288 research outputs found

    Performance Management at National Savings Bank

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    This research identify those methods are used to measure performances in public sector organization in Pakistan. The results and consequences of the method and recommendations to improve the procedures. This research covers all those areas that why public sector organizations still using old methods and what are the results and how such methods can be improved. Moreover it also discuss those hurdles that organization facing to make changes and reforms in new systems. There is qualitative methodology adopted for data collection. Interviews were conducted by the employees of public sector organization for developing case study in order to identify measurement practices in organization and various issues arising. Results shows that organization is still facing old methods and techniques for measuring performances. There is a need to redirect concerned persons for implementing advanced methods for better results and ensure accuracy. The research may also provide guidance for future studies. It explains the real business scenario for public sector organizations in developing countries like Pakistan. This study may also helpful to reduce gap between strategies and the results of performance evaluation methods. Keywords: National savings bank, Public sector bank, Old methods, Pakistan, Performance appraisa

    Experimental Study of the Displacements Caused by Cone Penetration in Sand

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    As more advanced theoretical methods become available for solution of the complex cone penetration (CPT) boundary-value problem, it is essential to develop methods to validate those solutions experimentally. A large scale model penetrometer testing facility, consisting of a half-circular calibration chamber with digital image correlation (DIC) capability, was developed for experimental simulation of cone penetration. The flat side of the chamber is transparent, made of Plexiglass. In individual tests, sand samples are prepared inside the half-circular chamber by pluviation; the half-circular cone is then pushed into the sand model flush against the Plexiglas, with the penetration process digitally imaged for DIC analysis. The displacement data obtained from DIC analysis provided valuable insights into the cone penetration boundary-value problem. Experiments with three different types of silica sands show that sand crushability influences the slip pattern around the advancing cone and also the cone penetration resistance. The derived strain paths show that very complex modes of deformation are experienced by the soil elements in close proximity of the penetrometer tip. The close-up imagery of the interface zone provided useful information for understanding the model penetrometer-sand interface behavior. The series of cone penetration tests conducted in layered sand profiles show that the sensing and development depths are dependent upon the position of weak and strong layers with respect to the direction of the advancing cone. The observed influence zone as interpreted from DIC analysis is smaller than stated in the literature

    Inclusive Growth with Zakat

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    Zakat is an annual religious levy that is collected from rich Muslims and its proceeds are disbursed among poor people of the society. It has many spiritual and social merits. For example, it purifies the hearts of zakat-givers as they give away a part of their wealth, one of the most precious things in their lives, seeking the pleasure of God without requiring any worldly gains whatsoever. It bridges the social gap between „haves‟ and „have-nots.‟ This study analyses, however, only economic consequences of Zakat for economic growth. They cannot be appreciated duly unless one understands the following concepts of modern economics; various theories of consumption, aggregate demand, stagnation thesis, consumption puzzle, marginal productivity of capital and Kuznets curve


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        This study examines the validity of Wagner’s law by employingthe ARDL cointegration technique for the period 1976 to 2013 inPakistan.This study also checks the causality between government expenditureand real gross domestic product (RGDP) by applying Engle Granger approach. The results show that the Wagner’s law holds in Pakistan. The other main determinants of expenditure are trade openness, exchange rate and financial development. ECM coefficient is negative and statistically significant showing that short run dynamics converge towards equilibrium. The results of causality depict that there is unidirectional causality that runs from growth to expenditure, and not from public expenditure to growth. The policy implications of these results are that the government should be careful about its spending in future because the continuous increase in publicexpenditure can lead to further worsening of the budget deficit

    Urbanisation and Crime: A Case Study of Pakistan

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    Crime is an activity which is against the law and the fact that the linkage between criminal activities and the socio-economic development of the society is undeniable. Moreover, the relationship between crime and evolution of mankind may also be considered a historical one as Cain (first son of Adam and Eve) committed first crime when he murdered his brother Able because of jealousy. Due to the complex nature of the subject of crime, for example, regarding its causes and consequences, various academic disciplines such as criminology, sociology, geography, psychology and demography study it from their own perspective. A relatively new emerging field, however, is the economics of crime which tries to identify the socio-economic causes and consequences of criminal activities in a society


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    Pragmatics interprets utterances in context, not in isolation and deals with all the sociological and psychological factors affecting the functioning of speech. The language of Waiting for Godot is conspicuous for deviations from the norms of formal conversation in context. A large number of utterances of the characters violate the principles of Speech Act Theory. The dialogues of the characters seem to convey nothing because of the hybrid utterances. The research paper aims to establish that these deviations from the normal speech patterns are instances of foregrounding which would yield a variety of meanings through Pragmatic study. Four extracts from the text of the play are selected for analysis under the theoretical framework of Austin and Searle’s Theory of Speech Acts keeping in view their stylistic and thematic significance


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    Pragmatics interprets utterances in context, not in isolation and deals with all the sociological and psychological factors affecting the functioning of speech. The language of Waiting for Godot is conspicuous for deviations from the norms of formal conversation in context. A large number of utterances of the characters violate the principles of Speech Act Theory. The dialogues of the characters seem to convey nothing because of the hybrid utterances. The research paper aims to establish that these deviations from the normal speech patterns are instances of foregrounding which would yield a variety of meanings through Pragmatic study. Four extracts from the text of the play are selected for analysis under the theoretical framework of Austin and Searle’s Theory of Speech Acts keeping in view their stylistic and thematic significance

    Barricades in Implementation and Adoptation Level of ISO-9001 in Construction Industry of Pakistan

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    The quality of construction projects and products is purely dependant on the development of such industry and is associated with the implementation of Quality management system in this industry. From the last two decade the certification of ISO- 9001 has been taken up in construction industry at the international level. Many benefits gathered throughout the globe by its effective implementation. The awareness of adaptation is weak in the developing countries and is unaware of the everlasting benefits of this standard. Pakistan is also one of the developing countries which are unaware of its benefits specially gathered in foreign countries such as UK, United States, Australia and Japan etc. ISO which stands for International organisation for standardization is alliance of global standards. There is a special technical committee which is TC-176 which formulates all the standards of ISO-9001. Draft is circulated through technical members of board for approval of standards which requires 75% minimum votes for approval as a standard. There are more than 2100 companies which are certified with ISO-9001 in Pakistan and over 200 auditing agencies which time to time audit the certified firms. The study draws attention to the advantages, disadvantages and barricades facing by construction firms by the implementation of ISO-9001 in construction industry of Pakistan. Also some beneficial suggestions for better adopting ISO-9oo1 is given with the help of this research which can be helpful for the future of Pakistan’s construction Industry. The research highlights that construction firms of Pakistan should gain from the advantages gathered by the construction firms of developed countries and take apt measures for implementing ISO-9001 standards. The government as well as public sector should ensure its implication by all firms before tendering any project for better quality works. Keywords: ISO-9001, implementation, standard, auditing agencie

    Energy Consumption, Trade and GDP: A Case Study of South Asian Countries

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    Acute shortage of energy sources in developing countries in general and South Asian countries in particular has shown that energy has become a binding input for any production process. Nowadays operation of heavy machinery and electrical equipment, and transportation of raw material and final products from their place of origination to their destination require heavy consumption of energy in one form or the other. Therefore, energy consumption that was previously ignored in the production function of a firm and an economy is now considered a vital input in production process. It affects GDP directly as by increasing energy consumption; more output can be produced with given stock of capital and labor force in a country. Also uninterrupted availability of energy at reasonable cost improves competiveness of home products in international markets and thus increases exports of home country a great deal. Resulting increase in net exports further adds to the GDP through multiplier effec
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