4 research outputs found

    Feeding of the guayas cichlid (Mesoheros festae) with oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) cake diets during the hatchery, nursery and ongrowing stages

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    La expansi贸n de la acuicultura en Ecuador ha favorecido el estudio de fuentes de prote铆nas alternativas para la alimentaci贸n de los peces. Por otro lado, Ecuador tiene una gran variedad de subproductos agroindustriales, entre los que destaca la torta de palmiste, que se pueden utilizar en la alimentaci贸n animal, aunque sus valores nutricionales son a menudo desconocidos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la composici贸n bromatol贸gica de torta de palmiste en muestras de dos plantas de extracci贸n de aceite de palma en dos 谩reas (Quevedo y Santo Domingo) y dos per铆odos de producci贸n (agosto y septiembre), adem谩s de evaluar el rendimiento productivo de un pez nativo, la vieja colorada (Mesoheros festae), alimentado con dietas basadas en distintos porcentajes de inclusi贸n de torta de palmiste durante las etapas de cr铆a, juvenil y engorde. Para determinar la composici贸n bromatol贸gica de la torta de palmiste se tomaron muestras aleatorias semanalmente con dos repeticiones para un total de 64 muestras. Materia seca (MS), cenizas, materia org谩nica (MO), prote铆na bruta (PB), extracto et茅reo (EE), fibra bruta (FB), extracto libre de nitr贸geno (ELN), fibra neutro detergente (FND), fibra 谩cido detergente (FAD), lignina 谩cido detergente (LAD), calcio, f贸sforo, energ铆a bruta (EB) y energ铆a metabolizable (EM) fueron determinados. El contenido de MO (62,92%) y EE (10,10%) fue mayor en la planta de Quevedo, mientras que FB (23,84%) y LAD (24,66%) fueron mayores en la planta de Santo Domingo. El per铆odo de muestreo afect贸 a los contenidos de MS (98,58%), FB (23,98%) y LAD (23,78%), que fueron mayores en septiembre, mientras que EE (10,87%) y f贸sforo (0,44%) fueron mayores en agosto. Para PB, ELN, FND, FAD, cenizas, calcio, EB y EM, se observ贸 interacci贸n entre los dos factores estudiados. Se concluy贸 que la mayor铆a de los par谩metros analizados dependen del lugar de origen o de la 茅poca de extracci贸n, o de la interacci贸n entre ambos factores. Para valorar el efecto de dietas a base de torta de palmiste sobre el rendimiento productivo de la vieja colorada en las etapas de cr铆a, juvenil y engorde los peces fueron alimentados con cuatro dietas (0, 4, 8 y 12% de inclusi贸n de torta de palmiste) y cuatro repeticiones por tratamiento, por 30 d铆as en cada etapa, alojados en 16 jaulas en un estanque. Se determin贸 el peso inicial (PI), el peso final (PF), el incremento de peso (IP), el incremento de peso relativo (IPR), la tasa de crecimiento (TC), la tasa de crecimiento incremental (TCI), la conversi贸n alimenticia (CA), la digestibilidad aparente de la materia seca, prote铆na bruta y energ铆a bruta, el 铆ndice de eficiencia proteica (PER), el valor productivo de la prote铆na (PPV), as铆 como el costo de esta alimentaci贸n y la mortalidad de la vieja colorada. Durante la etapa de cr铆a no se encontraron diferencias significativas en el PF, IP, IPR, TC y TCI de la vieja colorada, entre las dietas con 0, 4 y 8% de inclusi贸n de la torta de palmiste; solo la dieta con mayor porcentaje de inclusi贸n (12%) mostr贸 unos peores resultados con respecto a la dieta con un 4%. La CA present贸 un mayor valor en la dieta testigo en comparaci贸n con la dieta con un 8% de inclusi贸n de la torta de palmiste. La dieta con un mayor porcentaje de inclusi贸n de torta evidenci贸 la peor CA. Durante la etapa juvenil de la vieja colorada la inclusi贸n de hasta un 8% de torta de palma no afect贸 los coeficientes de digestibilidad de materia seca, prote铆na o energ铆a bruta. No se encontraron diferencias en PF, TC, CA, PER y PPV entre 0, 4 y 8% de inclusi贸n de torta de palmiste. A medida que aumentaba el porcentaje de torta de palmiste en las dietas, disminu铆a la tasa de conversi贸n de alimentos. Finalmente, durante la etapa de engorde, no hubo diferencias entre las dietas con 0, 4 y 8% de palmiste, en el PF, IP, IPR, TC y TCI. La inclusi贸n de torta de palmiste hasta el 8% no afect贸 a la digestibilidad de la prote铆na y de la energ铆a, ni al PER. La mortalidad de la vieja colorada durante las etapas de crecimiento fue baja y no se debi贸 al efecto de los tratamientos sino al manipuleo de los peces para realizar las mediciones y pesajes, y en algunos casos la mortalidad se debi贸 al ataque de hongos. En general, durante las tres etapas de crecimiento estudiadas en la vieja colorada, a medida que se increment贸 el % de torta de palmiste el costo de la dieta disminuy贸 significativamente. La inclusi贸n en la dieta de la vieja colorada de hasta un 8% de palmiste no afect贸 a los par谩metros de rendimiento productivo estudiados y, adem谩s, se abarata la dieta significativamente.The expansion of aquaculture in Ecuador has favored the study of alternative protein sources for fish feed. On the other hand, Ecuador has a great variety of agroindustrial by-products, among which palm kernel cake stands out, that can be used in animal feed, although their nutritional values are often unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bromatological composition of palm kernel cake in samples from two palm oil extraction plants in two areas (Quevedo and Santo Domingo) and two production periods (August and September), as well as to evaluate the productive performance of a native fish, the Guayas cichlid (Mesoheros festae), fed diets based on different percentages of palm kernel cake inclusion during the rearing, juvenile and fattening stages. To determine the bromatological composition of the palm kernel cake, random samples were taken weekly with two replicates for a total of 64 samples. Dry matter (DM), ash, organic matter (OM), crude protein (PB), ethereal extract (EE), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extract (NFE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), calcium, phosphorus, gross energy (GE) and metabolizable energy (ME) were determined. The MO (62.92%) and EE (10.10%) contents were higher in the Quevedo plant, while FB (23.84%) and LAD (24.66%) were higher in the Santo Domingo plant. The sampling period affected DM (98.58%), FB (23.98%) and LAD (23.78%) contents, which were higher in September, while EE (10.87%) and phosphorus (0.44%) were higher in August. For PB, ELN, FND, FAD, ash, calcium, EB and EM, interaction between the two factors studied was observed. It was concluded that most of the parameters analyzed depended on the place of origin or the time of extraction, or on the interaction between both factors. To evaluate the effect of diets based on palm kernel cake on the productive performance of the Guayas cichlid in the rearing, juvenile and fattening stages, the fish were fed four diets (0, 4, 8 and 12% inclusion of palm kernel cake) and four replicates per treatment, for 30 days in each stage, housed in 16 cages in a pond. Initial weight (IP), final weight (FP), weight gain (WG), relative weight gain (RW), growth rate (GR), incremental growth rate (IGR), feed conversion (FC), apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and crude energy, protein efficiency index (PER), protein productive value (PPV), as well as the cost of this feeding and mortality of the old red broodstock were determined. During the rearing stage, no significant differences were found in the PF, IP, IPR, TC and TCI of the old red broiler between the diets with 0, 4 and 8% inclusion of palm kernel cake; only the diet with the highest percentage of inclusion (12%) showed worse results compared to the diet with 4%. The CA presented a higher value in the control diet compared to the diet with 8% inclusion of palm kernel cake. The diet with a higher percentage of cake inclusion showed the worst CA. During the juvenile stage of the old red broiler, the inclusion of up to 8% palm kernel cake did not affect the coefficients of digestibility of dry matter, protein or gross energy. No differences were found in PF, TC, CA, PER and PPV between 0, 4 and 8% palm kernel cake inclusion. As the percentage of palm kernel cake in the diets increased, feed conversion rate decreased. Finally, during the fattening stage, there were no differences between the diets with 0, 4 and 8% palm kernel in FP, IP, IPR, TC and TCI. The inclusion of palm kernel cake up to 8% did not affect protein and energy digestibility or PER. Mortality of old red drum during the growth stages was low and was not due to the effect of the treatments but to the handling of the fish for measurements and weighing, and in some cases mortality was due to fungal attack. In general, during the three growth stages studied in the Guayas cichlid, as the % of palm kernel cake increased, the cost of the diet decreased significantly. The inclusion of up to 8% palm kernel in the diet of the Guayas cichlid did not affect the productive performance parameters studied and, in addition, the diet became significantly cheaper

    Rendimiento productivo de la vieja colorada (Mesoheros festae) alimentada con dietas basadas en torta de palmiste durante la etapa juvenil

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    Background: The increasingly aquaculture development have favored the searching of new protein sources for fish feeding. Goals: 1) trying to present the first data on the culture of an important commercial species in Ecuador, 2) replacing the protein source for feeding in order to minimize the global problem of the fish-based meals in aquaculture. Methods: Guayas cichlid juvenile fish were submitted to 4 feeding treatments: 0%, 4%, 8% and 12% palm cake replacement for 30 days. Several zootechnnical indexes were calculated and analyzed at the end of the experimental culture, as well as the feed proximal composition. Results: The inclusion up to 8% palm cake did not affect the digestibility coefficients of dry matter, gross protein or gross energy.  No differences were found in final weight, growth rate, food conversion rate, protein efficiency rate and productive value of the protein among 0, 4 and 8% palm meal content treatments. As the percentage of palm kernel meal in the diets was increased, the food conversion rate decreased. Increasing palm meal in diets decreased costs.  Conclusions: The productive performance was not affected by the palm cake replacement in diets up to 8% with palm meal, and deriving in lower feed production costs.Antecedentes: La expansi贸n de la acuicultura ha favorecido el estudio de fuentes de prote铆nas para la alimentaci贸n de peces. Objetivos: 1) tratar de presentar los primeros datos sobre el cultivo de una importante especie comercial en Ecuador, 2) reemplazar la fuente de prote铆na para la alimentaci贸n con el fin de minimizar el problema global de las comidas a base de harina de pescado en la acuicultura. M茅todos: Juveniles de vieja colorada fueron sometidos a 4 tratamientos de alimentaci贸n: 0%, 4%, 8% y 12% de sustituci贸n por torta de palmiste durante 30 d铆as. SE calcularon y analizaron varios 铆ndices zoot茅cnicos al final del cultivo experimental, as铆 como la composici贸n proximal de las dietas experimentales. Resultados: La inclusi贸n de hasta un 8% de torta de palmiste no afect贸 a los coeficientes de digestibilidad de materia seca, prote铆na bruta o energ铆a bruta. No se encontraron diferencias en peso final, tasa de crecimiento, tasa de eficiencia de la prote铆na y valor productivo de la prote铆na entre los tratamientos de 0, 4 y 8% de contenido en torta de palmiste. Conforme creci贸 el porcentaje de torta de palmiste en la dieta aument贸 la tasa de conversi贸n del alimento. El aumento de la torta de palmiste en las dietas redujo los costes.  Conclusiones: El rendimiento productivo no se vio afectado por la sustituci贸n de dietas incluyendo hasta un 8% por torta de palmiste, y derivando en menores costes de producci贸n

    Bromatological composition of palm kernel meal according to its origin and production periods potential use of palm kernel meal in animal feed

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    Ecuador has a variety of agroindustrial by-products, which can be used in animal feed, although their nutritional values are often unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate bromatological composition of palm kernel cake (PKC) in samples from two palm oil extraction plants in two areas (Quevedo and Santo Domingo) and two production periods (August and September). Random samples were taken weekly with two repetitions for a total of 64 samples. Dry matter (DM), ash, organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF), nitrogen-free extract (NFE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), calcium, phosphorus, crude energy (CE) and metabolisable energy (ME) were determined. OM (62.92%) and EE (10.10%) content were higher at the Quevedo plant, while CF (23.84%) and ADL (24.66%) were higher at the Santo Domingo plant. The sampling period affected DM (98.58%), CF (23.98%) and ADL (23.78%) content, which were higher in September, while EE (10.87%) and phosphorus (0.44%) were higher in August. For CP, NFE, NDF, ADF, ash, calcium, CE and ME, interaction was observed between the two factors studied. It was concluded that most of the parameters analysed depend on the place of origin or the extraction season, or interaction between the two factors.The research was supported by the Graduate Department of the State Technical University of Quevedo, with supported from Fourth Notary of the canton Quevedo Los Rios, Ecuador and INIA-FS