8 research outputs found

    Hypoglycemic Effects of Polyphenol Complexes from Bilberry Leaves and Fruits Sorbed on Brown Buckwheat Flour -- Experimental Evaluation and Prospects of Use

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    The effects of plant polyphenols on carbohydrate and/or lipid metabolism disorders have wide experimental and clinical justification; however, their effects are limited due to low bioavailability. Thus, the development of technological approaches enhancing their effectiveness and stability is relevant.The aim of this work was to evaluatein vivothe effects of polyphenols from bilberry leaves and fruits, sorbed on the brown buckwheat flour, on C57Bl/6c mice with carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders. We assessed in vivothe effect of a food matrix (FM1: bilberry leaf polyphenols sorbed on brown buckwheat flour) on C57Bl/6c mice with induced carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders. The aim of the second experiment was to evaluate the effectiveness of prolonged prophylactic consumption of another food matrix (FM2: billberry fruit polyphenols, sorbed on brown buckwheat flour) by C57Bl/6c micewith induced carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders. Technological approaches were developed and pilot batches of the food matrices FM1 and FM2were obtained. According to the in vivo testing, a significant decrease in the glucose levels and normalization of glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity were found in animals treated with FM1. When assessing the in vivo effects of FM2, the hypoglycemic effect of bilberry fruit polyphenols in the composition of the matrix was established. The results of these studies can be used to justify the testing of the developed matrices in a clinical setting and using them as functional food ingredients for preventative nutrition in cases of carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Keywords: polyphenols, food matrix, functional food ingredient, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolis

    A food ingredient containing phytoecdysteroids and polyphenols from quinoa grain: technology and physiological and biochemical evaluation in vivo

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    An effective technological approach to produce adaptogenic microingredients is to concentrate plant biologically active substances via sorption on various matrices. The aim was to develop and evaluate in vivo the phytoecdysteroids and flavonoids concentrate extracted from quinoa grain and sorbed on the coagulated chicken egg protein. The consecutive extraction of phytoecdysteroids and flavonoids was conducted followed by sorption on the protein. The in vivo experiment was performed during 37 days using Wistar male rats. The developed concentrate was added into the diet of experimental animals in the dose 0.59Β±0.02 g/100 g of diet. As a stress model we used daily 40-min immobilization and exhaustive 3-hour immobilization at the end of the experiment. Urinary catecholamines content was determined, blood corticosterone, malon dialdehyde, glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase content was determined. Phytoecdysteroids and flavonoids were concentrated 20 and 80 times respectively compared to the initial raw materials. The concentrate consumption neutralized negative effect of immobilization stress on anxiety level of Wistar rats. The significant decrease in urinary excretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline shows the pronounced adaptogenic effect of the concentrate, whereas phytoecdysteroids and flavonoids act as prostressors activating body antioxidant protection system, what is substantiated by significantly increased blood superoxide dismutase level of experimental animals

    Adaptogenic Properties of a Phytoecdysteroid-Rich Extract from the Leaves of Spinacia oleracea L.

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    Increasing the ability of the human body to adapt in conditions of physical or emotional stress is promising from the standpoint of the use of preventive nutrition containing functional food ingredients (FFI) with proven effectiveness in complex physiological in vivo studies. In this work, we developed FFI from spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea L.) with a high content of polyphenols and adaptogens—phytoecdysteroids. Using in vivo models of increased physical activity and immobilization-induced emotional stress, we evaluated the nonspecific resistance of rats in response to the addition of the developed FFI to the diet. In the acute toxicity experiment, we found no signs of FFI toxicity up to 5000 mg/kg body weight. As a result of the daily 26-day consumption of FFI, we observed an anxiolytic effect in physiological studies. FFI prevented an increase in the content of biogenic amines in the blood, the main markers of the stress system, and had a positive effect on the lipid metabolism of the rats. The obtained results demonstrate a “smoothing” effect on the body’s reaction in response to induced stress conditions

    The Technology and Composition of Functional Food Ingredients Obtained by Sorption of the Polyphenolic Compounds From Cranberry on Coagulated Egg Albumen

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    The technologies for developing food products for people with type 2 diabetes involve enrichment with polyphenolic compounds that have hypoglycemic and/or hypolipidemic properties. The production of ingredients for introduction into such food products should involve the techniques of concentration of natural polyphenols on certain food-grade protein matrices. In this study, a technology was developed for the production of a functional food ingredient, which was a complex of polyphenols (mostly anthocyans) from cranberries with coagulated egg albumen. The optimal parameters of sorption of anthocyans from cranberry juice on the albumen during the coagulation of the latter were determined. The contents and profile of anthocyans within the resulting food ingredient were assessed. The concentration of total anthocyans (recalculated to equivalents of cyanidin-3-glucoside) was determined by pH-differential spectrophotometry; the profile of individual anthocyans was determined by highperformance liquid chromatography. Sensory evaluation of the resulting ingredient (through a taste panel test) evidenced the possibility of including the product in the functional foodstuffs. The technology developed can be used in the design of functional food ingredients for subsequent introduction into anti-diabetic food products. Keywords: coagulated egg albumen, cranberry juice, anthocyans, functional food ingredient

    Complex of polyphenols sorbed on buckwheat flour as a functional food ingredient

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    An innovative approach to creating a new generation of specialised foods for dietary therapy of type 2 diabetes can involve planned adding of plant polyphenols to their formulafions. The marked antioxidant properties of polyphenols largely determine their potential antidiabetic effects. However, the use of food polyphenols for prophylactic purposes is limited by their low bioavailability, which makes it expedient to search for technological approaches aimed at obtaining polyphenolic matrices with high biological activity, increased digestibility, and stability. This study objective was to purposely extract and concentrate the polyphenols by sorbing them from an aqueous solution of the bilberry leaf extract (BLE) on buckwheat flour and to assess their storage stability. A number of experiments on optimal parameters selection for sorbing polyphenols from the BLE on buckwheat flour were performed. The parameters included the concentration of the extract solution, the solution/sorbent ratio, the pH of the solution, the temperature and the time of sorption. The sorption on the polyphenol matrix was determined from the difference in their contents in the initial solution of the extract and in the supernatant after centrifugation by the FolinCiocalteu method. The effects of exposure to light, temperatures, and humidity on the polyphenol compounds in the dry BLE and in the food matrix contents during storage was analysed by the FTIR spectroscopy. The experiments determined the optimal conditions for the BLE polyphenol sorption on buckwheat flour by incubation of a 2% BLE solution pH = 3.6 with the portion of buckwheat flour at the ratio of 1g/50 cm3 solution for 45 minutes at 25Β°C. When storing the food matrix, there was no significant degradation of the polyphenolic compounds in the food matrix, which indicates an increase in the stability of the polyphenols sorbed on buckwheat flour. This paper presents the results that are scientifically and practically relevant for the nutritiology experts who devise promising technological approaches to expanding the range of functional food ingredients of the antidiabetic character