2,585 research outputs found

    The Limnology of Three Limestone Rock Quarries in East-Central Nebraska and Western Iowa

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    Rock-quarry lakes provide a unique environment. The aim of this study was to obtain baseline limnological data on quarries, one in Iowa and two in Nebraska, which have not been previously investigated. The results show the general limnological trends of the quarries\u27 productivity. The mean oxygen, nutrient, pH, and phytoplankton-biomass values indicate the quarries are oligotrophic; however, one quarry has a profound depletion of oxygen in the summer and a large seasonal variation in alkalinity. A higher nitrogen concentration as well as more littoral plants suggests it to have more eutrophic potential than the other two quarries. Metal-ion analysis shows that the Ashland quarry had high levels of aluminum, and the North quarry had a moderate level of lead. The Logan quarry showed great concentrations of many elements, including lithium and uranium, which could account for its high specific conductivity. Further investigations should be carried out to provide a more detailed picture of these quarries

    No evidence for intense, cold accretion onto YSOs from measurements of Li in T-Tauri stars

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    We have used medium resolution spectra to search for evidence that proto-stellar objects accrete at high rates during their early 'assembly phase'. Models predict that depleted lithium and reduced luminosity in T-Tauri stars are key signatures of 'cold' high-rate accretion occurring early in a star's evolution. We found no evidence in 168 stars in NGC 2264 and the Orion Nebula Cluster for strong lithium depletion through analysis of veiling corrected 6708 angstrom lithium spectral line strengths. This suggests that 'cold' accretion at high rates (M_dot > 5 x 10-4 M_sol yr-1) occurs in the assembly phase of fewer than 0.5 per cent of 0.3 < M < 1.9 M_sol stars. We also find that the dispersion in the strength of the 6708 angstrom lithium line might imply an age spread that is similar in magnitude to the apparent age spread implied by the luminosity dispersion seen in colour magnitude diagrams. Evidence for weak lithium depletion (< 10 per cent in equivalent width) that is correlated with luminosity is also apparent, but we are unable to determine whether age spreads or accretion at rates less than 5 x 10-4 M_sol yr-1 are responsible.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures; Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013 June 0

    Pre-main-sequence isochrones -- II. Revising star and planet formation timescales

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    We have derived ages for 13 young (<30 Myr) star-forming regions and find they are up to a factor two older than the ages typically adopted in the literature. This result has wide-ranging implications, including that circumstellar discs survive longer (~10-12 Myr) and that the average Class I lifetime is greater (~1 Myr) than currently believed. For each star-forming region we derived two ages from colour-magnitude diagrams. First we fitted models of the evolution between the zero-age main-sequence and terminal-age main-sequence to derive a homogeneous set of main-sequence ages, distances and reddenings with statistically meaningful uncertainties. Our second age for each star-forming region was derived by fitting pre-main-sequence stars to new semi-empirical model isochrones. For the first time (for a set of clusters younger than 50 Myr) we find broad agreement between these two ages, and since these are derived from two distinct mass regimes that rely on different aspects of stellar physics, it gives us confidence in the new age scale. This agreement is largely due to our adoption of empirical colour-Teff relations and bolometric corrections for pre-main-sequence stars cooler than 4000 K. The revised ages for the star-forming regions in our sample are: ~2 Myr for NGC 6611 (Eagle Nebula; M 16), IC 5146 (Cocoon Nebula), NGC 6530 (Lagoon Nebula; M 8), and NGC 2244 (Rosette Nebula); ~6 Myr for {\sigma} Ori, Cep OB3b, and IC 348; ~10 Myr for {\lambda} Ori (Collinder 69); ~11 Myr for NGC 2169; ~12 Myr for NGC 2362; ~13 Myr for NGC 7160; ~14 Myr for {\chi} Per (NGC 884); and ~20 Myr for NGC 1960 (M 36).Comment: 28 pages, 18 figures, 34 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS. All photometric catalogues presented in this paper are available online at the Cluster Collaboration homepage http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/timn/Catalogues

    A lithium depletion boundary age of 22 Myr for NGC 1960

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    We present a deep Cousins RI photometric survey of the open cluster NGC 1960, complete to R_C \simeq 22, I_C \simeq 21, that is used to select a sample of very low-mass cluster candidates. Gemini spectroscopy of a subset of these is used to confirm membership and locate the age-dependent "lithium depletion boundary" (LDB) --the luminosity at which lithium remains unburned in its low-mass stars. The LDB implies a cluster age of 22 +/-4 Myr and is quite insensitive to choice of evolutionary model. NGC 1960 is the youngest cluster for which a LDB age has been estimated and possesses a well populated upper main sequence and a rich low-mass pre-main sequence. The LDB age determined here agrees well with precise age estimates made for the same cluster based on isochrone fits to its high- and low-mass populations. The concordance between these three age estimation techniques, that rely on different facets of stellar astrophysics at very different masses, is an important step towards calibrating the absolute ages of young open clusters and lends confidence to ages determined using any one of them.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Climate justice and energy : applying international principles to UK residential energy policy

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    There are ethical, legal and strategic/pragmatic reasons why it is important to ensure a just approach to climate change mitigation, both internationally and within nations. Ethically, low income countries or groups can be considered to suffer an injustice if they contribute least to climate change while still suffering from its effects, and yet also have little influence in international decision making around mitigation and adaptation responses (Preston et al, 2014). Legally, equity is embedded in the ‘common and differentiated responsibility’ principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and in the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol (e.g. see Soltau, 2008). In the European context, the Aarhus Convention lays out rights to access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters.2 Pragmatically, people are more likely to accept climate change mitigation and adaptation policies if they reflect a fair balance of responsibility, capability, and need (Gross, 2007; Aylett, 2010), and wider participation and fair process can help with management of conflict and help to build consensus (Aylett 2010). Buell and Mayne (2011) also argue that just approaches to climate change actions have strategic and practical advantages because they can help ensure political support, mobilising hidden assets and generating wider socio-economic benefits than approaches based solely on narrow economic or financial criteria at lower financial cost. As recent public debate over fuel bills in the UK shows, there are strong public concerns about the fairness of energy policy, particularly where it affects energy prices, which in turn influence policy desig

    Automating Vehicles by Deep Reinforcement Learning using Task Separation with Hill Climbing

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    Within the context of autonomous driving a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed for the design of neural network-parameterized controllers. Classical model-based control methods, which include sampling- and lattice-based algorithms and model predictive control, suffer from the trade-off between model complexity and computational burden required for the online solution of expensive optimization or search problems at every short sampling time. To circumvent this trade-off, a 2-step procedure is motivated: first learning of a controller during offline training based on an arbitrarily complicated mathematical system model, before online fast feedforward evaluation of the trained controller. The contribution of this paper is the proposition of a simple gradient-free and model-based algorithm for deep reinforcement learning using task separation with hill climbing (TSHC). In particular, (i) simultaneous training on separate deterministic tasks with the purpose of encoding many motion primitives in a neural network, and (ii) the employment of maximally sparse rewards in combination with virtual velocity constraints (VVCs) in setpoint proximity are advocated.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Assessment of Grass Production and Efficiency of Utilisation on Three Northern Ireland Dairy Farms

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    Recent research has shown that grazed grass can be an expensive forage for milk production, particularly if herbage production is low or utilisation is inefficient. There is very limited data on the level of herbage grown and utilised on commercial farms. The objective of this project was to quantify grass production and efficiency of utilisation on farm to substantiate the potential of grazed grass for profitable milk production

    The Effect of Sward Height and Bulk Density on Herbage Intake and Grazing Behaviour of Dairy Cows

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    The effects of sward height and bulk density on herbage intake and grazing behaviour of dairy cows during 1 hour grazing periods was investigated. Sward factors had a marked effect on dry matter (DM) intake/bite, which ranged from 0.4 to 1.1 g, and this was reflected in hourly intake rates. Intake/bite was largely influenced by sward height, reflecting increased bite depth in taller swards, with inherent differences between swards at low sward heights largely attributable to differences in bulk density (BD). The results indicate that DM intake rates up to 4.0 kg DM/hour can be achieved in short term grazing studies with dairy cows grazing tall (180 mm+), dense (3.0 kg DM/m3), leafy perennial ryegrass swards

    Temporal Correlations and Persistence in the Kinetic Ising Model: the Role of Temperature

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    We study the statistical properties of the sum St=∫0tdt′σt′S_t=\int_{0}^{t}dt' \sigma_{t'}, that is the difference of time spent positive or negative by the spin σt\sigma_{t}, located at a given site of a DD-dimensional Ising model evolving under Glauber dynamics from a random initial configuration. We investigate the distribution of StS_{t} and the first-passage statistics (persistence) of this quantity. We discuss successively the three regimes of high temperature (T>TcT>T_{c}), criticality (T=TcT=T_c), and low temperature (T<TcT<T_{c}). We discuss in particular the question of the temperature dependence of the persistence exponent θ\theta, as well as that of the spectrum of exponents θ(x)\theta(x), in the low temperature phase. The probability that the temporal mean St/tS_t/t was always larger than the equilibrium magnetization is found to decay as t−θ−12t^{-\theta-\frac12}. This yields a numerical determination of the persistence exponent θ\theta in the whole low temperature phase, in two dimensions, and above the roughening transition, in the low-temperature phase of the three-dimensional Ising model.Comment: 21 pages, 11 PostScript figures included (1 color figure

    Whither discrete time model predictive control?

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    This note proposes an efficient computational procedure for the continuous time, input constrained, infinite horizon, linear quadratic regulator problem (CLQR). To ensure satisfaction of the constraints, the input is approximated as a piecewise linear function on a finite time discretization. The solution of this approximate problem is a standard quadratic program. A novel lower bound on the infinite dimensional CLQR problem is developed, and the discretization is adaptively refined until a user supplied error tolerance on the CLQR cost is achieved. The offline storage of the required quadrature matrices at several levels of discretization tailors the method for online use as required in model predictive control (MPC). The performance of the proposed algorithm is then compared with the standard discrete time MPC algorithms. The proposed method is shown to be significantly more efficient than standard discrete time MPC that uses a sample time short enough to generate a cost close to the CLQR solution
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