2 research outputs found

    Age Management in the Brazilian Context: A Theoretical Discussion

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    The aging of population and workforce has significantly impacted living conditions in society and organizations around the world. This scenario represents a challenge for public policymakers and for the labor market, whose future depends on the maintenance of the work capacity of the older workers and their continued participation in the labour market. In this context, age management policies are increasingly important as they play a crucial role in increasing and sustaining the participation of these workers in the labor market. This theoretical essay aims to discuss age management in the Brazilian context. Specifically, it seeks to present the concept of age management and its challenges for the organizations in Brazil. Age management has been defined as the best way to strategically deal with the changes resulting from the aging of the population and consequent changes in the labor market. We argue, in this study, that the phenomenon of aging has specific characteristics in Brazil, a country with a collectivist trait in which intergenerational affective-moral-financial responsibility is the main issue

    Conscious Consuming! Paradoxical Speech of Sustainable Consumption of Fashion

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    À medida que a questão ambiental se destaca nas agendas de discussão, bem como no repertório mercadológico, amplia-se a abrangência de questões relacionadas à necessidade não apenas de processos produtivos sustentáveis, mas também de um consumo “consciente”, “responsável” ou “sustentável” no segmento de moda. A responsabilização individual do consumidor de moda, quanto a problemas socioambientais é objeto de reflexão neste artigo. A partir de uma pesquisa exploratória qualitativa, no Pólo de Confecções do Agreste pernambucano, analisamos como problemáticas socioculturais e ambientais são (re)descritas segundo uma (suposta) prática “consciente” no consumo de moda. Para construção do corpus, consideramos a perspectiva de indivíduos em relação significativa com a prática sob investigação (o consumo de moda), tendo sido realizadas dez entrevistas em profundidade com jovens consumidoras locais de moda. Dados suplementares foram coletados, e incluíram fontes diversas, agrupadas e categorizadas após o trabalho de campo: artigos e conferências que versam sobre o consumo de moda (foco em vestuário); e matérias e notícias de jornais, revistas e internet que versavam sobre o consumo de moda no Agreste pernambucano, totalizando 70 artigos/matérias. Neste segmento, foi possível problematizar a relação entre inveja e felicidade como marcador importante, e a moda que funciona como parte dos recursos empregados pelo sujeito para construção identitária e reprodução cultural. Observam-se paradoxos de um consumo “ecologicamente correto” de moda, desmitificando-se a idéia de que o consumo “consciente” de moda é simplesmente uma questão de “escolha”. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v12i3.2413Since environmental issues stand on agendas of discussions of marketing repertoires, the scope of issues related to the need for sustainable production processes and "conscious", "responsible" or "sustainable" consumption in the fashion segment must be part of the conversation. The individual responsibility of the fashion consumer towards environmental problems is the object of reflection in this article. Using a qualitative exploratory research design in the Clothing Sector in Pernambuco (Agreste region), we analyze how environmental and sociocultural issues are (re)described according to a (so called) "conscious" practice in fashion consumption. To build the corpus, we considered the prospect of significant individuals in relation to the practice under investigation (fashion consumption), and we conducted ten interviews with local young fashion consumers. Additional data were collected and various sources were included, grouped, and categorized after the fieldwork: articles and conferences that deal with the consumption of fashion (focus on clothing), and materials and news from newspapers, magazines, and internet sources that focused on the consumption of fashion in Pernambuco, totaling 70 articles/sources. In this segment, it was possible to problematize the relationship between jealousy and happiness as an important marker, and fashion that works as part of the resources used by the subject for construction of identity and cultural reproduction. We observed paradoxes of "green" fashion consumption, demystifying the idea that "conscious" fashion consumption is simply a matter of "choice." &nbsp