34 research outputs found

    Clonal Structure, Virulence Factor-encoding Genes and Antibiotic Resistance of Escherichia coli, Causing Urinary Tract Infections and Other Extraintestinal Infections in Humans in Spain and France during 2016

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    Escherichia coli is the main pathogen responsible for extraintestinal infections. A total of 196 clinical E. coli consecutively isolated during 2016 in Spain (100 from Lucus Augusti hospital in Lugo) and France (96 from Beaujon hospital in Clichy) were characterized. Phylogroups, clonotypes, sequence types (STs), O:H serotypes, virulence factor (VF)-encoding genes and antibiotic resistance were determined. Approximately 10% of the infections were caused by ST131 isolates in both hospitals and approximately 60% of these infections were caused by isolates belonging to only 10 STs (ST10, ST12, ST58, ST69, ST73, ST88, ST95, ST127, ST131, ST141). ST88 isolates were frequent, especially in Spain, while ST141 isolates significantly predominated in France. The 23 ST131 isolates displayed four clonotypes: CH40-30, CH40-41, CH40-22 and CH40-298. Only 13 (6.6%) isolates were carriers of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) enzymes. However, 37.2% of the isolates were multidrug-resistant (MDR). Approximately 40% of the MDR isolates belonged to only four of the dominant clones (B2-CH40-30-ST131, B2-CH40-41-ST131, C-CH4-39-ST88 and D-CH35-27-ST69). Among the remaining MDR isolates, two isolates belonged to B2-CH14-64-ST1193, i.e., the new global emergent MDR clone. Moreover, a hybrid extraintestinal pathogenic E.coli (ExPEC)/enteroaggregative isolate belonging to the A-CH11-54-ST10 clone was identifiedThis study was supported by projects: PI16/01477 from Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Gobierno de España) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); and ED431C2017/57 from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, (Xunta de Galicia) and FEDERS

    Interplay Between Membrane Permeability and Enzymatic Barrier Leads to Antibiotic-Dependent Resistance in Klebsiella Pneumoniae

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    The interplay between membrane permeability alterations and the enzymatic barrier contributes to Klebsiella pneumoniae multidrug resistance. We assessed the specific effect of the efflux levels of the main efflux pumps (AcrAB and OqxAB), alone and associated with the loss of the main porins (OmpK35 and OMPK36), on the activity of various antibiotics by constructing a set of K. pneumoniae isogenic strains, including strains with plasmid-mediated β-lactamases (DHA-1, CTX-M-15, and OXA-48). The two pumps contributed to intrinsic chloramphenicol resistance and AcrAB to that of nalidixic acid and cefoxitin, whereas they had no impact on the activity of the other 11 antibiotics tested. We confirmed the expulsion of these three antibiotics by the two overproduced pumps and that of tigecycline by overproduced AcrAB, and showed that overproduced AcrAB also expelled ertapenem, piperacillin, ceftolozane, and ceftazidime. The sole loss of porins did not significantly affect the activity of the tested antibiotics, except ertapenem. The effect of efflux increases and porin loss on β-lactam activity was the highest in plasmid-mediated β-lactamase-producing strains. Thus, DHA-1-producing strains became non-susceptible (NS) to (i) ertapenem when there was an increase in efflux or porin loss, (ii) imipenem and ceftazidime+avibactam when the two mechanisms were associated, and (iii) temocillin when AcrAB was overproduced. The CTX-M-15-producing strains became NS to (i) ertapenem when there was no porin, (ii) ceftolozane+tazobactam when there was either overproduced OqxAB or porin loss, and (iii) temocillin when AcrAB was overproduced. OXA-48-producing strains known to be NS to temocillin were also NS to ceftolozane and they became NS to imipenem when the two pumps were overproduced or there was porin loss. Overall, this study shows that the balance between influx and efflux differentially modulates the activity of the tested antibiotics, an important point for evaluating the activity of future antibiotics or new combinations

    Association Between Kinetics of Early Biofilm Formation and Clonal Lineage in Escherichia coli

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    BackgroundEscherichia coli biofilm formation has mostly been assessed in specific pathogenic E. coli groups. Here, we assessed the early biofilm formation (EBF), i.e., adhesion stage, using the BioFilm Ring Test® on 394 E. coli clinical isolates (EC) [196 consecutively isolated (CEC) in 2016 and 198 ESBL-producing E. coli (ESBLEC) isolated in 2015]. Then, biofilm-forming ability was contrasted with phylogroups, clonotypes (fumC-fimH), and sequence types (STs), all being used to define clones, virulence factors (VF), and FimB.ResultAccording to both biofilm production levels at 2, 3, and 5 h, and EBF kinetics over 5 h, CEC and ESBLEC isolates segregated into three EBF groups: strong (G1), moderate (G2), and weak (G3) producers. At 2 h, strong producers were more frequent among CEC (n = 28; 14.3%) than among ESBLEC (n = 8; 4%) (P = 0.0004). As CEC and ESBLEC isolates showed similar individual EBF kinetics in each group, a comparison of isolate features between each group was applied to gathered CEC and ESBLEC isolates after 2 h of incubation, 2 h being the most representative time point of the CEC and ESBLEC isolate segregation into the three groups. Phylogroup B2 displayed by 51.3% of the 394 isolates was more frequent in G1 (77.8%) than in G3 (47.6%) (P = 0.0006). The 394 isolates displayed 153 clones, of which 31 included at least three isolates. B2-CH14-2-ST127, B2-CH40-22-ST131, B2-CH52-5/14-ST141, and E-CH100-96-ST362 clones were associated with G1 (P < 0.03) and accounted for 41.7% of G1 isolates. B2-CH40-30-ST131 clone was associated with G3 (P < 0.0001) and accounted for 25.5% of G3 isolates. VF mean was higher among G1 than among G3 isolates (P < 0.001). FimB-P2 variant was associated with G1 (P = 0.0011) and FimB-P1 variant was associated with G3 (P = 0.0023). Clone, some VF, and FimB were associated with EBF, with clonal lineage being able to explain 72% of the variability of EBF.ConclusionAmong our 394 isolates, <10% are able to quickly and persistently produce high biofilm levels over 5 h. These isolates belong to a few clones previously described in various studies as dominant gut colonizers in mammalians and birds and comprised the B2-CH40-22-ST131 clone, i.e., the ancestor of the globally disseminated B2-CH40-30-ST131 clone that is the dominant clone among the weak biofilm producers

    L’affectivité dans L’être et le néant :le rôle charnière des Carnets de la drôle de guerre

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    Le désengagement du Journal de Gide et des Carnets de la drôle de guerre

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    Etude de la passivité dans l’Esquisse d’une théorie des émotions

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    Baudelaire et Mallarmé de Jean-Paul Sartre ou la captivité affective

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    L'affectivité dans l'oeuvre de Jean-Paul Sartre: tension entre spontanéité et passivité

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    Le thème de l’affectivité parcourt l’œuvre de Sartre de part en part, de son premier essai de psychologie phénoménologique à sa dernière biographie existentielle. Le but de nos recherches est de dévoiler la tension qui se joue, au cœur de cette thématique, entre une liberté revendiquée et une passivité intrusive. Nous avons entrepris cette étude selon une démarche génétique et chronologique circonscrite en trois cadres de travail qui, au sein du projet sartrien global d’investigation de la réalité-humaine, sont à chaque fois axés sur une méthode particulière de compréhension de l’individu. Nous envisageons d’abord sa psychologie phénoménologique, soit les premiers pas de Sartre en philosophie, puis son ontologie phénoménologique, pour terminer par la mise en application de sa psychanalyse existentielle dans ses biographies. D’un cadre à l’autre, Sartre reprend, complète, fonde, abandonne, modifie ou encore infléchit ses conceptions de l’émotion, de la spontanéité, de la captivité, du psychique, de la passivité, des rapports affectifs avec autrui, de l’affectivité originelle, de l’aliénation. Au cours des textes se déploie une philosophie qui pense toujours plus profondément l’affectivité humaine :partant d’une conscience spontanée sans passé, sans histoire, sans contrainte, en commerce usuel avec un monde aux qualités affectives préexistantes, passant par une conscience maîtresse absolue d’elle-même dans les limites que se donne sa liberté, captivée au sein d’un libre projet qui scelle son destin affectif, Sartre aboutit à une émotivité aliénée, intériorisée par un individu enraciné dans un monde où il se fait être ce qu’on a fait de lui. Doctorat en PhilosophieTHPHILOinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Tension entre spontanéité et passivité dans l’étude sartrienne de l’émotion

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