5 research outputs found

    Identification of gene networks modulated by activin in LßT2 cells using DNA microarray analysis

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    Activins, members of the TGFß family of proteins, are widely expressed in a variety of tissues. First identified based on their ability to regulate biosynthesis and secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), activins have also been shown to modulate development, cell growth, apoptosis, and inflammation. Despite their many known functions, the precise mechanisms and downstream signaling pathways by which activins mediate their diverse effects remain unknown. We have used a DNA microarray assay to identify genes that are regulated by activin, alone or in combination with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), another major regulator of FSH, in a murine gonadotrope-derived cell line (LßT2). We used mRNA from these cells to screen Affymetrix Mu74av2 mouse Gene Chip oligonucleotide microarrays, representing approximately 12,400 mouse genes. Treatment of LßT2 cells with activin A, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHA) or activin A plus GnRHA resulted in alterations in levels of gene expression that ranged in magnitude from 15 to 67-fold. Data analysis identified 268 transcripts that were up- or down-regulated by twofold or more. Distinct sets of genes were affected by treatment with activin, GnRHA and activin plus GnRHA, suggesting interactions between activin and GnRHA. Changes in expression of seven randomly selected representative genes identified by the microarray technique were confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR and semi-quantitative reverse transcription/PCR (RT/PCR). Modulation of expression of genes by activin suggests that activin may mediate its effects through a variety of signaling pathways

    Constitutively Active FOXO1 Diminishes Activin Induction of Fshb Transcription in Immortalized Gonadotropes

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    In the present study, we investigate whether the FOXO1 transcription factor modulates activin signaling in pituitary gonadotropes. Our studies show that overexpression of constitutively active FOXO1 decreases activin induction of murine Fshb gene expression in immortalized LβT2 cells. We demonstrate that FOXO1 suppression of activin induction maps to the -304/-95 region of the Fshb promoter containing multiple activin response elements and that the suppression requires the FOXO1 DNA-binding domain (DBD). FOXO1 binds weakly to the -125/-91 region of the Fshb promoter in a gel-shift assay. Since this region of the promoter contains a composite SMAD/FOXL2 binding element necessary for activin induction of Fshb transcription, it is possible that FOXO1 DNA binding interferes with SMAD and/or FOXL2 function. In addition, our studies demonstrate that FOXO1 directly interacts with SMAD3/4 but not SMAD2 in a FOXO1 DBD-dependent manner. Moreover, we show that SMAD3/4 induction of Fshb-luc and activin induction of a multimerized SMAD-binding element-luc are suppressed by FOXO1 in a DBD-dependent manner. These results suggest that FOXO1 binding to the proximal Fshb promoter as well as FOXO1 interaction with SMAD3/4 proteins may result in decreased activin induction of Fshb in gonadotropes

    Network visualization and network analysis

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