378 research outputs found

    Factoring child care into the welfare to work equation: lessons from Massachusetts and Rhode Island

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    Child care supports are important in helping welfare recipients make the transition to work. Two states in New England enacted different welfare programs, and studies of these different state programs both attest to how adequate and affordable child care can influence a mother's decision to go to work.Welfare ; Child care - Massachusetts ; Child care - Rhode Island

    Low-Cost, Open-Source, and Low-Power: But What to Do With the Data?

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    There are now many ongoing efforts to develop low-cost, open-source, low-power sensors and datalogging solutions for environmental monitoring applications. Many of these have advanced to the point that high quality scientific measurements can be made using relatively inexpensive and increasingly off-the-shelf components. With the development of these innovative systems, however, comes the ability to generate large volumes of high-frequency monitoring data and the challenge of how to log, transmit, store, and share the resulting data. This paper describes a new web application that was designed to enable citizen scientists to stream sensor data from a network of Arduino-based dataloggers to a web-based Data Sharing Portal. This system enables registration of new sensor nodes through a Data Sharing Portal website. Once registered, any Internet connected data-logging device (e.g., connected via cellular or Wi-Fi) can then post data to the portal through a web service application programming interface (API). Data are stored in a back-end data store that implements Version 2 of the Observations Data Model (ODM2). Live data can then be viewed using multiple visualization tools, downloaded from the Data Sharing Portal in a simple text format, or accessed via WaterOneFlow web services for machine-to-machine data exchange. This system was built to support an emerging network of open-source, wireless water quality monitoring stations developed and deployed by the EnviroDIY community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring, initially within the Delaware River Watershed. However, the architecture and components of the ODM2 Data Sharing Portal are generic, open-source, and could be deployed for use with any Internet connected device capable of making measurements and formulating an HTTP POST request

    Genome Sequences of Two Tunisian Field Strains of Avian <I>Mycoplasma, M. meleagridis<I> and <I>M. gallinarum<I>

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    International audienceMycoplasma meleagridis and Mycoplasma gallinarum are bacteria that affect birds, but little is known about the genetic basis of their interaction with chickens and other poultry. Here, we sequenced the genomes of M. meleagridis strain MM_26B8_IPT and M. gallinarum strain Mgn_IPT, both isolated from chickens showing respiratory symptoms, poor growth, reduction in hatchability, and loss of production

    FoxO3a overexpression prevents both glycogen overload and autophagic buildup in skeletal muscle of Pompe disease

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    FoxO3a overexpression prevents both glycogen overload and autophagic buildup in skeletal muscle of Pompe disease. 6eme congrès international de Myologi

    Satellite cells fail to contribute to muscle repair but are functional in Pompe disease (glycogenosis type II)

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    Satellite cells fail to contribute to muscle repair but are functional in Pompe disease (glycogenosis type II). 6eme congrés international de Myologi

    Fatigue is independently associated with disease activity assessed using the Physician Global Assessment but not the SLEDAI in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Objectives To analyse whether reported fatigue, one of the most challenging manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), may bias the assessment of disease activity in SLE according to the Physician Global Assessment (PGA). Methods Patients from the Lupus BioBank of the upper Rhein database, a cross-sectional multicentre collection of detailed clinical and biological data from patients with SLE, were included. Patients had to fulfil the 1997 American College of Rheumatology criteria for SLE and the PGA (0-3 scale) at the time of inclusion had to be available. Fatigue was assessed according to the Fatigue Scale for Motor and Cognitive Functions. Univariate and multivariate regression models were built to determine which variables were associated with the PGA. Results A total of 350 patients (89% female; median age: 42 years, IQR: 34-52) were included. The median Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment-Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SELENA-SLEDAI) score was 4 (IQR: 2-6). Of these 350 patients, 257 (73%) reported significant fatigue. The PGA (p=0.004) but not the SELENA-SLEDAI (p=0.43) was significantly associated with fatigue. Both fatigue and SELENA-SLEDAI were independently associated with the PGA in two different multivariate models. Conclusion Fatigue is independently associated with disease activity assessed using the PGA but not the SLEDAI. These findings highlight the fact that the PGA should capture only objectively active disease manifestations in order to improve its reliability

    Cadeia produtiva do gengibre (Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) no estado do Paraná : análise e recomendações para melhoria da qualidade

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    Orientador : Raquel R.B.NegrelleCo-orientadores: Luiz Doni Filho, Neusa G.A. RuckerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia - área de concentração Produção Vegetal, Departamento de Fitotecnia e FitossanitarismoInclui bibliografia e glossárioResumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo prospectivo da cadeia produtiva do Zingiber officinale Roscoe no Estado do Paraná, identificando os principais agentes envolvidos e paralelamente proceder análise dos pontos de estrangulamentos, especificamente no que concerne à qualidade microbiológica deste produto em todos os níveis, desde a produção até a fase final da comercialização, visando identificar causas e propor soluções no sentido da melhoria do sistema como um todo. Este estudo foi desenvolvido no período de 2000 a 2002 englobando pesquisa de campo, entrevistas abertas com representantes de estabelecimentos de comercialização, produtores e demais atores da cadeia produtiva, além de análises laboratoriais do produto "in natura" disponível no mercado consumidor da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba - PR. Este documento está organizado em 9 capítulos, que apresentam vastas informações englobando aspectos botânicos, ecológicos, fisico-químicos e farmacológicos do gengibre, e que estão incluídas nos capítulos 1 e 2. O capítulo 3 apresenta características gerais da principal região produtora brasileira, Morretes - PR, englobando localização, aspectos sócio-econômicos, geológicos e geomorfológicos e caracterização climática. O capítulo 4 apresenta o estudo prospectivo da cadeia produtiva do gengibre no Estado do Paraná, que engloba panorama mundial, brasileiro e paranaense do volume de produção agrícola de gengibre. Inclui-se também caracterização da comunidade produtora agrícola do litoral paranaense, além da identificação e caracterização dos outros diferentes níveis da cadeia produtiva do gengibre e a detecção dos principais pontos de estrangulamento nos diferentes níveis desta cadeia produtiva. A caracterização do cultivo e beneficiamento do gengibre no litoral paranaense é apresentada no capítulo 5, evidenciando suas particularidades frente ao descrito na literatura especializada. No capítulo 6 avaliou-se as condições higiênico-sanitárias dos estabelecimentos produtores, do processo de beneficiamento pós-colheita (lavagem, limpeza, secagem e embalagem) e das condições de manipulação do gengibre "in natura" no litoral paranaense. De maneira geral, as condições de higiene e limpeza observadas foram consideradas precárias, determinando alta potencialidade de contaminação do gengibre com agentes que poderiam colocar em risco a saúde do consumidor. No capítulo 7 são apresentados os resultados dos estabelecimentos de comercialização da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba - PR, no que tange à qualidade e adequação às normas vigentes. Dos aspectos observados, as condições dos vestuários e dos equipamentos de proteção individual (manipuladores) foram considerados precários, o que pode potencializar a contaminação do produto e colocar em risco a saúde do consumidor. O capítulo 8 teve como objetivo caracterizar o perfil microbiológico do gengibre "in natura" comercializado na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba - PR, tendo como base a Resolução - CNPPA n. 12 - Brasil, 1978 e a Resolução - RDC n. 12 - Brasil, 2001. Para tanto, foram realizadas a determinação do número mais provável (NMP) de coliformes totais, coliformes a 45° C/g e Escherichia coli, e a presença de Salmonella sp em 25 gramas. Sintetizando, um conjunto de propostas e recomendações aos agentes econômicos que atuam e processam a cadeia produtiva do gengibre no Estado do Paraná, em especial o município de Morretes - PR, é apresentado no capítulo 9Abstract: Prospective studies of the productive chain of the Zingiber officinale Roscoe on Parana State identifying the main agents envolved and parallel procedure analysis of the strangulation points, in order to microbiology qualify this product in whole levels from the production until commercialization last phase, aiming identify causes and propose solutions to the improvement of the system in general. This survey developed from 2000 to 2002 involved field research, interviews with representative of the commercialization establishments, producers and others actors of the productive chain, besides made in laboratories of the quality of crude product available to the consumer market in Curitiba. This paper is organized in nine chapters that present information involving botanical, ecological, physique-chemical and pharmacological aspects of ginger that are included in chapters 1 and 2. The chapter 3 presents the characteristics of the main brazilian productive area, embody localization, social and economic aspects, geologycal, geomorphologycal and climate characterization. The chapter 4 the study of the productive chain of this product in Parana State, which includes the paranaense, the brazilian and the worldwide panoramic view of the production volume and commercialization of the ginger; characterization of the agricultural community; identification and characterization of others different levels of the productive chain and also, the main strangulation points on these different levels of the productive chain. In the chapter 5 the agricultural process of the ginger benefit and cultivation in Morretes Town, Paraná, Brazil was caracterized. In the chapter 6 the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the producers establishments, postharvest benefit system and manipulation conditions of crude ginger in the paranaense coastland, Brazil were evaluated with an aim to subsidy the ofert of the best quality product to consumer market. In general, the cleaning and hygienic conditions were precarious, determining a high potential of ginger contamination with agents that can put in risk the consumers' health. The chapter 7 presents the results of the commercialization establishments in the metropolitan area of Curitiba considering adequation to the current norm. Of the observed items, the manipulation conditions was considered precarious due to the inadequate conditions that contributes to contamination, bringing about serious problems to consumers' health. The chapter 8 aimed the microbiological quality of the ginger market in the metropolitan area of Curitiba based on the Brazilian legislation. The microbiological analysis found total coliforms, 45° C/g coliforms, Escherichia coli most probable number (MPN) and Salmonella sp presence. Synthetizing, a group of considerations and recommendations to economic agents that actuate and carry on the productive chain of the ginger in the Parana State, specially in Morretes Town, is presented in the chapter

    Myths and misconceptions about hypnosis and suggestion: Separating fact and fiction

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    We present 21 prominent myths and misconceptions about hypnosis in order to promulgate accurate information and to highlight questions for future research. We argue that these myths and misconceptions have (a) fostered a skewed and stereotyped view of hypnosis among the lay public, (b) discouraged participant involvement in potentially helpful hypnotic interventions, and (c) impeded the exploration and application of hypnosis in scientific and practitioner communities. Myths reviewed span the view that hypnosis produces a trance or special state of consciousness and allied myths on topics related to hypnotic interventions; hypnotic responsiveness and the modification of hypnotic suggestibility; inducing hypnosis; and hypnosis and memory, awareness, and the experience of nonvolition. By demarcating myth from mystery and fact from fiction, and by highlighting what is known as well as what remains to be discovered, the science and practice of hypnosis can be advanced and grounded on a firmer empirical footing

    Women In the Cut

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    Through a comparison between Daphne du Maurier's 1938 novel Rebecca and Susanna Moore's 1995 novel In the Cut, this article considers the extent to which Franco Moretti's theory of the inevitable dissolution of literary genres is true, with specific regard to the genre of the gothic romance. In evaluating both novels' treatment of female subjectivity, unregimented masculinity and the symbiotic relationship between sexual pleasure and mortal danger, this article investigates the degree to which a contemporary novel such as In the Cut, which is generally acknowledged to be an ‘erotic thriller’, is heavily indebted to the gothic romance and may therefore be interpreted as a continuation of this more traditional genre, and, conversely, the means through which Moore's novel exhibits an overt and defiant resistance to the gothic romance, thereby signifying the dissolution of this particular genre within twentieth-century women's writing

    Randomized controlled trial of an internet-based self-guided hand exercise program to improve hand function in people with systemic sclerosis: the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network Hand Exercise Program (SPIN-HAND) trial

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    BACKGROUND: Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma; SSc) is a rare autoimmune connective tissue disease. Functional impairment of hands is common. The Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN)-HAND trial compared effects of offering access to an online self-guided hand exercise program to usual care on hand function (primary) and functional health outcomes (secondary) in people with SSc with at least mild hand function limitations. METHODS: The pragmatic, two-arm, parallel-group cohort multiple randomized controlled trial was embedded in the SPIN Cohort. Cohort participants with Cochin Hand Function Scale (CHFS) scores ≥ 3 and who indicated interest in using the SPIN-HAND Program were randomized (3:2 ratio) to an offer of program access or to usual care (targeted N = 586). The SPIN-HAND program consists of 4 modules that address (1) thumb flexibility and strength; (2) finger bending; (3) finger extension; and (4) wrist flexibility and strength. The primary outcome analysis compared CHFS scores 3 months post-randomization between participants offered versus not offered the program. Secondary outcomes were CHFS scores 6 months post-randomization and functional health outcomes (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System profile version 2.0 domain scores) 3 and 6 months post-randomization. RESULTS: In total, 466 participants were randomized to intervention offer (N = 280) or usual care (N = 186). Of 280 participants offered the intervention, 170 (61%) consented to access the program. Of these, 117 (69%) viewed at least one hand exercise instruction video and 77 (45%) logged into the program website at least 3 times. In intent-to-treat analyses, CHFS scores were 1.2 points lower (95% CI − 2.8 to 0.3) for intervention compared to usual care 3 months post-randomization and 0.1 points lower (95% CI − 1.8 to 1.6 points) 6 months post-randomization. There were no statistically significant differences in other outcomes. CONCLUSION: The offer to use the SPIN-HAND Program did not improve hand function. Low offer uptake, program access, and minimal usage among those who accessed the program limited our ability to determine if using the program would improve function. To improve engagement, the program could be tested in a group format or as a resource to support care provided by a physical or occupational therapist. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03419208. Registered on February 1, 2018