22,996 research outputs found

    Ti and V layers retard interaction between Al films and polycrystalline Si

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    Fine-grained polycrystalline Si (poly Si) in contact with Al films recrystallizes at temperatures well below the Si-Al eutectic (577 °C). We show that this interaction can be deferred or suppressed by placing a buffer layer of Ti or V between the Al film and the poly Si. During annealing, Ti or V form TiAl3 or Val3 at the buffer-layer–Al-film interface, but do not react with the poly Si so that the integrity of the poly Si is preserved as long as some unreacted Ti or V remains. The reaction between the Ti or V layer and the Al film is transport limited ([proportional]t^1/2) and characterized by the diffusion constants 1.5×10^15 exp(–1.8eV/kT) Å^2/sec or 8.4×10^12 exp(–1.7eV/kT) Å^2/sec, respectively

    Sequence of phase formation in planar metal-Si reaction couples

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    A correlation is found between the sequence of phase formation in thin-film metal-Si interactions and the bulk equilibrium phase diagram. After formation of the first silicide phase, which generally follows the rule proposed by Walser and Bené, the next phase formed at the interface between the first phase and the remaining element (Si or metal) is the nearest congruently melting compound richer in the unreacted element. If the compounds between the first phase and the remaining element are all noncongruently melting compounds (such as peritectic or peritectoid phases), the next phase formed is that with the smallest temperature difference between the liquidus curve and the peritectic (or peritectoid) point

    Heterostructure by solid‐phase epitaxy in the Si〈111〉/Pd/Si (amorphous) system

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    When a thin film of Pd reacts with a 〈111〉 Si substrate, a layer of epitaxial Pd_2Si is formed. It is shown that Si can grow epitaxially on such a layer by solid‐phase reaction

    Newton's method and Baker domains

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    We show that there exists an entire function f without zeros for which the associated Newton function N(z)=z-f(z)/f'(z) is a transcendental meromorphic functions without Baker domains. We also show that there exists an entire function f with exactly one zero for which the complement of the immediate attracting basin has at least two components and contains no invariant Baker domains of N. The second result answers a question of J. Rueckert and D. Schleicher while the first one gives a partial answer to a question of X. Buff.Comment: 6 page

    Heteroepitaxy of deposited amorphous layer by pulsed electron-beam irradiation

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    We demonstrate that a single short pulse of electron irradiation of appropriate energy is capable of recrystallizing epitaxially an amorphous Ge layer deposited on either or Si single-crystal substrate. The primary defects observed in the case were dislocations, whereas stacking faults were observed in samples

    Epitaxial growth of deposited amorphous layer by laser annealing

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    We demonstrate that a single short pulse of laser irradiation of appropriate energy is capable of recrystallizing in open air an amorphous Si layer deposited on a (100) single-crystal substrate into an epitaxial layer. The laser pulse annealing technique is shown to overcome the interfacial oxide obstacle which usually leads to polycrystalline formation in normal thermal annealing

    Cooperativity Beyond Caging: Generalized Mode Coupling Theory

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    The validity of mode coupling theory (MCT) is restricted by an uncontrolled factorization approximation of density correlations. The factorization can be delayed and ultimately avoided, however, by explicitly including higher order correlations. We explore this approach within a microscopically motivated schematic model. Analytic tractability allows us to discuss in great detail the impact of factorization at arbitrary order, including the limit of avoided factorization. Our results indicate a coherent picture for the capabilities as well as limitations of MCT. Moreover, including higher order correlations systematically defers the transition and ultimately restores ergodicity. Power-law divergence of the relaxation time is then replaced by continuous but exponential growth.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Precise location of Sagittarius X ray sources with a rocket-borne rotating modulation collimator

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    Precise location of Sagittarius X ray sources with rocket-borne rotating modulation collimato

    Venture Capital in Japan: A Financial Instrument Supporting the Innovativeness of the Japanese Economy

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    Two factors: First, the relatively small number of new companies as well as the number of companies subject to liquidation over the year ("firm turnover") in Japan, and second, the insignificant prestige associated with the profession of entrepreneur do not foster growth in the dynamics of this form of financing ventures. The cited indicator for Japan in among the lowest in comparison with other highly developed countries1, while the profession of entrepreneur is not the foremost dream of college graduates. They would much rather prefer realizing their professional careers as members of the government bureaucracy or employees of a major corporation2. However, this mindset is slowly changing, if for no other reason then, in spite of popular conviction, because most small companies are not established during periods of prosperity, but near the end of the downward phase of the economic cycle. That is exactly the phase Japan has been dealing with for several years now. Young, creative people, recruited from the unemployed, are seeking self-employment, using all possible opportunities embedded in the "again starting up" machinery of the economy.Dwa czynniki: pierwszy - stosunkowo mała liczba nowych firm, a także firm likwidowanych w skali roku ("firm turnover") w Japonii oraz drugi - niewielki prestiż, jakim cieszy się zawód przedsiębiorcy, nie sprzyjają dynamizacji omawianej formy finansowania przedsięwzięć. Cytowany wskaźnik, dla Japonii należy do najniższych w porównaniu z innymi krajami wysoko rozwiniętymi (Grabowiecki 2000), zaś profesja przedsiębiorcy nie jest szczytem marzeń ludzi po studiach. Znacznie bardziej chcieliby oni swoją karierę zawodową realizować jako członkowie rządowej biurokracji lub pracownicy dużej korporacji (Corver 2008, s. 2). Ta świadomość ulega jednak stopniowej zmianie, chociażby dlatego, że wbrew popularnym przekonaniom, większość niewielkich przedsiębiorstw, powstaje nie w okresie prosperity, lecz pod koniec spadkowej fazy cyklu koniunkturalnego. Z taką fazą mamy do czynienia w Japonii od paru lat. Młodzi, kreatywni ludzie, rekrutujący się z bezrobotnych, poszukują samozatrudnienia, wykorzystują wszelakie szanse, tkwiące w "ruszającej na powrót" maszynerii gospodark (Yonekura, Lynskey 2003, s. 11)

    Framework Programmable Platform for the Advanced Software Development Workstation: Preliminary system design document

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    The Framework Programmable Software Development Platform (FPP) is a project aimed at combining effective tool and data integration mechanisms with a model of the software development process in an intelligent integrated software environment. Guided by the model, this system development framework will take advantage of an integrated operating environment to automate effectively the management of the software development process so that costly mistakes during the development phase can be eliminated. The focus here is on the design of components that make up the FPP. These components serve as supporting systems for the Integration Mechanism and the Framework Processor and provide the 'glue' that ties the FPP together. Also discussed are the components that allow the platform to operate in a distributed, heterogeneous environment and to manage the development and evolution of software system artifacts