un solo campo disciplinar. En Colombia han proliferado iniciativas desde distintos sectores, aún aisladas y con pocos reportes en la educación superior, particularmente en la formación inicial de profesores. Por esta razón, este artículo tuvo como objetivo analizar las comprensiones y apropiaciones del enfoque educativo STEM/STEAM en el país desde la formación profesional. Para ello, se realizó una revisión crítica de trabajos de pregrado a partir de las siguientes categorías: finalidades, acrónimos y denominaciones; integración de las disciplinas; objetivos de aprendizaje; y estrategias para su implementación. Como resultado, se encontró una preferencia por el uso del acrónimo STEM, y se resaltó la interdisciplinariedad como el nivel de integración pretendido en el diseño de experiencias de aula, pero al mismo tiempo se reconocieron desafíos para su consecución, así como discusiones aún limitadas acerca de la manera en que podrían constituirse relaciones significativas entre las disciplinas del acrónimo STEM/STEAM

    Revista Temas Agrarios Volumen 26; Suplemento 1 de 2021

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    1st International and 2nd National Symposium of Agronomic Sciences: The rebirth of the scientific discussion space for the Colombian Agro.1 Simposio Intenacional y 2 Nacional de Ciencias Agronómicas: El renacer del espacio de discusión científica para el Agro colombiano

    Evolution over Time of Ventilatory Management and Outcome of Patients with Neurologic Disease∗

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the changes in ventilator management over time in patients with neurologic disease at ICU admission and to estimate factors associated with 28-day hospital mortality. DESIGN: Secondary analysis of three prospective, observational, multicenter studies. SETTING: Cohort studies conducted in 2004, 2010, and 2016. PATIENTS: Adult patients who received mechanical ventilation for more than 12 hours. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Among the 20,929 patients enrolled, we included 4,152 (20%) mechanically ventilated patients due to different neurologic diseases. Hemorrhagic stroke and brain trauma were the most common pathologies associated with the need for mechanical ventilation. Although volume-cycled ventilation remained the preferred ventilation mode, there was a significant (p < 0.001) increment in the use of pressure support ventilation. The proportion of patients receiving a protective lung ventilation strategy was increased over time: 47% in 2004, 63% in 2010, and 65% in 2016 (p < 0.001), as well as the duration of protective ventilation strategies: 406 days per 1,000 mechanical ventilation days in 2004, 523 days per 1,000 mechanical ventilation days in 2010, and 585 days per 1,000 mechanical ventilation days in 2016 (p < 0.001). There were no differences in the length of stay in the ICU, mortality in the ICU, and mortality in hospital from 2004 to 2016. Independent risk factors for 28-day mortality were age greater than 75 years, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II greater than 50, the occurrence of organ dysfunction within first 48 hours after brain injury, and specific neurologic diseases such as hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke, and brain trauma. CONCLUSIONS: More lung-protective ventilatory strategies have been implemented over years in neurologic patients with no effect on pulmonary complications or on survival. We found several prognostic factors on mortality such as advanced age, the severity of the disease, organ dysfunctions, and the etiology of neurologic disease