45 research outputs found

    Systematic versus informal application of culturally relevant pedagogy: Are performance outcomes different? A study of college students

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    In a field study, the effects on academic performance of two different applications of culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP) in the classroom were measured. As per the requirements of such pedagogy, both entailed modes and contents of instruction that attend to the specific cultural characteristics of the learners. However, in one condition (systematic CRP application), emphasis on culturally relevant contents extended to both instruction and assessment, whereas in another condition, they were largely confined to instruction (informal CRP application). Students of Middle Eastern descent who were enrolled in either a history or a critical thinking course were exposed to one of the two conditions. During the first half of the semester, midterm and assignment performance did not significantly differ. However, performance during the second half of the semester and attendance rates were higher for the systematic CRP condition. These findings suggest that emphasis on culturally relevant content encompassing both learning and assessment can be beneficial to academic performance but its fruits become tangible only with sustained exercise.    &nbsp

    Emotion and Judgment in Young Women of a Society in Transition

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    The present study asked whether emotional responses to narratives of moral transgressions are shaped by the reader’s assumed relationship with the injured party (i.e., oneself, familiar other, and unfamiliar other). Its goal was to test a cultural, religious, and individualistic account of such responses in young females of a traditional society in transition towards a sustainable integration into the global economy. To this end, female college students from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were asked to identify their emotional reaction to each of several moral transgressions, report its intensity and then judge the severity of the transgression. In agreement with the religious norm hypothesis, whereby others are to be treated as oneself, reported emotions, affective intensity, and moral judgment did not change with students’ relationship with the injured party. The only exception was students’ lenient judgment when feeling angry for being the victim of a transgression, which underlies the tenet of forgiveness in religious doctrine

    Bilingualism and Self-Perception: Self-Efficacy through the Veil of Two Languages

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    This chapter is concerned with the relationship between language, as the vehicle of a person’s culture, and self-assessment of one’s capabilities (i.e., self-efficacy) via conventional self-report measures. It relies on the assumption that a language “is ‘a veil’ over the reality of the culture in which it is used, involving an agreement of its users about what there is to be seen and how it should be seen”. Thus, the information weighted and integrated into judgments of one’s self-efficacy is filtered through, and thus it is shaped by cultural schemas which are elicited by the language used to formulate such judgments. Evidence that supports this viewpoint is reviewed

    Causal Attribution Habits and Cultural Orientation as Contributing Factors to Students’ Self-Efficacy: A Comparison Between Female Students in the United States and Saudi Arabia

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    [EN] In the present research, we examined the extent to which explanations of desirable or undesirable outcomes (grades) can account for the self-efficacy of female college students from two societies with dissimilar cultural traditions: The United States of America, which is characterized by a dominant individualistic culture, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has a dominant collectivist culture. A matched-pairs design (N=560; 280 matched pairs) was used to ensure that students’ self-efficacy levels were equated between cultural groups. We found cultural differences in the choice of explanations and in the extent to which explanations contribute to self-efficacy values. These findings are relevant to the development of curricula and instructional methods that are intended to prepare students from different cultures for academic success.Hamann, K.; Wilson, R.; Wilson, B.; Pilotti, M. (2021). Causal Attribution Habits and Cultural Orientation as Contributing Factors to Students’ Self-Efficacy: A Comparison Between Female Students in the United States and Saudi Arabia. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 599-606. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12790OCS59960

    Am I prepared for Calculus? An action-research study of female students emerging from patriarchy

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    In this action-research study, the inquiry phase aims to examine the extent to which self-evaluations of Math prerequisite competency relate to the past and current Math performance of STEM female students from a society emerging from strict patriarchy. Its ancillary aim is to determine whether attitudes toward Math and its instruction and assessment are related to past and current performance. Undergraduate Engineering and Computer Science students were surveyed at the start of a Calculus course. As per earlier courses, Calculus was taught through an inquiry-based learning model. Findings illustrated that Math prerequisite competency was underestimated relative to past performance but accurate relative to current performance. Positive attitudes towards Math were correlated with past but not current performance. Students’ preferences for modes of instruction and assessment suggested areas of improvement. During the pragmatic phase of the study, these findings informed instructional changes to enhance Math learning in Engineering and Computer Science

    The New and the Old: Responses to Change in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    This qualitative study was primarily concerned with Saudi women’s reactions to social change in the political sphere. It focused on their responses to decrees allowing women to vote in municipal elections for the first time, become candidates in such elections, and be nominated in the Shura Council by the King. Structured interviews of urban dwellers illustrated that changes, seen as opportunities, had been noted, but their impact had yet to be processed thoroughly. Attitudes towards political participation were positive and largely optimistic, but rarely seen as applying to the self. Competence, rather than gender, was seen as relevant to voters’ views of political candidates as well as of elected or appointed officials. Compared with older interviewees, young ones viewed the impact of women’s political participation, along with other social changes, as gradual, manageable, and merely one of the many articulations of the 2030 Vision, a strategic framework developed by KSA intended to reduce the country’s dependence on oil and diversify its economy. Both young and older interviewees, though, were reluctant to forecast its specific future impact. Actual political participation, in the form of either voting or running for office, was dismal. These results indicate that not only time is needed for top-down interventions to enter the social fabric of a nation and the minds of its people, but also the necessary conditions must exist that enable the genuine flourishing of human agency

    Measuring the Impact of the Pandemic on Female and Male Students’ Learning in a Society in Transition: A Must for Sustainable Education

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    A sustainable education amid a disruptive event (e.g., a pandemic) requires the objective assessment of learning before and during the event and, if necessary, evidence-driven solutions in response to deficiencies. The present action research study illustrates an evidence-based response of educators to the widespread concerns that learning in college students, accustomed to face-to-face courses, might have been damaged during the pandemic by the switch to the online mode. It focuses on general education (GE) courses as they usually enroll students at the beginning of their journey in higher education, and thus, a population that is likely to be particularly sensitive to unforeseen changes. Pass/fail grades in courses taught face-to-face and online synchronously by the same instructors were examined. It was hypothesized that if the switch from face-to-face to online instruction changed the students’ approaches to learning, course performance would differ between the instructional modes. Differences in female and male students’ adaptation responses were expected to be reflected in their course performance. The study found that female students performed better online than face-to-face in Arabic Culture, Natural Science, Math, and Wellness courses. Male students also performed better online in Math and Natural Science courses, whereas they exhibited better performance face-to-face in Arabic Culture, Wellness, and Professional Competency courses. It was concluded that basic indices of uneven performance can guide further analyses into the sources of female and male students’ approaches to instructional modes

    What Lies beneath Sustainable Education? Predicting and Tackling Gender Differences in STEM Academic Success

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    In many societies across the globe, females are still underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM fields), although they are reported to have higher grades in high school and college than males. The present study was guided by the assumption that the sustainability of higher education critically rests on the academic success of both male and female students under conditions of equitable educational options, practices, and contents. It first assessed the persistence of familiar patterns of gender bias (e.g., do competencies at enrollment, serving as academic precursors, and academic performance favor females?) in college students of a society in transition from a gender-segregated workforce with marked gender inequalities to one whose aims at integrating into the global economy demand that women pursue once forbidden careers thought to be the exclusive domain of men. It then examined how simple indices of academic readiness, as well as preferences for fields fitting traditional gender roles, could predict attainment of key competencies and motivation to graduate (as measured by the average number of credits completed per year) in college. As expected, females had a higher high school GPA. Once in college, they were underrepresented in a major that fitted traditional gender roles (interior design) and over-represented in one that did not fit (business). Female students’ performance and motivation to graduate did not differ between the male-suited major of business and the female-suited major of interior design. Male students’ performance and motivation to graduate were higher in engineering than in business, albeit both majors were gender-role consistent. Although high school GPA and English proficiency scores predicted performance and motivation for all, preference for engineering over business also predicted males’ performance and motivation. These findings offered a more complex picture of patterns of gender bias, thereby inspiring the implementation of targeted educational interventions to improve females’ motivation for and enrollment in STEM fields, nowadays increasingly available to them, as well as to enhance males’ academic success in non-STEM fields such as business

    The Sustainability of Institutional Policies Starts with “Know Thyself”

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    In the present research, faculty at a university in the Middle East were asked to report their attitudes towards learning and grades through the LOGO: F scale. At the selected university, faculty are required to apply a student-centered approach to instruction, which is expected to be driven by active learning of key academic and professional competencies. Although the institutional policies explicitly emphasize active learning, the broader educational system in which the university is embedded puts a premium on grades to assess students’ academic success. The present research examined how faculty might respond to these institutional inconsistencies, which are typical of universities across the globe. Participants were the faculty of a university located in Saudi Arabia, which conforms to a US curriculum and a student-centered instructional model. The evidence collected underscored the faculty’s struggle between emphasizing learning and recognizing the undeniable relevance of grades in the educational marketplace. The usefulness of the evidence collected is discussed from the perspectives of the institution and individual faculty with an eye on sustainable objectives and outcomes

    Sustainable Education Starts in the Classroom

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    Definitions of a sustainable higher education focus on the different factors that are critical to the continued existence of the institution, the people it serves, and the surrounding society. If higher education is assumed to be a conduit for the acquisition of knowledge and skills that can contribute to a healthy, ethical, and sustainable society, then it has to be able to induce lasting behavioral change in its primary beneficiaries (i.e., students). In the age of fake news, misrepresentation, and rejection of scientific principles and facts, we identified cognitive operations that are key to scientific reasoning (i.e., apply, analyze and evaluate), and offered sustainable practice to students enrolled in a course devoted to scientific writing. Students were classified as possessing an inclination towards a reproductive mode of learning, which could increase their vulnerability to absorb fabrications and distortions of information. The research first asked whether practice in applying, evaluating, and analyzing induces an information processing change (as measured by the content of scientific writing). Then, it asked whether environmental disruptions (e.g., shifting from face-to-face instruction, a mode familiar to students, to online instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic) would affect the likelihood of change. We found that this type of practice was an effective propeller of change in students’ scientific reasoning. A disposition towards reproductive learning did not impair scientific reasoning, whereas engagement and practice made a positive contribution. We concluded that behavioral change is blocked by neither the availability of technology, nor the learner’s use, but rather by one’s motivation to make use of opportunities for change. A sudden alteration in the learning environment may create uncertainty but does not substantially alter this motivation. The findings of the present study can be useful to the development of a sustainable education in the Middle East and beyond