21 research outputs found

    Spin-polarized electronic structure of the core-shell ZnO/ZnO:Mn nanowires probed by x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy

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    The combination of x-ray spectroscopy methods complemented with theoretical analysis unravels the coexistence of paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases in the Zn_0.9Mn_0.1O shell deposited onto array of wurtzite ZnO nanowires. The shell is crystalline with orientation toward the ZnO growth axis, as demonstrated by X-ray linear dichroism. EXAFS analysis confirmed that more than 90% of Mn atoms substituted Zn in the shell while fraction of secondary phases was below 10%. The value of manganese spin magnetic moment was estimated from the Mn K{\beta} X-ray emission spectroscopy to be 4.3{\mu}B which is close to the theoretical value for substitutional Mn_Zn. However the analysis of L_2,3 x-ray magnetic circular dichroism data showed paramagnetic behaviour with saturated spin magnetic moment value of 1.95{\mu}B as determined directly from the spin sum rule. After quantitative analysis employing atomic multiplet simulations such difference was explained by a coexistence of paramagnetic phase and local antiferromagnetic coupling of Mn magnetic moments. Finally, spin-polarized electron density of states was probed by the spin-resolved Mn K-edge XANES spectroscopy and consequently analyzed by band structure calculations.Comment: Supplementary information available at http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/ja/c3/c3ja50153a/c3ja50153a.pdf J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 201

    Invasive monitoring in presurgical evaluation of refractory temporal epilepsy

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the efficiency of different types of invasive electrodes, implanted in 47 patients with refractory temporal epilepsy. The anamnestic data, a description of the semiology of seizures, MRI, the data of scalp and invasive monitoring are presented. A comparison of subdural, depth and sphenoidal electrodes is carried out on the basis of determination of the initial zone and the presence of complicationsВ статье приведены результаты анализа эффективности различных видов инвазивных электродов, имплантированных 47 пациентам с фармакорезистентной височной эпилепсией. Представлены анамнестические данные, описание семиологии приступов и МРТ-картины, данные скальпового и инвазивного мониторинга. Проведено сравнение субдуральных, глубинных и сфеноидальных электродов на основе установления локализации инициальной зоны приступа и наличия осложнений

    X-ray-Induced Reversible Switching of an Azobenzene Derivative Adsorbed on Bi(111)

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    We report on the adsorption of a submonolayer of di-m-cyanoazobenzene (DMC) on Bi(111) and on the reversible switching of these molecules induced by resonant X-ray illumination. DMC adsorbs in at least two configurations, the flat trans and the nonflat cis isomer. We find that in 0.8 monolayers at least 26% of the molecules change their configuration at 110 K by excitation of the N1s → LUMO transition at the azo group, and by a thermally induced back reaction at 120 K. Nonresonant excitation with X-ray light does not induce any reversible changes

    Ultrafast quantum spin-state switching in the Co-octaethylporphyrin molecular magnet with a terahertz pulsed magnetic field

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    Molecular spin crossover switches are the objects of intense theoretical and experimental studies in recent years. This interest is due to the fact that these systems allow one to control their spin state by applying an external photo-, thermo-, piezo-, or magnetic stimuli. The greatest amount of research is currently devoted to the study of the effect of the photoexcitation on the bi-stable states of spin crossover single molecular magnets (SMMs). The main limitation of photo-induced bi-stable states is their short lifetime. In this paper we present the results of a study of the spin dynamics of the Co-octaethylporphyrin (CoOEP) molecule in the Low Spin (LS) state and the High Spin (HS) state induced by applying the magnetic pulse of 36.8T^{36.8T}. We show that the spin switching in case of the HS state of the CoOEP molecule is characterized by a long lifetime and is dependent on the magnitude and duration of the applied field. Thus, after applying an external stimuli the system in the LS state after the spin switching reverts to its ground state, whereas the system in the HS state remains in the excited state for a long time. We found that the temperature dependency of magnetic susceptibility shows an abrupt thermal spin transition between two spin states at 40 K. Here the proposed theoretical approach opens the way to create modern devices for spintronics with the controllable spin switching process

    Elevation of ST-segment in pediatric practice

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    The myocardial infarction is considered to be an adult disease. Therefore, many pediatricians pay little attention to this problem. The electrocardiographic changes in children characteristic of myocardial infarction can be the signs of other pathology. The article describes four clinical cases of various nosologies accompanied by ST-segment elevation: a myocardial bridge, Kawasaki syndrome, abnormal discharge of the left coronary artery, postoperative complication after surgical treatment of congenital heart diseases. The authors discuss the difficulties of differential diagnostic search of those nosologies

    Free small nanoclusters of titanium : XANES study

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    X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra at the Ti L-2,L-3-edge of small titanium nanoclusters have been studied. XANES spectra have been measured at the GasPhase beamline of Elettra synchrotron radiation facility. For theoretical interpretation of XANES, both self-consistent full multiple-scattering theory within time-dependent local density approximation (TDLDA) and non-muffin-tin finite difference method (FDM) were applied