3 research outputs found
Pendidikan Islam Transdisipliner Dan Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia
This writing describes the prossibility to have Islamic education established as transdiscipliner: that is, omitting the dichotomy between religion knowledge and general knowledge, and developing the understanding that the relatedness between the two. The method used in this study is a discourse analysis. A number of references is discussed and analysed based on the direction and purpose of the transdiscipliner concept. In fact, in the context of Islamic education, transdiscipliner curriculum that must be developed should be holistic—covering a number of problems that are closed to human and being able to develop as human resource. Human as mysterious being cannot be approached from one single discipline. Human should be understood from transdiscipline. The expected ability in Islamic education in transdiscipliner concept is the ability to view the world as a value system with its different function and task but they are still related. This connection and interconnection system should be placed in the frame of faith and good deeds
Dimensi-Dimensi Masyarakat Madani: Membangun Kultur Etika Sosial
Fenomena masyarakat madani merupakan refleksi kritis dari situasi terpuruknya citra masyarakat yang mengharapkan suatu tatanan masyarakat ideal, dan dinamika yang dibangun merupakan kesadaran masyarakat untuk menempatkan etika sosial sebagai sebuah piranti di segala aspek kehidupan bermasyarakat. Oleh kerena itu, tulisan ini memfokuskan pada bahasan historisitas dalam mewujudkan visi yang ideal dari suatu masyarakat dengan bangunan etika sosial berdasarakan dimensi yang menyertai bangunan masyarakat madani, yaitu antara lain dimensi agama, dimensi budaya, dimensi ekonomi, dimensi politik dan dimensi pendidikan, sehingga setidaknya mampu memberi gambaran paradigmatik dalam mengembangkan masyarakat yang diharapkan
Risk Taking Investment as Interaction Effect of Loss Aversion and Information (Pilot Test
The purpose of pilot test of this research is to test the interaction of loss aversion and information to the decision of risk taking investment. The information obtained by investor was positive or negative determined by the low or high level of risk taking investment. Furthermore, the method of pilot test of this research was experimental laboratory within subject design 22 factorial design. The hypothesis test employed alpha index was meant to determine the low or high risk on the participants taking part. Interaction test employed post hoc with Bonferroni model. The test result of hypothesis from pilot test showed that the participants in the gain domain tended to have lower risk taking than that of in the loss domain. Test result of interaction showed that there were some differences of all treatment groups and there was a significant effect between information in gain domain and loss din to risk taking. Meanwhile, the other result from the interaction of loss aversion and information in both gain and loss domain had significant effect to the risk taking. Moreover, the loss aversion both in gain domain and the loss one did not have a significant effect to the risk taking. The limitation of research post test was dealing with the number of participants that was only eleven. This number was then divided into two groups are gain and loss. However, this research provided some value to investor that in decision making of investment, he had to be capable of managing and controlling some psychological factors dealing with knowledge improvement. The novelty of this research was that decision making of investment was not only influenced by external factor but also the internal one, especially dealing with somebody’s psychology