109 research outputs found

    Macroautophagy without LC3 conjugation?

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    A recent study makes the surprising observation that autophagosomes can still form in the absence of the core conjugation machinery. Furthermore, while such autophagosomes can fuse with lysosomes, their degradation is delayed, and this is associated with delayed destruction of the inner autophagosomal double membrane, highlighting a new role for proteins thought to act exclusively in the formation of autophagosomes in late stages of the autophagic itinerary within autolysosomes

    Regulation of ERGIC-53 gene transcription in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress.

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    Accumulation of unfolded proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activates the unfolded protein response, also known as the ER stress response. We previously demonstrated that ER stress induces transcription of the ER Golgi intermediate compartment protein ERGIC-53. To investigate the molecular events that regulate unfolded protein response-mediated induction of the gene, we have analyzed the transcriptional regulation of ERGIC-53. We found that the ERGIC-53 promoter contains a single cis-acting element that mediates induction of the gene by thapsigargin and other ER stress-causing agents. This ER stress response element proved to retain a novel structure and to be highly conserved in mammalian ERGIC-53 genes. The ER stress response element identified contains a 5'-end CCAAT sequence that constitutively binds NFY/CBF and, 9 nucleotides away, a 3'-end region (5'-CCCTGTTGGCCATC-3') that is equally important for ER stress-mediated induction of the gene. This sequence is the binding site for endogenous YY1 at the 5'-CCCTGTTGG-3' part and for undefined factors at the CCATC 3'-end. ATF6 alpha-YY1, but not XBP1, interacted with the ERGIC-53 regulatory region and activated ERGIC-53 ER stress response element-dependent transcription. A molecular model for the transcriptional regulation of the ERGIC-53 gene is proposed

    Protocol for labeling and fixation of intact lysosomes with esterified amino acid analogs to assess lysosomal expansion in living eukaryotic cells

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    The lysosomal compartment is a key hub for cell metabolism, and morphological alterations have been described in several pathological conditions. Here, we describe the use of amino acid analogs modified by the presence of a methyl ester group that accumulates within lysosomes. This generates an intraluminal osmotic effect able to trigger a rapid and selective expansion of the lysosomal compartment within 2 h of treatment. We also present protocols to preserve lysosomal morphology, which yields a more accurate size measurement. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Scerra et al. (2021)

    Transcriptional regulation of Annexin A2 promotes starvation-induced autophagy.

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    Autophagy is an important degradation pathway, which is induced after starvation, where it buffers nutrient deprivation by recycling macromolecules in organisms from yeast to man. While the classical pathway mediating this response is via mTOR inhibition, there are likely to be additional pathways that support the process. Here, we identify Annexin A2 as an autophagy modulator that regulates autophagosome formation by enabling appropriate ATG9A trafficking from endosomes to autophagosomes via actin. This process is dependent on the Annexin A2 effectors ARP2 and Spire1. Annexin A2 expression increases after starvation in cells in an mTOR-independent fashion. This is mediated via Jun N-terminal kinase activation of c-Jun, which, in turn, enhances the trans-activation of the Annexin A2 promoter. Annexin A2 knockdown abrogates starvation-induced autophagy, while its overexpression induces autophagy. Hence, c-Jun-mediated transcriptional responses support starvation-induced autophagy by regulating Annexin A2 expression levels.Openheimer Memorial TrustThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms904

    α-Catenin levels determine direction of YAP/TAZ response to autophagy perturbation

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    The factors regulating cellular identity are critical for understanding the transition from health to disease and responses to therapies. Recent literature suggests that autophagy compromise may cause opposite effects in different contexts by either activating or inhibiting YAP/TAZ co-transcriptional regulators of the Hippo pathway via unrelated mechanisms. Here, we confirm that autophagy perturbation in different cell types can cause opposite responses in growth-promoting oncogenic YAP/TAZ transcriptional signalling. These apparently contradictory responses can be resolved by a feedback loop where autophagy negatively regulates the levels of α-catenins, LC3-interacting proteins that inhibit YAP/TAZ, which, in turn, positively regulate autophagy. High basal levels of α-catenins enable autophagy induction to positively regulate YAP/TAZ, while low α-catenins cause YAP/TAZ activation upon autophagy inhibition. These data reveal how feedback loops enable post-transcriptional determination of cell identity and how levels of a single intermediary protein can dictate the direction of response to external or internal perturbations

    IGF-1 receptor antagonism inhibits autophagy

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    Inhibition of the insulin/insulin-like growth factor signalling pathway increases lifespan and protects against neurodegeneration in model organisms, and has been considered as a potential therapeutic target. This pathway is upstream of mTORC1, a negative regulator of autophagy. Thus, we expected autophagy to be activated by insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) inhibition, which could account for many of its beneficial effects. Paradoxically, we found that IGF-1 inhibition attenuates autophagosome formation. The reduced amount of autophagosomes present in IGF-1R depleted cells can be, at least in part, explained by a reduced formation of autophagosomal precursors at the plasma membrane. In particular, IGF-1R depletion inhibits mTORC2, which, in turn, reduces the activity of protein kinase C (PKCa/b). This perturbs the actin cytoskeleton dynamics and decreases the rate of clathrin-dependent endocytosis, which impacts autophagosome precursor formation. Finally, with important implications for human diseases, we demonstrate that pharmacological inhibition of the IGF-1R signalling cascade reduces autophagy also in zebrafish and mice models. The novel link we describe here has important consequences for the interpretation of genetic experiments in mammalian systems and for evaluating the potential of targeting the IGF-1R receptor or modulating its signalling through the downstream pathway for therapeutic purposes under clinically relevant conditions, such as neurodegenerative diseases, where autophagy stimulation is considered beneficial.This is the version of the manuscript that was first published on line. The final version can be found published in Human Molecular Genetics by OUP here: http://hmg.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/22/4528.full.pdf+html

    Antioxidants can inhibit basal autophagy and enhance neurodegeneration in models of polyglutamine disease.

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    Many neurodegenerative diseases exhibit protein accumulation and increased oxidative stress. Therapeutic strategies include clearing aggregate-prone proteins by enhancing autophagy or decreasing oxidative stress with antioxidants. Many autophagy-inducing stimuli increase reactive oxygen species (ROS), raising concerns that the benefits of autophagy up-regulation may be counterbalanced by ROS toxicity. Here we show that not all autophagy inducers significantly increase ROS. However, many antioxidants inhibit both basal and induced autophagy. By blocking autophagy, antioxidant drugs can increase the levels of aggregate-prone proteins associated with neurodegenerative disease. In fly and zebrafish models of Huntington's disease, antioxidants exacerbate the disease phenotype and abrogate the rescue seen with autophagy-inducing agents. Thus, the potential benefits in neurodegenerative diseases of some classes of antioxidants may be compromised by their autophagy-blocking properties

    The RAB11A-Positive Compartment Is a Primary Platform for Autophagosome Assembly Mediated by WIPI2 Recognition of PI3P-RAB11A.

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    Autophagy is a critical pathway that degrades intracytoplasmic contents by engulfing them in double-membraned autophagosomes that are conjugated with LC3 family members. These membranes are specified by phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P), which recruits WIPI2, which, in turn, recruits ATG16L1 to specify the sites of LC3-conjugation. Conventionally, phosphatidylinositides act in concert with other proteins in targeting effectors to specific membranes. Here we describe that WIPI2 localizes to autophagic precursor membranes by binding RAB11A, a protein that specifies recycling endosomes, and that PI3P is formed on RAB11A-positive membranes upon starvation. Loss of RAB11A impairs the recruitment and assembly of the autophagic machinery. RAB11A-positive membranes are a primary direct platform for canonical autophagosome formation that enables autophagy of the transferrin receptor and damaged mitochondria. While this compartment may receive membrane inputs from other sources to enable autophagosome biogenesis, RAB11A-positive membranes appear to be a compartment from which autophagosomes evolve

    Functional drug screening reveals anticonvulsants as enhancers of mTOR-independent autophagic killing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis through inositol depletion.

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) remains a major challenge to global health made worse by the spread of multidrug resistance. We therefore examined whether stimulating intracellular killing of mycobacteria through pharmacological enhancement of macroautophagy might provide a novel therapeutic strategy. Despite the resistance of MTB to killing by basal autophagy, cell-based screening of FDA-approved drugs revealed two anticonvulsants, carbamazepine and valproic acid, that were able to stimulate autophagic killing of intracellular M. tuberculosis within primary human macrophages at concentrations achievable in humans. Using a zebrafish model, we show that carbamazepine can stimulate autophagy in vivo and enhance clearance of M. marinum, while in mice infected with a highly virulent multidrug-resistant MTB strain, carbamazepine treatment reduced bacterial burden, improved lung pathology and stimulated adaptive immunity. We show that carbamazepine induces antimicrobial autophagy through a novel, evolutionarily conserved, mTOR-independent pathway controlled by cellular depletion of myo-inositol. While strain-specific differences in susceptibility to in vivo carbamazepine treatment may exist, autophagy enhancement by repurposed drugs provides an easily implementable potential therapy for the treatment of multidrug-resistant mycobacterial infection
