6 research outputs found

    The UbiB family member Cqd1 forms a novel membrane contact site in mitochondria

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    Mitochondria are essential organelles of eukaryotic cells and are characterized by their unique and complex membrane system. They are confined from the cytosol by an envelope consisting of two membranes. Signals, metabolites, proteins and lipids have to be transferred across these membranes via proteinaceous contact sites to keep mitochondria functional. In the present study, we identified a novel mitochondrial contact site in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is formed by the inner membrane protein Cqd1 and the outer membrane proteins Por1 and Om14. Similar to what is found for the mitochondrial porin Por1, Cqd1 is highly conserved, suggesting that this complex is conserved in form and function from yeast to human. Cqd1 is a member of the UbiB protein kinase-like family (also called aarF domain-containing kinases). It was recently shown that Cqd1, in cooperation with Cqd2, controls the cellular distribution of coenzyme Q by a yet unknown mechanism. Our data suggest that Cqd1 is additionally involved in phospholipid homeostasis. Moreover, overexpression of CQD1 and CQD2 causes tethering of mitochondria to the endoplasmic reticulum, which might explain the ability of Cqd2 to rescue ERMES deletion phenotypes

    An evidence based hypothesis on the existence of two pathways of mitochondrial crista formation

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    Metabolic function and architecture of mitochondria are intimately linked. More than 60 years ago, cristae were discovered as characteristic elements of mitochondria that harbor the protein complexes of oxidative phosphorylation, but how cristae are formed, remained an open question. Here we present experimental results obtained with yeast that support a novel hypothesis on the existence of two molecular pathways that lead to the generation of lamellar and tubular cristae. Formation of lamellar cristae depends on the mitochondrial fusion machinery through a pathway that is required also for homeostasis of mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA. Tubular cristae are formed via invaginations of the inner boundary membrane by a pathway independent of the fusion machinery. Dimerization of the F1FO-ATP synthase and the presence of the MICOS complex are necessary for both pathways. The proposed hypothesis is suggested to apply also to higher eukaryotes, since the key components are conserved in structure and function throughout evolution

    RGS4 RNA Secondary Structure Mediates Staufen2 RNP Assembly in Neurons

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) act as posttranscriptional regulators controlling the fate of target mRNAs. Unraveling how RNAs are recognized by RBPs and in turn are assembled into neuronal RNA granules is therefore key to understanding the underlying mechanism. While RNA sequence elements have been extensively characterized, the functional impact of RNA secondary structures is only recently being explored. Here, we show that Staufen2 binds complex, long-ranged RNA hairpins in the 3′-untranslated region (UTR) of its targets. These structures are involved in the assembly of Staufen2 into RNA granules. Furthermore, we provide direct evidence that a defined Rgs4 RNA duplex regulates Staufen2-dependent RNA localization to distal dendrites. Importantly, disrupting the RNA hairpin impairs the observed effects. Finally, we show that these secondary structures differently affect protein expression in neurons. In conclusion, our data reveal the importance of RNA secondary structure in regulating RNA granule assembly, localization and eventually translation. It is therefore tempting to speculate that secondary structures represent an important code for cells to control the intracellular fate of their mRNAs

    Problems and Tactics in the Transcultural Study of Intelligence: An Archival Report

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