91 research outputs found

    Étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s plasmoniques des rĂ©seaux de nanotrous

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    Les rĂ©seaux de nanotrous sont des structures plasmoniques ayant un Ă©norme potentiel en tant que transducteurs pour la conception de biocapteurs. De telles structures sont prometteuses pour l’élaboration de biocapteurs capable d’effectuer du criblage Ă  haut dĂ©bit. L’intĂ©rĂȘt de travailler avec des rĂ©seaux de nanotrous est dĂ» Ă  la simplicitĂ© d’excitation des polaritons de plasmons de surface en transmission directe, Ă  la sensibilitĂ© et Ă  la facilitĂ© de fabrication de ces senseurs. L’architecture de tels rĂ©seaux mĂ©talliques permet la conception de nanostructures ayant de multiples propriĂ©tĂ©s plasmoniques. L’intensitĂ©, la signature spectrale et la sensibilitĂ© du signal plasmonique sont grandement affectĂ©es par l’aspect physique du rĂ©seau de nanotrous. L’optimisation du signal plasmonique nĂ©cessite ainsi un ajustement du diamĂštre des trous, de la pĂ©riodicitĂ© et de la composition mĂ©tallique du rĂ©seau. L'agencement de l'ensemble de ces paramĂštres permet d'identifier une structure optimale possĂ©dant une pĂ©riodicitĂ© de 1000 nm, un diamĂštre des nanotrous de 600-650 nm et un film mĂ©tallique ayant une Ă©paisseur de 125 nm d'or. Ce type de transducteur a une sensibilitĂ© en solution de 500-600 nm/RIU pour des bandes plasmoniques situĂ©es entre 600-700 nm. L'intĂ©rĂȘt de travailler avec cette structure est la possibilitĂ© d'exciter les plasmons de polaritons de surface (SPPs) selon deux modes d'excitation : en transmission exaltĂ©e (EOT) ou en rĂ©flexion totale interne par rĂ©sonance des plasmons de surface (SPR). Une comparaison entre les propriĂ©tĂ©s plasmoniques des senseurs selon les modes d'excitation permet de dĂ©terminer expĂ©rimentalement que le couplage de la lumiĂšre avec les ondes de SPP de Bloch (BW-SPPs) en transmission directe rĂ©sulte en un champ Ă©lectromagnĂ©tique davantage propagatif que localisĂ©. D'un point de vue analytique, la biodĂ©tection de l'IgG en SPR est 6 fois plus sensible par rapport au mode EOT pour une mĂȘme structure. Une Ă©tude du signal plasmonique associĂ© au BW-SPP pour un certain mode de diffraction dĂ©montre que la distance de pĂ©nĂ©tration de ces structures en EOT est d'environ 140 nm. La limite de dĂ©tection de l'IgG humain pour un rĂ©seau de nanotrous de 1000 nm de pĂ©riodicitĂ© est d'environ 50 nM en EOT. Ce mĂ©moire dĂ©montre la viabilitĂ© des rĂ©seaux de nanotrous pour effectuer de la biodĂ©tection par criblage Ă  haut dĂ©bit lors de prochaines recherches. L'investigation de l'effet de l'angle d'excitation en transmission exaltĂ©e par rapport au signal plasmonique associĂ© au mode (1,0) d'un rĂ©seau de nanotrous de 820 nm d'or dĂ©montre que la sensibilitĂ© en solution n'est pas proportionnelle Ă  la sensibilitĂ© en surface du senseur. En fait, une optimisation de l'angle d'incidence pour le mode (1,0) de diffraction des BW-SPP permet d'amplifier la sensibilitĂ© en surface du senseur jusqu'Ă  3-fois pour un angle de 13,3°. Ce mĂ©moire dĂ©montre ainsi la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'optimiser l'angle d'excitation et les propriĂ©tĂ©s physiques du senseur afin de dĂ©velopper un transducteur de grande sensibilitĂ© basĂ© sur l'excitation en transmission de rĂ©seaux de nanotrous.This research aims at developing a multiplexed biosensor for protein detection based on the nanohole array technology. Gold nanohole arrays exhibit distinct plasmonics properties depending on the excitation mode of the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). The interest of working with nanohole arrays is related to their high sensitivity, ease of fabrication and simple setup of excitation in transmission. The architecture of nanohole arrays leads to a nanostructure having multiple plasmonics properties. The intensity, the spectral signature and the sensitivity of the plasmonic signal were highly affected by the shape of the nanohole arrays. Varying the diameter of the holes, the periodicity and the metallic composition of the array were used to optimize the plasmonic signal. The optimal structure was found to have a periodicity of 1000 nm, a diameter of 600-650 nm and a metallic film with a thickness of 125 nm of gold. Such a transducer exhibits a bulk refractive index sensitivity of 500-600 nm/RIU for plasmonic bands absorbing around 600-700 nm. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in the Kretschmann configuration and enhanced optical transmission (EOT) mode were compared using large gold nanohole arrays (1000 nm periodicity, 600 nm diameter and 125 nm depth) in order to assess their relative analytical performance. Biodetection of IgG was found to be 6 times more sensitive with SPR in the Kretschmann configuration than in EOT mode for the same structure. The decay length of the electromagnetic field in EOT mode was determined experimentally to be around 140 nm with a layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte deposition. This results suggests that the plasmonic properties of EOT for nanohole arrays is much more associated to a Bloch wave SPPs mode rather than a localized SPR. Variation of the incident angle of excitation of the BW-SPPs in transmission leads to a higher surface sensitivity for the (1,0) diffraction mode for gold nanohole arrays of 820 nm periodicity. Optimization of the physical properties and the excitation angle of the nanohole arrays is essential in order to develop a transducer having a potential towards multiplexed biosensors

    Études et applications des propriĂ©tĂ©s plasmoniques des rĂ©seaux nanostructurĂ©s

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    Cette thĂšse porte sur l’étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s plasmoniques de rĂ©seaux nanostructurĂ©s dans le but de dĂ©velopper des applications de bioanalyse. L'intĂ©rĂȘt de travailler avec ces structures est dĂ» Ă  leur grande sensibilitĂ© de surface, leur facilitĂ© de fabrication et leur simplicitĂ© d'analyse par spectrophotomĂ©trie en transmission. L'objectif Ă©tait de fabriquer un dispositif capable d'effectuer du criblage Ă  haut dĂ©bit pour des fins biomĂ©dicales. Le premier objectif de la thĂšse porte sur l’étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s plasmoniques des rĂ©seaux de nanotrous. Une comprĂ©hension approfondie de ces structures a permis d’exploiter efficacement leur performance pour des applications de bioanalyse plasmonique. Une solution analytique fut Ă©tablie pour Ă©tudier les modes de diffractions des polaritons de plasmons de surface d’onde de Bloch (BW-SPP). Cette Ă©quation a permis de corroborer les observations expĂ©rimentales avec des calculs thĂ©oriques par rapport au couplage plasmonique des rĂ©seaux de nanotrous. De plus, la variation de l'angle d'incidence a permis de dĂ©placer la frĂ©quence Ă  laquelle les modes plasmoniques sont excitĂ©s. Il Ă©tait donc possible d'ajuster la position des BWSPP de façon Ă  maximiser un couplage Ă  une longueur d'onde dĂ©sirĂ©e. Cet effet a Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ© avec la technique d'amplification de surface de diffusion Raman exaltĂ©e (SERS). Finalement, la sensibilitĂ© en surface de rĂ©seaux de nanotrous a Ă©tĂ© amplifiĂ©e selon l’angle d’excitation en transmission. Ce gain en sensibilitĂ© permet la dĂ©tection de protĂ©ines d’IgG humain pour des basses concentrations de l’ordre du nanomolaire (nM). Le second objectif de la thĂšse traite du dĂ©veloppement d’un lecteur multipuits couplĂ© avec la technologie des rĂ©seaux de nanotrous afin de crĂ©er une plateforme de dĂ©tection plasmonique pour du criblage Ă  haut dĂ©bit. Cet instrument offre une analyse en transmission d’échantillons nanostructurĂ©s Ă  l’aide d’une plaque 96-puits pour des angles d’incidence allant jusqu’à 50°. Une nouvelle mĂ©thode de microfabrication de rĂ©seaux de nanotrous par photolithographie fut Ă©tablie. Cette technique a permis de fabriquer des rĂ©seaux de nanotrous sur de grandes surfaces avec uniformitĂ©. L’efficacitĂ© du systĂšme fut dĂ©montrĂ©e pour la dĂ©tection de protĂ©ines d’IgG humain, du mĂ©thotrexate (MTX) et le criblage d’anticorps de l’antigĂšne prostatique spĂ©cifique (PSA). Le dernier volet de la thĂšse discute de l’étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s plasmoniques de rĂ©seaux de nanodisques recouverts d’un film d’or pour amplifier plus fortement la sensibilitĂ© des capteurs plasmoniques. Cette section de la thĂšse a dĂ©montrĂ© la performance des rĂ©seaux de nanodisques en tant que capteur plasmonique. En effet, les rĂ©seaux de nanodisques ont l’avantage d’exciter un mode de Bragg (BM, Bragg modes) en transmission directe gĂ©nĂ©rant une bande plasmonique fine ayant un facteur de mĂ©rite (FOM, figure of merit) Ă©levĂ© (sensiblitĂ©/rĂ©ponse plasmonique). L’excitation de ces structures en transmission directe a simplifiĂ© Ă©normĂ©ment l’utilisation du robot multipuits par l’excitation Ă  incidence normale tout en offrant une FOM supĂ©rieure aux rĂ©seaux de nanotrous. Pour continuer, des simulations 3D et une image Raman du signal SERS des structures ont dĂ©montrĂ© que le champ plasmonique des BM est grandement confinĂ© autour des nanodisques. Ce confinement du champ plasmonique des rĂ©seaux de nanodisques Ă  gĂ©nĂ©rer un facteur d’amplification SERS de l’ordre de 107. En somme, cette thĂšse dĂ©montre une Ă©tude des propriĂ©tĂ©s plasmoniques de rĂ©seaux nanostructurĂ©s pour des applications de bioanalyse par criblage Ă  haut dĂ©bit. Les Ă©tudes rapportĂ©es dans cette thĂšse ont prouvĂ©s que le champ plasmonique des rĂ©seaux de nanotrous peut ĂȘtre contrĂŽlĂ© afin d’amplifier leur sensibilitĂ©. De plus, la thĂšse rapporte la premiĂšre plateforme de bioanalyse plasmonique utilisant un lecteur multipuits. Finalement, la fabrication de structures plasmoniques composĂ©s de nanodisques d’or a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des propriĂ©tĂ©s optiques qui peuvent ĂȘtre mises Ă  profit pour des mesures optiques ultras sensibles.This thesis describes the plasmonic properties of nanostructured arrays towards development of biosensing applications. These structures exhibited several advantages such as high surface sensitivity, ease of microfabrication and simple excitation setup in transmission spectroscopy. The goal was to design a plasmonic device able to achieve high throughput analysis for biomedical purposes. The first section of the thesis covers a study of the plasmonic properties of nanohole arrays. An analytical solution was derived to assess plasmonic properties of the diffraction modes of Bloch-Wave surface plasmon polaritons (BW-SPP). Tuning of the excitation angle allowed for a precise control of the plasmonic signal’s position and an optimal coupling at a specific wavelength. This feature of nanohole arrays was demonstrated for applications in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Finally, this section described the enhancement of the surface sensitivity of nanohole arrays through variation of the excitation angle in transmission. Such enhancement of the sensitivity allowed for detection of the concentration of human IgG proteins in the low nanomolar range. The second section of the thesis discusses the development of a multi-well plate reader coupled with the nanohole arrays technology. A custom-built plasmonic reader, designed at University of Montreal, allowed analysis of plasmonic structures in transmission with a 96-well plate for excitation where the incident angle is up to 50° relative to normal. A novel microfabrication technique of nanohole arrays, based on photolithography, is described. This technique allowed fabrication of nanohole arrays on a large scale with great surface uniformity. The performance of the plasmonic reader is demonstrated for sensing of human IgG proteins, methotrexate (MTX) and screening of prostate specific antigen (PSA) antibodies. The final section of the thesis describes studies on the plasmonic properties of nanodisk arrays coated with a gold film. This section described the performance of nanodisk arrays for plasmonic sensing. This structure benefited from the excitation of Bragg modes (BM) in direct transmission, which generated a sharp plasmonic band with a high figure of merit (FOM). The excitation of nanodisk arrays in direct transmission simplified the design of the plasmonic reader while providing a greater FOM than nanohole arrays. Furthermore, 3D simulations and a Raman image of the nanodisk arrays’ SERS intensity showed the confinement of the plasmonic field of the BM at the edges of the nanodisk. Such confinement of the plasmonic field of nanodisk arrays led to high SERS enhancements to a factor of 10^7. In summary, this thesis studied the plasmonic properties of nanostructured arrays towards development of applications for high throughput biosensing. These studies proved that the plasmonic field of nanohole arrays can be tuned to enhance their surface sensitivity. Furthermore, the thesis revealed the first plasmonic sensing platform using a multiwell plate reader. Finally, the thesis describes a novel plasmonic structure with outstanding optical properties; the gold coated nanodisk arrays

    Délibérer en régime de démocratie représentative : la forme de vie politique à l'aune de la raison pratique

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    Les gouvernements reprĂ©sentatifs contemporains font face Ă  des transformations sociales qui encouragent la recherche d’une nouvelle politique dĂ©mocratique, autant en thĂ©orie qu’en pratique. Une des avenues les plus influentes et prometteuses renvoie Ă  l’idĂ©e de « dĂ©mocratie dĂ©libĂ©rative », qui promeut un idĂ©al de conversation publique et de participation politique afin d’assurer la lĂ©gitimitĂ© des normes communes. La prĂ©sente recherche propose d’analyser cette idĂ©e dans une perspective aristotĂ©licienne et de dĂ©gager certains critĂšres pour l’évaluation d’un bon raisonnement dĂ©libĂ©ratif. Nous mettrons notamment de l’avant une conception de la raison pratique qui insiste sur l’adĂ©quation de la dĂ©libĂ©ration Ă  l’action qu’elle est censĂ©e causer, afin de montrer le potentiel Ă©pistĂ©mique de l’action elle-mĂȘme. Nous verrons alors que l’étude de la dĂ©libĂ©ration politique ne peut se passer d’une rĂ©flexion sur la forme de vie commune qui encadre l’exercice dĂ©libĂ©ratif. En plus des textes d’Aristote, notre recherche s’appuie principalement sur deux philosophes contemporains, Alasdair MacIntyre et Pierre Manent.Contemporary representative regimes confront social changes that led to new ideas about democratic government, in theory as well as in practice. One of the most influential of these is « deliberative democracy », which promotes public conversation and political participation as a mode of producing legitimate social norms. The present work seeks to investigate this idea in an Aristotelian framework and to draw criterions for the evaluation of an appropriate deliberative reasoning. It will especially put forth a conception of pratical reason which insists on the needed consistency between deliberation and the action it is supposed to produce, in order to demonstrate the epistemic potential of action itself. It will thereafter be shown that the study of political deliberation must include a reflexion on the common form of life that frames the deliberative practice. In addition to the works of Aristotle, this research leans upon those of the philosophers Alasdair MacIntyre and Pierre Manent

    La critique de la société démocratique : Jacques RanciÚre et le discours de la subjectivation

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    Le prĂ©sent article interroge la dimension critique de la dĂ©mocratie telle que l’a analysĂ©e Jacques RanciĂšre. Nous nous penchons particuliĂšrement sur les composantes du discours ouvrant l’espace de la subjectivitĂ© politique au sein de ce que RanciĂšre nomme le « mode du dire » d’une communautĂ© politique. L’article examine alors la tension entre cette manifestation du discours et la socialisation produite par l’institutionnalisation de la dĂ©mocratie. Nous argumentons que l’exposĂ© de RanciĂšre au sujet du logos politique, bien que fĂ©cond, ne prend pas suffisamment en compte les exigences d’un troisiĂšme « mode » constitutif de la sociĂ©tĂ© et dĂ©terminant pour l’action politique, celui du « faire »

    The Challenges of HTR Model Training: Feedback from the Project Donner le gout de l'archive a l'ere numerique

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    The arrival of handwriting recognition technologies offers new possibilities for research in heritage studies. However, it is now necessary to reflect on the experiences and the practices developed by research teams. Our use of the Transkribus platform since 2018 has led us to search for the most significant ways to improve the performance of our handwritten text recognition (HTR) models which are made to transcribe French handwriting dating from the 17th century. This article therefore reports on the impacts of creating transcribing protocols, using the language model at full scale and determining the best way to use base models in order to help increase the performance of HTR models. Combining all of these elements can indeed increase the performance of a single model by more than 20% (reaching a Character Error Rate below 5%). This article also discusses some challenges regarding the collaborative nature of HTR platforms such as Transkribus and the way researchers can share their data generated in the process of creating or training handwritten text recognition models

    A shape-changing cylindrical chart that displays energy availability forecasts

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    Un moyen d'optimiser le taux d'énergie renouvelable consommé sur les micro-réseaux est la gestion de la demande en énergie. Décaler la consommation aux moments propices est possible avec des moyens de stockage. Pour explorer ce contexte, nous envisageons une nouvelle pratique visant à décaler la consommation des ordinateurs portables sur le lieu de travail grùce à leurs batteries. Cette pratique nécessite de fournir des consignes d'usage et des prévisions de disponibilité des énergies renouvelables. Pour ce faire, nous avons évalué l'utilisabilité d'un histogramme cylindrique à changement de forme, lors d'un évÚnement public sur deux jours, en interrogeant 90 visiteurs. Nous avons aussi testé trois profils de vitesse des mouvements en vision périphérique de sorte à notifier sans perturber ni agacer, en sollicitant 30 participants en condition de laboratoire. Nos résultats montrent des taux de réussite au-delà de 90% pour des tùches de recherche d'intervalle et de comparaison, nécessaires pour retrouver les pics de production d'énergie renouvelable. Nos résultats montrent qu'une vitesse exponentielle est la plus efficace pour rendre perceptible le mouvement tout en étant aussi peu perturbante qu'une vitesse constante.Optimizing microgrids' renewable-energy-consumption rates can be done by energy demand-side management. Shifting consumption at better moments is possible thanks to storage capacities. To explore this context, we consider a new practice aiming at shifting laptops' consumption on workplaces thanks to their batteries. This practice requires providing usage instructions and forecasts on renewable energy availability. In order to do this, we evaluated the usability of a shape-changing cylindrical histogram, during a two-day public event, by asking 90 visitors. We also tested three kinds of motion speed in peripheral vision in order to notify neither disturbing nor irritating, by requiring 30 participants in lab conditions. Our results show success rates over 90% for range and compare tasks, which are necessary to retrieve renewable energy production peaks. Our results show that an exponential speed is the best to design perceptible movements, whereas being as calm as a constant speed

    CParLà ! : Guidage dynamique multicanal. Améliorer les échanges à bord d’un aéronef pour la Recherche et le Sauvetage

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    Lorsque deux individus ne sont pas côte à côte et que l’un souhaite amener le regard de l’autre vers un point d’intérêt désigné, et que la seule modalité disponible pour communiquer est la modalité audio, alors le guidage peut se révéler compliqué et source d’erreurs. C’est pourquoi nous proposons CParlà !, un système de guidage qui utilise le canal tactile puis le canal visuel ; vibrations pour emmener l’utilisateur dans une direction, puis encadrement visuel du point d’intérêt dès qu’il se trouve dans le champ visuel.When two peoples are not side by side and one wishes to bring the other’s eyesight to a designated point of interest, and when the only available modality to communicate is the audio one, then the guidance can show itself complicated and source of errors. That is why we propose CParlà !, a guidance system which uses, according to the context, the most relevant modality


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    When monitoring an industrial process, extreme sensory conditions can make it difficult to rely solely on direct observation. In this paper, we describe the development of an alternative display method for the production criteria of a wire-arc 3D-printing process using sonification. We made this display mostly ambient, as it is preferable in order to avoid fatigue in long-term usage. The sounds were chosen to be cognitively distinct progressive alarms so they would be easier to identify. The evaluation consists in a dual-task identification trial, so as to measure the proper communication of critical information as well as account for the level of distraction from other tasks. The results show that the attentional pull is rather minor and still allows for above-random criteria recognition rates. Though, there seems to be an occasional cognitive overlap between the sounds representing local and global overheating. The droning tone for the height of the part also tends to be drowned out in some cases. Both flaws will need to be addressed in future iterations

    Refining susceptibility loci of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with lung eqtls

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth leading cause of mortality worldwide. Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified robust susceptibility loci associated with COPD. However, the mechanisms mediating the risk conferred by these loci remain to be found. The goal of this study was to identify causal genes/variants within susceptibility loci associated with COPD. In the discovery cohort, genome-wide gene expression profiles of 500 non-tumor lung specimens were obtained from patients undergoing lung surgery. Blood-DNA from the same patients were genotyped for 1,2 million SNPs. Following genotyping and gene expression quality control filters, 409 samples were analyzed. Lung expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) were identified and overlaid onto three COPD susceptibility loci derived from GWAS; 4q31 (HHIP), 4q22 (FAM13A), and 19q13 (RAB4B, EGLN2, MIA, CYP2A6). Significant eQTLs were replicated in two independent datasets (n = 363 and 339). SNPs previously associated with COPD and lung function on 4q31 (rs1828591, rs13118928) were associated with the mRNA expression of HHIP. An association between mRNA expression level of FAM13A and SNP rs2045517 was detected at 4q22, but did not reach statistical significance. At 19q13, significant eQTLs were detected with EGLN2. In summary, this study supports HHIP, FAM13A, and EGLN2 as the most likely causal COPD genes on 4q31, 4q22, and 19q13, respectively. Strong lung eQTL SNPs identified in this study will need to be tested for association with COPD in case-control studies. Further functional studies will also be needed to understand the role of genes regulated by disease-related variants in COPD

    Sonification for 3D Printing Process Monitoring

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    In order to monitor a 3D printing industrial process in a context of sensory overload and potential inattentional deafness, we designed a sonification of the information sent in by the printer. This sonification focuses not only on proper communication of the system's state, but also on lowering the amount of stress usually induced by prolonged listening. To this end, we made use of a combination of synthetic and natural sounds whose perceptual properties were modulated according to the data influx using parameter mapping. Then an experiment was conducted on the recognition of various normal and abnormal behaviours, also allowing the participants to assess the amount of stress they experienced upon listening. The results are quite promising, but also highlight a confusing overlap in the natural sounds used, which will need to be fixed in future iterations. For now, tester opinion is mostly positive on the stressful aspect. However, listening times may need to be longer in further experimentation to better assess how stressful this sonification is
