4 research outputs found

    Pedagogical Giftedness as a Key Prerequisite for Efficient Modern Educational System

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    Introduction. The paper represents the analysis of the ability to teach within the context of the study of the phenomenon of giftedness and psychological structure of a teacher’s professional activities. The objective of the paper is to analyze key areas of the development of the concept of teacher giftedness. This approach allows to describe the basic qualities of the efficient pedagogical activity at the stage of training teachers at higher school. Materials and Methods. Description of key areas of the concept of pedagogical giftedness is based on the ability theory, proposed by V. D. Shadrikov. At the same time, modeling processes of goal-oriented development of pedagogical giftedness is based on a set of modern research psychological methods of structuralfunctional analysis allowing for prediction of properties of the pedagogical system of a teacher, which has such characteristics as varying degrees of success. Organizational methods (first of all, comparative) open up possibilities for assessing the effectiveness of giftedness-in-training development at different stages of teacher training – pre-university, undergraduate and post-graduate. The choice of empirical methods is substantiated by the results of theoretically modeling the structure and ways of development of pedagogical giftedness at the stage of professional self-determination at school, under conditions of educational and independent professional activity. Out of interpretative methods, the most significant (in the context of planned results) are genetic, structural and functional methods . Results. Based on the analysis of the theory of abilities, taking into account the progress in the activitybased approach, a new understanding of the object of psychological sciences as the inner personal world, the methodological validity of the concept of goal-oriented development of pedagogical gift under conditions of teacher training is substantiated. The results obtained make it possible to get a fresh look at the problem of the teacher’s professionally valuable qualities and translate its solution from analytical to systemic research methodology. In the concept proposed by the authors first time ever, the phenomenon of giftedness is considered within the context of its formation in teacher college student, while the subject of the bulk of contemporary research is the object of pedagogical influence. Discussion and Conclusion. The practical application of the study results can significantly modernize the process of teacher training in pedagogical colleges and universities. They will be useful for the teaching staff of pedagogical universities, secondary vocational education institutions, and departments of continuing education


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    The article is devoted to the evaluation of perspectives of interdisciplinary researches using in psychological science in modern conditions. There are formulated approaches that let to improve the efficiency of interdisciplinary researches. Although this issue has received considerable attention of researchers, the problem is not solved at the moment. The theory of complex psychological researches as a scientific concept, reflecting the specificity of psychological research has not been developed yet. The reason for this is that researchers try to develop the principles of organization and procedure of this kind of researches. It is possible to develop the methodology and theory of complex psychological researches, based on the understanding of the subject of psychology. It is alleged that at present time the most adequate understanding of the subject of psychology is his interpretation like the subjective world of human

    Личность будущего педагога: обзор зарубежных исследований

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    Introduction. Modern social and educational conditions of professional activity pose the challenge of developing the problems not of an already established teacher, but an emerging one, because it is at this moment that it is possible to design the conditions for the development of the personality of a future effective educator. This issue is actively discussed in the Russian literature, but there is no consideration of foreign studies on this issue. This article aims to present and analyze foreign psychological approaches to the study of the personality of a future teacher. The novelty of the study lies in the conceptualization of foreign psychological-pedagogical approaches to the study of the future teacher\u27s personality. In addition, the personality of a future teacher is substantiated as an independent stage of specialist’s professional development, as well as a comparison of approaches to this problem in Russian and foreign psychology is made. Theoretical justification. The paper raises theoretical questions about the place of the problem of the future teacher\u27s personality in the structure of foreign pedagogical psychology and psychology of education, theoretical and methodological approaches underlying foreign research, the directions of studying the future teacher\u27s personality, and the personality model of the future teacher. These aspects of the analysis of foreign publications will make it possible to substantiate the provisions on the dominance of the general psychological "Big Five" factor model in the study of the future teacher\u27s personality in foreign psychology, as well as on the similarities and differences in the theoretical and methodological foundations of Russian and foreign pedagogical psychology and psychology of education. Results. The directions of foreign research on this topic are considered: individual and personal characteristics necessary for the successful professional development of the future teacher; value-motivational components of the future teacher\u27s personality; regulators of the effective performance of the future teacher; factors of successful mastery of the profession by the future teacher. An empirical model of the future teacher\u27s personality in foreign pedagogical psychology is derived (based on the studies reviewed): the most significant personal properties and phenomena of the future and young teacher are the personal factors "extraversion", "conscientiousness", "openness to new things", "friendliness", emotional intelligence, self-confidence; in the motivational sphere, an important role is played by internal motivation and career values, as well as focus on mastering specific skills; value orientations are student orientation and a positive attitude to inclusive education; among the regulators of pedagogical activity of a future teacher, the most effective are career adaptability, career satisfaction, focus on professional development, and self-efficacy/self-confidence. Discussion. The analysis of foreign works allowed us to draw the following conclusions: there are no specific conceptual models of the future teacher\u27s personality; studies focus on empirical results, from which specific implications are drawn rather than generalizable conclusions within the issue under study, indicating the emerging state of this field of foreign educational psychology; the universal «Big Five» factor model acts as the concept used to study the personality of the future specialist; similarities in the understanding of the future teacher\u27s personality by Russian and foreign authors are expressed in the definition of personality traits through characteristics not related to pedagogical activity, but related to professional and organizational-psychological phenomena; differences are manifested in the basic theoretical-methodological approaches: Russian psychology uses the activity approach, the concept of professionalism and the theory of social development of the personality, while foreign psychology relies on the competence approach and the «Big Five» factor concept of the personality.Введение. Современные общественные и образовательные условия профессиональной деятельности ставят задачи разработки проблем не уже сложившегося педагога, а только формирующегося, т.к. именно в этом моменте возможно проектирование условий развития личности будущего эффективного педагога. В российской литературе данный вопрос обсуждается активно, однако отсутствует рассмотрение зарубежных исследований по данному вопросу. В данной работе ставится цель представления и анализа зарубежных психологических подходов к изучению личности будущего педагога. Новизна исследования заключается в обращении к научной проблематике личности будущего педагога в зарубежной психологической литературе, чему в настоящее время посвящено недостаточно публикаций. Данная работа ставит задачу восполнения этого пробела в современной психолого-педагогической библиографии. Теоретические обоснования. В работе ставятся теоретические вопросы о месте проблемы личности будущего педагога в структуре зарубежной педагогической психологии и психологии образования, теоретико-методологических подходах, лежащих в основе зарубежных исследований, направлениях изучения личности будущего педагога, модели личности будущего педагога. Данные аспекты анализа зарубежных публикаций позволят обосновать положения о доминировании общепсихологического факторного подхода «Большая пятерка» к изучению личности будущего педагога в зарубежной психологии, а также о сходствах и различиях в теоретико-методологических основаниях российской и зарубежной педагогической психологии и психологии образования. Результаты. Рассматриваются направления зарубежный исследований по данной теме – индивидуально-личностные характеристики, необходимые для успешного профессионального развития будущего педагога; ценностно-мотивационные компоненты личности будущего педагога; регуляторы эффективной деятельности будущего педагога; факторы успешного овладения профессией будущим педагогом. Выводится эмпирическая (на основе рассмотренных исследований) модель личности будущего педагога в зарубежной педагогической психологии: наиболее значимыми личностными свойствами и феноменами будущего и молодого педагога являются личностные факторы «экстраверсия», «добросовестность», «открытость новому», «дружелюбие», эмоциональный интеллект, уверенность в себе; в мотивационной сфере важную роль играет внутренняя мотивация и карьерные ценности, а также направленность на овладение конкретными навыками; ценностными ориентациями выступают направленность на ученика и позитивное отношение к инклюзивному образованию; в числе регуляторов педагогической деятельности у будущего педагога наиболее эффективными являются карьерная адаптивность, удовлетворенность карьерой, направленность на профессиональное развитие и самоэффективность/самоуверенность. Обсуждение результатов. Анализ зарубежных работ позволил сделать следующие выводы: отсутствуют специальные концептуальные модели личности будущего педагога; в качестве используемой концепции изучения личности будущего специалиста выступает универсальный факторный подход «Большая пятерка»; данная область зарубежной педагогической психологии находится еще в стадии оформления