48 research outputs found

    Distinct fecal and oral microbiota composition in human type 1 diabetes, an observational study

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    Objective Environmental factors driving the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D) are still largely unknown. Both animal and human studies have shown an association between altered fecal microbiota composition, impaired production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and T1D onset. However, observational evidence on SCFA and fecal and oral microbiota in adults with longstanding T1D vs healthy controls (HC) is lacking. Research design and methods We included 53 T1D patients without complications or medication and 50 HC matched for age, sex and BMI. Oral and fecal microbiota, fecal and plasma SCFA levels, markers of intestinal inflammation (fecal IgA and calprotectin) and markers of low-grade systemic inflammation were measured. Results Oral microbiota were markedly different in T1D (eg abundance of Streptococci) compared to HC. Fecal analysis showed decreased butyrate producing species in T1D and less butyryl-CoA transferase genes. Also, plasma levels of acetate and propionate were lower in T1D, with similar fecal SCFA. Finally, fecal strains Christensenella and Subdoligranulum correlated with glycemic control, inflammatory parameters and SCFA. Conclusions We conclude that T1D patients harbor a different amount of intestinal SCFA (butyrate) producers and different plasma acetate and propionate levels. Future research should disentangle cause and effect and whether supplementation of SCFA-producing bacteria or SCFA alone can have disease-modifying effects in T1D.Peer reviewe

    WAR MADE NEW weapons ,warriors,and the making of the modern world

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    Ameryka w lustrze biografii wielkich Amerykanów: nieformalny przewodnik dla czytelników

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    Taking as a starting point the events of Donald Trump’s presidency, the healthcare crisis caused by the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, and the perception of the United States of America as a (fading) symbol of democracy, this essay investigates whether a balanced discussion on the contemporary image of America is still possible. As it is argued, such a balanced view might be achieved thanks to the genre of biography. Therefore, a subjective selection of biographies contributing to this view is presented, starting with those dedicated to Alexander Hamilton and George Washington and ending with the ones focusing on Michelle and Barack Obama; as it is shown, they allow us to investigate the complicated personages who contributed to the contemporary image of America.Wychodząc od wydarzeń pierwszej kadencji Donalda Trumpa, kryzysu amerykańskiej opieki zdrowotnej w kontekście pandemii Covid-19 i Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki postrzeganych jako (gasnący) symbol demokracji, niniejszy esej stawia pytanie, czy możliwa jest wyważona dyskusja o współczesnym obrazie Ameryki. Zdaniem autora, taki ogląd można wypracować dzięki gatunkowi biografii. Esej, tym samym, przedstawia subiektywny wybór biografii, od Alexandra Hamiltona i George’a Washingtona po Michelle i Baracka Obamów, które pozwalają przyjrzeć się skomplikowanym postaciom, które wpłynęły na kształt Ameryki, jaką znamy dzisiaj