103 research outputs found

    GC-MS and GC-FID Analysis of Products from Glow Discharge in N2 + CH4 Mixture

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    This work extends our previous investigation of nitrogen-methane atmospheric glow discharge for the simulation of chemical processes in prebiotic atmospheres. Also reactions on surfaces of solid state bodies can be important. So in presented experiments the electrodes with different shapes and different surface areas were used. Exhaust products of discharge in this gas mixture were analyzed by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Gas Chromatography - Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). The major products identified in chromatograms were hydrogen cyanide and acetylene

    The Influence of CO2 Admixtures on Process in Titan's Atmospheric Chemistry

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    The exploration of planetary atmosphere is being advanced by the exciting results of the Cassin-Huygens mission to Titan. The complex chemistry revealed in such atmospheres leading to the synthesis of bigger molecules is providing new insights into our understanding of how life on Earth developed. In our experiments Titan's atmosphere is simulated in a glow discharge formed from a mixture of N2:CH4:CO2 gas. Samples of the discharge gas were analysed by GC-MS and FTIR. The major products identified in spectra were: hydrogen cyanide, acetylene and acetonitrile. The same compounds were detected in the FTIR: hydrogen cyanide, acetylene and ammonia. Whilst many of these compounds have been predicted and/or observed in the Titan atmosphere, the present plasma experiments provide evidence of both the chemical complexity of Titan atmospheric processes and the mechanisms by which larger species grow prior to form the dust that should cover much of the Titan's surface

    The influence of admixtures on the composition of products by nitrogen-methane atmospheric glow discharge

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    This work extends our experimentally studies with simulation of Titan's atmosphere by atmospheric glow discharge. This work is devoted to estimate the influence of CO2 and/or CO on reactivity in the Titan's atmosphere. The exploration of planetary atmosphere is being advanced by the exciting results of the Cassin-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan, its most famous moon. Most of the studies were mainly interested in the reactivity of the N2-CH4 gaseous mixture and with the primary products of reactions, but the atmosphere of Titan also contains oxygenated volatile species

    Atmospheric pressure glow discharge generated in nitrogen-methane gas mixture: PTR-MS analyzes of the exhaust gas

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    This paper reports the results of an extensive study of with the in situ mass spectrometry analysis of gaseous phase species produced by an atmospheric plasma glow discharge in N2-CH4 gas mixtures (with methane concentrations ranging from 1% to 4%). The products are studied using proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). HCN and CH3CN are identified as the main gaseous products. Hydrazine, methanimine, methyldiazene, ethylamine, cyclohexadiene, pyrazineacetylene, ethylene, propyne and propene are identified as minor compounds. All the detected compounds and their relative abundances are determined with respect to the experimental conditions (gas composition and applied power). The same molecules were observed by the Cassini-Huygens probe in Titan's atmosphere (which has same N2-CH4 gas mixtures). Such, experiments show that the formation of such complex organics in atmospheres containing C, N and H, like that of Titan, could be a source of prebiotic molecules


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    The review of literature presents data on the incidence and characteristics of the current development of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) in children. Presented research materials of Russian and foreign scientists on risk factors activation toxigenic strains Cl. difficile, showed the relationship between the depth microecologi-cal metabolomical violations and Cl. difficile-infection in children.В обзоре литературы представлены данные о частоте развития и особенностях течения антибиотико-ассоциированных диарей (ААД) у детей. Изложены материалы исследований отечественных и зарубежных ученых о факторах риска активации токсигенных штаммов Cl. difficile, показана связь между глубиной микроэкологических метаболомных нарушений и Cl. difficile-инфекцией у детей


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    The article examines the relationship of infectious diseases, especially opportunistic and viral infections, with the formation of chronic and physical illness. Scientific meta-analysis of the effect of infections on the start of autoimmune disease, chronic diseases of broncho-pulmonary and cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary and other systems is carried out. Special attention is given to the role of fetal viral infection in the development of congenital malformations and intrauterine pathology. The article discusses the prevention measures taken for controlling certain somatic diseases.В статье рассматривается связь инфекционной патологии, прежде всего оппортунистических и вирусных инфекций, с формированием хронических заболеваний и соматической патологии. Представлен научный мета-анализ влияния инфекций с началом аутоиммунных заболеваний, хронической патологии бронхолегочной и сердечно-сосудистой систем, желудочно-кишечного тракта, мочевой системы и других. Особое внимание уделяется значению внутриутробной вирусной инфекции в формировании врожденных пороков развития и внутриутробной патологии. Излагаются принятые меры инфекционной профилактики для контроля за некоторыми соматическими заболеваниями

    Сочетанная инфекция COVID-19 с ОРИ различной этиологии у детей: распространенность и особенности течения

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    The urgency of the problem of combined infection of COVID-19 with ARI of various etiologies is due to the high prevalence of respiratory infections during the epidemic of coronavirus infection. The prevalence of combined COVID-19 infections with ARI according to the literature varies from 0.6 to 45%. Studies devoted to the peculiarities of the course of combined COVID-19 infections with ARI of various etiologies in children are isolated, multidirectional and debatable, which requires further study of this problem.Актуальность проблемы сочетанной инфекции COVID-19 с ОРИ различной этиологии обусловлена высокой распространенностью респираторных инфекций в период эпидемии коронавирусной инфекции. Распространенность сочетанных инфекций COVID-19 с ОРИ по данным литературы варьирует от 0,6 до 45%. Исследования, посвященные особенностям течения сочетанных инфекций COVID-19 с ОРИ различной этиологии у детей, единичны, разнонаправленны и дискуссионны, что требует дальнейшего изучения данной проблемы

    Микробиота и ее роль при соматических и инфекционных заболеваниях у детей (по материалам ХI Всероссийской Конференции «Инфекционные аспекты соматической патологии у детей»)

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    In May 2018, the regular annual XI All-Russian Conference «Infectious Aspects of Somatic Pathology in children» was held in Moscow, at which leading experts presented the results of research on this problem. Most of the reports were devoted to the topic of the child's microbiota and its influence on the occurrence and development of infectious and somatic diseases. Changes in the microbial flora are important in the pathogenesis of many diseases.В мае 2018 г. в Москве прошла очередная ежегодная XI Всероссийская Конференция «Инфекционные аспекты соматической патологии у детей», на которой ведущие специалисты представили результаты исследований, посвященных данной проблеме. Большинство сообщений было по теме микробиоты ребенка и ее влиянию на возникновение и развитие инфекционных и соматических заболеваний. Изменениям микробной флоры придается важное значение в патогенезе многих заболеваний


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    The article discusses possible application of determination of the fecal calprotectin level in children with antibiotic-associated diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile — infection to detect inflammation in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. It is shown that calprotectin is an informative non-invasive method that can estimate the degree of inflammatory changes of the intestinal mucosa in patients with different clinical variants of Clostridium difficile — infection. The highest levels of fecal calprotectin are characteristic of hemorrhagic colitis caused by this microorganism. В статье обсуждаются возможности использования определения уровня фекального кальпротектина у детей с антибиотико-ассоциированной диареей, обусловленной Clostridium difficile-инфекцией, в качестве маркера воспаления различных отделов ЖКТ. Показано, что кальпротектин является информативным неинвазивным методом, позволяющим оценить степень воспалительных изменений слизистой оболочки кишки у больных различными клиническими вариантами Clostridium difficile-инфекции. Наиболее высокие значения фекального кальпротектина характерны для гемоколита, вызванного данным микроорганизмом.