6 research outputs found

    Blockchain-Based Verifiable Tracking of Resellable Returned Drugs

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    An enormous amount of drug supply is regularly wasted due to several reasons related to incorrect prescription, purchase of unnecessary quantities, drug intolerance, allergy, or interactions. On the other hand, these medicines may be needed by patients who cannot afford to purchase them. To address this challenge, we propose a fully decentralized solution that governs the return and redistribution of unused drugs that are fit for usage. Our approach exploits the decentralized blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized storage systems such as the Interplanetary File Systems (IPFS).We develop a system that provides the ability for customers as well as pharmacies to return re-usable, resellable drugs for donation or resale at a lower price. The proposed scheme tracks the production of drugs from manufacturers to traders that subsequently sell them to customers. Unused drugs can be returned after approval by specialized entities and then redistributed. In particular, we present the decentralized system architecture and implement a prototype on a test Ethereum blockchain platform to present the suggested workflow. Further, we provide system evaluation focused on assessing system functionality, performance, execution cost, and security of smart contracts and their robustness. We have also made our smart contracts code publicly available on Github

    Trustworthy Blockchain Gateways for Resource-Constrained Clients and IoT Devices

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    Constrained blockchain clients are unable to process and store the entire blockchain ledger and mine blocks on the blockchain. Such nodes rely on the view of blockchain provided by full nodes termed as gateways. However, gateway nodes can provide a distorted view of the blockchain, making lightweight clients vulnerable to eclipse attack. When under such an attack, a client cannot differentiate between a forked view of the blockchain and the legitimate blockchain ledger leading to fatal consequences and huge losses incurred. To mitigate such threats, we propose a data attestation solution which employs full nodes as validators to attest the responses reported by gateways of lightweight nodes. Leveraging smart contracts, our approach gives lightweight clients confidence in the data reported as they are unable to validate it from the blockchain network itself. The system governs the attestation process that comprises of submitting attestation requests, approving them, recording the response of validators, and manage payments. Clients can, thereafter, provide their feedback about the validator/gateway performance in the form of a reputation score. We present the proposed system architecture and describe its implementation on the Ethereum blockchain network. We evaluated the proposed solution with respect to functionality testing, cost of execution, and security analysis of smart contracts developed.We have also made our smart contracts code publicly available on Github

    A Blockchain-Based Approach for Drug Traceability in Healthcare Supply Chain

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    Healthcare supply chains are complex structures spanning across multiple organizational and geographical boundaries, providing critical backbone to services vital for everyday life. The inherent complexity of such systems can introduce impurities including inaccurate information, lack of transparency and limited data provenance. Counterfeit drugs is one consequence of such limitations within existing supply chains which not only has serious adverse impact on human health but also causes severe economic loss to the healthcare industry. Consequently, existing studies have emphasized the need for a robust, end-to-end track and trace system for pharmaceutical supply chains. Therein, an end-to-end product tracking system across the pharmaceutical supply chain is paramount to ensuring product safety and eliminating counterfeits. Most existing track and trace systems are centralized leading to data privacy, transparency and authenticity issues in healthcare supply chains. In this article, we present an Ethereum blockchain-based approach leveraging smart contracts and decentralized off-chain storage for efficient product traceability in the healthcare supply chain. The smart contract guarantees data provenance, eliminates the need for intermediaries and provides a secure, immutable history of transactions to all stakeholders. We present the system architecture and detailed algorithms that govern the working principles of our proposed solution. We perform testing and validation, and present cost and security analysis of the system to evaluate its effectiveness to enhance traceability within pharmaceutical supply chains

    Design and Implementation of CryptoCargo: A Blockchain-Powered Smart Shipping Container for Vaccine Distribution

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    A large number of shipments are moved everyday domestically and internationally. A considerable number of items such as food, commodities, and pharmaceutical drugs are prone to damage in transit. This can be caused due to various reasons such as improper storage conditions and exposure to air or sunlight. The Internet of Things (IoT) has been used to enhance fundamental shipment tracking by improving transparency and visibility to such transport systems. This paper introduces a blockchain-powered smart container system (CryptoCargo) that monitors the conditions of the shipment and detects any violations that may damage its contents. These violations are recorded on the blockchain via smart contracts, which provides a secure and immutable storage thereby improving its trustworthiness in an inherently trustless environment comprising of multiple stakeholders. We present the design and implementation of CryptoCargo including architectural concerns and implementation details using a test Ethereum blockchain platform and cloud services. Moreover, we present details of thorough evaluation of the system to validate its function as well as to assess its effectiveness with respect to performance efficiency and real-time operation. We have made our smart contract code publicly available on Github

    Blockchain-based Supply Chain Traceability for COVID-19 personal protective equipment

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted many industries, in particular the healthcare sector exposing systemic vulnerabilities in emergency preparedness, risk mitigation, and supply chain management. A major challenge during the pandemic was related to the increased demand for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), resulting in critical shortages for healthcare and frontline workers. This is due to the lack of information visibility combined with the inability to precisely track product movement within the supply chain, requiring a robust traceability solution. Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that ensures a transparent, safe, and secure exchange of data among supply chain stakeholders. The advantages of adopting blockchain technology to manage and track PPE products in the supply chain include decentralized control, security, traceability, and auditable time-stamped transactions. In this paper, we present a blockchain-based approach using smart contracts to transform PPE supply chain operations. We propose a generic framework using Ethereum smart contracts and decentralized storage systems to automate the processes and information exchange and present detailed algorithms that capture the interactions among supply chain stakeholders. The smart contract code was developed and tested in Remix environment, and the code is made publicly available on Github. We present detailed cost and security analysis incurred by the stakeholders in the supply chain. Adopting a blockchain-based solution for PPE supply chains is economically viable and provides a streamlined, secure, trusted, and transparent mode of communication among various stakeholders

    Mass transport aspects of electrochemical solar-hydrogen generation

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