77 research outputs found

    Conventional echo color Doppler versus ULA-OP in the assessment of venous flow model

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    The quantification of venous flows can be obtained by multiplying cross sectional area, measured on a B-mode video-clip, by velocity values, obtained with Doppler measurements. The Doppler angle between ultrasound (US) line and blood flow requires a manual adjustment. Establishing this parameter is critical in order to calculate blood velocity. However, the operator dependency gives high variable results. It is worth noting that a new class of vector Doppler devices can enhance the accuracy and precision of measurements. Such technology uses a double US line that leads to automatically know the Doppler angle. By comparing in an in vitro model of venous flow conventional echo color Doppler (ECD) equipment with the new device, we found a better minimal difference between the latter and the nominal flow rate (20%). On the contrary, the comparison with conventional ECD showed a difference ranging between 2% and 43%, according to the possible settings of the equipment. Our study demonstrates a better accuracy of the experimental device with respect to conventional ECD in measuring the venous flow rate

    X-ray topographic determination of the granular structure in a graphite mosaic crystal : a three-dimensional reconstruction

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    Section topographs recorded at different spatial locations and at different rocking angles of a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) crystal allow three-dimensional maps of the local angular-dependent scattering power to be obtained. This is performed with a direct reconstruction from the intensity distribution on such topographs. The maps allow the extraction of information on local structural parameters such as size, form and internal mosaic spread of crystalline domains. This data analysis leads to a new method for the characterization of mosaic crystals. Perspectives and limits of applicability of this method are discussed

    On the consistency of flow rate color Doppler assessment for the internal jugular vein

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    Color Doppler methodology to assess the vessel blood flow rate is based on the time averaged velocity of the blood measured in the longitudinal plane and the cross sectional area measurement taken either in the longitudinal plane, by assuming circular cross sectional area, or in the transversal plane. The measurement option in longitudinal plane is based on the assumption of circular cross sectional area, while the transversal one needs to evaluate both time-averaged velocity and cross sectional area in the same vessel point. A precise and validated assessment methodology is still lacking. Four healthy volunteers underwent internal jugular vein colour Doppler scanning. The cross sectional area was assessed by means of B-mode imaging in the transversal plane all along the vessel cervical course. During this assessment, cross sectional area, major and minor axis of the vessel were measured and recorded. The distance between the internal jugular vein wall and the skin surface were measured together with the intra-luminal diameter and statistically correlated with the cross sectional area data. The internal jugular vein cross sectional area measured on the transversal plane were significantly different from the cross sectional area calculated using the assumption of circular shape. The intra-luminal distance showed high correlation with the measured cross sectional area. The proper anatomical point in the cross sectional area transversal measurement can be identified by using the internal jugular vein intra-luminal distance as landmark

    Exploring the genetics of irritable bowel syndrome: A GWA study in the general population and replication in multinational case-control cohorts

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    OBJECTIVE: IBS shows genetic predisposition, but adequately powered gene-hunting efforts have been scarce so far. We sought to identify true IBS genetic risk factors by means of genome-wide association (GWA) and independent replication studies. DESIGN: We conducted a GWA study (GWAS) of IBS in a general population sample of 11\u2005326 Swedish twins. IBS cases (N=534) and asymptomatic controls (N=4932) were identified based on questionnaire data. Suggestive association signals were followed-up in 3511 individuals from six case-control cohorts. We sought genotype-gene expression correlations through single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-expression quantitative trait loci interactions testing, and performed in silico prediction of gene function. We compared candidate gene expression by real-time qPCR in rectal mucosal biopsies of patients with IBS and controls. RESULTS: One locus at 7p22.1, which includes the genes KDELR2 (KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 2) and GRID2IP (glutamate receptor, ionotropic, delta 2 (Grid2) interacting protein), showed consistent IBS risk effects in the index GWAS and all replication cohorts and reached p=9.31 710(-6) in a meta-analysis of all datasets. Several SNPs in this region are associated with cis effects on KDELR2 expression, and a trend for increased mucosal KDLER2 mRNA expression was observed in IBS cases compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that general population-based studies combined with analyses of patient cohorts provide good opportunities for gene discovery in IBS. The 7p22.1 and other risk signals detected in this study constitute a good starting platform for hypothesis testing in future functional investigations. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to http://group.bmj.com/group/rights-licensing/permissions

    BriXs ultra high fluxinverse compton source based on modified push-pull energy recovery linacs

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    We present a conceptual design for a compact X-ray Source BriXS (Bright and compact X-ray Source). BriXS, the first stage of the Marix project, is an Inverse Compton Source (ICS) of X-ray based on superconducting cavities technology for the electron beam with energy recirculation and on a laser system in Fabry-Pérot cavity at a repetition rate of 100 MHz, producing 20–180 keV monochromatic X-Rays devoted mainly to medical applications. An energy recovery scheme based on a modified folded push-pull CW-SC twin Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) ensemble allows us to sustain an MW-class beam power with almost one hundred kW active power dissipation/consumption


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    caratterizzazione di sorgenti di raggi X da acceleratori compatt

    Dual-Energy X-ray Medical Imaging with Inverse Compton Sources: A Simulation Study

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    It has been long recognized that dual-energy imaging could help to enhance the detectability of lesions in diagnostic radiology, by removing the contrast of surrounding tissues. Furthermore, X-ray attenuation is material specific and information about the object constituents can be extracted for tissue characterisation, i.e., to assess whether lesions represent a malignant or benign process. However, a true separation between the low and high energy components is not possible with conventional sources because of their broad X-ray spectrum, and the artifacts produced in the subtracted image can be only partially removed. Finally, dose issues have also prevented so far the application of dual-energy techniques within the clinical context. Very recently, a new intense and monochromatic X-ray source was proposed to fill the gap between a synchrotron radiation facility and the standard X-ray tube. Indeed, inverse Compton scattering (ICS) sources, which are based on the interaction of a powerful laser beam and a bright beam of relativistic electrons, are among the most promising innovative sources of monochromatic X and gamma radiation. In this contribution, we review the main features that allow an ICS source to meet the requirements of a medical imaging application. Specific examples of K-edge subtraction are then provided, to show the potential of ICS in clinical applications that require intravenous injection of a contrast medium

    Cerebral venous drainage through internal jugular vein

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    Internal jugular veins (IJVs) are the largest veins in the neck and are considered the primary cerebral venous drain for the intracranial blood in supine position. Any reduction in their flow could potentially results an increase in cerebral blood volume and intracranial pressure (ICP). The right internal jugular vein communicates with the right atrium via the superior vena cava, in which a functional valve is located at the union of the internal jugular vein and the superior vena cava. The atrium aspiration is the main mechanism governing the rhythmic leaflets movement of internal jugular vein valve synchronizing with the cardiac cycle. Cardiac contractions and intrathoracic pressure changes are reflecting in Doppler spectrum of the internal jugular vein. The evaluation of the jugular venous pulse provides valuable information about cardiac hemodynamics and cardiac filling pressures. The normal jugular venous pulse wave consists of three positive waves, a, c, and v, and two negative waves, x and y. A normal jugular vein gradually reduces its longitudinal diameter, as described in anatomy books; it is possible to segment IJV into three different segments J3 to J1, as it proposed in ultrasound US studies and CT scan. In this review, the morphology and methodology of the cerebral venous drainage through IJV are presented
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