110 research outputs found

    BPS M5-branes as Defects for the 3d-3d Correspondence

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    We study supersymmetric probe M5-branes in the AdS_4 solution that arises from M5-branes wrapped on a hyperbolic 3-manifold M_3. This amounts to introducing internal defects within the framework of the 3d-3d correspondence. The BPS condition for a probe M5-brane extending along all of AdS_4 requires it to wrap a surface embedded in an S^2-fibration over M_3. We find that the projection of this surface to M_3 can be either a geodesic or a tubular surface around a geodesic. These configurations preserve an extra U(1) symmetry, in addition to the one corresponding to the R-symmetry of the dual 3d N=2 gauge theory. BPS M2-branes can stretch between M5-branes wrapping geodesics. We interpret the addition of probe M5-branes on a closed geodesic in terms of conformal Dehn surgery.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figure

    Punctures from Probe M5-Branes and N=1 Superconformal Field Theories

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    We study probe M5-branes in N=1 AdS5 solutions of M-theory that arise from M5-branes wrapped on a Riemann surface. Using the BPS condition from kappa-symmetry, we classify supersymmetric probe M5-branes that extend along all of AdS5 and intersect the Riemann surface at points. These can be viewed as punctures in the dual N=1 superconformal field theories. We find M5-branes that correspond to the two types of simple punctures previously studied in field theory. In addition, when the central charge is rational, we find a new class of M5-branes with a moduli space that includes two internal dimensions in addition to the Riemann surface. These new M5-branes have the essential characteristic of fractional branes, in that a single one at a generic point of its moduli space becomes multiple M5-branes at special points.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    An Abundance of Heterotic Vacua

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    We explicitly construct the largest dataset to date of heterotic vacua arising from stable vector bundles on Calabi-Yau threefolds. Focusing on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds with spectral cover bundles, we show that the number of heterotic models with non-zero number of generations is finite. We classify these models according to the complex base of their Calabi-Yau threefold and to the unification gauge group that they preserve in four dimensions. This database of the order of 10710^7 models, which includes potential Standard Model candidates, is subjected to some preliminary statistical analyses. The additional constraint that there should be three net generations of particles gives a dramatic reduction of the number of vacua.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, added reference

    BPS Graphs: From Spectral Networks to BPS Quivers

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    We define "BPS graphs" on punctured Riemann surfaces associated with AN−1A_{N-1} theories of class S\mathcal{S}. BPS graphs provide a bridge between two powerful frameworks for studying the spectrum of BPS states: spectral networks and BPS quivers. They arise from degenerate spectral networks at maximal intersections of walls of marginal stability on the Coulomb branch. While the BPS spectrum is ill-defined at such intersections, a BPS graph captures a useful basis of elementary BPS states. The topology of a BPS graph encodes a BPS quiver, even for higher-rank theories and for theories with certain partial punctures. BPS graphs lead to a geometric realization of the combinatorics of Fock-Goncharov NN-triangulations and generalize them in several ways.Comment: 48 pages, 44 figure

    Exactly marginal deformations from exceptional generalised geometry

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    We apply exceptional generalised geometry to the study of exactly marginal deformations of N=1\mathcal{N}=1 SCFTs that are dual to generic AdS5_5 flux backgrounds in type IIB or eleven-dimensional supergravity. In the gauge theory, marginal deformations are parametrised by the space of chiral primary operators of conformal dimension three, while exactly marginal deformations correspond to quotienting this space by the complexified global symmetry group. We show how the supergravity analysis gives a geometric interpretation of the gauge theory results. The marginal deformations arise from deformations of generalised structures that solve moment maps for the generalised diffeomorphism group and have the correct charge under the generalised Reeb vector, generating the R-symmetry. If this is the only symmetry of the background, all marginal deformations are exactly marginal. If the background possesses extra isometries, there are obstructions that come from fixed points of the moment maps. The exactly marginal deformations are then given by a further quotient by these extra isometries. Our analysis holds for any N=2\mathcal{N}=2 AdS5_5 flux background. Focussing on the particular case of type IIB Sasaki-Einstein backgrounds we recover the result that marginal deformations correspond to perturbing the solution by three-form flux at first order. In various explicit examples, we show that our expression for the three-form flux matches those in the literature and the obstruction conditions match the one-loop beta functions of the dual SCFT.Comment: 52 page
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