3,243 research outputs found

    How much laser power can propagate through fusion plasma?

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    Propagation of intense laser beams is crucial for inertial confinement fusion, which requires precise beam control to achieve the compression and heating necessary to ignite the fusion reaction. The National Ignition Facility (NIF), where fusion will be attempted, is now under construction. Control of intense beam propagation may be ruined by laser beam self-focusing. We have identified the maximum laser beam power that can propagate through fusion plasma without significant self-focusing and have found excellent agreement with recent experimental data, and suggest a way to increase that maximum by appropriate choice of plasma composition with implication for NIF designs. Our theory also leads to the prediction of anti-correlation between beam spray and backscatter and suggests the indirect control of backscatter through manipulation of plasma ionization state or acoustic damping.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    Spatial Pattern Formation in External Noise: Theory and Simulation

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    Spatial pattern formation in excitable fluctuating media was researched analytically from the point of view of the order parameters concept. The reaction-diffusion system in external noise is considered as a model of such medium. Stochastic equations for the unstable mode amplitudes (order parameters), dispersion equations for the unstable mode averaged amplitudes, and the Fokker-Planck equation for the order parameters have been obtained. The developed theory makes it possible to analyze different noise-induced effects, including the variation of boundaries of ordering and disordering phase transitions depending on the parameters of external noiseComment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Features of revision hip arthroplasty in the aseptic loosening of components (Review of literature)

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    With the distribution of arthroplasty and an increase the terms after operations, there is an increase in cases of aseptic loosening of components. It can be noted that the replacement of the pelvic component at present with small defects in bones is usually carried out using hemispherical cementless press-fit components. The treatment procedure for extensive defects is complex and ambiguous. Promising results were obtained using highly porous materials from tantalum, which, due to its properties, can represent the future of acetabular revisions. In case of replacing the femoral component, comparable reliable results were obtained using elongated full coated components, wedge-shaped stems and Wagner's conical stems. Thus, analysis of the literature shows that if the technique of the primary operation has long been standardized around the world, revision hip arthroplasty still have many questions about the optimal treatment tactics.С распространением эндопротезирования и увеличением сроков после операции наблюдается рост случаев асептической нестабильности компонентов. Можно отметить, что замена тазового компонента в настоящее время при небольших дефектах костей осуществляется, как правило, с использованием полусферических бесцементных компонентов press-fit. Методика лечения при обширных дефектах сложна и неоднозначна. Многообещающие результаты получены при использовании высокопористых материалов из тантала, который, благодаря своим свойствам, может представлять будущее ревизий вертлужной впадины. При замене бедренного компонента получены сопоставимые надежные результаты с использованием удлиненных компонентов с покрытием по всей поверхности, клиновидных ножек, конических ножек Вагнера. Таким образом, анализ литературы показывает, что если техника первичной операции давно стандартизирована во всем мире, в реэндопротезировании тазобедренного сустава остается множество вопросов по оптимальной тактике лечения

    Critical Strain Region Evaluation of Self-Assembled Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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    A novel peak finding method to map the strain from high resolution transmission electron micrographs, known as the Peak Pairs method, has been applied to In(Ga) As/AlGaAs quantum dot (QD) samples, which present stacking faults emerging from the QD edges. Moreover, strain distribution has been simulated by the finite element method applying the elastic theory on a 3D QD model. The agreement existing between determined and simulated strain values reveals that these techniques are consistent enough to qualitatively characterize the strain distribution of nanostructured materials. The correct application of both methods allows the localization of critical strain zones in semiconductor QDs, predicting the nucleation of defects, and being a very useful tool for the design of semiconductor device

    Rational antimicrobial chemotherapy: assessment of the level of basic knowledge of general practitioners. Final results of the KANT project

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    The irrational use of medicines leads to a decrease in the quality of care, an increase in treatment costs and side effects. In the case of antibacterial drugs, in addition to all the above-mentioned consequences, their improper use can lead to an aggravation of the existing and quite challenging problem of our time-the growth of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic microorganism

    Chances and challenges of registry-based pharmacovigilance in multiple sclerosis: lessons learnt from the implementation of the multicenter REGIMS registry

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    The long-term and potential rare side effects of new immunomodulating drugs for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) are often not well known. Spontaneous case report systems of adverse drug effects are a valuable source in pharmacovigilance, but have several limitations. Primary data collections within registries allow a comprehensive analysis of potential side effects, but face several challenges. This article will outline the chances and challenges of registry-based adverse event reporting, using the example of the German immunotherapeutic registry REGIMS. REGIMS is an observational, clinical multicenter registry that aims to assess the incidence, type, and consequences of side effects of MS immunotherapies. Patients treated with an approved MS medication are recruited by their physicians during routine visits in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and MS-specialized practices. REGIMS incorporates an electronic physician-based documentation in each center and a paper-based patient documentation, both at baseline and regular follow-up visits. By the end of 2019, 43 REGIMS centers were actively recruiting patients and performing follow-up documentations. The majority of the first 1000 REGIMS patients were female (69.3%), had relapse-remitting MS (89.8%), and were treated with a second-line therapy. During the implementation of REGIMS, several logistic and procedural challenges had to be overcome, which are outlined in this paper. Pharmacovigilance registries such as REGIMS provide high-quality primary data from a specific patient population in a real-world care setting and enable pharmacovigilance research that cannot be carried out using secondary data. Despite the logistic and procedural challenges in establishing a multicenter pharmacovigilance registry in Germany, the advantages outweigh the drawbacks

    A Perturbative Method for Calculating the Impedance of Coils on Laminated Ferromagnetic Cores

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    A new set of formulas for calculating the self and mutual impedances of coils on straight and closed laminated ferromagnetic cores of circular cross-section has been derived. The obtained formulas generalize the well-known formulas for impedances of coils on homogeneous ferromagnetic cores, for the case of laminated cores, and improve the previously known formulas for laminated cores. The obtained formulas are fully consistent with Maxwell's equations and, therefore, offer an excellent accuracy. The perturbation theory and the average field technique are used to solve Maxwell's equations inside and outside the core. The solution inside the core can also be used in the analysis of thermal effects occurring inside the laminated core