83 research outputs found


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    International audienceThe new technology developments that are emerging on the market at a growing speed demand young people to quickly recognize the importance of lifelong learning. Re-skilling and updating competencies will be required in the near future, thus enabling learners of all ages to adapt to new expectations in the 21 st century workplace and life. Therefore, education should prepare learners for lifelong learning through development of 21 st century skills such as digital literacy, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and creativity. This paper explores some 21 st century skills frameworks that have analysed and identified important skills that would support lifelong learning. Various pedagogies such as Problem-Based Learning, Flipped Classroom, Serious Games, Self-Directed Learning, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Personalised Learning that contribute to the development and mastery of 21 st century competencies and skills are discussed and compared

    A meta-modeling approach for capturing recurrent uses of Moodle tools into pedagogical activities

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    International audienceTeacher's expertise on using Learning Management Systems (LMS) is tightly coupled to how they design their online courses. The GraphiT project aims to help teachers in specifying of pedagogically sound learning scenarios that can be technically executable for automatically setting-up the related LMS course. We intend to provide teachers with LMS-specific instructional design languages and editors. To achieve this goal, we have to raise the LMS semantics in order to enrich the pedagogical expressiveness of the produced models. We propose a specific LMS-centered approach for abstracting the low-level parameteriza-tions and turning these semantics into higher-level pedagogical building blocks. We present and illustrate our propositions focused on Moodle. In this paper, we focus on the first abstraction level: identifying pedagogical activities according to recurrent uses of Moodle activities

    Investigating the Learning Impact of Game-based Learning when Teaching Science to Children with Special Learning Needs

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    International audienceIn an attempt to find solutions to the current challenges faced by children with special needs, new teaching and learning methodologies that make us of various technologies such as 3D computer based games, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality enhanced learning have been proposed to be used in the classroom. The technology can enhance the lives of children with learning disabilities and gives then options of intervening in their various educational and cognitive problems. The paper presents a research study on learner experience when a new interactive educational 3D video game called Final Frontier, was used in a secondary school from Romania by children with hearing impairment. Pre-and Post-tests results analysis has shown that the game helped the children to acquire knowledge on the Solar system. It was also noticed that an interactive game-based learning approach is more suitable for children with disabilities than an interactive exploratory based digital library method

    Architecture pour la co-conception des jeux sérieux participatifs et intensifs en connaissances

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    Cette thèse identifie et vise à affronter certains verrous scientifiques concernant la conception des scenarios des serious games, leurs utilisations par un meilleur partage entre les concepteurs dans des contextes d apprentissage ciblés. Les constats motivant ce travail sont (1) la participation indispensable des formateurs dans la phase de conception en se basant sur leurs expertises et leurs objectifs pédagogiques, (2) la nécessité grandissante pour les formateurs experts de formaliser les scénarios décrivant les situations complexes rarement se produisant, (3) la non-adéquation des systèmes-auteurs des jeux sérieux existants à cette population de concepteurs, permettant seulement un nombre limité de scénarios à cause de leurs couts élevés, (4) le faible niveau de réutilisation des scénarios déjà produits dans la vie quotidienne. Notre problématique consiste à lever certains verrous existants dans la conception des jeux sérieux pour la formation dans des domaines d expertises complexes avec l hypothèse qu une meilleure organisation de la connaissance et de la coopération va faciliter la conception. L étude de cette problématique s effectue en proposant l architecture ARGILE (Architecture for Representations, Games, Interactions, and Learning among Experts) adaptée au jeu sérieux participatif et intensif en connaissancesThis PhD aims to confront some scientific challenges concerning the scenarios conception of Serious Games, their use through a better share by designers within the context of targeted learning. The findings motivating our work are (1) the significant participation of trainers in the design phase, (2) the growing needs for expert trainers to formalize scenarios describing rarely complex situations, (3) the divergence of existing serious games to these designers which cover a limited number of scenarios due to their high cost, (4) the low re-use level of scenarios that have already happened in daily life.Our questioning will lead us to see how we must design serious games for training in complex areas of expertise where reference knowledge is neither stabilized nor unanimous, but rather dynamic and continuously evolving. After having examined the principal mains of application of the Serious Game and having defined it, the study of this questioning led us to propose the ARGILE (Architecture for Representations, Games, Interactions, and Learning Among Experts) architecture, suitable for "participatory and knowledge-intensive" serious gamesTROYES-SCD-UTT (103872102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Pedagogical based Learner Model Characteristics

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    International audienceThe personalisation and adaptation of content creation, distribution and presentation aim to increase learner quality of experience, improve the learning process and increase the learning outcomes. This paper introduces a novel Learner Model that is integrated by the NEWTON project into the NEWTELP learning platform in order to support personalisation and adaptation. The NEWTON's Learner Model includes a multitude of learner characteristics, including pedagogical, disability, affective and multi-sensorial

    A Case Study on 21 st Century Skills Development Through a Computer Based Maths Game

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    International audienceThe new technology developments that are emerging on the market demand re-skilling and updating competencies thus enabling people to adapt to new expectations in the 21st century workplace and life. Therefore, the education system should also prepare learners for lifelong learning through development of 21st century skills. Recent research on mathematics education also shows that for many students, math is not considered an easy subject and students are facing difficulties in developing logical thinking and problem solving skills. This paper introduces "Count With Me!", a novel educational computer based video game that teaches maths concepts. An investigation on how the game supports the development of learners' 21st century skills such as problem solving, self-directed learning, knowledge building and digital literacy is presented. The results of a case study in a 3rd level educational institution show that the large majority of students that took part in the case study acquired 21st century skills. 96.97% of students believed that the Count With Me! game helped them to develop their problem solving skills. 82.82% of students liked self-pacing themselves through the game based educational material. 78.78% of students agreed that the maths game has improved their knowledge and 81.81% of students were satisfied with their achievements in the game


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    International audienceTeachers are facing many difficulties when trying to improve the motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes of students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. Game-based learning helps the students learn in an immersive and engaging environment, attracting them more towards STEM education. This paper introduces a new interactive educational 3D video game called Final Frontier, designed for primary school children. The proposed game design methodology is described and an analysis of a research study conducted in Ireland that investigated learner experience through a survey is presented. Results show that: (1) 92.5% of students have confirmed that the video game helped them to understand better the characteristics of the planets from the Solar system, and (2) 92.6% of students enjoyed the game and appreciated different game features, including the combination between fun and learning aspects which exists in the game

    Impact of game-based learning on STEM learning and motivation: Two case studies in Europe

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    The number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-related jobs is increasing all around the world and especially in Europe. However, teachers face many difficulties in making STEM related classes more attractive and motivating the students to learn. This paper presents two case studies involving 116 students from two European countries (Slovakia and Ireland). The studies investigated the impact of a new educational computer game called Final Frontier on learning process and students’ motivation. We found that there are no significant differences between the two countries in terms of students’ interest in STEM, although the students in Slovakia achieved slightly better grades than those in Ireland. We also found that in both countries, the students using the Final Frontier game outperformed those not using the game in improving their subject knowledge after the study. Furthermore, the impact of game-based learning on students’ motivation for STEM differed in the two countries

    Architecture pour la co-conception des jeux sérieux participatifs et intensifs en connaissances

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    This PhD aims to confront some scientific challenges concerning the scenarios’ conception of Serious Games, their use through a better share by designers within the context of targeted learning. The findings motivating our work are (1) the significant participation of trainers in the design phase, (2) the growing needs for expert trainers to formalize scenarios describing rarely complex situations, (3) the divergence of existing serious games to these designers which cover a limited number of scenarios due to their high cost, (4) the low re-use’ level of scenarios that have already happened in daily life.Our questioning will lead us to see how we must design serious games for training in complex areas of expertise where reference knowledge is neither stabilized nor unanimous, but rather dynamic and continuously evolving. After having examined the principal mains of application of the Serious Game and having defined it, the study of this questioning led us to propose the ARGILE (Architecture for Representations, Games, Interactions, and Learning Among Experts) architecture, suitable for "participatory and knowledge-intensive" serious gamesCette thèse identifie et vise à affronter certains verrous scientifiques concernant la conception des scenarios des serious games, leurs utilisations par un meilleur partage entre les concepteurs dans des contextes d’apprentissage ciblés. Les constats motivant ce travail sont (1) la participation indispensable des formateurs dans la phase de conception en se basant sur leurs expertises et leurs objectifs pédagogiques, (2) la nécessité grandissante pour les formateurs experts de formaliser les scénarios décrivant les situations complexes rarement se produisant, (3) la non-adéquation des systèmes-auteurs des jeux sérieux existants à cette population de concepteurs, permettant seulement un nombre limité de scénarios à cause de leurs couts élevés, (4) le faible niveau de réutilisation des scénarios déjà produits dans la vie quotidienne. Notre problématique consiste à lever certains verrous existants dans la conception des jeux sérieux pour la formation dans des domaines d’expertises complexes avec l’hypothèse qu’une meilleure organisation de la connaissance et de la coopération va faciliter la conception. L’étude de cette problématique s’effectue en proposant l’architecture ARGILE (Architecture for Representations, Games, Interactions, and Learning among Experts) adaptée au jeu sérieux « participatif et intensif en connaissances
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