559 research outputs found

    Sudden change in dynamics of genuine multipartite entanglement of cavity-reservoir qubits

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    We study the dynamics of genuine multipartite entanglement for a system of four qubits. Using a computable entanglement monotone for multipartite systems, we investigate the as yet unexplored aspects of a cavity-reservoir system of qubits. For one specific initial state, we observe a sudden transition in the dynamics of genuine entanglement for the four qubits. This sudden change occurs only during a time window where neither cavity-cavity qubits nor reservoir-reservoir qubits are entangled. We show that this sudden change in dynamics of this specific state is extremely sensitive to white noise.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    A Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductor with a Bulk 3D Dirac Cone Gapped by Strong Spin Orbit Coupling

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    Layered, non-centrosymmetric, heavy element PbTaSe2 is found to be superconducting. We report its electronic properties accompanied by electronic structure calculations. Specific heat, electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate that PbTaSe2 is a moderately coupled, type-II BCS superconductor (Tc = 3.72 K, Ginzburg-Landau parameter Kappa = 14) with an electronphonon coupling constant of Lambda_ep = 0.74. Electronic structure calculations reveal a single bulk 3D Dirac cone at the K point of the Brillouin Zone derived exclusively from its hexagonal Pb layer; it is similar to the feature found in graphene except there is a 0.8 eV gap opened by spin-orbit coupling. The combination of large spin-orbit coupling and lack of inversion symmetry also results in large Rashba splitting on the order of tenths of eV

    Electronic structure basis for the titanic magnetoresistance in WTe2_2

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    The electronic structure basis of the extremely large magnetoresistance in layered non-magnetic tungsten ditelluride has been investigated by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Hole and electron pockets of approximately the same size were found at the Fermi level, suggesting that carrier compensation should be considered the primary source of the effect. The material exhibits a highly anisotropic, quasi one-dimensional Fermi surface from which the pronounced anisotropy of the magnetoresistance follows. A change in the Fermi surface with temperature was found and a high-density-of-states band that may take over conduction at higher temperatures and cause the observed turn-on behavior of the magnetoresistance in WTe2_2 was identified

    Cd3As2 is Centrosymmetric

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    This is a revised version of a manuscript that was originally posted here in February of 2014. It has been accepted at the journal Inorganic Chemistry after reviews that included those of two crystallographers who made sure all the t's were crossed and the i's were dotted. The old work (from 1968) that said that Cd3As2 was noncentrosymmetric was mistaken, with the authors of that study making a type of error that in the 1980s became infamous in crystallography. As a result of the increased scrutiny of the issue of centrosymmetricity of the 1980's, there are now much better analysis tools to resolve the issue fully, and its important to understand that not just our crystals are centrosymmetric, even the old guy's crystals were centrosymmetric (and by implication everyone's are). There is no shame in having made that error back in the day and those authors would not find the current centrosymmetric result controversial; their paper is excellent in all other aspects. This manuscript describes how the structure is determined, explains the structure schematically, calculates the electronic structure based on the correct centrosymmetric crystal structure, and gives the structural details that should be used for future analysis and modeling.Comment: Accepted by ACS Inorganic Chemistr

    A proximal femur aneurysmal bone cyst resulting in amputation: A rare case report

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    Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is blood filled expansile cystic lesion that most commonly occurs in patients during the second decade of their lives. Traditionally it has been described as a benign lesion but can be locally aggressive and result in the destruction of the involved bone. Treatment methods include surgical excision and curettage with or without bone grafting. We report a proximal femur aneurysmal bone cyst, which resulted in the amputation of the lower extremity, even though all available classic methods of treatment were applied for it. © 2015 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    The spur planetary gear torsional stiffness and its crack sensitivity under quasi-static conditions

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    The sun-planet and ring-planet tooth mesh stiffness variations and the resulting transmission errors are the main internal vibration generation mechanisms for planetary gear systems. This paper presents the results of torsional stiffness analysis of involute spur planetary gear systems in mesh using finite element methods. A planetary gear model with three planet gears and fixed ring gear and its subsystem models have been developed to study the subsystem and overall torsional stiffnesses. Based on the analysis of torsional mesh stiffness, predictive models for single branch sun-planet-ring and overall planetary gear torsional stiffnesses have been proposed. A crack coefficient was introduced to the sun-planet and ring-planet meshes to predict the effect and sensitivity of changes to the overall torsional mesh stiffness. The resulting mesh stiffness crack sensitivity of the overall gear system was analysed under quasi-static conditions. It was found that the carrier arm stiffness has great influence on the crack sensitivity while the overall stiffness was most sensitive to the crack on the sun-planet mesh