46 research outputs found

    Quantitative determination of the nucleophilicity of allylsilanes

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    Kinetic investigations on the reactivity of allylsilanes (1a–o) towards the p-methoxy substituted diphenylcarbenium ion (2) are reported


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    Il presente contributo è uno studio di valutazione sull’introduzione della metodologia CLIL Italiano L2 per la materia “legge ed economia” in una scuola secondaria di secondo grado in lingua tedesca in Alto Adige. L’apprendimento CLIL per l’italiano L2 è nuovo e tuttora inesplorato, ed è quindi stato necessario affiancarne l’introduzione con un adeguato supporto scientifico, al fine di valutarne il successo didattico e di identificare le esigenze dei discenti, in modo da potere migliorare l’offerta formativa futura. Nella prima fase pertanto si è scelto di approfondire l’aspetto dell’apprendimento dei discenti per mezzo di questionari di autovalutazione, tesi a evidenziare quali forme di apprendimento formali ed informali si sviluppino meglio in questo percorso, per verificare come venga percepito l’insegnamento CLIL-L2 e quali vantaggi e svantaggi emergano. Grazie a due test in ambito lessicale è stato possibile inoltre, osservare cambiamenti nel repertorio plurilingue.   CLIL- L2: Law and Economy in Italian. An evaluative study on the introduction of CLIL- methodology for Italian in a secondary school in Alto Adige This paper is an evaluative study on the introduction of CLIL methodology for Italian L2 in a “Law and economics” class at a secondary school in Alto Adige. Since the CLIL approach in this area is new and still unexplored, it seemed necessary to accompany its introduction with adequate scientific support, in order to evaluate the success and identify students’ needs so as to improve future educational use. During the first phase, it was aspects of students’ leaning were explored using self-evaluation questionnaires aimed at surveying which forms of formal and informal learning develop better, verifying how CLIL-L2 Italian learning is perceived and what advantages and disadvantages emerged. Thanks to two tests in the field of lexical acquisition, it was possible to observe the changes in the students’ plurilingual repertoire

    Italienisch L2 als BrĂĽckensprache zu Englisch L3 an SĂĽdtirols Sekundarstufe

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    In der Region Südtirol ist Deutsch eine Minderheitensprache und für viele EinwohnerInnen ko-offizielle Sprache zusammen mit Italienisch und Ladinisch. Italienisch ist L2 für den Großteil der Lernenden, welche die deutschsprachigen Schulen besuchen. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Studie ist es, die Verwendung des Italienischen als Brückensprache für Englisch L3 sowohl bei Lehrkräften als auch bei Lernenden im deutschsprachigen Lernkontext zu untersuchen. Um einen besseren Überblick über das Phänomen zu gewinnen, wurden zwei Perspektiven analysiert: die Perspektive der Lehrkräfte und jene der Lernenden. Die qualitative Studie analysiert, ob, unter welchen Bedingungen und in welchem Ausmaß Lehrpersonen und Lernende Italienisch L2 als Brückensprache für Englisch L3 nutzen. Zudem wird aufgezeigt, welche die am häufigsten verwendeten Transferbasen sind

    Lernende verfassen mehrsprachige Texte: Entwicklung textstrukturierender Strategien und erhöhte Sprach(en)bewusstheit

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    Das Verfassen mehrsprachiger Texte im Unterricht ist eine bislang kaum verbreitete Praxis. Allgemein befasst sich die fachdidaktische Schreibdidaktik im fremdsprachlichen Unterricht mit jenen sprachspezifischen Strategien, die es den Lernenden ermöglichen, korrekte und kohärente Texte in L1 oder L2/Lx zu verfassen. Daher wurde auch die Nützlichkeit des Verfassens mehrsprachiger Texte als Ausdruck erhöhter Sprach(en)bewusstheit bislang kaum thematisiert oder kritisch reflektiert. Die nachstehende Fallstudie soll zeigen, dass das Schreiben mehrsprachiger Texte, durch den Einsatz von Codemixing, Codeswitching und Translanguaging, nicht nur unter­schiedliche an die Mehrsprachigkeit gebundene textstrukturierende Strategien ermöglicht, sondern vielmehr selbst als textstrukturierende Strategie eingesetzt werden kann. Es werden zudem Aspekte der Textkohäsion und -kohärenz durch die Mehrsprachigkeit für die Lernenden besser erfassbar und eine erhöhte Sprach(en)bewusstheit gefördert


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    In Alto Adige, il trilinguismo istituzionale (tedesco, italiano, ladino) e la diglossia convivono con nuove lingue e varietĂ  portate nel territorio grazie ai flussi migratori. La crescente diversitĂ  linguistica e culturale della Provincia di Bolzano ha un forte impatto sulla vita scolastica quotidiana e pone nuove sfide ai docenti: l’inclusione e la valorizzazione di tutte le lingue che alunni e alunne portano in classe, così come la mobilitazione dei loro interi repertori linguistici per l’apprendimento, richiedono infatti abilitĂ , motivazioni e conoscenze specifiche. In questo contributo descriveremo COMPASS (Didactic Competences in the Multilingual Classroom), un’iniziativa di ricerca e formazione inserita nel progetto A scuola con piĂą lingue (SMS 2.0) promosso da Eurac Research. L’iniziativa si propone di sostenere team di docenti delle scuole primarie di lingua italiana e tedesca nel valorizzare la crescente eterogeneitĂ  linguistica delle loro classi, e di accompagnarli nel loro percorso verso una pratica didattica plurilingue ancor piĂą inclusiva che non si limiti solo a saltuari progetti sulla diversitĂ . Nel nostro contributo, forniremo dapprima una nostra visione delle competenze (qui intese come abilitĂ , motivazioni e conoscenze) che i docenti coinvolti nell’educazione plurilingue inclusiva dovrebbero possedere. Descriveremo poi brevemente le due componenti principali dell’iniziativa COMPASS, vale a dire un percorso biennale di formazione e uno studio di ricerca longitudinale sullo sviluppo delle competenze e delle pratiche didattiche dei/delle docenti coinvolti nell’iniziativa. In ultimo presenteremo alcuni dei risultati preliminari relativi a un team (20 docenti) di una delle scuole partecipanti all’iniziativa. I risultati, ottenuti dall’analisi di dati raccolti durante il primo anno di formazione tramite interviste individuali semi-strutturate e una intervista focus group, sottolineano l’importanza di creare momenti di riflessione e scambio tra insegnanti, così come tra insegnanti e ricercatori/trici. Essi evidenziano inoltre il ruolo cruciale delle motivazioni e degli atteggiamenti degli/delle insegnanti nello sviluppo e normalizzazione di pratiche didattiche plurilingui inclusive.   Linguistic pluralism in schools and teaching skills: experiences from South Tyrol   In South Tyrol, institutional trilingualism (German, Italian, Ladin) and diglossia coexist with new languages and varieties brought into the territory through migration flows. The increasing linguistic and cultural diversity in the Province of Bozen/Bolzano has a strong impact on everyday school life and poses new challenges for teachers: the inclusion and valorisation of all the linguistic resources that students bring into the classroom, as well as the mobilisation of their entire linguistic repertoires for learning, in fact, require a set of skills, attitudes and knowledge. In this contribution we will describe COMPASS (Didactic Competences in the Multilingual Classroom), a research and training initiative included in the project One school, many languages (SMS 2.0) promoted by Eurac Research. The initiative aims to support teams of primary school teachers in making the most of the increasing linguistic heterogeneity of their classes, and to accompany them towards the adoption of a more inclusive approach to plurilingual education that extends beyond sporadic projects on diversity. In our contribution, we will focus in particular on the motivational dimension of the competences that we deem necessary to teach in linguistically-diverse classrooms. A prominent role in this contribution is therefore given to the concept of teachers’ beliefs, in other words the complex and dynamic set of attitudes and beliefs that motivate a teacher to activate their knowledge and didactic skills so as to promote more inclusive forms of plurilingual education. Focusing on this dimension of teacher competence, in this contribution we will first describe the two components of the COMPASS initiative, i.e. a two-year professional development course and a longitudinal research study on the development of teacher competences for plurilingual education. Subsequently, we will discuss some of the preliminary findings related to one participating team (20 teachers). Drawing on the analysis of data collected during the first year of professional development through individual semi-structured interviews and a focus group, the discussion will highlight the importance of fostering moments of reflection and exchange between teachers, as well as between teachers and researchers. It will also show the crucial role of teachers’ motivations and attitudes in the promotion and normalisation of inclusive plurilingual didactic practices

    Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends

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    The purpose of this book is to present recent studies in the field of multilingualism and L3, bringing together contributions from an international group of specialists from Austria, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and United States. The main focuses of the articles are three: language acquisition, language learning and teaching. A collection of theoretical and empirical articles from scholars of multilingualism and language acquisition makes the book a significant resource as the papers present a wide perspective from main theories to current issues, reflecting new trends in the field. The authors focus on the heterogeneity and complexity that characterize third language acquisition, multilingual learning and teaching. As the issues addressed in this book intersect, it represents an asset and therefore the texts will be of great relevance for the scientific community. Part I presents different topics of L3 acquisition, such as syntax, phonology, working memory and selective attention, and lexicon. Part II comprises texts that show how the research on language acquisition informs pedagogical issues. For instance, the role of the knowledge of previous languages in the teaching of L3, the attitudes of multilingual teachers to plurilingual approaches, and the benefits of crosslinguistic pedagogy versus classroom monolingual bias. In sequence, Part III consists of texts on individual learning strategies, such as motivation and attitudes, crosslinguistic awareness, and students’ perceptions about teachers’ “plurilingual nonnativism”. All these chapters include several different languages in contact in an acquisition/learning context: Basque, English, French, German, Italian, Ladin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish

    Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends

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    The purpose of this book is to present recent studies in the field of multilingualism and L3, bringing together contributions from an international group of specialists from Austria, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and United States. The main focuses of the articles are three: language acquisition, language learning and teaching. A collection of theoretical and empirical articles from scholars of multilingualism and language acquisition makes the book a significant resource as the papers present a wide perspective from main theories to current issues, reflecting new trends in the field. The authors focus on the heterogeneity and complexity that characterize third language acquisition, multilingual learning and teaching. As the issues addressed in this book intersect, it represents an asset and therefore the texts will be of great relevance for the scientific community. Part I presents different topics of L3 acquisition, such as syntax, phonology, working memory and selective attention, and lexicon. Part II comprises texts that show how the research on language acquisition informs pedagogical issues. For instance, the role of the knowledge of previous languages in the teaching of L3, the attitudes of multilingual teachers to plurilingual approaches, and the benefits of crosslinguistic pedagogy versus classroom monolingual bias. In sequence, Part III consists of texts on individual learning strategies, such as motivation and attitudes, crosslinguistic awareness, and students’ perceptions about teachers’ “plurilingual nonnativism”. All these chapters include several different languages in contact in an acquisition/learning context: Basque, English, French, German, Italian, Ladin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish