2 research outputs found

    Perceptions, knowledge and attitudes of women towards maternal deaths at Qaukeni Sub-district in OR Tambo Health District in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Maternal mortality is a global problem, with the risk of deathever present during pregnancy, labour and postnatal, particularly in developing countries. The purpose of the study was to explore the perceptions, knowledge and attitudes of women of child-bearing age concerning maternal deaths in Qaukeni Sub-District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. METHODS: A descriptive, contextual, exploratory research design was used to explore the perceptions, knowledge and attitudes of child-bearing-age women. Interviews were conducted with 21 purposively selected multiparous pregnant women. FINDINGS: Some of the participants knew signs and symptoms of pregnancy as well as danger signs during pregnancy such as haemorrhage, sepsis, high blood pressure and complications of unsupervised home deliveries; while others had little knowledge about these signs and symptoms. Some participants knew about the causes of maternal deaths and a number of them had beliefs that can be construed as myths. The use of herbal medications in pregnancy, such as gwarugwaru and mbelekisane, were highlighted as a problem in maternal health, with serious complications that can lead to maternal deaths. The participants have negative attitudes towards the clinics and hospitals due to the ill treatment they received from health professionals in labour wards, which may have led to the loss of lives of women and children. Lack of resources, unskilled traditional birth attendants, lack of accountability and responsibility by health professionals were contributory factors towards maternal deaths. CONCLUSIONS: Lack of resources, unskilled traditional birth attendants, lack of accountability and the irresponsibility of professional nurses and doctors were all pointed out by participants as either direct or indirect causes of maternal deaths. The recommendations include frequent in-service training for unskilled birth attendants, and the provisions of more professional nurses and doctors. Campaigns also need to be held to highlight the risks that women are exposed to during pregnancy, and the importance of early interventions

    Perceptions of women of reproductive age towards maternal death in Qaukeni sub-District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa: A qualitative study

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    Maternal mortality is a global problem, particularly in developing countries. This study explored perceptions, knowledge and attitudes of women of reproductive age concerning maternal deaths in Qaukeni Sub-District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. This was a community-based qualitative study using using in-depth interviews among women of reproductive age. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The study found some of the mothers knew the causes, signs and symptoms of pregnancy as well as danger signs during pregnancy such as haemorrhage, sepsis, high blood pressure and complications of unsupervised home deliveries, while others had little knowledge about these signs and symptoms. The participants indicated that using herbal medications during pregnancy could result to serious complications and even maternal death. Women do not attend antenatal care because of the long distances, absence of clinics, shortage of nurses and doctors; thus, predisposing women to deliver at homeswith the assistance of traditional birth attendants, who had limited knowledge related to health issues and the Prevention of Motherto-Child-Transmission programme. The findings indicated that some women are knowledgeable about the causes of maternal deaths during pregnancy as well as the signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Health education during pregnancy and provision of better resources would help improve the maternal health of women in this rural setting. Keywords: Mothers, Maternal deaths, Perceptions, Knowledge and attitudes, South AfricaLa mortalité maternelle est un problème mondial, en particulier dans les pays en développement. Cette étude a exploré les perceptions, les connaissances et les attitudes des femmes en âge de procréer concernant les décès maternels dans le sous-district de Qaukeni, province du Cap oriental, Afrique du Sud. Il s'agissait d'une étude qualitative communautaire utilisant des entretiens approfondis auprès de femmes en âge de procréer. Les données ont été analysées à l'aide d'une analyse thématique. L'étude a révélé que certaines mères connaissaient les causes, les signes et les symptômes de la grossesse ainsi que les signes de danger pendant la grossesse tels que l'hémorragie, la septicémie, l'hypertension artérielle et les complications des accouchements à domicile non supervisés, tandis que d'autres avaient peu de connaissances sur ces signes et symptômes. Les participantes ont indiqué que l'utilisation de médicaments à base de plantes pendant la grossesse pouvait entraîner de graves complications et même la mort maternelle. Les femmes ne se rendent pas aux soins prénatals en raison des longues distances, de l’absence de dispensaires, du manque d’infirmières et de médecins; ainsi, prédisposant les femmes à accoucher à domicile avec l'aide des accoucheuses traditionnelles, qui avaient des connaissances limitées sur les problèmes de santé et le programme de prévention de la transmission mère-enfant. Les résultats indiquent que certaines femmes connaissent les causes des décès maternels pendant la grossesse ainsi que les signes et symptômes de la grossesse. L'éducation sanitaire pendant la grossesse et la fourniture de meilleures ressources contribueraient à améliorer la santé maternelle des femmes dans ce milieu rural. Mots-clés: Mères, décès maternels, perceptions, connaissances et attitudes, Afrique du Su