11 research outputs found

    Sport employment and the level of the physical activity of the students

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    Objective: to determine the structure and the level of physical activity of sedentary children, and those, who practice sports. Materials and methods: the study included 514 children, including 237 girls and 277 boys 7-18 years old (mean age - 14±0.25 years (M±m)) from regular school, academic lyceum and vocational lyceum in Tashkent. Participants were interviewed with a questionnaire to identify sports that they were engaged in and sports that they would like to be engaged in. To determine the level of physical activity we analyzed the participation time records (for 8-9 people in each age and gender group). All examined children were divided into 2 groups: 1st group - who regulary practice sports; 2nd group - sedentary children. Results: 43.8% of participants were engaged in sports, and the boys were involved in sport 2.4 times more often than girls. The majority of boys were engaged in different types of martial arts, coordination and team sports; the majority of girls was engaged in coordination and strength and power sports. Conclusions: more than half of children-athletes, in addition to the main type of sports, would like to have another kind of sport activity to train other muscle groups. 78.1% of children not involved in sports would like to visit the sports section. The duration of physical activity met the requirements only in male athletes

    Melons of Uzbekistan

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    Trilingual publication: English, Russian and Uzbek In the year 2000, during the scientific expedition by the Uzbek Research Institute of Plant Industry (UzRIPI) under support of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), melon-growing areas of Uzbekistan were surveyed, farmers' plots were studied, and the melon varieties grown were described and collected. This survey mission has been conducted within the framework of the project ”Enhancement of the use of melon genetic resources in Uzbekistan through the strengthening of on farm and ex-situ conservation” under the leadership of Dr. S. Padulosi and Ms. M.K. Turdieva from the IPGRI Regional office.The book of ”Melons of Uzbekistan”, is written on the basis of this mission's results. The book includes expanded data on varietal distribution in melon growing areas, detailed descriptions of old local melon varieties under cultivation, new forms, and breeding melon cultivars developed over the last forty years along with literature references. The publication is intended for scientists, agronomists, students, and the public at large

    Повышение урожайности дыни в теплице при вегетативной прививке на подвои кабачка

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    In Uzbekistan, there is a demand of the population for fresh melon fruits during the off-season. In the Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potato for the first time studies were carried out, when grown in a greenhouse, on the vegetative grafting of melon’s Zarkhal variety on the vegetable marrow varieties used as rootstocks. The aim of the research was to study the effect of vegetable marrow rootstocks on the variability of economically valuable traits of the Zarkhal melon variety and to identify promising combinations of vegetable marrow rootstocks that increase the yield and quality of melon fruits.Methods. The studies were carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the World Vegetable Center. As a control, ungrafted plants of the Zarkhal melon variety were used. For comparison with the control, plants of this variety were grafted onto their own plants. Also, plants of the melon variety Zarkhal (scion) were grafted in combinations on 10 varieties of vegetable marrow, which served as rootstocks. Vegetative grafting of melon on vegetable marrow rootstocks was carried out “in a split” in the phase of the first true leaf when the stem diameter reached 4.1–4.3 mm and plant height 4.4–5.9 cm.Results. In comparison with the control, in combinations of grafting the Zarkhal melon variety onto the Grecheskiye 110, Unumdor, Delicates and Skvorushka varieties of vegetable marrow, the flowering of paternal and female flowers, the onset of fruit formation was observed 2 days earlier. In the same combinations, fruit ripening was observed on 81-82 days, which is 4-5 days earlier than the control (86 days). They also had the tallest plants (203-205 cm), the plants formed 2-4 leaves more than the others. Marketable yields between combinations ranged from 7.89 to 9.75 kg/m2 . The melon variety Zarkhal, grafted onto its own plants, lagged behind the control in all phases of development and yield. The early yield in combinations was from 3.95 to 5.75 kg/m2 and amounted to 53-59% of the yield. The average fruit weight varied from 785 to 810 g. В Узбекистане имеется спрос населения на свежую продукцию дыни во внесезонный период. В НИИ овоще-бахчевых культур и картофеля при выращивании в условиях теплицы впервые проведены исследования по вегетативной прививке дыни сорта Зархал на сорта кабачка, используемые в качестве подвоев.Целью исследований являлось изучение влияния подвоев кабачка на изменчивость хозяйственно ценных признаков дыни сорта Зархал и выделение перспективных комбинаций подвоев кабачка, обеспечивающих повышение урожайности и качества плодов дыни.Методы. Исследования проводили в соответствии с методическими указаниями Всемирного Центра Овощеводства. В качестве контроля использовали непривитые растения сорта дыни Зархал. Для сравнения с контролем, растения сорта Заррхал прививали на свои же растения. Также растения сорта дыни Зархал (привой) прививали в комбинациях на 10 сортов кабачка, которые служили подвоями. Вегетативную прививку дыни на подвой кабачка проводили «в расщеп» в фазе первого настоящего листа при достижении диаметра стебля 4,1-4,3 мм и высоты растения 4,4-5,9 см.Результаты. Установлены различия между вариантами по продолжительности вегетационного периода. Прививка сорта дыни Зархал на сорта кабачка Греческие 110, Унумдор, Деликатес и Скворушка оказала влияние на сроки цветения мужскими и женскими цветками и начало плодообразования, которое наблюдалось на 2 дня раньше, по сравнению с контролем. В этих же комбинациях созревание плодов наблюдалось на 81-82 день, что на 4-5 дней раньше контроля (86 дней). Также у них были самые высокорослые растения (203-205 см). Товарная урожайность между вариантами опыта варьировала от 7,89 до 9,75 кг/м2 . Сорт дыни Зархал, привитый на свои же растения, по всем фазам развития и урожайности отставал от контроля. Ранняя урожайность по вариантам опыта варьировала от 3,95 до 5,75 кг/м2 и составляла 53-59% от общей урожайности. Средняя масса плода варьировала от 785 до 810 г.

    Комбинационная способность новых линий огурца по основным хозяйственно полезным признакам

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    Relevance. To create heterotic cucumber hybrids, it is important to have a high general and specific combining ability of the initial material, which makes it possible to select valuable genotypes at an early stage of selection. Material and methods. The research was carried out in 2018-2020. at the Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potatoes, located in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan (SRIVMC&P). Studied 6 accessions of cucumber. As a result of diallelic crosses, 36 hybrid combinations were obtained (p2). Hybridological analysis was carried out according to the first Griffing's method, including forward and backcrossing and the use of parental forms (p2). To determine the combining ability, conventional methodologies were used (1,15). Genetic-statistical analyzes were carried out using the MS Excel application package. Results. Studies have established that according to the traits "the number of days from seed germination to the opening of female flowers" and "the number of days until the technical ripeness of fruits" in all studied cucumber accessions, the ratio (σ 2ĝi<σ 2si) is observed, where the dominant role in the inheritance of this trait also belongs to genes with dominant and epistatic effects. The trait “number of fruits per plant” is controlled by dominant and epistatic gene effects (σ 2ĝi<σ 2si) in almost all cucumber accessions, and in the accession A-6 - by additive gene effects (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si). The phenomenon (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) was noted for the trait "average fruit weight", where the expression of the trait is controlled by the dominant and epistatic effects of genes (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) in three studied cucumber accessions (C-25/1, A-6 and A-9), and in the other three accessions, additive gene effects (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) are more important in inheritance. The trait "productivity of one plant" is controlled by the dominant and epistatic effects of genes (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) in the three studied cucumber accessions, and in the other three accessions (C-25/1, A-6 and A-9), genes play a special role for the expression of the trait with additive effects. Promising hybrid combinations with the best performance for their use as a initial material for breeding have been revealed.Актуальность. Для создания гетерозисных гибридов огурца важное значение имеет высокая общая и специфическая комбинационная способность исходного материала, позволяющая отобрать ценные генотипы на раннем этапе селекции. Материал и методика. Исследования проводили в 2018-2020 годах в Научно-исследовательском институте овоще-бахчевых культур и картофеля, расположенного в Ташкентской области Узбекистана (НИИОБКиК), в открытом грунте согласно рекомендациям и методическим указаниям по селекции и семеноводству огурца (М., ВНИИССОК, 1999). В результате скрещивания 6 перспективных образцов огурца по диаллельной схеме было получено 36 гибридных комбинаций (p2). Гибридологический анализ проводили по первому методу Гриффинга, включающих прямые и обратные скрещивания и использование родительских форм (p2). Для определения комбинационной способности использовали общепринятые методики. Результаты. Исследованиями установлено, что по признакам «количество дней от всходов до раскрытия женских цветков» и «количество дней от массовых всходов до технической спелости плодов» у всех изученных образцов огурца наблюдается соотношение σ 2ĝi <σ 2si, где преобладающая роль при наследовании данного признака также принадлежит генам с доминантными и эпистатическими эффектами. Признак «количество плодов на одном растении» контролируется доминантными и эпистатическими эффектами генов (σ 2ĝi<σ 2si) у почти всех образцов огурца, а у образца А-6 - аддитивными эффектами генов (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si). По признаку «средняя масса плода» отмечено явление σ 2ĝi<σ 2si, где проявление признака контролируется доминантными и эпистатическими эффектами генов (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) у трёх изученных образцов огурца (С- 25/1, А-6 и А-9), а у трёх других образцов, аддитивные генные эффекты (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) важнее при наследовании. Признак «продуктивность одного растения» контролируется доминантными и эпистатическими эффектами генов (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) у трёх изученных образцов огурца, а у других трёх образцов (С-25/1, А-6 и А-9) для проявления признака особую роль играют гены с аддитивными эффектами. Выделены перспективные гибридные комбинации с наилучшими показателями для использования их в качестве исходного материала для селекции

    The combining ability of new lines of cucumber for the main economically valuable traits

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    Relevance. To create heterotic cucumber hybrids, it is important to have a high general and specific combining ability of the initial material, which makes it possible to select valuable genotypes at an early stage of selection. Material and methods. The research was carried out in 2018-2020. at the Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potatoes, located in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan (SRIVMC&P). Studied 6 accessions of cucumber. As a result of diallelic crosses, 36 hybrid combinations were obtained (p2). Hybridological analysis was carried out according to the first Griffing's method, including forward and backcrossing and the use of parental forms (p2). To determine the combining ability, conventional methodologies were used (1,15). Genetic-statistical analyzes were carried out using the MS Excel application package. Results. Studies have established that according to the traits "the number of days from seed germination to the opening of female flowers" and "the number of days until the technical ripeness of fruits" in all studied cucumber accessions, the ratio (σ 2ĝi<σ 2si) is observed, where the dominant role in the inheritance of this trait also belongs to genes with dominant and epistatic effects. The trait “number of fruits per plant” is controlled by dominant and epistatic gene effects (σ 2ĝi<σ 2si) in almost all cucumber accessions, and in the accession A-6 - by additive gene effects (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si). The phenomenon (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) was noted for the trait "average fruit weight", where the expression of the trait is controlled by the dominant and epistatic effects of genes (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) in three studied cucumber accessions (C-25/1, A-6 and A-9), and in the other three accessions, additive gene effects (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) are more important in inheritance. The trait "productivity of one plant" is controlled by the dominant and epistatic effects of genes (σ 2ĝi <σ 2si) in the three studied cucumber accessions, and in the other three accessions (C-25/1, A-6 and A-9), genes play a special role for the expression of the trait with additive effects. Promising hybrid combinations with the best performance for their use as a initial material for breeding have been revealed