25 research outputs found

    Haunted/Haunting Digital Archives of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Weaving Ghost Stories around the Ongoing Disaster in the Past, Present and Future

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    This thesis examines the digital archives of the Fukushima nuclear disaster that took place on 11 March, 2011. I propose key thesis questions regarding the roles of the digital archive in articulating the memory and knowledge about the disaster, in relation to its capacity of storytelling. I specifically focus on the production of “ghost stories,” the stories concerning exclusions and invisibilities produced in the digital archive as a flexible, transformative vehicle of ephemeral data. This research draws on interdisciplinary discussions in the fields of media studies, sociology and archival studies, as well as the contributions of feminism and queer theory to delineating the struggles to engage with lost histories and submerged narratives. My contribution is both theoretical and methodological, in developing hauntology as a way of intervening to temporal and narrative modalities of the practices of digital archiving. In formulating hauntological methods, I attend to the creation of “haunted data” and the contingent dis/appearance of digital traces, which have allowed me to employ archival imaginaries to take into account gaps, absences and erasures as a constitutive part of archival storytelling. I also aim to demonstrate a multivalence of haunting at work in the mutual construction of the archive and the archived, with the Fukushima disaster as both haunted and haunting object of inquiry. The digital archives I analyse in the empirical chapters are: two archival repositories on the website of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) that owns the damaged plant; the Japan Disasters Digital Archive (JDA); SimplyInfo.org and Nukewatch.org; Teach311.org. They are “moving” repositories that keep archival objects in motion, and I ask how they articulate and bring together the fragments of the disaster, by intervening to, and generating the intricate web of connections between the past, present and future. Throughout the thesis, I argue that the constant and contingent retelling of the Fukushima disaster in the practices of digital archiving calls attention to narrative possibilities afforded by digital technologies. This research explores how the production of the digital archive entails the conflation of fact and fiction, of multiple temporalities that register different facets of haunting, and myriad regimes of remembering and forgetting, which would shape our understandings of the ongoing disaster with no definitive beginnings and ends

    Mother-to-embryo vitellogenin transport in a viviparous teleost Xenotoca eiseni

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    魚類がお腹の子供に与える栄養素を解明 --哺乳類が失った遺伝子を利用して胎生機構を獲得--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2019-10-09.Vitellogenin (Vtg), a yolk nutrient protein that is synthesized in the livers of female animals, and subsequently carried into the ovary, contributes to vitellogenesis in oviparous animals. Thus, Vtg levels are elevated during oogenesis. In contrast, Vtg proteins have been genetically lost in viviparous mammals, thus the yolk protein is not involved in their oogenesis and embryonic development. In this study, we identified Vtg protein in the livers of females during the gestation of the viviparous teleost, Xenotoca eiseni. Although vitellogenesis is arrested during gestation, biochemical assays revealed that Vtg protein was present in ovarian tissues and lumen fluid. The Vtg protein was also detected in the trophotaeniae of the intraovarian embryo. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that Vtg protein is absorbed into intracellular vesicles in the epithelial cells of the trophotaeniae. Furthermore, extraneous Vtg protein injected into the abdominal cavity of a pregnant female was subsequently detected in the trophotaeniae of the intraovarian embryo. Our data suggest that the yolk protein is one of the matrotrophic factors supplied from the mother to the intraovarian embryo during gestation in X. eiseni

    Results of the search for inspiraling compact star binaries from TAMA300's observation in 2000-2004

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    We analyze the data of TAMA300 detector to search for gravitational waves from inspiraling compact star binaries with masses of the component stars in the range 1-3Msolar. In this analysis, 2705 hours of data, taken during the years 2000-2004, are used for the event search. We combine the results of different observation runs, and obtained a single upper limit on the rate of the coalescence of compact binaries in our Galaxy of 20 per year at a 90% confidence level. In this upper limit, the effect of various systematic errors such like the uncertainty of the background estimation and the calibration of the detector's sensitivity are included.Comment: 8 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses revtex4.sty The author list was correcte

    Observation results by the TAMA300 detector on gravitational wave bursts from stellar-core collapses

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    We present data-analysis schemes and results of observations with the TAMA300 gravitational-wave detector, targeting burst signals from stellar-core collapse events. In analyses for burst gravitational waves, the detection and fake-reduction schemes are different from well-investigated ones for a chirp-wave analysis, because precise waveform templates are not available. We used an excess-power filter for the extraction of gravitational-wave candidates, and developed two methods for the reduction of fake events caused by non-stationary noises of the detector. These analysis schemes were applied to real data from the TAMA300 interferometric gravitational wave detector. As a result, fake events were reduced by a factor of about 1000 in the best cases. The resultant event candidates were interpreted from an astronomical viewpoint. We set an upper limit of 2.2x10^3 events/sec on the burst gravitational-wave event rate in our Galaxy with a confidence level of 90%. This work sets a milestone and prospects on the search for burst gravitational waves, by establishing an analysis scheme for the observation data from an interferometric gravitational wave detector


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    本研究では,管理栄養士専攻学生の大量調理実習において,クラウド型授業支援システム(manaba course)を活用してビデオ教材の動画を配信した受講生(ビデオ教材-manaba配信群)とビデオ教材を導入していない受講生(ビデオ教材なし群)の衛生管理習得度を比較した。大量調理7回目のビデオ教材-manaba配信群(81人)とビデオ教材なし群(97人)の習得度を比較したところ,ビデオ教材-manaba配信群がビデオ教材なし群よりも「指導できる」・「一人で実践できる」と回答した者の割合が高かった項目は「水質検査」のみであった。一方,ビデオ教材が実習に役立つと回答した者は98%であった。さらに,衛生管理習得度に対する大量調理の実施回数の効果を検討した。大量調理を伴う実習が0,2,4,7回目(大量調理0回,2回,4回,7回)の際に習得度を調査した。大量調理7回目で「指導できる」・「一人で実践できる」と回答した学生が過半数を超えたのは3項目であり,衛生管理習得度が高い項目は実習での作業経験者の割合も高かった。これらの結果より,大量調理実習における衛生管理習得度の向上には,学生が実際に衛生管理に関する作業を経験することが重要であると考えられた。また,ビデオ教材の活用は,学生自らの経験には及ばないが,衛生管理に関する知識を補い,実習の予習や復習に役立つ可能性が高いと考えられた。研究ノー

    Gene Organization in Rice Revealed by Full-Length cDNA Mapping and Gene Expression Analysis through Microarray

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a model organism for the functional genomics of monocotyledonous plants since the genome size is considerably smaller than those of other monocotyledonous plants. Although highly accurate genome sequences of indica and japonica rice are available, additional resources such as full-length complementary DNA (FL-cDNA) sequences are also indispensable for comprehensive analyses of gene structure and function. We cross-referenced 28.5K individual loci in the rice genome defined by mapping of 578K FL-cDNA clones with the 56K loci predicted in the TIGR genome assembly. Based on the annotation status and the presence of corresponding cDNA clones, genes were classified into 23K annotated expressed (AE) genes, 33K annotated non-expressed (ANE) genes, and 5.5K non-annotated expressed (NAE) genes. We developed a 60mer oligo-array for analysis of gene expression from each locus. Analysis of gene structures and expression levels revealed that the general features of gene structure and expression of NAE and ANE genes were considerably different from those of AE genes. The results also suggested that the cloning efficiency of rice FL-cDNA is associated with the transcription activity of the corresponding genetic locus, although other factors may also have an effect. Comparison of the coverage of FL-cDNA among gene families suggested that FL-cDNA from genes encoding rice- or eukaryote-specific domains, and those involved in regulatory functions were difficult to produce in bacterial cells. Collectively, these results indicate that rice genes can be divided into distinct groups based on transcription activity and gene structure, and that the coverage bias of FL-cDNA clones exists due to the incompatibility of certain eukaryotic genes in bacteria

    The mechanism of mitral regurgitant jets identified by 3-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography

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    This study is a case report, which presents a case of severe mitral regurgitation in a 77-year-old man. Two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), regurgitant jets directed anteriorly in early systole and centrally to laterally in late systole were seen, while three-dimensional TEE showed a flail posterior middle scallop not only angulated centrally, but also laterally, which provided insight into the mechanism of mitral regurgitant jet direction. This case demonstrates the clinical usefulness of 3-dimensional TEE for identifying the mechanism of mitral regurgitant jets

    Microflow-mediated optical assembly of nanoparticles with femtogram protein via shrinkage of light-induced bubbles

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    Bottom-up processing of nanobiomaterials enables the creation of a variety of macroscopic structures in natural systems. Here, we use optical means to produce macroscopic-assembled structures of nanoparticles (NPs) from protein molecules by using light-induced bubble (LIB) generation under asymmetric pressure-driven flow in a microchannel. The broadband optical response of assembled NPs facilitates the application of photon pressure and photothermal convection when irradiated by using an infrared laser. The presence of a large amount of protein allows the generation of a vast number of stable LIBs from optically assembled metallic NP-fixed beads (MNFBs). In the case of more diluted albumin solutions, the shrinking of a single LIB can cause the aggregation of MNFBs via fg-level albumin (3.4 fg in the observation region), like a microscale bubblegum. The size of the resulting aggregate can be controlled by changing the concentration of protein. These findings can be used to devise production methods not only for broadband optical nanocomposites but also for label-free methods to detect an extremely small amount of protein

    Relationships between Salivary Melatonin Levels, Quality of Sleep, and Stress in Young Japanese Females

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    A decrease in the quality of sleep is believed to cause anxiety and worsen depression. Comparisons of salivary melatonin levels with different factors including quality of sleep, state and trait anxieties, and depression, were conducted to examine whether there is a relationship between melatonin, presumably associated with sleep, and psychological stress. The saliva of healthy young females was collected during the daytime and before they went to bed at night (when they were awake and resting in a sitting position), and salivary melatonin levels were measured. The quality of sleep was scored using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)–-a questionnaire method. State and trait anxieties, and depression were scored using other questionnaire methods: the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), respectively. The following findings were obtained: (1) Salivary melatonin levels measured during the daytime and before going to bed were higher in females with a high depression score, compared to those with a low score, and there was a correlation between the depression scores and salivary melatonin levels measured at night; and (2) salivary melatonin levels measured before going to bed at night (in a sitting position) were higher in females with a high state anxiety score, suggesting a correlation between state anxiety scores and salivary melatonin levels during the night. Both depression and a sense of anxiety are forms of psychological stress. Therefore, it is assumed that, when a person is under psychological stress, the action of melatonin as a ligand on its receptor is reduced. Meaning psychological stress may induce oxidative stress in the body. On the other hand, no correlation was noted between the quality of sleep and salivary melatonin levels during the night, presumably because saliva was collected when the subjects were awake and sitting, rather than sleeping

    Soft tissue hematoma of the neck due to thyroid rupture with unusual mechanism

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    Introduction: Massive bleeding from the thyroid gland causing airway compromise secondary to indirect neck trauma is rare. Presentation of case: An 89-year-old woman was transferred to our emergency department due to anterior neck pain after a traffic accident. She had been propelled forward and struck her head on the front mirror during emergency braking. Airway patency was confirmed at the first contact. Although her vital signs were stable at presentation, she gradually suffered from respiratory distress and severe dyspnea, implying airway compression, therefore requiring endotracheal intubation. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a large, encapsulated hematoma in the left thyroid gland lobe extending to the upper mediastinum. Contrast-enhanced CT demonstrated an extravasation of the contrast agent around the left superior thyroid artery. The left thyroid artery was ligated and the hematoma was removed immediately. She had a favorable course without further complications and was discharged 36 days after admission. Discussion: Airway management is the most important consideration in patients with thyroid injury. Treatment should be customized depending on the degree of respiratory distress resulting from of either involvement of the direct airway or secondary compression. Conclusion: Although hemorrhage from the thyroid gland without blunt trauma is rare, emergency physicians should regard possible thyroid gland rupture in patients with swelling of the neck or acute respiratory failure after direct/indirect trauma to the neck. Observation or operative management for limited or expanding hematoma are appropriately based on fundamental neck trauma principles