7 research outputs found

    Teachers’ Views on Support by Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations in Selected Alexandra Township Primary Schools

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    This article explores teachers’ views regarding the support by environmental non-governmental organizations in managing environmental education (EE) projects in primary schools. In this qualitative case study research, a purposive sampling approach was used to sample thirteen (n=13) teachers from thirteen primary schools. Data was collected by means of using semistructured interviews and findings were analysed and discussed. The study was grounded in the total quality management theory and the interpretive paradigm, as it was concerned with the management of environmental education projects in primary schools. In order to examine how the environmental NGOs and, teachers’ management of environmental education projects in schools, the researcher drew on the concept of opportunity to learn (OTL). Findings indicated that teachers viewed environment NGOs as valuable in sharing the knowledge, skills, and experience in managing EE projects. Lack of time and resources were identified as additional barriers towards managing environmental projects in primary schools. Teachers were not trained as environmental educators, and they viewed managing EE projects in schools as additional work. Therefore, despite the efforts made by environmental NGOs managing school EE projects, the sustainability of these projects after NGOs disengagement was a problem in most schools. The article concludes with suggestions based on the findings, outlining how environmental NGOs can impart knowledge and skills in managing EE projects towards awareness of and involvement in the fight against pollution and the desecration of natural resources.   https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.85.1.238

    Barriers to managing environmental education projects in Alexandra township primary and secondary schools

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    Successful management of Environmental Education (EE) projects in schools is essential as it enhances teaching and learning in different subjects. The fact that EE is not a subject on its own, but is integrated into other subjects, has many detrimental effects with regard to the management of EE projects in schools. There are several barriers attached to the poor management of EE globally, in Africa and in South Africa. This study explored barriers to managing EE projects in Alexandra Township primary and secondary schools. This study was underpinned by total quality management theory. The research method used in the study followed a qualitative interpretative approach and data collection methods included a literature study, Participatory observation and open-ended questionnaires in order to examine the barriers to managing EE projects. Participants in the study were school principals, educators, subject facilitators and Institutional Development Support Officers (IDSOs). Findings indicated that, although school have EE projects, but there is a lack of competency and expertise in managing EE projects in schools. Non-governmental organisations are key role plays with expertise and competency in managing EE projects in schools. The study further indicated limited support offered by subject facilitators and IDSOs on how to manage EE projects in schools. However, there are number of factors that hinder successful management of EE projects in schools: these include lack of integration of EE into other subjects, lack of funds and other required resources, lack of time, and inadequate training. It was concluded that there were no systems in place that acted as a guideline for school principals and educators to overcome the barriers in EE project management in schools. It was concluded that school principals, educators and stakeholders, including subject facilitators and IDSO’s should work together in managing EE projects in schools. Hence, this study calls attention to the provision of in-service training for EE project management for school principals, educators, subject facilitators and IDSOs. Further, more relevant resources should be provided to schools in order to manage EE projects.Science and Technology EducationD. Ed. (Didactics

    The level of environmental education awareness regarding water pollution-related diseases on children who live in the Stjwetla informal settlement adjacent to the Jukskei river in Alexandra

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    Environmental Education is a foundation in strengthening learners and community awareness in all environmental issues, including water pollution-related diseases. This study aimed at investigating the level of environmental education awareness on water pollution-related diseases by learners who live in the informal settlement. And lastly, if possible and feasible, to propose solutions to the perceived water pollution-related diseases found in this informal settlement adjacent to the Jukskei river in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg. The research focused on the introduction of the dissertation in Chapter 1 Theoretical foundations of the research in Chapter 2 Research methodology in Chapter 3 Data analysis, interpretation and discussion in Chapter 4 Conclusions and recommendations in Chapter 5 The study provided various definitions of environment, Environmental Education, The goal, Aims & Objective, Classification & Outcomes, Environmental literacy; water pollution-related diseases, the integration of Environmental education in the RNCS & water pollution-related diseases awareness; Education for Sustainable Development; and the relationship between the development of informal settlement and water pollution related diseases. The outcomes of the investigation indicated that the level of environmental education awareness on water pollution –related diseases by learners at the informal settlement is less at primary level and partially increases at the high schools. In order to increase learners’ awareness on water pollution-related diseases across the curricula there should be an adequate integration of Environmental Education in the RNCS.Educational StudiesM.Ed. (Environmental Education

    Life Orientation teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and skills in using a group investigation cooperative teaching approach

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    This qualitative phenomenological study explored the life orientation teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and skills using a group investigation cooperative teaching approach. This study employed a purposive convenient sampling of (N=7) teachers from the Northern Cape province in South Africa who responded to face-to-face interviews and observations. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis and supported by the literature review and the study's theory. Findings revealed that the participants had adequate content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of life orientation congruent to their teaching praxis. They experienced difficulty in implementing group investigation without proper in-service training and support. The study showed that cooperative learning approaches are valued, despite the teachers' lack of knowledge, lack of training, and overcrowded classroom challenges

    Exploring Teachers' Views on Code-Switching as a Communicative Technique to Enhance the Teaching of Mathematics in Grade 4

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    The teaching and learning of mathematics in South Africa are conducted through the authorised Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT). South Africa has eleven official languages, and English is a Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) from the Intermediate and Further Education and Training (FET) Phase. This study explores teachers' views on code-switching as a communicative technique to enhance teaching mathematics in Grade 4 in selected primary schools in South Africa. This qualitative single case study employed the interpretivist paradigm and social constructivism theory. A convenient purposive sampling technique was used to sample six grade 4 mathematics teachers from three primary schools in the Alexandra township in South Africa. Researchers collected data through the use of semi-structured interviews, which were later analysed and discussed using themes. Findings indicate that teachers often code-switch from LoLT (English First Additional Language) into Home Language (H.L.) to enhance learners' understanding of the mathematics concepts. Researchers suggested the integration of code-switching into the curriculum policy and followed by in-service training for Grade 4 mathematics teachers in code-switching

    Incorporating a Cooperative Teaching and Learning Approach in Life Orientation Lesson Planning

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    In the field of education, globally, teachers are recognised as important contributors in shaping learners’ interaction in a cooperative learning environment through effective lesson planning. There is a plethora of research conducted internally on lesson planning, as a critical instructional competency for good teaching and as a purposeful activity that precedes the delivery of instruction. This study aimed to explore Life Orientation teachers’ lesson planning incorporating a cooperative teaching and learning approach in secondary schools in De Aar, South Africa. The researchers adopted a mixed-methods phenomenological research design. Seven Grade 10 Life Orientation teachers were purposely selected to collect semi-structured interviews data, non-participatory observation, and document analysis. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis and supported with the literature review and the theory underpinning this study. This paper suggests an enactment between teachers’ subject and pedagogical content knowledge and instructional material. Lastly, it is also evident that many teachers lack knowledge, insufficient instructional resources, and an understanding of effective lesson planning to implement a cooperative teaching approach