6 research outputs found

    Kompetensi kaunseling pelbagai budaya dan kompetensi spiritual dalam kalangan kaunselor berdaftar di Malaysia

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    This study aimed to examine the level of spiritual competence and multicultural counselling competence among registered counselors in Malaysia. This study also would like to identify the different levels of spiritual competence and multicultural counseling competence based on demoghraphic factors such as gender, age, religion, ethnicity, educational level and tenure approval. A survey was conducted by administering a set of questionnaire consisting "the spiritual competency scale" by Young, Cashwell, Wiggins-Frame and Belaire (2002) and "Multicultural Competency Inventory" by Sodowsky, (1993). Both scales have been translated to Malay language. A total of 240 registered counselors participated in this study. The results showed that most counselors have a moderate level of spiritual competence with a mean of 3.64 as well as moderate level of multicultural competence with a mean of 2.78. In terms of differences in the level of spiritual competence, there is no significant differences based on gender, age, education level and years of service. Only the religious and ethnicity factor has a significant difference in the levels of counselors' spiritual competence. As for multicultural competence, there is a significant difference in age factor. Therefore, some suggestions have been made based on the findings of this study

    Social support as a moderator of the relationship between work family conflict and family satisfaction

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    This study examines the role of social support in the relationship between work family conflict (work to family; WFC & family to work; FWC) and family satisfaction for private sector employees. Using simple random sampling, data were collected from 260 employees from eight private companies in Terengganu, who responded to the Job Content Questionnaire, Work Family Conflict Scale and Family Satisfaction Scale. Results indicate that both WFC and FWC had significant relationships with family satisfaction. The results of the regression analysis confirmed that FWC was a significant predictor of employees’ family satisfaction. However, social support did not buffer the relationship between work family conflict and family satisfaction. Implication of this study indicates that the organizations need to emphasize the effective strategies of development and implementation for work family balance in improving family satisfaction among employees. The suggestions for future research are also addressed, especially in the Malaysian context


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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to see the effectiveness of the use of Art Therapy Module (ATM) on the well-being of single mothers. Methodology: Experimental quasi methods involving pre-test and post-test were used. A total of 40 respondents were involved in this study and divided into four groups consisting of ten respondents. This ATM was conducted through a five-week counseling session. Collection of study data was done by using Single Mothers Welfare Instrument to measure stress, resilience, mobility and well-being before and after therapy. Main Finding: The findings depicted a decrease in stress levels, increased resilience, coping and well-being. Hypothesis testing showed that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test on the well-being of single mothers in terms of stress, resilience and coping. Application: The findings showed that ATM is effective in helping single mothers to respond to stress, enhance resilience and coping skills to improve their well-being and quality of life. Novelty/Originality: ATM module also contributes to the development of knowledge in the field of counseling, particularly in treatment options offered by counselors for clients such as single mothers

    Role of Supply Chain Management on the Job Control and Social Support for Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction

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    Abstract- The present study investigates the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction of Malaysian workers (N = 1125) based on the supply chain management. It examines the direct and moderating effects of job control and social support on work-family conflict and job satisfaction relationship. The current study examines the Job Demand-Control (JDC) [1] and Job Demand-Control-Support (JDCS) [2] models which are under research in the work-family conflict. Hierarchical regression analyses in the study reveal that work to family conflict (WFC), family to work conflict (FWC) and social support have a direct effect on job satisfaction. However, the result reveals that employees’ job control was not the primary predictor of their job satisfaction. Contrary to the prediction of the JDCS model, the moderating effects of job control and social support on the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction are not found. Implications regarding the importance of the main effect of social support and supply chain management on understanding job satisfaction in Malaysian society and other possible moderators are discussed

    Faktor yang mempengaruhi integrasi kefahaman beragama dalam amalan kaunseling pelbagai budaya di Malaysia

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    Agama dan spiritual adalah domain penting dalam mewujudkan pendekatan yang menyeluruh dan holistik dalam perkhidmatan kaunseling. Association of Spiritual and Religious Values in Counseling telah mengemukakan sembilan kompetensi spiritual sebagai asas kaunselor mengintegrasikan kefahaman beragama dalam amalan kaunseling. Kepentingan agama dalam mempengaruhi kehidupan individu perlu dilihat sama seperti kepentingan pelbagai budaya dalam mempengaruhi keseluruhan aspek kehidupan manusia. Oleh itu kaunselor perlu mengambil kira aspek agama sebagai salah satu komponen yang dinilai secara bersama dengan aspek pelbagai budaya yang lain dalam proses kaunseling. Sehubungan dengan itu agama perlu diintegrasikan dalam proses kaunseling untuk membantu klien ke arah perkembangan hidup yang lebih positif dan bermakna. Oleh yang demikian, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti Integrasi Kefahaman Beragama (IKbA), Kompetensi Kaunseling Pelbagai Budaya (KKPB),Kesejahteraan Spiritual (KS), Komitmen terhadap Aktiviti Keagamaan (KtAK) dan Kompetensi Spiritual dalam Amalan Kaunseling (KSdAK) dalam kalangan kaunselor berdaftar di Malaysia. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara pemboleh ubah –pemboleh ubah yang dikaji iaitu antara KKPB, KtAK, KS dan KSdAk dengan IKbA, di samping mengenal pasti pemboleh ubah peramal IKbA. Kaedah kajian ex-post facto jenis korelasi digunakan. Kajian ini melibatkan 240 orang kaunselor berdaftar di seluruh Malaysia. Soal selidik IKbA, KKPB, KS,KtAK dan KSdAK telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Set soal selidik tersebut dihantar secara pos kepada sampel terpilih. Analisis deskriptif (peratus, min dan sisihan piawai) dan inferensi (Korelasi Pearson, dan analisis regresi pelbagai) digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan IKbA, KKPB, KS dan KSdAK dalam kalangan kaunselor adalah sederhana,manakala KtAK adalah tinggi. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara IKbA dengan KKPB, KtAK, KS dan KSdAK. KSdAK dan KtAK merupakan pemboleh ubah peramal utama bagi IKbA. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian yang diperoleh, antara cadangan yang dikemukakan adalah latihan yang standard dan pendedahan berterusan mengenai pengintegrasian kefahaman beragama dalam amalan kaunseling perlu diwujudkan untuk meningkatkan tahap kompetensi spiritual dan agama dalam kalangan kaunselor berdaftar di Malaysia

    Work family conflict among teachers: evaluating measurement model fit

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    Work family conflict issue has received increasing attention by researchers involving the psychometric properties of measurement scale and its factor structures. Thus, the present study evaluated the psychometric properties and confirmed the factor structure of the work family conflict. A survey design using self-administered questionnaire was conducted to collect the data from 487 teachers in East Coast of Malaysia (Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang) through multistage-random sampling technique. Results of exploratory factor analysis performed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) yielded two factor structures with the cut off value of loading factor (λx) is 0.50 with rotated solution is Varimax. Further, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) also confirmed the scale as a two model factor with good fit indices of p<0.01, χ2 /df=2.41, RMSEA=0.05, CFI=0.99, PCFI=0.63. All items also yielded acceptable factor loading (λx) ranging from 0.72 to 0.94. Thus, the work family conflict scale is a valid and reliable instrument among Malay speaking teachers in the East Coast of Malaysia and proved as a two factor models (e.g. work conflict and family conflict) as the best model fit. Benefits of the measure and uses are discussed