33 research outputs found

    Evolutionary origins and impacts of genome architecture in ciliates.

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    Genome architecture is well diversified among eukaryotes in terms of size and content, with many being radically shaped by ancient and ongoing genome conflicts with transposable elements (e.g., the large transposon-rich genomes common among plants). In ciliates, a group of microbial eukaryotes with distinct somatic and germ-line genomes present in a single cell, the consequences of these genome conflicts are most apparent in their developmentally programmed genome rearrangements. This complicated developmental phenomenon has largely overshadowed and outpaced our understanding of how germ-line and somatic genome architectures have influenced the evolutionary dynamism and potential in these taxa. In our review, we highlight three central concepts: how the evolution of atypical ciliate germ-line genome architectures is linked to ancient genome conflicts; how the complex, epigenetically guided transformation of germline to soma during development can generate widespread genetic variation; and how these features, coupled with their unusual life cycle, have increased the rate of molecular evolution linked to genome architecture in these taxa

    Old genes in new places: A taxon-rich analysis of interdomain lateral gene transfer events.

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    Vertical inheritance is foundational to Darwinian evolution, but fails to explain major innovations such as the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance among bacteria and the origin of photosynthesis in eukaryotes. While lateral gene transfer (LGT) is recognized as an evolutionary force in prokaryotes, the role of LGT in eukaryotic evolution is less clear. With the exception of the transfer of genes from organelles to the nucleus, a process termed endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT), the extent of interdomain transfer from prokaryotes to eukaryotes is highly debated. A common critique of studies of interdomain LGT is the reliance on the topology of single-gene trees that attempt to estimate more than one billion years of evolution. We take a more conservative approach by identifying cases in which a single clade of eukaryotes is found in an otherwise prokaryotic gene tree (i.e. exclusive presence). Starting with a taxon-rich dataset of over 13,600 gene families and passing data through several rounds of curation, we identify and categorize the function of 306 interdomain LGT events into diverse eukaryotes, including 189 putative EGTs, 52 LGTs into Opisthokonta (i.e. animals, fungi and their microbial relatives), and 42 LGTs nearly exclusive to anaerobic eukaryotes. To assess differential gene loss as an explanation for exclusive presence, we compare branch lengths within each LGT tree to a set of vertically-inherited genes subsampled to mimic gene loss (i.e. with the same taxonomic sampling) and consistently find shorter relative distance between eukaryotes and prokaryotes in LGT trees, a pattern inconsistent with gene loss. Our methods provide a framework for future studies of interdomain LGT and move the field closer to an understanding of how best to model the evolutionary history of eukaryotes

    Nuclear Features of the Heterotrich Ciliate \u3ci\u3eBlepharisma americanum\u3c/i\u3e: Genomic Amplification, Life Cycle, and Nuclear Inclusion

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    Blepharisma americanum, a member of the understudied ciliate class Heterotrichea, has a moniliform somatic macronucleus that resembles beads on a string. Blepharisma americanum is distinguishable by its pink coloration derived from the autofluorescent pigment blepharismin and tends to have a single somatic macronucleus with 3–6 nodes and multiple germline micronuclei. We used fluorescence confocal microscopy to explore the DNA content and amplification between the somatic and germline nuclei of B. americanum through its life cycle. We estimate that the DNA content of the macronucleus and micronucleus are 43 ± 8 Gbp and 83 ± 16 Mbp respectively. This correlates with an approximate DNA content difference of 500-fold from micronucleus to macronucleus and a macronuclear ploidy of ~1,100 N as compared to the presumably diploid micronucleus. We also investigate a previously reported macronuclear inclusion, which is present sporadically across all life cycle stages; this inclusion looks as if it contains blepharismin based on its fluorescent properties, but its function remains unknown. We also provide additional detail to our understanding of life cycles changes in B. americanum by analyses of fluorescent images. Overall, the data analyzed here contribute to our understanding of the diversity of nuclear architecture in ciliates by providing details on the highly polyploid somatic macronucleus of B. americanum

    Somatic genome architecture and molecular evolution are decoupled in "young" linage-specific gene families in ciliates.

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    The evolution of lineage-specific gene families remains poorly studied across the eukaryotic tree of life, with most analyses focusing on the recent evolution of de novo genes in model species. Here we explore the origins of lineage-specific genes in ciliates, a ~1 billion year old clade of microeukaryotes that are defined by their division of somatic and germline functions into distinct nuclei. Previous analyses on conserved gene families have shown the effect of ciliates' unusual genome architecture on gene family evolution: extensive genome processing-the generation of thousands of gene-sized somatic chromosomes from canonical germline chromosomes-is associated with larger and more diverse gene families. To further study the relationship between ciliate genome architecture and gene family evolution, we analyzed lineage specific gene families from a set of 46 transcriptomes and 12 genomes representing x species from eight ciliate classes. We assess how the evolution lineage-specific gene families occurs among four groups of ciliates: extensive fragmenters with gene-size somatic chromosomes, non-extensive fragmenters with "large'' multi-gene somatic chromosomes, Heterotrichea with highly polyploid somatic genomes and Karyorelictea with 'paradiploid' somatic genomes. Our analyses demonstrate that: 1) most lineage-specific gene families are found at shallow taxonomic scales; 2) extensive genome processing (i.e., gene unscrambling) during development likely influences the size and number of young lineage-specific gene families; and 3) the influence of somatic genome architecture on molecular evolution is increasingly apparent in older gene families. Altogether, these data highlight the influences of genome architecture on the evolution of lineage-specific gene families in eukaryotes

    A small RNA-guided PRC2 complex eliminates DNA as an extreme form of transposon silencing.

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    In animal germlines, transposons are silenced at the transcriptional or post-transcriptional level to prevent deleterious expression. Ciliates employ a more direct approach by physically eliminating transposons from their soma, utilizing piRNAs to recognize transposons and imprecisely excise them. Ancient, mutated transposons often do not require piRNAs and are precisely eliminated. Here, we characterize the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) in Paramecium and demonstrate its involvement in the removal of transposons and transposon-derived DNA. Our results reveal a striking difference between the elimination of new and ancient transposons at the chromatin level and show that the complex may be guided by Piwi-bound small RNAs (sRNAs). We propose that imprecise elimination in ciliates originates from an ancient transposon silencing mechanism, much like in plants and metazoans, through sRNAs, repressive methylation marks, and heterochromatin formation. However, it is taken a step further by eliminating DNA as an extreme form of transposon silencing

    De novo Sequencing, Assembly, and Annotation of the Transcriptome for the Free-Living Testate Amoeba \u3ci\u3eArcella intermedia\u3c/i\u3e

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    Arcella, a diverse understudied genus of testate amoebae is a member of Tubulinea in Amoebozoa group. Transcriptomes are a powerful tool for charac- terization of these organisms as they are an efficient way of characterizing the protein-coding potential of the genome. In this work, we employed both sin- gle-cell and clonal populations transcriptomics to create a reference transcrip- tome for Arcella. We compared our results with annotations of Dictyostelium discoideum, a model Amoebozoan. We assembled a pool of 38 Arcella inter- media transcriptomes, which after filtering are composed of a total of 14,712 translated proteins. There are GO categories enriched in Arcella including mainly intracellular signal transduction pathways; we also used KEGG to anno- tate 11,546 contigs, which also have similar distribution to Dictyostelium.A large portion of data is still impossible to assign to a gene family, probably due to a combination of lineage-specific genes, incomplete sequences in the tran- scriptome and rapidly evolved genes. Some absences in pathways could also be related to low expression of these genes. We provide a reference database for Arcella, and we highlight the emergence of the need for further gene dis- covery in Arcella

    Combined Genome and Transcriptome Analyses of the Ciliate \u3ci\u3eSchmidingerella arcuata\u3c/i\u3e (Spirotrichea) Reveal Patterns of DNA Elimination, Scrambling, and Inversion

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    Schmidingerella arcuata is an ecologically important tintinnid ciliate that has long served as a model species in plankton trophic ecology. We present a partial micronuclear genome and macronuclear transcriptome resource for S. arcuata, acquired using single-cell techniques, and we report on pilot analyses including functional annotation and genome architecture. Our analysis shows major fragmentation, elimination, and scrambling in the micronuclear genome of S. arcuata. This work introduces a new nonmodel genome resource for the study of ciliate ecology and genomic biology and provides a detailed functional counterpart to ecological research on S. arcuata

    Chromatin remodeling is required for sRNA-guided DNA elimination in Paramecium.

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    Small RNAs mediate the silencing of transposable elements and other genomic loci, increasing nucleosome density and preventing undesirable gene expression. The unicellular ciliate Paramecium is a model to study dynamic genome organization in eukaryotic cells, given its unique feature of nuclear dimorphism. Here, the formation of the somatic macronucleus during sexual reproduction requires eliminating thousands of transposon remnants (IESs) and transposable elements scattered throughout the germline micronuclear genome. The elimination process is guided by Piwi-associated small RNAs and leads to precise cleavage at IES boundaries. Here we show that IES recognition and precise excision are facilitated by recruiting ISWI1, a Paramecium homolog of the chromatin remodeler ISWI. ISWI1 knockdown substantially inhibits DNA elimination, quantitatively similar to development-specific sRNA gene knockdowns but with much greater aberrant IES excision at alternative boundaries. We also identify key development-specific sRNA biogenesis and transport proteins, Ptiwi01 and Ptiwi09, as ISWI1 cofactors in our co-immunoprecipitation studies. Nucleosome profiling indicates that increased nucleosome density correlates with the requirement for ISWI1 and other proteins necessary for IES excision. We propose that chromatin remodeling together with small RNAs is essential for efficient and precise DNA elimination in Paramecium

    PhyloToL: A Taxon/Gene-Rich Phylogenomic Pipeline to Explore Genome Evolution of Diverse Eukaryotes

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    Estimating multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) and inferring phylogenies are essential for many aspects of comparative biology. Yet, many bioinformatics tools for such analyses have focused on specific clades, with greatest attention paid to plants, animals, and fungi. The rapid increase in high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data from diverse lineages now provides opportunities to estimate evolutionary relationships and gene family evolution across the eukaryotic tree of life. At the same time, these types of data are known to be error-prone (e.g., substitutions, contamination). To address these opportunities and challenges, we have refined a phylogenomic pipeline, now named PhyloToL, to allow easy incorporation of data from HTS studies, to automate production of both MSAs and gene trees, and to identify and remove contaminants. PhyloToL is designed for phylogenomic analyses of diverse lineages across the tree of life (i.e., at scales of \u3e100 My). We demonstrate the power of PhyloToL by assessing stop codon usage in Ciliophora, identifying contamination in a taxon- and gene-rich database and exploring the evolutionary history of chromosomes in the kinetoplastid parasite Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness. Benchmarking PhyloToL\u27s homology assessment against that of OrthoMCL and a published paper on superfamilies of bacterial and eukaryotic organellar outer membrane pore-forming proteins demonstrates the power of our approach for determining gene family membership and inferring gene trees. PhyloToL is highly flexible and allows users to easily explore HTS data, test hypotheses about phylogeny and gene family evolution and combine outputs with third-party tools (e.g., PhyloChromoMap, iGTP)