85 research outputs found

    主体的・対話的で深い学びに導く授業のあり方に関する研究 ―柳瀬真子の理論・実践を中心に―

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    2017(平成29)年に学習指導要領が改訂され、小学校、中学校、高等学校では2022(令和4 )年から全面実施された。この学習指導要領では、アクティブ・ラーニングの視点に基づいて、授業における「主体的・対話的で深い学び」の実現が求められている。各学校では、これまでの授業実践・研究の成果を生かしつつ、様々な方法を取り入れながら模索している実情がある。 本研究では、子どもが主体的・協働的に学習に取り組むこと、知識を関連付けて深く考えたり、思いや考えを基に創造したりするような学習を組み立てることが、主体的・対話的で深い学びにつながる授業であると考え、1970年代~1980年代に優れた授業実践に取り組んだ柳瀬真子氏に視点をあて、氏の理論・実践を考察・分析し、その成果と課題から、「主体的・対話的で深い学び」とはどのような学びの姿であるのかについて明らかにし、各学校での実践の一助としたい。In the year of 2017, the curriculum for elementary and junior high school was revised that was totally introduced in elementary school in 2020, junior high school from 2021. The study curriculum are required to realize the class formation that children can develop original and creative thought through interactive learning through interactive learning. In many a school along with past and previous classroom activity and achievement of past research, now we have been searching better way to achieve independent and cooperative study standing on the achievement that gained using varied type of method.In this research, we believe children’s independent and interactive learning and accumulation of knowledge and deep thinking enhance children’s creative ability. So we focused on the teaching method which Ms.Masako Yanase who had done excellent teaching method during ‘70s and ‘80s, from her achievement and subject we would find what is better learning way and use them as helping method in teaching in school

    主体的・対話的で深い学びによる授業のあり方に関する一考察 ― 中学校3 年生「総合的な学習の時間」の実践を中心に ―

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    2017(平成29)年に小・中学校学習指導要領が改訂され、小学校は2020(令和2 )年、中学校は2021(令和3 )年から全面実施されている。この学習指導要領は、学校教育の中で長年にわたり目指してきた「生きる力」の育成を受け継ぎながらも、「21世紀型学力」の育成をより意識した内容となっている。様々な社会の変化に積極的に向き合い、他者と協同して課題を解決することが求められる中、その実現の中心的な役割を果たす学びが「総合的な学習の時間」である。とりわけ、今回の改訂では、育成を目指す資質・能力を明確にしつつ、探究的な学習の過程を一層充実することが求められている。 そこで、本研究では、子どもが学習に主体的・協働的に取り組むこと、問題解決的な学習が発展的に繰り返されるような学習を組み立てることに視点を当て、B中学校における「総合的な学習の時間」の実践を分析・検討し、その成果と課題から、「主体的・対話的で深い学び」の実現に向けた授業のあり方について明らかにする。In the year of 2017, the curriculum for elementary and junior high school was revised that shall be totally introduced in elementary school in 2020, junior high school from 2021. The study curriculum aimes at obtaining living power which have been disciplined long time and at the same time does to enhance and achieve "study power necessary in 21st century". We have to face social change positively and to solve many a problems cooperating with others where the comprehensive study plays main role in the classroom. Especially in this revision it requires what is the speciality and ability and find process for truth finding study.The research focused on the study method how to develop the structure of class study for the children to work voluntary and collaborative attitude, and analized and reviewed. We wanted to make clear what achievement should be and what potential issues may exist in order to realize "proactive, interactive, and deep learning"

    The effect of isoflavone-daidzein oral medication on cutaneous wound healing in female ovariectomized mice

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    This study investigated the influence of oral administration of isoflavone-daidzein on the cutaneous wound healing process in female ovariectomized mice. Eight-week-old female mice were divided into groups of ovariectomized mice and mice administered daidzein after an ovariectomy. Two full-thickness wounds on the dorsum were made in mice in both groups. There was no significant difference between wound areas of the two groups from wounding to healing during 15 days. The area in the group administered daidzein tended to be smaller than that in the ovariectomized group during the inflammatory phase 4 and 5 days after wounding . The rate of re-epithelialization in the group administered daidzein tended to be higher than that in the ovariectomized group in the inflammatory phase on day 3 (40.7 ± 17.6% and 21.0 ± 16.8%, respectively). Therefore, the administration of daidzein under lack of estrogen is expected to reduce the inflammation period and promote re-epithelialization. この研究は、卵巣摘出した雌マウスに皮膚創傷を作製し、経口投与したイソフラボン の一種であるダイゼインが、創傷治癒にどのような影響を与えるかを観察したもので ある。8 週令の雌マウスを卵巣摘出群と卵巣摘出し創作製した後にダイゼインを与え た2 群に分けた。両群共、卵巣摘出後、ダイゼインを含まない精製飼料で2週間飼育 後に、左右の背部に直径4mm の皮膚全層欠損層を作製した。創作製後、ダイゼインを 含まない飼料とダイゼインを含む飼料で2 週間飼育した。ダイゼインは、飼料1g に 0.01mg 含むように作製した。両群の創面積は、2 週間の間の毎日において、有意差は 見られなかった。しかし、炎症期である創作製後4 と5 日では、ダイゼイン食で飼育 した群が無ダイゼイン食で飼育した群が、やや創面積が小さい傾向がみられた(それ ぞれ、p 値が0.061、0.083 であった)。創作製後の3 日での、再上皮化の割合は、ダイゼイン群で40.7 ± 17.6%、無ダイゼイン群で21.0 ± 16.8%となり、ダイゼイ ン群はより上皮化が進んでいる傾向が見られた (p = 0.07)。これらの結果は、エス トロゲン欠乏状態で、ダイゼインの経口投与が、創傷治癒において、炎症を抑制し上 皮化を促進することを示唆している

    Higher D-dimer level in the early third trimester predicts the occurrence of postpartum hemorrhage

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    Aims: This study aimed to determine effective predictive factors for primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) among clinical blood parameters associated with coagulation and fibrinolysis and demographic characteristics.Methods: We retrospectively studied 1032 women who underwent determinations of clinical blood parameters at gestational week (GW) 29–32 and GW 35–37 and gave birth to singleton infants at our hospital between January 2011 and December 2013. PPH was defined as estimated blood loss ≥700 mL. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to determine independent risk factors and odds ratios (OR) for PPH.Results: PPH occurred in 104 of 1032 women (10%). Three blood variables, fibrinogen level 2.7 μg/mL (2.03 [1.29–3.19]) at GW 35–37, and three demographic characteristics, maternal age ≥35 years (1.75 [1.15–2.68]), BMI >28.2 kg/m2 on admission for childbirth (1.95 [1.20–3.16]), and previous cesarean delivery (2.77 [1.31–5.83]), were identified as independent risk factors for PPH.Conclusion: Among blood parameters, higher D-dimer levels and lower levels of antithrombin activity and fibrinogen in late gestation were independent risk factors for PPH

    Changes in drinking behavior among evacuees after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident:the Fukushima Health Management Survey

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    Introduction Traumatic experiences and disordered sleep are strongly associated with drinking problems. We examined the effects of experiencing the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent nuclear power plant accident, and of sleep problems, on behavioral changes observed in non-drinkers.Methods This study examined cross-sectional data from the Mental Health and Lifestyle Survey conducted among residents in restricted areas of Fukushima in 2012. Participants were 21,454 evacuees aged 20 years or older at the time of disaster. People who did not drink before the disaster but became drinkers afterwards were compared with the rest of the cohort. We analyzed the association between behavioral changes in non-drinkers and potentially predictive variables, using logistic regression.Results The behavioral change of non-drinkers becoming drinkers (n=2,148) was significantly related to being male (OR=1.93, 95% CI:1.74-2.15), being younger (21-49 yrs, OR=1.85, 95% CI: 1.60-2.13), having less educational attainment (up to high school graduate, OR=1.21, 95% CI:1.09-1.35), smoking (OR=1.22, 95% CI:1.08-1.38), losing family or relatives (OR=1.21, 95% CI:1.07-1.37), change in employment (OR=1.19, 95% CI:1.07-1.32), having severe sleep problems as measured by a Japanese version of the Athens Insomnia Scale (3-8, OR=1.45, 95% CI:1.30-1.62), and severity of traumatic symptoms as measured by the PTSD Checklist Stressor-Specific (PCL-S) score (<44, OR=1.33, 95% CI:1.17-1.51).Conclusion Having sleep problems and having more severe traumatic symptoms are significantly related to non-drinkers becoming drinkers