116 research outputs found

    Automation of measuring parameters of single photon detectors at a modular research quantum key distribution setup

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    This paper considers the issue of developing software for automated measurement of single photon detectors at a modular research quantum key distribution setup. The results of measuring the parameters of single photon detectors are presente

    Kırgızistan'ın dağlık bolgelerinden elde edilen polifloralı (çok çiçekli) balın amino asit bileşimi ve bazı fizikokimyasal parametreleri

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    Mountain animal food products are at the center of attention due to their intrinsic value and, as such, mountain beekeeping products deserve attention and effort for their valorisation. The work aimed at investigating the quality traits of mountain honey samples from Kyrgyzstan, giving particular emphasis on the amino acid profiles and their possible relationship with the other chemical-physical characteristics. The moisture content, acidity, pH, and diastase activity of honey samples were within the limits established by normative documents. The honey samples showed a higher diastase activity (26.34 – 77.9 Schade units), which demonstrates the high quality and superiority of mountain honey. The amino acid content of Kyrgyz honey was investigated for the first time. The major amino acids were proline (1553 mg/kg), followed by phenylalanine (805 mg/kg), lysine (349 mg/kg), and arginine (261 mg/kg). The sum of essential amino acids ranged from 675 to 4506 mg/kg and that of total amino acids from 1539 to 8958 mg/kg. Weak positive correlations were found between the altitude of the collection area and asparagine, glutamine, histamine, glycine, threonine, alanine, proline, valine, and total amino acidity. The results form a basis for the establishment of quality standards for mountain honey.Dağ hayvanı gıda urunleri, icsel değerleri nedeniyle ilgi odağındadır ve bu nedenle dağ arıcılık urunleri, değerlenmeleri icin dikkat ve cabayı hak etmektedir. Calışma, Kırgızistan'dan alınan dağ balı orneklerinin kalite ozelliklerini araştırmayı, ozellikle amino asit profillerine ve bunların diğer kimyasalfiziksel ozelliklerle olası ilişkilerine vurgu yapmayı amacladı. Bal orneklerinin nem iceriği, asitliği, pH'ı ve diastaz aktivitesi, normatif belgeler tarafından belirlenen sınırlar icindeydi. Bal ornekleri, dağ balının yuksek kalitesini ve ustunluğunu gosteren daha yuksek bir diastaz aktivitesi (26.34 – 77.9 Schade birimi) gostermiştir. Kırgız balının amino asit iceriği ilk kez araştırıldı. Başlıca amino asitler prolin (1553 mg/kg), ardından fenilalanin (805 mg/kg), lisin (349 mg/kg) ve arginin (261 mg/kg) idi. Esansiyel amino asitlerin toplamı 675 ila 4506 mg/kg ve toplam amino asitlerin toplamı 1539 ila 8958 mg/kg arasındaydı. Toplama alanının yuksekliği ile asparagin, glutamin, histamin, glisin, treonin, alanin, prolin, valin ve toplam amino asitlik arasında zayıf pozitif korelasyonlar bulundu. Sonuclar, dağ balı icin kalite standartlarının oluşturulması icin bir temel oluşturmaktadır

    Studies of changes in the activity of dissolved oxygen in the simulation of ferromanganese filtration

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    The article deals with the solution of an urgent problem related to the process of filtration refining of ferroalloys. Based on the data obtained, it was found that combining the filtration process with casting ensures the flow of refined melt directly into the mold cavity and partial or complete elimination of secondary oxidation. To identify the underlying mechanism of filtration refining, the interaction of liquid metal with the filter in its separate pore channel was simulated. The main technological parameters of the process under consideration are calculated and practically confirmed

    Modeling the Location of the Forest Line in Northeast European Russia with Remotely Sensed Vegetation and GIS-Based Climate and Terrain Data

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    GIS-based data sets were used to analyze the structure of the forest line at the landscape level in the lowlands of the Usa River Basin, in northeast European Russia. Vegetation zones in the area range from taiga in the south to forest-tundra and tundra in the north. We constructed logistic regression models to predict forest location at spatial scales varying from 1 × 1 km to 25 × 25 km grid cells. Forest location was explained by July mean temperature, ground temperature (permafrost), yearly minimum temperature, and a Topographic Wetness Index (soil moisture conditions). According to the models, the forest line follows the +13.9°C mean July temperature isoline, whereas in other parts of the Arctic it usually is located between +10 to +12°C. It is hypothesized that the anomalously high temperature isoline for the forest line in Northeast European Russia is due to the inability of local ecotypes of spruce to grow on permafrost terrain. Observed patterns depend on spatial scale, as the relative significance of the explanatory variables varies between models implemented at different scales. Developed models indicate that with climate warming of 3°C by the end of the 21st century temperature would not limit forest advance anywhere in our study area

    Children's health ecology in Molotov city: 1941-1942

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    The article presents an analysis of the condition of children's healthcare in Molotov city during the Second World War. The authors pay attention to the significant difficulties in protecting the children's health (under one year old): a significant rise in the incidence of childhood infections, malnutrition, incomplete vaccination of children, and a weak level of preventive work. It is emphasized that among nursery and unorganized children respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases were mainly common during the war years: measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria. It is concluded that shortage of qualified medical staff, untimely and partial vaccinations, errors in diagnosis and other reasons have led to an increase in morbidity and mortality among children. In addition, the high incidence of infections with high mortality among children was also associated with the weak and unsatisfactory work of children's consultations on the early detection of diseases which hindered timely treatment

    The Alash Party: Historiography of the Movement

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    This research presents a short historiographical review of the Alash movement. It reflects the researchers’ own version of periodisation of the history of the first Kazakh national party Alash that belonged to the liberal democratic wing. The researchers identify four stages in the history of the movement connected with the main landmarks of its short, yet significant existence. The periods of Alash history are determined based on changes in strategy and tactics, as well as the evolution of its organisational forms (a movement— a party during elections to the Constituent Assembly — the ruling party in the Alash Autonomy and Alash Orda government). A conclusion is made that national parties set forth the conditions and ways of modernisation in the most acceptable forms and combinations for each corresponding nation; possible parallels in the development pathways followed by other national parties in 1918–1920 are pointed out

    Studies of changes in the activity of dissolved oxygen in the simulation of ferromanganese filtration

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    The article deals with the solution of an urgent problem related to the process of filtration refining of ferroalloys. Based on the data obtained, it was found that combining the filtration process with casting ensures the flow of refined melt directly into the mold cavity and partial or complete elimination of secondary oxidation. To identify the underlying mechanism of filtration refining, the interaction of liquid metal with the filter in its separate pore channel was simulated. The main technological parameters of the process under consideration are calculated and practically confirmed


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    The article is concerned with the study of landscape and recreational capacity of North Kazakhstan Region (NKR). The paper presents the results of landscapes studies of North Kazakhstan Region with regard to their suitability and degree of recreation favorability. Here were studied recreational conditions and resources of the regional landscapes, as well as features of their territorial distribution and possibility of use for the recreational purposes. Recreational assessment of the region's landscapes was carried out on the basis of the developed system of criteria and their properties. The calculations were carried out taking into account the significance (weight) of each selected criterion and indicator using the method of scoring. The assessment was carried out within the boundaries of landscape areas. The obtained results made it possible to perform zoning of the territory of the region in terms of recreational capacity level, degree of favorability and possibility of organizing recreational activities of the population


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    The purpose of the research was to assess the degree of favorableness of the bioclimatic conditions of the territory of Northern Kazakhstan by calculating the tourist climate index (TCI) and analyzing its spatial and temporal variability. Archival, stock materials and data on the main meteorological and climatic indicators for 63 weather stations for the period 1966–2020 were used. The study used methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, GIS technologies. The level of climatic attractiveness varies from "very unfavorable" in the winter months to "comfortable" in the summer. It was determined that the territory of Northern Kazakhstan as a whole is relatively homogeneous in terms of the average annual TCI index (28-38). Depending on the values of the index, 5 categories of climatic attractiveness of the territory of Northern Kazakhstan were identified (comfortable, moderate, neutral, unfavorable, extremely unfavorable). The most favorable conditions for tourist and recreational activities are formed in the summer months in the northeastern and southwestern sectors of the region. Recommendations are given on the spatial placement of tourist and recreational facilities and types of tourist activities in Northern Kazakhstan, taking into account the favorable weather and climatic conditions