350 research outputs found

    Some indices regarding of the epidemiological situation and measures of prophylaxy of rabies on the Republic of Moldova

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    The study aimed to analyze the epidemiological situation regarding rabies in the Republic of Moldova from 2010 to 2020. The obtained results showed that in the Republic of Moldova rabies evolves endemic, and the annual number of rabies cases in animals has dragging variations with value reaching incidences from 58 cases (2011) to 167 cases (2015), being characterized with successive waves of increasing the number of sick animals with a periodicity of 2 to 3 years. The presented data also showed a correlation of the increase of the number of rabies cases in domestic animals in accordance with the number of cases of rabies in wildlife (in foxes). The highest share of rabies in animals was recorded in foxes; these animals are being considered the main factor in the spread of the disease. The annually incidence of rabies in foxes ranged from 14 to 32 sick animals as confirmed by laboratory investigations, which represented from 15.4% to 23.2% of the total number of confirmed rabies annually. The measures that have been taken to prevent rabies in animals at national level do not ensure the definitive elimination of rabies. Therefore, a broader analysis of all the factors that maintain the infection both in wild species as well as domestic animals has to be performed, in order to take concrete actions and measures that would lead to the eradication of disease cases. Meanwhile, it is crucial to continue applying the general sanitary veterinary measures that focused on providing immunological coverage to all domestic carnivores as well as to the wild fauna where foxes represent the main vector of spreading rabies

    Preventive measures of rabies in wildlife in the Republic of Moldova

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    State Agrarian University of Moldova, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Rabies is a zoonosis of virus origin with a lethality rate below 100% in animals and humans. The natural reservoir and the main factor in the spreading of the disease in the Republic of Moldova are represented by the foxes. Prophylaxis of the disease in particular is focused on vaccinating domestic carnivores (dogs and cats) as well as wildlife animals (foxes, raccoons, ferrets, etc.). The manual method, traditionally used in the Republic of Moldova to prevent rabies in wildlife, usually has a low rate of immunization of wild carnivores. This led to the development of a strategic plan for vaccination of wild animals using combined methods, manually and the distribution of vaccine baits by plane, a measure used in the bilateral program between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, which was implemented in 2020. The main topic of the proposed investigations was to establish the epidemiological situation of rabies in wildlife, as well as the analysis of specific prophylaxis measures of rabies in wildlife animals of the republic. Material and methods. The research material was the confirmed positive results of rabies virus obtained from the Republican Veterinary Diagnosis Center, as well as the strategic action plan approved by the National Agency for Food Safety on surveillance and eradication of rabies in the Republic of Moldova. At the same time, there were analyzed the cases of rabies in wildlife during the last 5 years and the dates of implementation of the national program regarding the methods of vaccination of wildlife animals in the Republic of Moldova. Results. In the Republic of Moldova, the studies on rabies cases in wildlife show that despite the annual vaccination of foxes in forest strips, the incidence of rabies in wildlife ranges from 12 to 25% of the total number of positive cases confirmed annually in the veterinary laboratory at national level. In 2020, due to the bilateral program between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, the vaccination against rabies of wildlife animals was carried out via combined, manual and plane approaches, lighters with rabies vaccine being distributed from the plane in area of 50 km on the border with Romania ("TAMPON" area). Vaccination was performed in 2 stages, in spring and autumn, when the ambient temperature ranges between 4 and 15oC above zero. A total of 1,112,301 baits with vaccines were distributed by plane and 147600 manually. The distribution of vaccine baits by air was 25 baits /km2. Epidemiological study data showed that combined methods of vaccination reduced the number of rabies cases in foxes from 29 cases in 2015 to 14 cases in 2020, or the incidence of positive cases decreased by 48%. Conclusions. (i) Foxes are the main vector in maintaining and spreading the outbreaks of rabies in both wildlife and domestic animals, which should be considered as a basic element in eradicating rabies at the national level. (ii) The use of the mixed method of vaccination among wildlife animals (manual and by plane) has shown a higher efficiency, which allowed the reduction of rabies cases in foxes up to 48%

    Rabies eradication measures in wildlife in the Republic of Moldova

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    Introduction. Rabies is one of the most dangerous zoonoses in the world with a lethality rate around 100% of infected animals. The main factor in rabies’ control is the prophylactic immunization of domestic and wild carnivores. Material and methods. As a research material for this manuscript, a number of rabies cases in wildlife over the last 5 years was studied, as well as some data from the national program regarding the vaccination of wildlife animals in the Republic of Moldova. Results. The anual incidence of rabies in wildlife was determined to range between 12 to 25% of the total number of rabies cases at national level. Due to vaccination by combining some methods (aerial and manual), the incidence of positive cases of rabies in wildlife has decreased by 48% in the last 5 years. Conclusions. The use of the mixed vaccination method of wildlife animals (manual and the distribution of baits by plane) contributed significantly to reducing the incidence of rabies in wildlife.Introducere. Rabia rămâne una dintre cele mai periculoase zoonozele la nivel global, cu o rată a letalității de 100%. Factorul principal în controlul rabiei îl constitue imunizarea profilactică a carnasierelor domestice și sălbatice. Material și metode. Materialul utilizat pentru această lucrare a fost reprezentat de datele primare colectate pe parcursul a cinci ani privind cazurile de rabie din fauna sălbatică, dar și datele cu privire la vaccinarea animalelor, extrase din programul național din Republica Moldova. Rezultate. Incidența anuală a cazurilor de rabie din fauna sălbatică constitue 12-25% din totalul cazurilor de rabie raportate la nivel național. Datorită vaccinarii prin metoda combinată (aeriană și manuală) în ultimii 5 ani incidența rabiei din fauna sălbatică s-a redus cu 48%. Concluzii. Utilizarea metodei mixte de vaccinare a animalelor sălbatice (manual și distribuirea momelelor cu avionul) a contribuit semnificativ la reducerea incidenței rabiei în fauna sălbatică

    Dificultăţi diagnostice în tuberculoza pleuropulmonară

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    Autorii prezintă experienţa secţiei de chirurgie toracică SCR în diagnosticul cazurilor primare de tuberculoză pulmonară, depistate în ultimii ani, analizând detaliat pacienţii depistaţi în 2004. Din 23 de pacienţi 9 au avut procese pleurale, iar 14- pulmonare. Se confirmă importanţa diagnostică a metodelor invazive - bronhoscopia, biopsia pleurală şi pulmonară

    Technical features of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy 3D full hd: davinci versus einstein vision

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    Spitalul Clinic Municipal, secţia Urologie, Cluj-Napoca, România, Institutul Oncologic, secţia Urologie, Cluj-Napoca, România, UMF "luliu Haţieganu" Cluj-Napoca, România, USMF "Nicolae Testemiţanu" Republica Moldova, Al VI-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (21-23 octombrie 2015)Summary The development of the new imagistic methods - multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging, has increased the number of prostate cancer cases detected in localized and locally-advanced stage, which allows curative treatment - radical prostatectomy. At the moment, there are 3 options for carrying out the radical prostatectomy: 2D Laparoscopy, 3D laparoscopy (PRL) and robotics (RALP). The aim of the study was to evaluate the technical features of 3D laparoscopic radical prostatectomy compared to that achieved by robotic approach. The study included 35 patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma who underwent laparoscopic radical prostatectomy 3D intervention in the period March to August 2015, in "Endoplus" Clinic. Also, a second study group consisted of first 207 patients that had been operated robotic in the Center for Robotic Surgery Hospital Municipal Cluj-Napoca. 3D laparoscopic radical prostatectomy can be considered an alternative to robotic approach in centers that do not benefit from this technique, with similar results in terms of operative time, blood loss and postoperative patient recovery

    Фармакоэпидемиологическое исследование лечения больных с сочетанной сердечно-сосудистой патологией на стационарном и амбулаторном этапах

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    USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, Republica Moldova, USM Kursk, Spitalul Clinic Municipal nr. 1 N.S. Korotkov, or. KurskIn the pharmacotherapy of patients with concomitant cardiovascular disease is important maintaining the continuity between the hospital and outpatient treatment. Pharmacoepidemiological study spent in hospitals in Kursk (Russia) and Chisinau (Moldova) has reported that during the pharmacotherapy of these patients were fulfilled the international and national recommendations for treatment of patients with coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure with the use of the modern drugs from groups of beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, nitrates, antiplatelets, statins, diuretics, myocardial cytoprotectors and there is adequate level of continuity between the hospital and outpatient stage of therapy in the both city: Kursk and Chisinau.При провeдении фармакотерапии больных с сочетанной сердечно-сосудистой патологией важным является соблюдение преемственности между стационарным и амбулаторным этапами лечения. Фармакоэпидемиологическое исследование, проведённое в лечебных учреждениях г. Курска (Россия) и г. Кишинэу (Республика Молдова), констатировало, что при проведении фармакотерапии этой категории больных соблюдаются международные и отечественные рекомендации по лечению больных ишемической болезнью сердца, артериальной гипертензией, хронической сердечной недостаточностью с применением современных препаратов из групп бетаадреноблокаторов, блокаторов каналов кальция, ингибиторов ангиотензин конвертирующего фермента, антагонистов рецепторов ангиотензина II, нитратов, антиагрегантов, статинов, диуретиков, миокардиальных цитопротекторов и существует достаточный уровень преемственности госпитального и поликлинического этапов терапии в лечебных учреждениях г. Курска и г. Кишинэу

    Diverticulii esofagieni. management contemporan secţia chirurgie toracică IMSP SCR

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    Autorii analizează experienţa Secţiei Chirurgie Toracică IMSP SCR în tratamentul a 94 pacienţi cu diverticuli esofagieni de diversă localizare. Sunt prezentate aspectele principale ale tehnicii chirurgicale, complicaţiile (17,88%) şi mortalitatea (3,19%). Experienţa diverticulectomiei videotoracoscopice cuprinde trei cazuri cu evoluţie postoperatorie necomplicată


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    An important part of chickens rising is feeding. A good nutrition is reflected in the bird's performance and its products. Actually the use of additives feed as immunostimulatory is in a great scale. For these reasons our investigations were aimed at studying the influence of metabolitesextracted from Streptomyces strains on the main indices of chickens productivity. Actinomycetes are a group of prokaryotic microorganisms with many important producers of biologically active substances known to wide application in human and veterinary medicine. In ourexperimentswasused the dry and metabolites of streptomycetes which were administered to 3 groups of chickens since one day age respectively in combefeed a dry biomass - 1 g/1 kg and cultural liquid - 1 ml/1 l in drinking water, daily. The duration of examination period was 70 days. Fromeachgroup of chickens periodically were sampled bloud to investigate the total serum protein,albumins and cholesterol. As a results was established that the total protein in bloud serum of experimental groups chickens I and II which was feed with streptomycetes biomass and cultural liquid in drinking water, at the age of 15 days was 31.23 and 30.53 g/l compared with 28.83 g/l on chickens from the control group, respectively albumins was 13.67 g/l compared with 12.33 g/l in the control chickens group, and cholesterol was 4.63 and 4.3 g/l on chickens in groups I and II compared with 4.5 g/l on chickens from the control group. The obtaining results show that the metabolitesof streptomycetes has the stimulatory effect tosomebloodbiochemicalindexes of chickens